81 research outputs found

    Quench dynamics of a disordered array of dissipative coupled cavities

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    We investigate the mean-field dynamics of a system of interacting photons in an array of coupled cavities in presence of dissipation and disorder. We follow the evolution of on an initially prepared Fock state, and show how the interplay between dissipation and disorder affects the coherence properties of the cavity emission and that these properties can be used as signatures of the many-body phase of the whole array.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, new reference adde

    Nonreciprocal signal routing in an active quantum network

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    As superconductor quantum technologies are moving towards large-scale integrated circuits, a robust and flexible approach to routing photons at the quantum level becomes a critical problem. Active circuits, which contain parametrically driven elements selectively embedded in the circuit, offer a viable solution. Here, we present a general strategy for routing nonreciprocally quantum signals between two sites of a given lattice of oscillators, implementable with existing superconducting circuit components. Our approach makes use of a dual lattice of overdamped oscillators linking the nodes of the main lattice. Solutions for spatially selective driving of the lattice elements can be found, which optimally balance coherent and dissipative hopping of microwave photons to nonreciprocally route signals between two given nodes. In certain lattices these optimal solutions are obtained at the exceptional point of the dynamical matrix of the network. We also demonstrate that signal and noise transmission characteristics can be separately optimized

    Nonequilibrium gas-liquid transition in the driven-dissipative photonic lattice

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    We study the nonequilibrium steady state of the driven-dissipative Bose-Hubbard model with Kerr nonlinearity. Employing a mean-field decoupling for the intercavity hopping JJ, we find that the steep crossover between low and high photon-density states inherited from the single cavity transforms into a gas−-liquid bistability at large cavity-coupling JJ. We formulate a van der Waals like gas−-liquid phenomenology for this nonequilibrium situation and determine the relevant phase diagrams, including a new type of diagram where a lobe-shaped boundary separates smooth crossovers from sharp, hysteretic transitions. Calculating quantum trajectories for a one-dimensional system, we provide insights into the microscopic origin of the bistability.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures + Supplemental Material (2 pages, 2 figures

    An efficient Fredholm method for calculation of highly excited states of billiards

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    A numerically efficient Fredholm formulation of the billiard problem is presented. The standard solution in the framework of the boundary integral method in terms of a search for roots of a secular determinant is reviewed first. We next reformulate the singularity condition in terms of a flow in the space of an auxiliary one-parameter family of eigenproblems and argue that the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are analytic functions within a certain domain. Based on this analytic behavior we present a numerical algorithm to compute a range of billiard eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors by only two diagonalizations.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures; included systematic study of accuracy with 2 new figures, movie to Fig. 4, http://www.quantumchaos.de/Media/0703030media.av

    Exotic attractors of the non-equilibrium Rabi-Hubbard model

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    We explore the phase diagram of the dissipative Rabi-Hubbard model, as could be realized by a Raman-pumping scheme applied to a coupled cavity array. There exist various exotic attractors, including ferroelectric, antiferroelectric, and inccomensurate fixed points, as well as regions of persistent oscillations. Many of these features can be understood analytically by truncating to the two lowest lying states of the Rabi model on each site. We also show that these features survive beyond mean-field, using Matrix Product Operator simulations.Comment: 5pages, 3 figures, plus supplementary material. Final version, as publishe

    Non-equilibrium delocalization-localization transition of photons in circuit QED

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    We show that photons in two tunnel-coupled microwave resonators each containing a single superconduct- ing qubit undergo a sharp non-equilibrium delocalization-localization (self-trapping) transition due to strong photon-qubit coupling. We find that dissipation favors the self-trapped regime and leads to the possibility of observing the transition as a function of time without tuning any parameter of the system. Furthermore, we find that self-trapping of photons in one of the resonators (spatial localization) forces the qubit in the opposite resonator to remain in its initial state (energetic localization). This allows for an easy experimental observation of the transition by local read-out of the qubit state.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Theory of the spatial structure of non-linear lasing modes

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    A self-consistent integral equation is formulated and solved iteratively which determines the steady-state lasing modes of open multi-mode lasers. These modes are naturally decomposed in terms of frequency dependent biorthogonal modes of a linear wave equation and not in terms of resonances of the cold cavity. A one-dimensional cavity laser is analyzed and the lasing mode is found to have non-trivial spatial structure even in the single-mode limit. In the multi-mode regime spatial hole-burning and mode competition is treated exactly. The formalism generalizes to complex, chaotic and random laser media.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Pump-induced Exceptional Points in Lasers

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    We demonstrate that the above-threshold behavior of a laser can be strongly affected by exceptional points which are induced by pumping the laser nonuniformly. At these singularities, the eigenstates of the non-Hermitian operator which describes the lasing modes coalesce. In their vicinity, the laser may turn off even when the overall pump power deposited in the system is increased. Such signatures of a pump- induced exceptional point can be experimentally probed with coupled ridge or microdisk lasers.Comment: 4.5 pages, 4 figures, final version including additional FDTD dat

    Photon correlations in a two-site non-linear cavity system under coherent drive and dissipation

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    We calculate the normalized second-order correlation function for a system of two tunnel-coupled photonic resonators, each one exhibiting a single-photon nonlinearity of the Kerr type. We employ a full quantum formulation: the master equation for the model, which takes into account both a coherent continuous drive and radiative as well as non-radiative dissipation channels, is solved analytically in steady state through a perturbative approach, and the results are compared to exact numerical simulations. The degree of second-order coherence displays values between 0 and 1, and divides the diagram identified by the two energy scales of the system - the tunneling and the nonlinear Kerr interaction - into two distinct regions separated by a crossover. When the tunneling term dominates over the nonlinear one, the system state is delocalized over both cavities and the emitted light is coherent. In the opposite limit, photon blockade sets in and the system shows an insulator-like state with photons locked on each cavity, identified by antibunching of emitted light.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.
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