20 research outputs found
Ekologiczna rola prochnicy glebowej
W pracy om贸wiono g艂贸wne funkcje pr贸chnicy glebowej w 艣rodowisku przyrodniczym. Specjaln膮 uwag臋 po艣wi臋cono udzia艂owi pr贸chnicy w tworzeniu gleb i kszta艂towaniu ich w艂a艣ciwo艣ci, a mianowicie w procesach sorpcji, ruchliwo艣ci jon贸w metali w glebie, wi膮zaniu pestycyd贸w i regulowaniu w艂a艣ciwo艣ci buforowych gleb.
Przedyskutowano r贸wnie偶 zagadnienia dotycz膮ce roli pr贸chnicy jako 藕r贸d艂a energii i sk艂adnik贸w pokarmowych dla drobnoustroj贸w glebowych, a tak偶e problem bezpo艣redniego oddzia艂ywania zwi膮zk贸w humusowych na mikroorganizmy glebowe i ro艣liny.In the paper the main functions of soil organic matter in the environment are discussed. The special attention is paid to participation of soil organic matter in soil formation processes and properties: the role of soil humus in sorption processes, metal ions mobility, pesticides bonding and soil buffering regulation.
The significance of soil humus as a source of energy and nutrients for soil microorganisms and direct effects of humic substances on microorganisms and plants are also discussed
Zaleznosc miedzy rozdrobnieniem prochnicy w poziomie organicznym mor a niektorymi jej wlasciwosciami
Celem pracy by艂o zbadanie zale偶no艣ci mi臋dzy frakcjami rozdrobnienia pr贸chnicy typu mor a jej w艂a艣ciwo艣ciami wynikaj膮cymi z proces贸w transformacji (mineralizacji i humifikacji). Rozdrobnienie i zawarto艣膰 materia艂u organicznego w poszczeg贸lnych frakcjach ilustruje rysunek 1. Stwierdzono, 偶e ze wzrostem rozdrobnienia pr贸chnicy (szcz膮tk贸w organicznych) wzrasta zawarto艣膰 materia艂u mineralnego (rysunek 1, tabela 3), stopie艅 humifikacji (rysunek2, tabela 3) i ciep艂o spalania (tabela 2 i 3). Wyniki analizy derywatograficznej wskazuj膮 na powi膮zanie w艂a艣ciwo艣ci energetycznych pr贸chnicy z jej frakcjami rozdrobnienia (tabela 2, 3, rysunek 4). Nie stwierdzono natomiast korelacji mi臋dzy pH i rozdrobnienieniem pr贸chnicy (rysunek 3, tabela 3). Analiza rozdrobnienia pr贸chnicy charakteryzuje nie tylko w艂a艣ciwo艣ci morfologiczne ale jest r贸wnie偶 stosunkowo dobr膮 miar膮 jej przetworzenia.A relationship has been found between the disintegration degree of humus making up the organic horizon of the mor type and its properties related to the transformation process. As humus disintegration increases, there is an increase in mineral components content, an increase in humification degree, changcs in the course of DTA curves and an increase in combustion heat. The sieving method can be useful for morphological characterization of humus as well as for estimating its transformation degree
Changes in the chemical composition of water percolating through the soil profile in a moderately polluted catchment
Throughfall (TF), stemflow (SF), soil solution below the organic layer (SSorg) and at 50 cm depth (SS50), and output with stream water (SW) were measured and analyzed for four years in a moderately polluted forest catchment in southern poland. The input of water with stemflow was ca. 6 A of input with TP. However, due to higher concentrations of most ions in SF, the input of most elements with SF was from 8% to 9%. Sulphate (SO42-), chloride (Cl-) and magnesium (Mg2+) were the only ions steadily increasing in concentrations in water percolating through the soil profile. Nitrogen reached the forest floor mainly as ammonium (NH4+). In the soil organic layer the NH4+ concentration decreased, while concentrations of nitrate (NO3-) and hydrogen (H+) increased, probably due to nitrification. For NO3-, sodium (Na+) and calcium (Ca2+), the highest concentrations were found in SSorg and SW. This indicates both efficient cycling in the biotic pool of the ecosystem and intensive weathering processes in the mineral soil below the plant rooting zone. The latter was especially pronounced for Mg and Ca. Concentrations of zinc (Zn), lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) were the highest in SSorg and SS50. As this was accompanied by a low pH and constant input of H+, NH4+ and heavy metal ions to the catchment area, it may pose a serious threat to forest health
Evolutionary Position and Leaf Toughness Control Chemical Transformation of Litter, and Drought Reinforces This Control: Evidence from a Common Garden Experiment across 48 Species
International audiencePlant leaf litter is an important source of soil chemicals that are essential for the ecosystem and changes in leaf litter chemical traits during decomposition will determine the availability of multiple chemical elements recycling in the ecosystem. However, it is unclear whether the changes in litter chemical traits during decomposition and their similarities across species can be predicted, respectively, using other leaf traits or using the phylogenetic relatedness of the litter species. Here we examined the fragmentation levels, mass losses, and the changes of 10 litter chemical traits during 1-yr decomposition under different environmental conditions (within/above surrounding litter layer) for 48 temperate tree species and related them to an important leaf functional trait, i.e. leaf toughness. Leaf toughness could predict the changes well in terms of amounts, but poorly in terms of concentrations. Changes of 7 out of 10 litter chemical traits during decomposition showed a significant phylogenetic signal notably when litter was exposed above surrounding litter. These phylogenetic signals in element dynamics were stronger than those of initial elementary composition. Overall, relatively hard-to-measure ecosystem processes like element dynamics during decomposition could be partly predicted simply from phylogenies and leaf toughness measures. We suggest that the strong phylogenetic signals in chemical ecosystem functioning of species may reflect the concerted control by multiple moderately conserved traits, notably if interacting biota suffer microclimatic stress and spatial isolation from ambient litte