344 research outputs found

    Явище синонімії в мовленні представника східнослобожанської говірки (на матеріалі с. Шульгінка Старобільського району Луганської обл.)

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    У статті розглянуто явище синонімії у розмовному мовленні представника східнослобожанської говірки; проаналізовано синоніми, визначено їх основні типи: семантичні, контекстуальні, стилістичні (емоційні) та абсолютні. За результатами спостережень виявлено синонімічні ряди; класифіковано їх за повнозначними частинами мови, позиційним розташуванням у контексті, тематичною групою тощо. У діалектних текстах мовної особистості досліджено стилістичні функції синонімів, а також їхню емоційно-експресивну забарвленість.В статье рассмотрено явление синонимии в разговорной речи представителя восточнослобожанского говора; проанализированы синонимы, определены основные их типы: семантические, контекстуальные, стилистические (эмоциональные) и абсолютные. По результатам наблюдений обнаружены синонимические ряды; осуществлена классификация их относительно частей речи, позиционного расположения в контексте, тематической группы и т.д. В диалектных текстах языковой личности исследовано стилистические функции синонимов, а также их эмоционально-экспрессивную окраску.The phenomenon of synonymy in spoken language of spokesman of East Slobozhanshchina dialects is observed in the article; the synonyms are recorded and analysed; their main types (semantic, contextual, stylistic (emotional), absolute) are determined. The synonymic rows are shown as a result of observation; they were classified as part of speech of full meaning, as position disposition in the context, as thematic group etc. The stylistic functions of synonyms and also their emotional-expressive tint are investigated in dialectal texts of linguistic personality

    Thlastocoris laetus Mayr, 1866 (Hemiptera: Coreidae: Acanthocerini), nova praga do abacaxi

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    Thlastocoris laetus (Hemiptera: Coreidae) is reported for the first time as a pest of pineapple in Brazilian and Peruvian Amazon forest. The damages are commented. The species is characterized and compared with Lybindus dichrous, another coreidbug pest of pineapple in Brazil. The geographical distribution of the two species is reported.Thlastocoris laetus (Hemiptera: Coreidae) es por primera vez señalado como plaga de la piña para la Amazonia brasileña y peruana comentando los daños que ocasiona. Se presenta la caracterización morfológica de esta especie, comparandola con Lybindus dichrous que también es reconocido como plaga de la piña en el Brasil. La distribución geográfica de ambas especies es citada.Thlastocoris laetus (Hemiptera: Coreidae) é assinalado pela primeira vez como praga do abacaxi na Amazonia brasileira e peruana. Os prejuízos ocasionados são comentados. É apresentada a caracterização morfológica dessa espécie comparando-a com Lybindus dichrous, conhecida praga do abacaxi no Brasil. A distribuição geográfica dessas duas espécies é apresentada

    Existence of radial stationary solutions for a system in combustion theory

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    In this paper, we construct radially symmetric solutions of a nonlinear noncooperative elliptic system derived from a model for flame balls with radiation losses. This model is based on a one step kinetic reaction and our system is obtained by approximating the standard Arrehnius law by an ignition nonlinearity, and by simplifying the term that models radiation. We prove the existence of 2 solutions using degree theory

    Life Histories of the Seed Bugs, Kleidocerys punctatus and Kleidocerys virescens

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    The life cycles of the seed bugs, Kleidocerys punctatus Distant and Kleidocerys virescens F. (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae: Ischnorhynchinae), are reported for the first time. Description of all immature stages and adults are included. Adults and nymphs of K. punctatus are associated with several species of Alnus (Betulaceae), while those of K. virescens are associated with Nicotiana glauca Graham, Nicotiana tabacum L. (Solanaceae), and Buddleia crotonoides A. Gray and Buddleia sp. (Loganiaceae). Adults and nymphs feed mainly on the seeds, inside the dry fruit, but they also take plant juices from other reproductive and vegetative structures. Illustrations of the eggs, all nymphal instars, and the adults, as well as notes on their biology and their distribution in Mexico, are included

    Assessing fitness-to-practice of overseas-trained health practitioners by Australian registration & accreditation bodies

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    Assessment of fitness-to-practice of health professionals trained overseas and who wish to practice in Australia is undertaken by a range of organisations. These organisations conduct assessments using a range of methods. However there is very little published about how these organisations conduct their assessments. The purpose of the current paper is to investigate the methods of assessment used by these organisations and the issues associated with conducting these assessments

    Why are anopheline mosquitoes not present in the Seychelles?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Species of anopheline mosquitoes are largely distributed over emerged lands around the world and, within the tropics, few areas are without these insects, which are vectors of malaria parasites. Among the exceptions is the Seychelles archipelago in the western Indian Ocean. However, in the Aldabra island group, located in the extreme western portion of the archipelago, <it>Anopheles gambiae s.l. </it>was introduced, leading to massive proliferation and then elimination, with the most recent autochthonous malaria cases recorded in 1931.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In order to re-examine the absence of anopheline mosquitoes in the Seychelles, an entomological field survey was conducted in December 2008 at 17 sites on four granitic islands, including Mahé and Praslin, and ten sites on coralline atolls in the extreme west, including Aldabra.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No evidence of larval or adult anophelines was found at the surveyed sites, which supports their absence in the Seychelles.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In the granitic islands of the Seychelles, the climate is favourable for anophelines. However, these islands are protected by their remoteness and prevailing seasonal winds. In addition, stagnant freshwater, required in anopheline larval development, is relatively uncommon on the granitic islands because of the steep slopes. In the southwestern atolls (Aldabra and Providence-Farquhar groups), the presence of a long dry season of up to nine months and the total absence of permanent natural freshwater prevents the breeding of anophelines and their successful colonization. The Seychelles does not have any native land mammals and like in other parts of the world (Antarctica, Iceland, New Caledonia, Central Pacific islands) their absence is associated with the lack of anophelines. This suggests an obligatory relationship for anophelines to feed on terrestrial mammals, without alternative for blood-feeding sources, such as bats, birds and reptiles.</p