446 research outputs found

    Investigation of phosphatases in Ascaridia galli, A Bird Nematode parasite

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    Phosphates play an important role in metabolic activities especially in carbohydrate metabolism. The phosphatases constitute a large group of enzymes that are involved in many important phases of intermediary metabolism. They are differentiated into three types i.e. A) pyrophosphatases (inorganic and organic) B) phosphomonoesterases C) phosphodiesterases. Depending upon the substrates that are singly or doubly esterified phosphatates to which these are specific, respectively. These group, in turn, has two sub groups one of low and the other of high specificity. The phosphomonoesterases of low specificity will have optimum activity either in the acid or alkaline range, depending upon which these can be acid or alkaline phosphatases which is recovered from Ascaridia galli Schrank  [5] from Nanded region (M.S.) India

    Status of cholesterol and lipase in Ascaridia galli nematode parasite parasitizing Domestic Fowl Host

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    In A. galli Schrank [17], Freeborn, [8] most of the lipids are located in the hypodermis, especially in the lateral cords, in the non-contractile part of the muscle cells, in the intestine of host. Cholesterol and lipase has a variety of functions in tissues. Cholesterol occurs in association with proteins, carbohydrates, lipo proteins and glycolipids. They are major structural components of cell membranes. Lipids include simple lipids, such as fats and oils and derived lipids such as fatty acids, cholesterol and ketone bodies

    Socio-economic Impact of Flooding on the Riverine Communities of River Benue in Adamawa State, Nigeria

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    This paper examines the impact of floods on the socioeconomic lives of residents of the flood plain of River Benue in the Adamawa area. The specific objectives of the paper include examining people’s perception of the causes of flooding in the study area, assessing the impacts of flooding on the socioeconomic activities in the study area, analyzing the People’s Response/Adjustment to Flood in the study area. Three Riverine communities were purposively selected and data for the study was elicited through questionnaires administered to randomly selected respondents in the selected riverine communities in the area. The results obtained indicate that majority of the respondents over 80% are aware of the devastating effects of flooding but they fail to act because of their preference of occupying the location despite their experience. Thousands of hectares of farmlands and other properties have been destroyed by flood over the years. Another finding shows that the impact of flood on transportation is, perhaps, the most devastating such that agricultural productivity in the area is limited as a result of lack of effective means of mobility. Changes in modal split were also found to be associated with the flood regimes. Traditional responses to the menace of flooding have been on the increase due to the ad hoc manner of government participation in providing an enduring solution. The rescheduling of field crops planting and levee construction were among the common responses of the people. Keywords: Flood, River Benue, Transportation, Socio-economic, Environmen

    New perspectives in human stem cell therapeutic research

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    Human stem cells are in evaluation in clinical stem cell trials, primarily as autologous bone marrow studies, autologous and allogenic mesenchymal stem cell trials, and some allogenic neural stem cell transplantation projects. Safety and efficacy are being addressed for a number of disease state applications. There is considerable data supporting safety of bone marrow and mesenchymal stem cell transplants but the efficacy data are variable and of mixed benefit. Mechanisms of action of many of these cells are unknown and this raises the concern of unpredictable results in the future. Nevertheless there is considerable optimism that immune suppression and anti-inflammatory properties of mesenchymal stem cells will be of benefit for many conditions such as graft versus host disease, solid organ transplants and pulmonary fibrosis. Where bone marrow and mesenchymal stem cells are being studied for heart disease, stroke and other neurodegenerative disorders, again progress is mixed and mostly without significant benefit. However, correction of multiple sclerosis, at least in the short term is encouraging. Clinical trials on the use of embryonic stem cell derivatives for spinal injury and macular degeneration are beginning and a raft of other clinical trials can be expected soon, for example, the use of neural stem cells for killing inoperable glioma and embryonic stem cells for regenerating β islet cells for diabetes. The change in attitude to embryonic stem cell research with the incoming Obama administration heralds a new co-operative environment for study and evaluation of stem cell therapies. The Californian stem cell initiative (California Institute for Regenerative Medicine) has engendered global collaboration for this new medicine that will now also be supported by the US Federal Government. The active participation of governments, academia, biotechnology, pharmaceutical companies, and private investment is a powerful consortium for advances in health

    A Practical, Accurate, Information Criterion for Nth Order Markov Processes

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    The recent increase in the breath of computational methodologies has been matched with a corresponding increase in the difficulty of comparing the relative explanatory power of models from different methodological lineages. In order to help address this problem a Markovian information criterion (MIC) is developed that is analogous to the Akaike information criterion (AIC) in its theoretical derivation and yet can be applied to any model able to generate simulated or predicted data, regardless of its methodology. Both the AIC and proposed MIC rely on the Kullback–Leibler (KL) distance between model predictions and real data as a measure of prediction accuracy. Instead of using the maximum likelihood approach like the AIC, the proposed MIC relies instead on the literal interpretation of the KL distance as the inefficiency of compressing real data using modelled probabilities, and therefore uses the output of a universal compression algorithm to obtain an estimate of the KL distance. Several Monte Carlo tests are carried out in order to (a) confirm the performance of the algorithm and (b) evaluate the ability of the MIC to identify the true data-generating process from a set of alternative models

    Erythroid Promoter Confines FGF2 Expression to the Marrow after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Gene Therapy and Leads to Enhanced Endosteal Bone Formation

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    Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2) has been demonstrated to be a promising osteogenic factor for treating osteoporosis. Our earlier study shows that transplantation of mouse Sca-1+ hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells that are engineered to express a modified FGF2 leads to considerable endosteal/trabecular bone formation, but it also induces adverse effects like hypocalemia and osteomalacia. Here we report that the use of an erythroid specific promoter, β-globin, leads to a 5-fold decrease in the ratio of serum FGF2 to the FGF2 expression in the marrow cavity when compared to the use of a ubiquitous promoter spleen focus-forming virus (SFFV). The confined FGF2 expression promotes considerable trabeculae bone formation in endosteum and does not yield anemia and osteomalacia. The avoidance of anemia in the mice that received Sca1+ cells transduced with FGF2 driven by the β-globin promoter is likely due to attenuation of high-level serum FGF2-mediated stem cell mobilization observed in the SFFV-FGF2 animals. The prevention of osteomalacia is associated with substantially reduced serum Fgf23/hypophosphatemia, and less pronounced secondary hyperparathyroidism. Our improved stem cell gene therapy strategy represents one step closer to FGF2-based clinical therapy for systemic skeletal augmentation

    Association between anxiety and non-coding genetic variants of the galanin neuropeptide

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    Galanin, an inhibitory neuropeptide and cotransmitter has long been known to co-localize with noradrenaline and serotonin in the central nervous system. Several human studies demonstrated altered galanin expression levels in major depressive disorder and anxiety. Pharmacological modulation of galanin signaling and transgenic strategies provide further proof for the involvement of the galanin system in the pathophysiology of mood disorders. Little is known, however, on the dynamic regulation of galanin expression at the transcriptional level. The aim of the present study was to seek genetic association of non-coding single nucleotide variations in the galanin gene with anxiety and depression.Six single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) occurring either in the regulatory 5' or 3' flanking regions or within intronic sequences of the galanin gene have been genotyped with a high-throughput TaqMan OpenArray qPCR system in 526 healthy students (40% males). Depression and anxiety scores were obtained by filling in the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) questionnaire. Data were analyzed by ANCOVA and Bonferroni correction was applied for multiple testing. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) analysis was used to map two haploblocks in the analyzed region.A single-locus and a haplotype genetic association proved to be statistically significant. In single-marker analysis, the T allele of the rs1042577 SNP within the 3' untranslated region of the galanin gene associated with greater levels of anxiety (HADS scores were 7.05±4.0 vs 6.15±.15; p = 0.000407). Haplotype analysis revealed an association of the rs948854 C_rs4432027_C allele combination with anxiety [F(1,1046) = 4.140, p = 0.042141, η2 = 0.004, power = 0.529]. Neither of these associations turned out to be gender-specific. These promoter polymorphisms are supposed to participate in epigenetic regulation of galanin expression by creating potentially methylatable CpG dinucleotides. The functional importance of the rs1042577_T allele remains to be elucidated

    A C-terminal cysteine residue is required for peptide-based inhibition of the NGF/TrkA interaction at nM concentrations:implications for peptide-based analgesics

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    Inhibition of the NGF/TrkA interaction presents an interesting alternative to the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories and/or opioids for the control of inflammatory, chronic and neuropathic pain. Most prominent of the current approaches to this therapy is the antibody Tanezumab, which is a late-stage development humanized monoclonal antibody that targets NGF. We sought to determine whether peptides might similarly inhibit the NGF/TrkA interaction and so serve as future therapeutic leads. Starting from two peptides that inhibit the NGF/TrkA interaction, we sought to eliminate a cysteine residue close to the C-terminal of both sequences, by an approach of mutagenic analysis and saturation mutagenesis of mutable residues. Elimination of cysteine from a therapeutic lead is desirable to circumvent manufacturing difficulties resulting from oxidation. Our analyses determined that the cysteine residue is not required for NGF binding, but is essential for inhibition of the NGF/TrkA interaction at pharmacologically relevant peptide concentrations. We conclude that a cysteine residue is required within potential peptide-based therapeutic leads and hypothesise that these peptides likely act as dimers, mirroring the dimeric structure of the TrkA receptor
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