221 research outputs found

    Solvatochromic covalent organic frameworks.

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    Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are an emerging class of highly tuneable crystalline, porous materials. Here we report the first COFs that change their electronic structure reversibly depending on the surrounding atmosphere. These COFs can act as solid-state supramolecular solvatochromic sensors that show a strong colour change when exposed to humidity or solvent vapours, dependent on vapour concentration and solvent polarity. The excellent accessibility of the pores in vertically oriented films results in ultrafast response times below 200 ms, outperforming commercially available humidity sensors by more than an order of magnitude. Employing a solvatochromic COF film as a vapour-sensitive light filter, we demonstrate a fast humidity sensor with full reversibility and stability over at least 4000 cycles. Considering their immense chemical diversity and modular design, COFs with fine-tuned solvatochromic properties could broaden the range of possible applications for these materials in sensing and optoelectronics

    Deoxyribonucleic Acid Encoded and Size-Defined π-Stacking of Perylene Diimides.

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    Funder: University of CambridgeNatural photosystems use protein scaffolds to control intermolecular interactions that enable exciton flow, charge generation, and long-range charge separation. In contrast, there is limited structural control in current organic electronic devices such as OLEDs and solar cells. We report here the DNA-encoded assembly of π-conjugated perylene diimides (PDIs) with deterministic control over the number of electronically coupled molecules. The PDIs are integrated within DNA chains using phosphoramidite coupling chemistry, allowing selection of the DNA sequence to either side, and specification of intermolecular DNA hybridization. In this way, we have developed a "toolbox" for construction of any stacking sequence of these semiconducting molecules. We have discovered that we need to use a full hierarchy of interactions: DNA guides the semiconductors into specified close proximity, hydrophobic-hydrophilic differentiation drives aggregation of the semiconductor moieties, and local geometry and electrostatic interactions define intermolecular positioning. As a result, the PDIs pack to give substantial intermolecular π wave function overlap, leading to an evolution of singlet excited states from localized excitons in the PDI monomer to excimers with wave functions delocalized over all five PDIs in the pentamer. This is accompanied by a change in the dominant triplet forming mechanism from localized spin-orbit charge transfer mediated intersystem crossing for the monomer toward a delocalized excimer process for the pentamer. Our modular DNA-based assembly reveals real opportunities for the rapid development of bespoke semiconductor architectures with molecule-by-molecule precision.ERC Horizon 2020 (grant agreement No 670405 and No 803326) EPSRC Tier-2 capital grant EP/P020259/1. Winton Advanced Research Programme for the Physics of Sustainability. Simons Foundation (Grant 601946). Swedish research council, Vetenskapsrådet 2018-0023

    Influence of citric acid on thermoplastic wheat flour/poly (lactic acid) blends. II. Barrier properties and water vapor sorption isotherms

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    The effects of citric acid on wheat flour/glycerol/poly(lactic) acid (PLA) blends prepared by one-step twin-screw extrusion have been studied to improve barrier properties of starch based materials. A series of injected samples were produced from prepared compounds with varying ratio (0-20 part) of citric acid. The effects of citric acid on the water vapor permeability, oxygen permeability and water solubility in the film were then investigated. The barrier properties results proved that citric acid behaves as compatibilizing agent between starch and PLA phases for ratios between 0 and 10 parts. When the added amount exceeds 10 parts, CA acted as a plasticizer and/or promoted the hydrolysis of the starch glycosidic bonds

    Microcavity-like exciton-polaritons can be the primary photoexcitation in bare organic semiconductors.

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    Strong-coupling between excitons and confined photonic modes can lead to the formation of new quasi-particles termed exciton-polaritons which can display a range of interesting properties such as super-fluidity, ultrafast transport and Bose-Einstein condensation. Strong-coupling typically occurs when an excitonic material is confided in a dielectric or plasmonic microcavity. Here, we show polaritons can form at room temperature in a range of chemically diverse, organic semiconductor thin films, despite the absence of an external cavity. We find evidence of strong light-matter coupling via angle-dependent peak splittings in the reflectivity spectra of the materials and emission from collective polariton states. We additionally show exciton-polaritons are the primary photoexcitation in these organic materials by directly imaging their ultrafast (5 × 106 m s-1), ultralong (~270 nm) transport. These results open-up new fundamental physics and could enable a new generation of organic optoelectronic and light harvesting devices based on cavity-free exciton-polaritons.EPSRC (EP/R025517/1), EPSRC (EP/M025330/1), ERC Horizon 2020 (grant agreements No 670405 and No 758826), ERC (ERC-2014-STG H2020 639088), Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Swedish Research Council (VR, 2014-06948), Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation 3DEM-NATUR (no. 2012.0112), Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, CNRS (France), US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, CPIMS Program, Early Career Research Program (DE-SC0019188)