42 research outputs found

    WP3 Prototype development for operational planning tool

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    High-precision spectroscopy of ultracold molecules in an optical lattice

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    The study of ultracold molecules tightly trapped in an optical lattice can expand the frontier of precision measurement and spectroscopy, and provide a deeper insight into molecular and fundamental physics. Here we create, probe, and image microkelvin 88^{88}Sr2_2 molecules in a lattice, and demonstrate precise measurements of molecular parameters as well as coherent control of molecular quantum states using optical fields. We discuss the sensitivity of the system to dimensional effects, a new bound-to-continuum spectroscopy technique for highly accurate binding energy measurements, and prospects for new physics with this rich experimental system.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Actin-binding rho activating protein (Abra) is essential for fluid shear stress-induced arteriogenesis

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    OBJECTIVE: Arteriogenesis, the development of a collateral circulation, is important for tissue survival but remains functionally defective because of early normalization of fluid shear stress (FSS). Using a surgical model of chronically elevated FSS we showed that rabbits exhibited normal blood flow reserve after femoral artery ligature (FAL). Inhibition of the Rho pathway by Fasudil completely blocked the beneficial effect of FSS. In a genome-wide gene profiling we identified actin-binding Rho activating protein (Abra), which was highly upregulated in growing collaterals. METHODS AND RESULTS: qRT-PCR and Western blot confirmed highly increased FSS-dependent expression of Abra in growing collaterals. NO blockage by L-NAME abolished FSS-generated Abra expression as well as the whole arteriogenic process. Cell culture studies demonstrated an Abra-triggered proliferation of smooth muscle cells through a mechanism that requires Rho signaling. Local intracollateral adenoviral overexpression of Abra improved collateral conductance by 60% in rabbits compared to the natural response after FAL. In contrast, targeted deletion of Abra in CL57BL/6 mice led to impaired arteriogenesis. CONCLUSIONS: FSS-induced Abra expression during arteriogenesis is triggered by NO and leads to stimulation of collateral growth by smooth muscle cell proliferation

    Beyond aggression: Androgen-receptor blockade modulates social interaction in wild meerkats

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    In male vertebrates, androgens are inextricably linked to reproduction, social dominance, and aggression, often at the cost of paternal investment or prosociality. Testosterone is invoked to explain rank-related reproductive differences, but its role within a status class, particularly among subordinates, is underappreciated. Recent evidence, especially for monogamous and cooperatively breeding species, suggests broader androgenic mediation of adult social interaction. We explored the actions of androgens in subordinate, male members of a cooperatively breeding species, the meerkat (Suricata suricatta). Although male meerkats show no rank-related testosterone differences, subordinate helpers rarely reproduce. We blocked androgen receptors, in the field, by treating subordinate males with the antiandrogen, flutamide. We monitored androgen concentrations (via baseline serum and time-sequential fecal sampling) and recorded behavior within their groups (via focal observation). Relative to controls, flutamide-treated animals initiated less and received more high-intensity aggression (biting, threatening, feeding competition), engaged in more prosocial behavior (social sniffing, grooming, huddling), and less frequently initiated play or assumed a ‘dominant’ role during play, revealing significant androgenic effects across a broad range of social behavior. By contrast, guarding or vigilance and measures of olfactory and vocal communication in subordinate males appeared unaffected by flutamide treatment. Thus, androgens in male meerkat helpers are aligned with the traditional trade-off between promoting reproductive and aggressive behavior at a cost to affiliation. Our findings, based on rare endocrine manipulation in wild mammals, show a more pervasive role for androgens in adult social behavior than is often recognized, with possible relevance for understanding tradeoffs in cooperative systems

    Fear and Exploration in European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris): A Comparison of Hand-Reared and Wild-Caught Birds

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    The revision of EU legislation will ban the use of wild-caught animals in scientific procedures. This change is partially predicated on the assumption that captive-rearing produces animals with reduced fearfulness. Previously, we have shown that hand-reared starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) indeed exhibit reduced fear of humans compared to wild-caught conspecifics. Here, we asked whether this reduction in fear in hand-reared birds is limited to fear of humans or extends more generally to fear of novel environments and novel objects. Comparing 6–8 month old birds hand-reared in the lab with age-matched birds caught from the wild as fledged juveniles a minimum of 1 month previously, we examined the birds' initial reactions in a novel environment (a small cage) and found that wild-caught starlings were faster to initiate movement compared to the hand-reared birds. We interpret this difference as evidence for greater escape motivation in the wild-caught birds. In contrast, we found no differences between hand-reared and wild-caught birds when tested in novel object tests assumed to measure neophobia and exploratory behaviour. Moreover, we found no correlations between individual bird's responses in the different tests, supporting the idea that these measure different traits (e.g. fear and exploration). In summary, our data show that developmental origin affects one measure of response to novelty in young starlings, indicative of a difference in either fear or coping style in a stressful situation. Our data contribute to a growing literature demonstrating effects of early-life experience on later behaviour in a range of species. However, since we did not find consistent evidence for reduced fearfulness in hand-reared birds, we remain agnostic about the welfare benefits of hand-rearing as a method for sourcing wild birds for behavioural and physiological research

    Territorial aggression does not feed back on testosterone in a multiple-brooded songbird species with breeding and non-breeding season territoriality, the European stonechat

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    Testosterone mediates reproductive behaviours in male vertebrates. For example, breeding season territoriality depends on testosterone in many species of birds and in some, territorial interactions feed back on testosterone concentrations. However, the degree to which territorial behaviour and testosterone are associated differs even between species with seemingly similar life histories, especially between species that also defend territories outside the breeding season. Here, we investigate the link between territorial behaviour and testosterone in European stonechats. Previous studies found that territorial aggression in stonechats depends on testosterone in a breeding, but not in a non-breeding context. We investigated whether stonechats show a rise in testosterone during simulated territorial intrusions (STI) during the breeding season. Post-capture testosterone concentrations of males caught after an STI were not higher than those of males caught in a control situation regardless of breeding stage. However, most of the males would have been able to mount a testosterone response because the same individuals that did not increase testosterone during the STI showed a substantial increase in testosterone after injections of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). GnRH-induced and post-capture testosterone concentrations were positively correlated and both decreased with successive breeding stages. Further, territory owners with a short latency to attack the decoy expressed higher post-capture testosterone concentrations than males with a longer latency to attack the decoy. Thus, there is no evidence for behavioural feedback on testosterone concentrations during male-male interactions in stonechats. In combination with previous studies our data suggest that testosterone functions as an on/off switch of high intensity territorial aggression during the breeding season in stonechats. The among-species variation in the androgen control of territorial behaviour may be only partly a result of environmental differences. Instead, potential differences in how territoriality evolved in different species may have influenced whether and how a reproductive hormone such as testosterone was co-opted into the mechanistic control of territorial behaviour

    Testosterone, territorial response, and song in seasonally breeding tropical and temperate stonechats

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    Inferior Mesenteric Artery Side Branch for Selected Patients with Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair

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    : Objective/Background: To report on our experience of the treatment of aortic aneurysms by custom-made, branched stent-grafts with an additional inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) side branch to preserve IMA perfusion in patients at risk for colon ischemia. Methods: Three male patients (mean age 60 years) with a thoracoabdominal, pararenal, and infrarenal aortic aneurysm (AA), respectively, were treated by endovascular aneurysm exclusion using custom-made, branched stent-grafts with a side branch to the IMA for prevention of colon ischemia. Indications for selective IMA side branch perfusion were occlusions or high-grade stenosis of the visceral or hypogastric arteries. Results: No colon ischemia and no neurological deficit were observed. All three IMA side branches were perfused and patent, as documented by computed tomography scan and duplex ultrasound postoperatively and after 12 months. Patency after 24 months was documented as 2/3. Conclusion: Custom-made, branched stent-grafts are an endovascular option to preserve the IMA perfusion in selected, electively treated patients with an increased risk for insufficient colon perfusion due to stenosis or occlusions of visceral or hypogastric arteries. Keywords: Branched stent-graft, Colon ischemia, Custom-made device, Endovascular aneurysm repair, Inferior mesenteric arter