670 research outputs found

    Dynamic modelling and visco-elastic parameter identification of a fibre-reinforced soft fluidic elastomer manipulator

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    A dynamic model of a soft fibre-reinforced fluidic elastomer is presented and experimentally verified, which can be used for model-based controller design. Due to the inherent visco-(hyper)elastic characteristics and nonlinear timedependent behaviour of soft fluidic elastomer robots, analytic dynamic modelling is challenging. The fibre reinforced noninflatable soft fluidic elastomer robot used in this paper can produce both planar and spatial movements. Dynamic equations are developed for both cases. Parameters, related to the viscoelastic behaviour of the robot during elongation and bending motion, are identified experimentally and incorporated into our model. The modified dynamic model is then validated in experiments comparing the time responses of the physical robot with the corresponding outputs of the simulation model. The results validate the accuracy of the proposed dynamic model

    Actuation and stiffening in fluid-driven soft robots using low-melting-point material

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    Soft material robots offer a number of advantages over traditional rigid robots in applications including humanrobot interaction, rehabilitation and surgery. These robots can navigate around obstacles, elongate, squeeze through narrow openings or be squeezed - and they are considered to be inherently safe. The ability to stiffen compliant soft actuators has been achieved by embedding various mechanisms that are generally decoupled from the actuation principle. Miniaturisation becomes challenging due to space limitations which can in turn result in diminution of stiffening effects. Here, we propose to hydraulically actuate soft manipulators with lowmelting- point material and, at the same time, be able to switch between a soft and stiff state. Instead of allocating an additional stiffening chamber within the soft robot, one chamber only is used for actuation and stiffening. Low Melting Point Alloy is integrated into the actuation chamber of a single-compartment soft robotic manipulator and the interfaced robotic syringe pump. Temperature change is enabled through embedded nichrome wires. Our experimental results show higher stiffness factors, from 9-12 opposing the motion of curvature, than those previously found for jamming mechanisms incorporated in separate additional chambers, in the range of 2-8 for the same motion

    AmpliTaq DNA polymerase, FS dye-terminator sequencing: Analysis of peak height patterns

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    Taq DNA polymerases in which the phenylalanine is substituted by a tyrosine at position 667 (Taq F667Y) are members of a new class of DNA polymerases that incorporate chain-terminating dideoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (ddNTPs) much more efficiently than the wild-type Taq DNA polymerase. Improved incorporation of ddNTPs into DNA during cycle sequencing using AmpliTaq DNA polymerase, FS (Taq-FS, a member of the Taq F667Y family), and dye-labeled primers results in nearly uniform peak heights in the sequencing trace. This is not the case when dye-labeled ddNTPs are used in Taq-FS cycle sequencing reactions. While the rate of dye-terminator incorporation is more efficient with Taq-FS, the peak pattern is still highly variable and different from that produced by the wild-type enzyme. We have systematically examined pairs of sequence-tagged sites that vary at only a single nucleotide to determine how base changes influence the peak heights of neighboring bases in sequencing traces generated by the Taq-FS dye-terminator chemistry. In 31 of 64 possible 3-base windows (48%), we find that the peak height of a particular base can be predicted by knowing just one or two bases 5\u27 to the base in question. We have also compared and contrasted the peak patterns produced by the Taq-FS enzyme with those previously identified for the wild-type enzyme. Establishing the patterns in peak heights within local sequence contexts can improve the accuracy of base-calling and the identification of polymorphisms/mutations when using the Taq-FS dye-terminator cycle-sequencing chemistry

    Continuous Uniform Finite Time Stabilization of Planar Controllable Systems

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    Continuous homogeneous controllers are utilized in a full state feedback setting for the uniform finite time stabilization of a perturbed double integrator in the presence of uniformly decaying piecewise continuous disturbances. Semiglobal strong C1\mathcal{C}^1 Lyapunov functions are identified to establish uniform asymptotic stability of the closed-loop planar system. Uniform finite time stability is then proved by extending the homogeneity principle of discontinuous systems to the continuous case with uniformly decaying piecewise continuous nonhomogeneous disturbances. A finite upper bound on the settling time is also computed. The results extend the existing literature on homogeneity and finite time stability by both presenting uniform finite time stabilization and dealing with a broader class of nonhomogeneous disturbances for planar controllable systems while also proposing a new class of homogeneous continuous controllers

    Extending standard testing period in honeybees to predict lifespan impacts of pesticides and heavy metals using dynamic energy budget modelling

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    Concern over reported honeybee (Apis mellifera spp.) losses has highlighted chemical exposure as a risk. Current laboratory oral toxicity tests in A. mellifera spp. use short-term, maximum 96 hour, exposures which may not necessarily account for chronic and cumulative toxicity. Here, we use extended 240 hour (10 day) exposures to examine seven agrochemicals and trace environmental pollutant toxicities for adult honeybees. Data were used to parameterise a dynamic energy budget model (DEBtox) to further examine potential survival effects up to 30 day and 90 day summer and winter worker lifespans. Honeybees were most sensitive to insecticides (clothianidin > dimethoate ≫ tau-fluvalinate), then trace metals/metalloids (cadmium, arsenic), followed by the fungicide propiconazole and herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). LC50s calculated from DEBtox parameters indicated a 27 fold change comparing exposure from 48 to 720 hours (summer worker lifespan) for cadmium, as the most time-dependent chemical as driven by slow toxicokinetics. Clothianidin and dimethoate exhibited more rapid toxicokinetics with 48 to 720 hour LC50s changes of <4 fold. As effects from long-term exposure may exceed those measured in short-term tests, future regulatory tests should extend to 96 hours as standard, with extension to 240 hour exposures further improving realism

    PrimerBank: a PCR primer database for quantitative gene expression analysis, 2012 update

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    Optimization of primer sequences for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and quantitative PCR (qPCR) and reaction conditions remains an experimental challenge. We have developed a resource, PrimerBank, which contains primers that can be used for PCR and qPCR under stringent and allele-invariant amplification conditions. A distinguishing feature of PrimerBank is the experimental validation of primer pairs covering most known mouse genes. Here, we describe a major update of PrimerBank that includes the design of new primers covering 17 076 and 18 086 genes for the human and mouse species, respectively. As a result of this update, PrimerBank contains 497 156 primers (an increase of 62% from the previous version) that cover 36 928 human and mouse genes, corresponding to around 94% of all known protein-coding gene sequences. An updated algorithm based on our previous approach was used to design new primers using current genomic information available from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). PrimerBank primers work under uniform PCR conditions, and can be used for high-throughput or genome-wide qPCR. Because of their broader linear dynamic range and greater sensitivity, qPCR approaches are used to reanalyze changes in expression suggested by exploratory technologies such as microarrays and RNA-Seq. The primers and all experimental validation data can be freely accessed from the PrimerBank website, http://pga.mgh.harvard.edu/primerbank/

    Unsupervised segmentation of irradiation\unicode{x2010}induced order\unicode{x2010}disorder phase transitions in electron microscopy

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    We present a method for the unsupervised segmentation of electron microscopy images, which are powerful descriptors of materials and chemical systems. Images are oversegmented into overlapping chips, and similarity graphs are generated from embeddings extracted from a domain\unicode{x2010}pretrained convolutional neural network (CNN). The Louvain method for community detection is then applied to perform segmentation. The graph representation provides an intuitive way of presenting the relationship between chips and communities. We demonstrate our method to track irradiation\unicode{x2010}induced amorphous fronts in thin films used for catalysis and electronics. This method has potential for "on\unicode{x2010}the\unicode{x2010}fly" segmentation to guide emerging automated electron microscopes.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Accepted to Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop, NeurIPS 202

    A systematic review investigating fatigue, psychological and cognitive impairment following TIA and minor stroke:protocol paper

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    Approximately 20,000 people have a transient ischemic attack (TIA) and 23,375 have a minor stroke in England each year. Fatigue, psychological and cognitive impairments are well documented post-stroke. Evidence suggests that TIA and minor stroke patients also experience these impairments; however, they are not routinely offered relevant treatment. This systematic review aims to: (1) establish the prevalence of fatigue, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and cognitive impairment following TIA and minor stroke and to investigate the temporal course of these impairments; (2) explore impact on quality of life (QoL), change in emotions and return to work; (3) identify where further research is required and to potentially inform an intervention study