480 research outputs found

    A retrospective study of cochlear implant outcomes in children with residual hearing

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    BACKGROUND: There has been increasing demand for the cochlear implantation of children who demonstrate some auditory capacity with conventional hearing aids. The purpose of this study was to examine speech recognition outcomes in a group of children who were regarded as borderline candidates for cochlear implantation as their residual hearing and/or auditory functioning levels exceeded typical audiologic candidacy criteria. METHODS: A retrospective chart review was undertaken at one Canadian cochlear implant centre to identify children implanted at age 4 or older with a pure-tone-average of 90 dB or better and speech recognition of 30% or greater. Pre-implant and post-implant open-set word and sentence test scores were analyzed. RESULTS: Eleven children of 195 paediatric cochlear implant recipients met the inclusion criteria for this study. Speech recognition results for the10 English-speaking children indicated significant gains in both open-set word and sentence understanding within the first 6 to 12 months of implant use. Seven of 9 children achieved 80% open-set sentence recognition within 12 months post-surgery. CONCLUSION: Children with several years of experience using conventional amplification demonstrated rapid progress in auditory skills following cochlear implantation. These findings suggest that cochlear implantation may be an appropriate intervention for selected children with severe hearing losses and/or auditory capacity outside current candidacy criteria

    Depairing currents in the superconductor/ferromagnet proximity system Nb/Fe

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    We have investigated the behaviour of the depairing current J_{dp} in ferromagnet/superconductor/ferromagnet (F/S/F) trilayers as function of the thickness d_s of the superconducting layers. Theoretically, J_{dp} depends on the superconducting order parameter or the pair density function, which is not homogeneous across the film due to the proximity effect. We use a proximity effect model with two parameters (proximity strength and interface transparency), which can also describe the dependence of the superconducting transition temperature T_c on d_s. We compare the computations with the experimentally determined zero-field critical current J_{c0} of small strips (typically 5~ \mu m wide) of Fe/Nb/Fe trilayers with varying thickness d_{Nb} of the Nb layer. Near T_c the temperature dependence J_{c0}(T) is in good agreement with the expected behaviour, which allows extrapolation to T = 0. Both the absolute values of J_{c0}(0) and the dependence on d_{Nb} agree with the expectations for the depairing current. We conclude that J_{dp} is correctly determined, notwithstanding the fact that the strip width is larger than both the superconducting penetration depth and the superconducting coherence length, and that J_{dp}(d_s) is correctly described by the model.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    Symmetries of Pairing Correlations in Superconductor-Ferromagnet Nanostructures

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    Using selection rules imposed by the Pauli principle, we classify pairing correlations according to their symmetry properties with respect to spin, momentum, and energy. We observe that inhomogeneity always leads to mixing of even- and odd-energy pairing components. We investigate the superconducting pairing correlations present near interfaces between superconductors and ferromagnets, with focus on clean systems consisting of singlet superconductors and either weak or half-metallic ferromagnets. Spin-active scattering in the interface region induces all of the possible symmetry components. In particular, the long-range equal-spin pairing correlations have odd-frequency s-wave and even-frequency p-wave components of comparable magnitudes. We also analyze the Josephson current through a half-metal. We find analytic expressions and an interesting universality in the temperature dependence of the critical current in the tunneling limit.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, added citations, corrected typo

    Vortex Motion Noise in Micrometre-Sized Thin Films of the Amorphous Nb0.7Ge0.3 Weak-Pinning Superconductor

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    We report high-resolution measurements of voltage (V) noise in the mixed state of micrometre-sized thin films of amorphous Nb0.7Ge0.3, which is a good representative of weak-pinning superconductors. There is a remarkable difference between the noise below and above the irreversibility field Birr. Below Birr, in the presence of measurable pinning, the noise at small applied currents resembles shot noise, and in the regime of flux flow at larger currents decreases with increasing voltage due to a progressive ordering of the vortex motion. At magnetic fields B between Birr and the upper critical field Bc2 flux flow is present already at vanishingly small currents. In this regime the noise scales with (1-B/Bc2)^2 V^2 and has a frequency (f) spectrum of 1/f type. We interpret this noise in terms of the properties of strongly driven depinned vortex systems at high vortex density.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, version accepted for publication in PR

    Development and cross-national investigation of a model explaining participation in WHO-recommended and placebo behaviours to prevent COVID-19 infection

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    To protect themselves from COVID-19, people follow the recommendations of the authorities, but they also resort to placebos. To stop the virus, it is important to understand the factors underlying both types of preventive behaviour. This study examined whether our model (developed based on the Health Belief Model and the Transactional Model of Stress) can explain participation in WHO-recommended and placebo actions during the pandemic. Model was tested on a sample of 3346 participants from Italy, Japan, Poland, Korea, Sweden, and the US. It was broadly supported: objective risk and cues to action showed both direct and indirect (through perceived threat) associations with preventive behaviours. Moreover, locus of control, decision balance, health anxiety and preventive coping moderated these relationships. Numerous differences were also found between countries. We conclude that beliefs about control over health and perceived benefits of actions are critical to the development of interventions to improve adherence to recommendations

    Dissociation of the benzene molecule by UV and soft X-rays in circumstellar environment

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    Benzene molecules, present in the proto-planetary nebula CRL 618, are ionized and dissociated by UV and X-ray photons originated from the hot central star and by its fast wind. Ionic species and free radicals produced by these processes can lead to the formation of new organic molecules. The aim of this work is to study the photoionization and photodissociation processes of the benzene molecule, using synchrotron radiation and time of flight mass spectrometry. Mass spectra were recorded at different energies corresponding to the vacuum ultraviolet (21.21 eV) and soft X-ray (282-310 eV) spectral regions. The production of ions from the benzene dissociative photoionization is here quantified, indicating that C6H6 is more efficiently fragmented by soft X-ray than UV radiation, where 50% of the ionized benzene molecules survive to UV dissociation while only about 4% resist to X-rays. Partial ion yields of H+ and small hydrocarbons such as C2H2+, C3H3+ and C4H2+ are determined as a function of photon energy. Absolute photoionization and dissociative photoionization cross sections have also been determined. From these values, half-life of benzene molecule due to UV and X-ray photon fluxes in CRL 618 were obtained.Comment: The paper contains 8 pages, 9 figures and 4 tables. Accepted to be published on MNRAS on 2008 November 2
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