30 research outputs found

    Untangling CP Violation and the Mass Hierarchy in Long Baseline Experiments

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    In the overlap region, for the normal and inverted hierarchies, of the neutrino-antineutrino bi-probability space for ΜΌ→Μe\nu_\mu \to \nu_e appearance, we derive a simple identity between the solutions in the (sin⁥22Ξ13\sin^2 2\theta_{13}, sin⁥Ύ\sin \delta) plane for the different hierarchies. The parameter sin⁥22Ξ13\sin^2 2\theta_{13} sets the scale of the ΜΌ→Μe\nu_\mu \to \nu_e appearance probabilities at the atmospheric ÎŽmatm2≈2.4×10−3\delta m^2_{atm} \approx 2.4 \times 10^{-3} eV2^2 whereas sin⁥Ύ\sin \delta controls the amount of CP violation in the lepton sector. The identity between the solutions is that the difference in the values of sin⁥Ύ\sin \delta for the two hierarchies equals twice the value of sin⁥22Ξ13\sqrt{\sin^2 2\theta_{13}} divided by the {\it critical} value of sin⁥22Ξ13\sqrt{\sin^2 2\theta_{13}}. We apply this identity to the two proposed long baseline experiments, T2K and NOÎœ\nuA, and we show how it can be used to provide a simple understanding of when and why fake solutions are excluded when two or more experiments are combined. The identity demonstrates the true complimentarity of T2K and NOÎœ\nuA.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, 4 postscript figures. Submitted to New Journal of Physics, ``Focus on Neutrino Physics'' issu

    Spontaneous Scalarization and Boson Stars

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    We study spontaneous scalarization in Scalar-Tensor boson stars. We find that scalarization does not occur in stars whose bosons have no self-interaction. We introduce a quartic self-interaction term into the boson Lagrangian and show that when this term is large, scalarization does occur. Strong self-interaction leads to a large value of the compactness (or sensitivity) of the boson star, a necessary condition for scalarization to occur, and we derive an analytical expression for computing the sensitivity of a boson star in Brans-Dicke theory from its mass and particle number. Next we comment on how one can use the sensitivity of a star in any Scalar-Tensor theory to determine how its mass changes when it undergoes gravitational evolution. Finally, in the Appendix, we derive the most general form of the boson wavefunction that minimises the energy of the star when the bosons carry a U(1) charge.Comment: 23 pages, 5 postscript figures. Typing errors corrected. Includes some new text that relates the paper to several previous results. Accepted for publication in PR

    More Straightforward Extraction of the Fundamental Lepton Mixing Parameters from Long-Baseline Neutrino Oscillations

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    We point out the simple reversibility between the fundamental neutrino mixing parameters in vacuum and their effective counterparts in matter. The former can therefore be expressed in terms of the latter, allowing more straightforward extraction of the genuine lepton mixing quantities from a variety of long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. In addition to the parametrization-independent results, we present the formulas based on the standard parametrization of the lepton flavor mixing matrix and give a typical numerical illustration.Comment: RevTex 10 pages. Minor changes. Phys. Rev. D in printin

    An Investigation of Equivalence Principle Violations Using Solar Neutrino Oscillations in a Constant Gravitational Potential

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    Neutrino oscillations induced by a flavor-dependent violation of the Einstein Equivalence Principle (VEP) have been recently considered as a suitable explanation of the solar electron-neutrino deficiency. Unlike the MSW oscillation mechanism, the VEP mechanism is dependent on a coupling to the local background gravitational potential Ω\Phi. We investigate the differences which arise by considering three-flavor VEP neutrinos oscillating against fixed background potentials, and against the radially-dependent solar potential. This can help determine the sensitivity of the gravitationally-induced oscillations to both constancy and size (order of magnitude) of Ω\Phi. In particular, we consider the potential of the local superculster, ∣Ω∣=3×10−5|\Phi|=3\times 10^{-5}, in light of recent work suggesting that the varying solar potential has no effect on the oscillations. The possibility for arbitrarily large background potentials in different cosmologies is discussed, and the effects of one such potential (Ω=10−3\Phi = 10^{-3}) are considered.Comment: 12pp, LaTeX; 12 figures (bitmapped postscript); Submitted to Phys Rev

    On spontaneous scalarization

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    We study in the physical frame the phenomenon of spontaneous scalarization that occurs in scalar-tensor theories of gravity for compact objects. We discuss the fact that the phenomenon occurs exactly in the regime where the Newtonian analysis indicates it should not. Finally we discuss the way the phenomenon depends on the equation of state used to describe the nuclear matter.Comment: 41 pages, RevTex, 10 ps figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    CP and T violation test in neutrino oscillation

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    We examine how large violation of CP and T is allowed in long base line neutrino experiments. When we attribute only the atmospheric neutrino anomaly to neutrino oscillation we may have large CP violation effect. When we attribute both the atmospheric neutrino anomaly and the solar neutrino deficit to neutrino oscillation we may have a sizable T violation effect proportional to the ratio of two mass differences; it is difficult to see CP violation since we can't ignore the matter effect. We give a simple expression for T violation in the presence of matter.Comment: 12 pages + 2 eps figures, Latex, In order to avoid misunderstanding we have refined our English and rewritten the parts which might be misleading. Several typographical errors are correcte

    Can the Lepton Flavor Mixing Matrix Be Symmetric?

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    Current neutrino oscillation data indicate that the 3x3 lepton flavor mixing matrix V is likely to be symmetric about its V_{e3}-V_{\mu 2}-V_{\tau 1} axis. This off-diagonal symmetry corresponds to three pairs of {\it congruent} unitarity triangles in the complex plane. Terrestrial matter effects can substantially modify the genuine CP-violating parameter and off-diagonal asymmetries of V in realistic long-baseline experiments of neutrino oscillations.Comment: RexTex 14 pages (4 PS figures). More discussions adde

    Testing Scalar-Tensor Gravity with Gravitational-Wave Observations of Inspiralling Compact Binaries

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    Observations of gravitational waves from inspiralling compact binaries using laser-interferometric detectors can provide accurate measures of parameters of the source. They can also constrain alternative gravitation theories. We analyse inspiralling compact %binaries in the context of the scalar-tensor theory of Jordan, Fierz, Brans and Dicke, focussing on the effect on the inspiral of energy lost to dipole gravitational radiation, whose source is the gravitational self-binding energy of the inspiralling bodies. Using a matched-filter analysis we obtain a bound on the coupling constant ωBD\omega_{\rm BD} of Brans-Dicke theory. For a neutron-star/black-hole binary, we find that the bound could exceed the current bound of ωBD>500\omega_{\rm BD}>500 from solar-system experiments, for sufficiently low-mass systems. For a 0.7M⊙0.7 M_\odot neutron star and a 3M⊙3 M_\odot black hole we find that a bound ωBD≈2000\omega_{\rm BD} \approx 2000 is achievable. The bound decreases with increasing black-hole mass. For binaries consisting of two neutron stars, the bound is less than 500 unless the stars' masses differ by more than about 0.5M⊙0.5 M_\odot. For two black holes, the behavior of the inspiralling binary is observationally indistinguishable from its behavior in general relativity. These bounds assume reasonable neutron-star equations of state and a detector signal-to-noise ratio of 10.Comment: 10 pages, (3 figures upon request), WUGRAV-94-

    Analytic Approximations for Three Neutrino Oscillation Parameters and Probabilities in Matter

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    The corrections to neutrino mixing parameters in the presence of matter of constant density are calculated systematically as series expansions in terms of the mass hierarchy \dm{21}/\dm{31}. The parameter mapping obtained is then used to find simple, but nevertheless accurate formulas for oscillation probabibilities in matter including CP-effects. Expressions with one to one correspondence to the vacuum case are derived, which are valid for neutrino energies above the solar resonance energy. Two applications are given to show that these results are a useful and powerful tool for analytical studies of neutrino beams passing through the Earth mantle or core: First, the ``disentanglement problem'' of matter and CP-effects in the CP-asymmetry is discussed and second, estimations of the statistical sensitivity to the CP-terms of the oscillation probabilities in neutrino factory experiments are presented.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Progress in the physics of massive neutrinos

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    The current status of the physics of massive neutrinos is reviewed with a forward-looking emphasis. The article begins with the general phenomenology of neutrino oscillations in vacuum and matter and documents the experimental evidence for oscillations of solar, reactor, atmospheric and accelerator neutrinos. Both active and sterile oscillation possibilities are considered. The impact of cosmology (BBN, CMB, leptogenesis) and astrophysics (supernovae, highest energy cosmic rays) on neutrino observables and vice versa, is evaluated. The predictions of grand unified, radiative and other models of neutrino mass are discussed. Ways of determining the unknown parameters of three-neutrino oscillations are assessed, taking into account eight-fold degeneracies in parameters that yield the same oscillation probabilities, as well as ways to determine the absolute neutrino mass scale (from beta-decay, neutrinoless double-beta decay, large scale structure and Z-bursts). Critical unknowns at present are the amplitude of \nu_\mu to \nu_e oscillations and the hierarchy of the neutrino mass spectrum; the detection of CP violation in the neutrino sector depends on these and on an unknown phase. The estimated neutrino parameter sensitivities at future facilities (reactors, superbeams, neutrino factories) are given. The overall agenda of a future neutrino physics program to construct a bottom-up understanding of the lepton sector is presented.Comment: 111 pages, 35 figures. Update