68,170 research outputs found

    Experimental and theoretical research on the electrical conductivity of a liquid desiccant for the liquid desiccant air-conditioning system: LiCl aqueous solution

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    At present, the energy consumption in buildings occupies a large proportion of total energy use, and air-conditionings cost a large proportion of energy in the buildings. The liquid desiccant air-conditioning system has a good energy saving potential and the electrodialysis (ED) regeneration is a reliable choice for the liquid desiccant regeneration. In order to establish the energy consumption model and the performance coefficient model of liquid desiccant air-conditioning system based on ED regeneration using LiCl, experimental and theoretical research on the electrical conductivity of LiCl aqueous solution with a lot of concentrations and temperatures was conducted in this paper. The results show that when polynomial degrees of the mass concentration and the temperature of the LiCl aqueous solution are both 3, the electrical conductivity model for the LiCl aqueous solution is most suitable as its simplicity and high accuracy. Moreover, when the concentration is 36% and the temperature is 22 °C, the liquid desiccant cooling system has the maximum COP of about 5. Finally, a case study of a small office room was conducted, and the result shows that the liquid desiccant cooling system based on electrodialysis regeneration has a good energy-saving potential

    Final stare interaction enhancement effect on the near threshold p\bar p system in B^\pm\to p\bar p \p^\pm decay

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    We discuss the low-mass enhancement effect in the baryon-antibaryon invariant mass in three-body baryonic B decays using final state interactions in the framework of Regge theory. We show that the rescattering between baryonic pair can reproduce the observed mass spectrum.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figure

    On the Origin of Pluto's Small Satellites by Resonant Transport

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    The orbits of Pluto's four small satellites (Styx, Nix, Kerberos, and Hydra) are nearly circular and coplanar with the orbit of the large satellite Charon, with orbital periods nearly in the ratios 3:1, 4:1, 5:1, and 6:1 with Charon's orbital period. These properties suggest that the small satellites were created during the same impact event that placed Charon in orbit and had been pushed to their current positions by being locked in mean-motion resonances with Charon as Charon's orbit was expanded by tidal interactions with Pluto. Using the Pluto-Charon tidal evolution models developed by Cheng et al. (2014), we show that stable capture and transport of a test particle in multiple resonances at the same mean-motion commensurability is possible at the 5:1, 6:1, and 7:1 commensurabilities, if Pluto's zonal harmonic J2P=0J_{2P} = 0. However, the test particle has significant orbital eccentricity at the end of the tidal evolution of Pluto-Charon in almost all cases, and there are no stable captures and transports at the 3:1 and 4:1 commensurabilities. Furthermore, a non-zero hydrostatic value of J2PJ_{2P} destroys the conditions necessary for multiple resonance migration. Simulations with finite but minimal masses of Nix and Hydra also fail to yield any survivors. We conclude that the placing of the small satellites at their current orbital positions by resonant transport is extremely unlikely.Comment: 22 pages, including 7 figures; accepted for publication in Icaru

    Estimating statistical distributions using an integral identity

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    We present an identity for an unbiased estimate of a general statistical distribution. The identity computes the distribution density from dividing a histogram sum over a local window by a correction factor from a mean-force integral, and the mean force can be evaluated as a configuration average. We show that the optimal window size is roughly the inverse of the local mean-force fluctuation. The new identity offers a more robust and precise estimate than a previous one by Adib and Jarzynski [J. Chem. Phys. 122, 014114, (2005)]. It also allows a straightforward generalization to an arbitrary ensemble and a joint distribution of multiple variables. Particularly we derive a mean-force enhanced version of the weighted histogram analysis method (WHAM). The method can be used to improve distributions computed from molecular simulations. We illustrate the use in computing a potential energy distribution, a volume distribution in a constant-pressure ensemble, a radial distribution function and a joint distribution of amino acid backbone dihedral angles.Comment: 45 pages, 7 figures, simplified derivation, a more general mean-force formula, add discussions to the window size, add extensions to WHAM, and 2d distribution

    Perfluoro (Imidoylamidine) diamidines

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    Perfluoroether triazine elastomers having improved properties are prepared from oligomeric imidoylamidines that were in turn, prepared by the process of: (1) reacting a perfluorodinitrile with liquid ammonia to yield a perfluorodiamidine, (2) isolating the perfluorodiamidine, (3) reacting the isolated diamidine with a perfluorodinitrile to yield a perfluoro(imidoylamidine) dinitrile, and then repeating the steps to sequentially grow an oligomer of desired molecular size. The isolated amidine and nitrile intermediates are also disclosed. The elastomers can be fashioned into seals, gaskets, and sealing components and the like

    Complete Tidal Evolution of Pluto-Charon

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    Both Pluto and its satellite Charon have rotation rates synchronous with their orbital mean motion. This is the theoretical end point of tidal evolution where transfer of angular momentum has ceased. Here we follow Pluto's tidal evolution from an initial state having the current total angular momentum of the system but with Charon in an eccentric orbit with semimajor axis a4RPa \approx 4R_P (where RPR_P is the radius of Pluto), consistent with its impact origin. Two tidal models are used, where the tidal dissipation function QQ \propto 1/frequency and Q=Q= constant, where details of the evolution are strongly model dependent. The inclusion of the gravitational harmonic coefficient C22C_{22} of both bodies in the analysis allows smooth, self consistent evolution to the dual synchronous state, whereas its omission frustrates successful evolution in some cases. The zonal harmonic J2J_2 can also be included, but does not cause a significant effect on the overall evolution. The ratio of dissipation in Charon to that in Pluto controls the behavior of the orbital eccentricity, where a judicious choice leads to a nearly constant eccentricity until the final approach to dual synchronous rotation. The tidal models are complete in the sense that every nuance of tidal evolution is realized while conserving total angular momentum - including temporary capture into spin-orbit resonances as Charon's spin decreases and damped librations about the same.Comment: 36 pages, including 18 figures; accepted for publication in Icaru