1,122 research outputs found

    A functional description of the Buffered Telemetry Demodulator (BTD)

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    This article gives a functional description of the buffered telemetry demodulator (BTD), which operates on recorded digital samples to extract the symbols from the received signal. The key advantages of the BTD are as follows: (1) its ability to reprocess the signal to reduce acquisition time; (2) its ability to use future information about the signal and to perform smoothing on past samples; and (3) its minimum transmission bandwidth requirement as each sub carrier harmonic is processed individually. The first application of the BTD would be the Galileo S-band contingency mission, where the signal is so weak that reprocessing to reduce the acquisition time is crucial. Moreover, in the event of employing antenna arraying with full spectrum combining, only the sub carrier harmonics need to be transmitted between sites, resulting in significant reduction in data rate transmission requirements. Software implementation of the BTD is described for various general-purpose computers

    On the Corner Elements of the CKM and PMNS Matrices

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    Recent experiments show that the top-right corner element (Ue3U_{e3}) of the PMNS, like that (VubV_{ub}) of the CKM, matrix is small but nonzero, and suggest further via unitarity that it is smaller than the bottom-left corner element (Uτ1U_{\tau 1}), again as in the CKM case (Vub<VtdV_{ub} < V_{td}). An attempt in explaining these facts would seem an excellent test for any model of the mixing phenomenon. Here, it is shown that if to the assumption of a universal rank-one mass matrix, long favoured by phenomenologists, one adds that this matrix rotates with scale, then it follows that (A) by inputting the mass ratios mc/mt,ms/mb,mμ/mτm_c/m_t, m_s/m_b, m_\mu/m_\tau, and m2/m3m_2/m_3, (i) the corner elements are small but nonzero, (ii) Vub<VtdV_{ub} < V_{td}, Ue3<Uτ1U_{e 3} < U_{\tau 1}, (iii) estimates result for the ratios Vub/VtdV_{ub}/V_{td} and Ue3/Uτ1U_{e 3}/U_{\tau 1}, and (B) by inputting further the experimental values of Vus,VtbV_{us}, V_{tb} and Ue2,Uμ3U_{e2},U_{\mu 3}, (iv) estimates result for the values of the corner elements themselves. All the inequalities and estimates obtained are consistent with present data to within expectation for the approximations made.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, updated with new experimental data and more detail

    Noncausal telemetry data recovery techniques

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    Cost efficiency is becoming a major driver in future space missions. Because of the constraints on total cost, including design, implementation, and operation, future spacecraft are limited in terms of their size power and complexity. Consequently, it is expected that future missions will operate on marginal space-to-ground communication links that, in turn, can pose an additional risk on the successful scientific data return of these missions. For low data-rate and low downlink-margin missions, the buffering of the telemetry signal for further signal processing to improve data return is a possible strategy; it has been adopted for the Galileo S-band mission. This article describes techniques used for postprocessing of buffered telemetry signal segments (called gaps) to recover data lost during acquisition and resynchronization. Two methods, one for a closed-loop and the other one for an open-loop configuration, are discussed in this article. Both of them can be used in either forward or backward processing of signal segments, depending on where a gap is specifically situated in a pass

    Precision Pointing Control System (PPCS) system design and analysis

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    The precision pointing control system (PPCS) is an integrated system for precision attitude determination and orientation of gimbaled experiment platforms. The PPCS concept configures the system to perform orientation of up to six independent gimbaled experiment platforms to design goal accuracy of 0.001 degrees, and to operate in conjunction with a three-axis stabilized earth-oriented spacecraft in orbits ranging from low altitude (200-2500 n.m., sun synchronous) to 24 hour geosynchronous, with a design goal life of 3 to 5 years. The system comprises two complementary functions: (1) attitude determination where the attitude of a defined set of body-fixed reference axes is determined relative to a known set of reference axes fixed in inertial space; and (2) pointing control where gimbal orientation is controlled, open-loop (without use of payload error/feedback) with respect to a defined set of body-fixed reference axes to produce pointing to a desired target

    A Comprehensive Mechanism Reproducing the Mass and Mixing Parameters of Quarks and Leptons

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    It is shown that if, from the starting point of a universal rank-one mass matrix long favoured by phenomenologists, one adds the assumption that it rotates (changes its orientation in generation space) with changing scale, one can reproduce, in terms of only 6 real parameters, all the 16 mass ratios and mixing parameters of quarks and leptons. Of these 16 quantities so reproduced, 10 for which data exist for direct comparison (i.e. the CKM elements including the CP-violating phase, the angles θ12,θ13,θ23\theta_{12}, \theta_{13}, \theta_{23} in ν\nu-oscillation, and the masses mc,mμ,mem_c, m_\mu, m_e) agree well with experiment, mostly to within experimental errors; 4 others (ms,mu,md,mν2m_s, m_u, m_d, m_{\nu_2}), the experimental values for which can only be inferred, agree reasonably well; while 2 others (mν1,δCPm_{\nu_1}, \delta_{CP} for leptons), not yet measured experimentally, remain as predictions. In addition, one gets as bonuses, estimates for (i) the right-handed neutrino mass mνRm_{\nu_R} and (ii) the strong CP angle θ\theta inherent in QCD. One notes in particular that the output value for sin22θ13\sin^2 2 \theta_{13} from the fit agrees very well with recent experiments. By inputting the current experimental value with its error, one obtains further from the fit 2 new testable constraints: (i) that θ23\theta_{23} must depart from its "maximal" value: sin22θ230.935±0.021\sin^2 2 \theta_{23} \sim 0.935 \pm 0.021, (ii) that the CP-violating (Dirac) phase in the PMNS would be smaller than in the CKM matrix: of order only sinδCP0.31|\sin \delta_{CP}| \leq 0.31 if not vanishing altogether.Comment: 37 pages, 1 figur

    Dissecting heterogeneous cell populations across drug and disease conditions with PopAlign

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    Single-cell measurement techniques can now probe gene expression in heterogeneous cell populations from the human body across a range of environmental and physiological conditions. However, new mathematical and computational methods are required to represent and analyze gene expression changes that occur in complex mixtures of single cells as they respond to signals, drugs, or disease states. Here, we introduce a mathematical modeling platform, PopAlign, that automatically identifies subpopulations of cells within a heterogeneous mixture, and tracks gene expression and cell abundance changes across subpopulations by constructing and comparing probabilistic models. We apply PopAlign to analyze the impact of 42 different immunomodulatory compounds on a heterogeneous population of donor-derived human immune cells as well as patient-specific disease signatures in multiple myeloma. PopAlign scales to comparisons involving tens to hundreds of samples, enabling large-scale studies of natural and engineered cell populations as they respond to drugs, signals or physiological change

    Control landscapes for two-level open quantum systems

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    A quantum control landscape is defined as the physical objective as a function of the control variables. In this paper the control landscapes for two-level open quantum systems, whose evolution is described by general completely positive trace preserving maps (i.e., Kraus maps), are investigated in details. The objective function, which is the expectation value of a target system operator, is defined on the Stiefel manifold representing the space of Kraus maps. Three practically important properties of the objective function are found: (a) the absence of local maxima or minima (i.e., false traps); (b) the existence of multi-dimensional sub-manifolds of optimal solutions corresponding to the global maximum and minimum; and (c) the connectivity of each level set. All of the critical values and their associated critical sub-manifolds are explicitly found for any initial system state. Away from the absolute extrema there are no local maxima or minima, and only saddles may exist, whose number and the explicit structure of the corresponding critical sub-manifolds are determined by the initial system state. There are no saddles for pure initial states, one saddle for a completely mixed initial state, and two saddles for other initial states. In general, the landscape analysis of critical points and optimal manifolds is relevant to the problem of explaining the relative ease of obtaining good optimal control outcomes in the laboratory, even in the presence of the environment.Comment: Minor editing and some references adde

    Control of daughter centriole formation by the pericentriolar material

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2008. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Nature Publishing Group for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Nature Cell Biology 10 (2008): 322-328, doi:10.1038/ncb1694.Controlling the number of its centrioles is vital for the cell as supernumerary centrioles result in multipolar mitosis and genomic instability. Normally, just one daughter centriole forms on each mature (mother) centriole; however, a mother centriole can produce multiple daughters within a single cell cycle. The mechanisms that prevent centriole ‘overduplication’ are poorly understood. Here we use laser microsurgery to test the hypothesis that attachment of the daughter centriole to the wall of the mother inhibits formation of additional daughters. We show that physical removal of the daughter induces reduplication of the mother in Sarrested cells. Under conditions when multiple daughters simultaneously form on a single mother, all of these daughters must be removed to induce reduplication. Intriguingly, the number of daughter centrioles that form during reduplication does not always match the number of ablated daughter centrioles. We also find that exaggeration of the pericentriolar material (PCM) via overexpression of the PCM protein pericentrin in S-arrested CHO cells induces formation of numerous daughter centrioles. We propose that that the size of the PCM cloud associated with the mother centriole restricts the number of daughters that can form simultaneously.This work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (GM GM59363) and the Human Frontiers Science Program (RGP0064). Construction of our laser microsurgery workstation was supported in part by a fellowship from Nikon/Marine Biological Laboratory (A.K.)