11,723 research outputs found

    The cerebrovascular effects of adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine infusions under propofol and isoflurane anaesthesia in sheep

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    Publisher's copy made available with the permission of the publisher © Australian Society of AnaesthetistsInfusions of catecholamines are frequently administered to patients receiving propofol or isoflurane anaesthesia. Interactions between these drugs may affect regional circulations, such as the brain. The aim of this animal (sheep) study was to determine the effects of ramped infusions of adrenaline, noradrenaline (10, 20, 40 µg/min) and dopamine (10, 20, 40 µg/kg/min) on cerebral blood flow (CBF), intracranial pressure (ICP), cerebrovascular resistance (CVR) and cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen (CMRO₂). These measurements were made under awake physiological conditions, and during continuous propofol (15 mg/min) or 2% isoflurane anaesthesia. All three catecholamines significantly and equivalently increased mean arterial pressure from baseline in a dose-dependent manner in the three cohorts (P0.05). Under propofol (n=6) and isoflurane (n=6), all three catecholamines significantly increased CBF (P<0.001). Dopamine caused the greatest increase in CBF, and was associated with significant increases in ICP (awake: P<0.001; propofol P<0.05; isoflurane P<0.001) and CVR (isoflurane P<0.05). No significant changes in CMRO₂ were demonstrated. Under propofol and isoflurane anaesthesia, the cerebrovascular effects of catecholamines were significantly different from the awake, physiological state, with dopamine demonstrating the most pronounced effects, particularly under propofol. Dopamine-induced hyperaemia was associated with other cerebrovascular changes. In the presence of an equivalent effect on mean arterial pressure, the exaggerated cerebrovascular effects under anaesthesia appear to be centrally mediated, possibly induced by propofol- or isoflurane-dependent changes in blood-brain barrier permeability, thereby causing a direct influence on the cerebral vasculature.http://www.aaic.net.au/Article.asp?D=200205

    A survey of users of earth resources remote sensing data

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    The results of a NASA supported Battelle survey to obtain user views on the nature and value of LANDSAT data use, on current LANDSAT capabilities, and on ways to improve data use were summarized. Questionnaire and interview responses from over 1000 private and public sector users were analyzed and discussed

    The Composite Spectrum of Strong Lyman-alpha Forest Absorbers

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    We present a new method for probing the physical conditions and metal enrichment of the Intergalactic Medium: the composite spectrum of Ly-alpha forest absorbers. We apply this technique to a sample of 9480 Ly-alpha absorbers with redshift 2 < z < 3.5 identified in the spectra of 13,279 high-redshift quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Fifth Data Release (DR5). Absorbers are selected as local minima in the spectra with 2.4 < tau_Ly-alpha < 4.0; at SDSS resolution (~ 150km/s FWHM), these absorbers are blends of systems that are individually weaker. In the stacked spectra we detect seven Lyman-series lines and metal lines of O VI, N V, C IV, C III, Si IV, C II, Al II, Si II, Fe II, Mg II, and O I. Many of these lines have peak optical depths of < 0.02, but they are nonetheless detected at high statistical significance. Modeling the Lyman-series measurements implies that our selected systems have total H I column densities N_HI ~ 10^15.4cm-2. Assuming typical physical conditions rho / = 10, T = 10^4 - 10^4.5 K, and [Fe/H]= -2 yields reasonable agreement with the line strengths of high-ionization species, but it underpredicts the low-ionization species by two orders of magnitude or more. This discrepancy suggests that the low ionization lines arise in dense, cool, metal-rich clumps, present in some absorption systems.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, accepted by ApJL, revisions mad

    Survey of users of earth resources remote sensing data

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    A user survey was conducted to determine current earth resources survey (ERS) data use/user status and recommendations for strengthening use. Only high-altitude aircraft and satellite (primarily LANDSAT) data were included. Emphasis was placed on the private sector/industrial user. Objectives of the survey included: who is using ERS data, how they are using the data, the relative value of current data use as well as obtaining user views as to possible ways of strengthening future ERS data use. The survey results are documented and should provide relevant decision making information for developing future programs of maximum benefit to all end users of satellite ERS data

    Bypassing Cowling's theorem in axisymmetric fluid dynamos

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    We present a numerical study of the magnetic field generated by an axisymmetrically forced flow in a spherical domain. At small enough Reynolds number, Re, the flow is axisymmetric and generates an equatorial dipole above a critical magnetic Reynolds number Rmc . The magnetic field thus breaks axisymmetry, in agreement with Cowling's theorem. This structure of the magnetic field is however replaced by a dominant axial dipole when Re is larger and allows non axisymmetric fluctuations in the flow. We show here that even in the absence of such fluctuations, an axial dipole can also be generated, at low Re, through a secondary bifurcation, when Rm is increased above the dynamo threshold. The system therefore always find a way to bypass the constraint imposed by Cowling's theorem. We understand the dynamical behaviors that result from the interaction of equatorial and axial dipolar modes using simple model equations for their amplitudes derived from symmetry arguments.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Utilizing Skylab data in on-going resources management programs in the state of Ohio

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    The author has identified the following significant results. The use of Skylab imagery for total area woodland surveys was found to be more accurate and cheaper than conventional surveys using aerial photo-plot techniques. Machine-aided (primarily density slicing) analyses of Skylab 190A and 190B color and infrared color photography demonstrated the feasibility of using such data for differentiating major timber classes including pines, hardwoods, mixed, cut, and brushland providing such analyses are made at scales of 1:24,000 and larger. Manual and machine-assisted image analysis indicated that spectral and spatial capabilities of Skylab EREP photography are adequate to distinguish most parameters of current, coal surface mining concern associated with: (1) active mining, (2) orphan lands, (3) reclaimed lands, and (4) active reclamation. Excellent results were achieved when comparing Skylab and aerial photographic interpretations of detailed surface mining features. Skylab photographs when combined with other data bases (e.g., census, agricultural land productivity, and transportation networks), provide a comprehensive, meaningful, and integrated view of major elements involved in the urbanization/encroachment process

    Mixing and condensation in a wet granular medium

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    We have studied the effect of small amounts of added liquid on the dynamic behavior of a granular system consisting of a mixture of glass beads of two different sizes. Segregation of the large beads to the top of the sample is found to depend in a nontrivial way on the liquid content. A transition to viscoplastic behavior occurs at a critical liquid content, which depends upon the bead size. We show that this transition can be interpreted as a condensation due to the hysteretic liquid bridge forces connecting the beads, and provide the corresponding phase diagram.Comment: submitted to PR

    Scaling Behavior of Entanglement in Two- and Three-Dimensional Free Fermions

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    Exactly solving a spinless fermionic system in two and three dimensions, we investigate the scaling behavior of the block entropy in critical and non-critical phases. The scaling of the block entropy crucially depends on the nature of the excitation spectrum of the system and on the topology of the Fermi surface. Noticeably, in the critical phases the scaling violates the area law and acquires a logarithmic correction \emph{only} when a well defined Fermi surface exists in the system. When the area law is violated, we accurately verify a conjecture for the prefactor of the logarithmic correction, proposed by D. Gioev and I. Klich [quant-ph/0504151].Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Paleo-Balkan and Slavic Contributions to the Genetic Pool of Moldavians

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    Moldova has a rich historical and cultural heritage, which may be reflected in the current genetic makeup of its population. To date, no comprehensive studies exist about the population genetic structure of modern Moldavians. To bridge this gap with respect to paternal lineages, we analyzed 37 binary and 17 multiallelic (STRs) polymorphisms on the non-recombining portion of the Y chromosome in 125 Moldavian males. In addition, 53 Ukrainians from eastern Moldova and 54 Romanians from the neighboring eastern Romania were typed using the same set of markers. In Moldavians, 19 Y chromosome haplogroups were identified, the most common being I-M423 (20.8%), R-M17* (17.6%), R-M458 (12.8%), E-v13 (8.8%), RM269* and R-M412* (both 7.2%). In Romanians, 14 haplogroups were found including I-M423 (40.7%), R-M17* (16.7%), RM405 (7.4%), E-v13 and R-M412* (both 5.6%). In Ukrainians, 13 haplogroups were identified including R-M17 (34.0%), I-M423 (20.8%), R-M269* (9.4%), N-M178, R-M458 and R-M73 (each 5.7%). Our results show that a significant majority of the Moldavian paternal gene pool belongs to eastern/central European and Balkan/eastern Mediterranean Y lineages. Phylogenetic and AMOVA analyses based on Y-STR loci also revealed that Moldavians are close to both eastern/central European and Balkan-Carpathian populations. The data correlate well with historical accounts and geographical location of the region and thus allow to hypothesize that extant Moldavian paternal genetic lineages arose from extensive recent admixture between genetically autochthonous populations of the Balkan-Carpathian zone and neighboring Slavic group

    Ascaroside Signaling Is Widely Conserved among Nematodes

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    Background: Nematodes are among the most successful animals on earth and include important human pathogens, yet little is known about nematode pheromone systems. A group of small molecules called ascarosides has been found to mediate mate finding, aggregation, and developmental diapause in Caenorhabditis elegans, but it is unknown whether ascaroside signaling exists outside of the genus Caenorhabditis. Results: To determine whether ascarosides are used as signaling molecules by other nematode species, we performed a mass spectrometry-based screen for ascarosides in secretions from a variety of both free-living and parasitic (plant, insect, and animal) nematodes. We found that most of the species analyzed, including nematodes from several different clades, produce species-specific ascaroside mixtures. In some cases, ascaroside biosynthesis patterns appear to correlate with phylogeny, whereas in other cases, biosynthesis seems to correlate with lifestyle and ecological niche. We further show that ascarosides mediate distinct nematode behaviors, such as retention, avoidance, and long-range attraction, and that different nematode species respond to distinct, but overlapping, sets of ascarosides. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that nematodes utilize a conserved family of signaling molecules despite having evolved to occupy diverse ecologies. Their structural features and level of conservation are evocative of bacterial quorum sensing, where acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs) are both produced and sensed by many species of gram-negative bacteria. The identification of species-specific ascaroside profiles may enable pheromone-based approaches to interfere with reproduction and survival of parasitic nematodes, which are responsible for significant agricultural losses and many human diseases worldwide