1,791 research outputs found

    Tidal Turbine Generators

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    Recently, tidal stream turbines have become a preferable mode of harvesting tidal energy. The main issue for low utilization of tidal energy is the high levelized cost of energy (LCoE) from tidal stream turbines. A major reason for this is the high operation and maintenance costs for submerged installations. A possible way of minimizing the LCoE and improving the availability is to use a flooded (or a wetgap) generator rather than a conventional airgap generator. Inside flooded generators, the gap between the stator and rotor is filled with the seawater. This architecture has the potential to improve cooling and reduce reliance on ancillary systems (e.g., bilge system), thereby improving reliability. The chapter begins with a brief description of the generator systems used in current tidal stream turbines. The focus of the chapter is, however, to give a basic insight into the design aspects of the flooded generators, and compares it with the currently used sealed airgap generators in tidal turbine systems

    Nontraumatic terminal ileal perforation

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    BACKGROUND: There is still confusion and controversy over the diagnosis and optimal surgical treatment of non traumatic terminal ileal perforation-a cause of obscure peritonitis. METHODS: This study was a prospective study aimed at evaluating the clinical profile, etiology and optimal surgical management of patients with nontraumatic terminal ileal perforation. RESULTS: There were 79 cases of nontraumatic terminal ileal perforation; the causes for perforation were enteric fever(62%), nonspecific inflammation(26%), obstruction(6%), tuberculosis(4%) and radiation enteritis (1%). Simple closure of the perforation (49%) and end to side ileotransverse anastomosis(42%) were the mainstay of the surgical management. CONCLUSION: Terminal ileal perforation should be suspected in all cases of peritonitis especially in developing countries and surgical treatment should be optimized taking various accounts like etiology, delay in surgery and operative findings into consideration to reduce the incidence of deadly complications like fecal fistula

    Benign intermittent gastric outlet obstruction in an elderly: Endoscopic management and brief review

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    We describe the clinical scenario in an 80 year old female who presented with history of epigastric discomfort and postprandial fullness of three weeksduration without any alarming symptoms. On upper GI endoscopy she was found to have gastric polyp with a long stalk which was partially obstructing her pyloric ring giving rise to features of intermittent gastric outlet obstruction Polypectomy was done with complete relief of symptoms .She is following our clinic for last 6 months now. Although possibility of malignant etiology in gastric out let obstruction ranks high in the elderly some patients are lucky to have a benign cause as the index case. Report of the case and brief review ispresented.Key words:Inflammatory polyp, Gastric outlet obstruction

    The role of indigenous languages in southern Sudan : educational language policy and planning

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    Abstract\ud This thesis aims to questions the language policy of Sudan's central government since\ud independence in 1956. An investigation of the root causes of educational problems,\ud which are seemingly linked to the current language policy, is examined throughout the\ud thesis from Chapter 1 through 9. In specific terms, Chapter 1 foregrounds the\ud discussion of the methods and methodology for this research purposely because the\ud study is based, among other things, on the analysis of historical documents pertaining\ud to events and processes of sociolinguistic significance for this study. The factors and\ud sociolinguistic conditions behind the central government's Arabicisation policy which\ud discourages multilingual development, relate the historical analysis in Chapter 3 to the\ud actual language situation in the country described in Chapter 4. However, both\ud chapters are viewed in the context of theoretical understanding of language situation\ud within multilingualism in Chapter 2.\ud The thesis argues that an accommodating language policy would accord a role for the\ud indigenous Sudanese languages. By extension, it would encourage the development\ud and promotion of those languages and cultures in an essentially linguistically and\ud culturally diverse and multilingual country. Recommendations for such an alternative\ud educational language policy are based on the historical and sociolinguistic findings in\ud chapters 3 and 4 as well as in the subsequent discussions on language policy and\ud planning proper in Chapters 5, where theoretical frameworks for examining such\ud issues are explained, and Chapters 6 through 8, where Sudan's post-independence\ud language policy is discussed. In the latter chapters, there is a focus on implications for\ud language use language as a national resource for social and cultural development, both\ud of which are examined in the light of historical and sociolinguistic information in the\ud preceding chapters. Chapter 9 concludes the thesis by proposing an alternative\ud educational language policy that would give a role to the nation's indigenous\ud languages


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    Objective: The aim of the present work was to formulate silk fibroin (SF) nanospheres (NS’s) for drug delivery application. The current study was designed to advance the water solubility and bio-availability of telmisartan by nanoprecipitation method. Methods: SF NS’s loaded with TS were prepared by nanoprecipitation method. The drug was dissolved in aqueous solution of SF by using acetone as a non-solvent. The prepared NS’s were then characterized by FTIR, X-ray diffraction and zeta potential, and were evaluated for its, surface morphology, %drug content, encapsulation efficiency and in vitro drug release. Results: The evaluation results of SF NS’s loaded of TS showed 74.22±0.17 % entrapment efficiency, 35.21±0.02 % of drug loading, and-4.9 mV to-13.6 mV of zeta potential due to the proper bounding of TS with the β-sheets of SF, the particle size reported was within the size range of 160-186 nm having smooth surface and were spherical in shape. The SFNS’s pattern switched from random coil to β-sheet formation on treating with acetone. FTIR and DSC studies marked no such inter-molecular interactions between SF and drug molecules. The % cumulative in vitro drug release from SF NS’s exhibited quick burst release. The in vitro cumulative drug release of SF NS’s of TS it was found that about 74% of the drug was released within 8 h and about 96% of drug released at 24 hr. The rate of drug release increased with the increase in SF ratio. Conclusion: It is believed that these SF NS’s will find potential applications in drug delivery release as drug carriers, especially poor water-soluble drugs. All these results proposed that SF NS’s are eventuality handy in various drug delivery systems

    Distal tibial interosseous osteochondroma with impending fracture of fibula – a case report and review of literature

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    Osteochondromas arising from the interosseous border of the distal tibia and involving distal fibula are uncommon. We present a 16 year old young boy with an impending fracture, erosion and weakness of the distal fibula, secondary to an osteochondroma arising from the distal tibia. Early excision of this deforming distal tibial osteochondroma avoided the future risk of pathological fracture of the distal fibula, ankle deformities and syndesmotic complications
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