326 research outputs found

    Hubungan Kadar Kolesterol Total Dengan Tekanan Darah Pada Guru Di SMP 1 & 2 Eben Haezar Dan SMA Eben Haezar Manado

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    : Hypertension is the third cause of death, coming after stroke and tuberculosis, which encompasses 6,7% mortality ages in Indonesia. This study aims to identify the correlation between total cholesterol level and blood pressure on teachers.This study is a cross-sectional design. A total of 83 Teachers participation in this study by using total sampling method. This study found that the correlation between total cholesterol level and systolic blood pressure is not significant (r = -0,070). The same thing was done to test the correlation between total cholesterol level and diastolic blood pressure. It was found that the r between both variables is -0,090, while the determination coefficient (r2) is 0,008. The average of systolic and diastolic blood pressure on teachers is 118 mmHg and 77 mmHg. The average of total cholesterol level on teachers is 176 mg/dl. This study conclude that there is no correlation between total cholesterol level and blood pressure on teachers. However it is worth to evaluate the relationship between cholesterol and blood pressure using random time cholesterol


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    Setiap pekerjaan memiliki bahaya yang menyebabkan kecelakaan. ILO (2012) melaporkan terdapat 2 juta kasus kematian akibat kecelakaan dan penyakit akibat kerja. Cara untuk mencegah dan menanggulangi kecelakaan yaitu melakukan identifikasi bahaya kerja. Salah satu industri tepung kelapa di Sulawesi Utara yang mempunyai 280 orang pekerja tidak melakukan program K3 sejak beberapa tahun lalu, oleh sebab itu perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui potensi kecelakaan dan PAK di perusahaan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui potensi bahaya kerja dan memberikian rekomendasi pencegahan di setiap tahapan pekerjaan pada pekerja open area dengan menggunakan Job Safety Analysis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam kepada 6 informan, terdiri dari 1 orang supervisor open area, dan masing-masing 1 pekerja nuts counter, sheller, parer, operator loader, dan drier paring. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 6 pekerjaan pada open area memiliki potensi bahaya tersengat listrik, jatuh dari tangga, terpeleset karena lantai licin, tangan tergores, jari terjepit, teriris dan terpotong, trauma mata, bising dari mesin, juga nyeri punggung. Rekomandasi pengendalian yang bisa dilakukan dengan hirarki pengendalian yaitu rekayasa, administrasi, dan APD. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahaya yang ada pada open area di perusahaan tepung kelapa yaitu level risiko rendah, sedang, dan tinggi.Kata kunci: Industri Tepung Kelapa, Potensi Bahaya kerja, Rekomendasi Pencegahan, Job Safety AnalysisABSTRACTEvery job has hazard that can cause accident. ILO (2012) reported that there were 2 million case of death caused by accident and occupational disease. To prevent and control the accident is identify hazard of work. One of the coconut flour industry in North Sulawesi that has 280 workers did not do the OHS program since several years ago, therefore it is necessary to do research to know the potential of accident and occupational disease in the company. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the potential hazard of work task and provide preventive recommendation from each step of the work by using job safety analysis. Qualitative method in that comprises 6 informants, they are 1 supervisor open area, and each 1 worker nuts from counter, sheller, parer, loader operator, and drier paring. Techniques of data collection are interview, observation, and documentation. The results show that 6 jobs in the open area have potential hazard of electric shock, fall from ladder, slip due to slippery floor, hand scratched, finger pinched, cut, eye trauma, noisy from machine, also back pain. Recommendations of control that can be done with control hierarchy are engineering, administration, and personal protective equipment. It can be conclude that the hazard in open area of the coconut flour industry have low, medium, and high risk level.Keywords: Coconut Flour Industry, Potential Hazard of Work, Recommendation of Control, Job Safety Analysi

    Hubungan Merokok Dengan Saturasi Oksigen Pada Pegawai Di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado

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    : Smoking is an overt behavior in which smokers inhale tobacco rolls. The degree of smoking can be determined based on the Brinkman index. Global Adults Tobacco Survey (GATS) estimates there are currently 7.9 billion adults who are actively smoking and 3.5 billion people are exposed to secondhand smoke in the workplace. This research aims to identify oxygen saturation of smokers and the correlation between smoking and oxygen saturation of administration staffs in the Medical Faculty of Sam Ratulangi University Manado. This research was a cross sectional study that was conducted on 30 administration staffs at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sam Ratulangi. The correlation analysis was carried out using Kruskall-Wallis. Most respondents were mild smokers (63.33%) with the average oxygen saturation 98.37. Moderate Smokers have an average oxygen saturation of 97.86, and heavy smokers 96.25. All respondents had an average oxygen saturation of 97.97. All respondents are still categorized as having normal oxygen saturation (95-100%). Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between smoking and oxygen saturation. The more severe the degree of smoking, the lower level of oxygen saturation obtained in the blood

    Pengaruh Senam Lansia Terhadap Derajat Depresi Pada Lansia Di Panti Werda

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    : Depression is a serious medical illness with mood, cognitive, and physical symptoms. Mood symptoms include depressed, sad, or irritable mood; loss of interest in usual activities; inability to experience pleasure; feelings of guilt or worthlessness; and thoughts of death or suicide. Cognitive symptoms include inability to concentrate and difficulty in making decisions. Physical symptoms include fatigue, lack of energy and changes in sleep, appetite, and activity levels. Geriatric depression is more severe than depression in other groups of age, where it causes depressive symptomps to 15% elderly. This study was carried out to identify the impact of Senam Lansia on the degree of depression in elderly. This is an experimental study that was conducted to 18 participants that live in Senja Cerah Hospice Manado. The degree of depression was assessed using Hamilton Depression Rating Scale. This 8-weeks senam-lansia-intervented study found a positively moderate and significant impact of Senam Lansia on the degree of depression in elderly (r = 0,594; p < 0,05). Futhermore, Senam Lansia has a positive impact on participants' activities of daily living (ADL) such as increasing mobility and appetite, decreasing muscle fatigue, and developing positive feelings such as happy, healthy, fresh and fit

    Hubungan Lingkar Pinggang Dengan Kadar Gula Darah Pada Guru Di SMP Dan SMA Eben Haezar Manado

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    : Central obesity that measured by waist circumference as one of metabolic syndrome's criteria, is one of many risk factor of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Teacher is an occupation which has the risk of high blood glucose and visceral fat accumulation. People with obesity have a tendency to elevation of blood glucose level. The aim of this research is to understand the correlation between waist circumference and blood glucose level on teacher in Eben Haezar junior and senior christian high school Manado. This research is a cross-sectional study that was conducted on September to December 2016. Samples were collected by total sampling method. Research data were analyzed with Spearman Rank Correlation Test. There are 83 research samples which consist of 28 men (33,7%) and 55women (66,7%). Most of teachers experienced central obesity (74,7%) and normal blood glucose level (83,1%). The result of the correlation test between waist circumference and blood glucose level is p-value = 0,9522 and r = -0,00667981. This study found that there is no statistically significant relationship between waist circumference and blood glucose level on teacher in Eben Haezar junior and senior christian high school Manado

    Pengaruh Latihan Fisik Akut Terhadap Kadar Protein Urin Pada Mahasiswa Angkatan 2015 Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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    : Acute physical exercise is an exercise that is performed in a short time, it was performed only for a few minutes or <30 minutes. Physical exercise will cause some changes in the body, such as increased levels of urinary protein. Increased levels of urinary protein generally occurs in people with kidney disease, so that medical practitioners are often mistaken about this. This is because when doing physical exercise occurs decreases blood flow to the kidneys and cause disruption of glomerular and renal tubular function. This situation is not dangerous because it is only temporary, and reversible. In the previous studies, there is still controversy about the effect of acute physical exercise on levels of urinary protein. Based on that, researchers interested to know the impact of acute physical exercise kinds of anaerobic (sprint) towards levels of urinary protein. This study used an experimental design on one group pre-post test. Subjects were 30 male students who are in the Faculty of Medicine Sam Ratulangi. Urine protein levels assessed before and after sprint. The results obtained were processed using Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test. On the results, there was a significant increase of urinary protein (p = 0,00) after performing an acute physical exerise (sprint)

    Penentuan Aktivitas Antioksidan Berdasarkan Nilai IC50 Ekstrak Metanol Dan Fraksi Hasil Partisinya Pada Kulit Biji Pinang Yaki (Areca Vestiaria Giseke)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan nilai IC50 ekstrak metanol dan hasil partisinya dari ekstrak Areca vestiaria Giseke. Penelitian dimulai dengan proses maserasi menggunakan pelarut metanol, kemudian dievaporasi pada suhu 40oC dan menghasilkan 27,3 g ekstrak pekat dari 330,2 g sampel. Selanjutnya, ekstrak metanol diuji aktivitas antioksidannya dan diperoleh nilai IC50 sebesar 8,3 ppm.. Ekstrak kemudian dipartisi dengan pelarut n-heksana, etil asetat dan air dan dievaporasi. Seluruh fraksi kemudian diuji aktivitas antioksidannya dan fraksi etil asetat menunjukkan aktivitas antioksidan yang paling baik dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 10,9 ppm.The purposes of this research were to determine the IC50 values from methanol extract and its extract partition of extract Areca vestiaria Giseke. The research was started with maceration process using methanol as a solvent, then evaporated at 40oC which produce 27,3 g extract from 330,2 g sample. After that, methanol extract was tested its antioxidant activity and the result of IC50 values ​​was 8,3 ppm. And then, the extract was partitioned with n-hexane, ethyl acetate and water and evaporated. All of the fraction was then tested its antioxidant activity. Ethyl acetate fraction showed the best antioxidant activity with IC50 values ​​of 10,9 ppm

    Aktivitas Hepatoprotektif Ekstrak Etanol Daun Kucing-kucingan Acalypha Indica L.) Pada Tikus Putih (Rattus Novergicus) Yang Diinduksi Parasetamol

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    The research has been conducted to determine hepatoprotective effect of ethanolic extract of Acalypha indica L. leaves on rats (Rattus novergicus) induced with paracetamol. The study was performed following a completely randomized design, using 45 male rats (Rattus novergicus) divided into 5 groups. Rats in group 1 (K1) were given CMC 1 % for 7 days and followed by aquadest administration 8 hours post given CMC on day 7. Group 2 was given CMC 1 % for 7 days and treated with paracetamol at dose 2,5 g/kg BW 8 hours post given CMC on day 7. Groups 3 (K3), 4 (K4), and 5 (K5) were pretreated with ethanolic extract of Acalypha indica L. leaves at the dose of 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg BW for 7 days respectively, followed by paracetamol administration at the dose of 2.5 g/kg BW in the next 8 hours on day 7. Paracetamol hepatotoxicity and extracts activity were measured based on SGPT and SGOT activity level on day 0, 8 hours after last administration of extract on day 7, and 24 hours post paracetamol administration. Data were analyzed using one way ANOVA. The result showed that the administration of ethanolic extract of Acalypha indica leaves at the dose of 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg BW was significantly reduced SGPT and SGOT level (P&lt;0,05) in rats that were induced with paracetamol. Based on the results of SGPT and SGOT serum activity, it can be concluded that ethanolic extract of Acalypha indica L. potential as hepatoprotective agent
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