47 research outputs found

    The identification of poultry processing in archaeological ceramic vessels using in-situ isotope references for organic residue analysis.

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    Poultry products are rarely considered when reconstructing pottery use through organic residue analysis, impinging upon our understanding of the changing role of these animals in the past. Here we evaluate an isotopic approach for distinguishing chicken fats from other animal products. We compare the carbon isotopes of fatty acids extracted from modern tissues and archaeological bones and demonstrate that archaeological bones from contexts associated with pottery provide suitable reference ranges for distinguishing omnivorous animal products (e.g. pigs vs. chickens) in pots. When applied to pottery from the Anglo-Saxon site of Flixborough, England, we succeeded in identifying residues derived from chicken fats that otherwise could not be distinguished from other monogastric and ruminant animals using modern reference values only. This provides the first direct evidence for the processing of poultry or their products in pottery. The results highlight the utility of ‘in-situ’ archaeological bone lipids to identify omnivorous animal-derived lipids in archaeological ceramic vessels

    Schwingfestigkeit schrumpfgeklebter Welle-Nabe-Verbindungen unter Torsions- und Umlaufbiegebelastung

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    Adhesively bonded shrunk cylindrical jonts show good fatigue strength behaviour. They have various advantages compared to many conventional shaft hub joints. In drive systems they are often loaded by rotating bending and torsion. The author presents results from tests with rotating bending and constant torsion load. An empirical equation for fatigue strength which could be the basis for design is derived from own and published data

    Geklebte Preßverbände für hochdynamische Antriebssysteme

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    Combining shrunk fit with adhesive bonding in shaft hub joints significantly increases static and fatigue strength. The paper reports on investigations of adhesively bonded shrunk shaft-hub Joints under torsion and combined static or alternating torsion and rotating bending. Tests with torsion and combined static torsion and rotating bending mainly show failure of the adhesive layer, while alternating torsion and rotating bending predominantly causes fretting fatigue failures. The high-cycle fatigue strength is significantly decreased. Based on experimental results a normalized 3-D-fatigue diagram is developed. Parameters for normalization are the torsional strength and the endurance limits of alternating torsion and rotating bending. These parameters represent the various influences on the strength of the joint. The normalized fatigue diagram is the base of a design method called "Bezugsspannungsmethode"

    A Proposal to Shore Up the Foundations of Patent Law That the Underwater Line Eroded, A

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    This article examines the trend of modern patent jurisprudence in the United States, focusing on the development of the law since the landmark Federal Circuit decision of Underwater Devices Inc. v. Morrison Knudsen Co. Inc. in 1983. Specifically, the authors contend that Underwater and its progeny have skewed the proper interpretation and use of the rule against willful infringement, causing litigants to overuse (or even abuse) the willful infringement doctrine and, more importantly, inhibiting one of the twin goals of the patent laws, disclosure of useful inventions. To address this negative trend, the authors propose a change in the standard for a finding of willful patent infringement. In particular, they propose requiring the patentee to notify potential infringes of their possible infringing activity and limiting a finding of willfulness to cases of literal infringement only. This, say the authors, would re-inject meaning into the rule against willful patent infringement, while creating more certainty for potential infringes and fostering the broader policy goals of invention and disclosure

    Grundlagen fuer die Dimensionierung von schrumpfgeklebten Welle-Nabe-Verbindungen

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    Available from FIZ Karlsruhe / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Steigerung der Momentenübertragungsfähigkeit bei Welle-Nabe-Verbindungen durch Press-Presslöt-Verbindungen

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    The construction of pressure-pressure-soldering-joints and the increase of the stability of interference fit assemblies by using soldering coatings is described. The join is a combination of a well known fit assembly and adhesive bonds by pressure-soldering-joints. While joining and using local soldering joins are generated. As consequence the moment transmission ability increases up to a state of 350 % conquered to fit assemblies. Anymore the pessure-pressure-soldering-joins have to be trained to get the full stability. The ability of moment transmission and trainee effects of different metal coatings are described as well as advantages for users