558 research outputs found

    The galactic magnetic field in the quasar 3C216

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    Multifrequency polarimetric observations made with the Very Long Baseline Array of the quasar 3C216 reveal the presence of Faraday rotation measures (RMs) in excess of 2000 rad/m**2 in the source rest frame, in the arc of emission located at ~ 140 mas from the core. Rotation measures in the range -300 - +300 rad/m**2 are detected in the inner 5 mas (~30 parsecs). while the rotation measures near the core can be explained as due to a magnetic field in the narrow line region, we favor the interpretation for the high RM in the arc as due to a ``local'' Faraday screen, produced in a shock where the jet is deflected by the interstellar medium of the host galaxy. Our results indicate that a galacit magnetic field of the order of 50 microGauss on a scale greater than 100 pc must be present in the galactic medium.Comment: 23 pages, 3 tables, 11 figures. To appear on The Astronomical Journal, November 1999 Issu

    Rotation Measure Synthesis of Galactic Polarized Emission with the DRAO 26-m Telescope

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    Radio polarimetry at decimetre wavelengths is the principal source of information on the Galactic magnetic field. The diffuse polarized emission is strongly influenced by Faraday rotation in the magneto-ionic medium and rotation measure is the prime quantity of interest, implying that all Stokes parameters must be measured over wide frequency bands with many frequency channels. The DRAO 26-m Telescope has been equipped with a wideband feed, a polarization transducer to deliver both hands of circular polarization, and a receiver, all operating from 1277 to 1762 MHz. Half-power beamwidth is between 40 and 30 arcminutes. A digital FPGA spectrometer, based on commercially available components, produces all Stokes parameters in 2048 frequency channels over a 485-MHz bandwidth. Signals are digitized to 8 bits and a Fast Fourier Transform is applied to each data stream. Stokes parameters are then generated in each frequency channel. This instrument is in use at DRAO for a Northern sky polarization survey. Observations consist of scans up and down the Meridian at a drive rate of 0.9 degree per minute to give complete coverage of the sky between declinations -30 degree and 90 degree. This paper presents a complete description of the receiver and data acquisition system. Only a small fraction of the frequency band of operation is allocated for radio astronomy, and about 20 percent of the data are lost to interference. The first 8 percent of data from the survey are used for a proof-of-concept study, which has led to the first application of Rotation Measure Synthesis to the diffuse Galactic emission obtained with a single-antenna telescope. We find rotation measure values for the diffuse emission as high as approximately 100 rad per square metre, much higher than recorded in earlier work.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    RDE-2 interacts with MUT-7 to mediate RNA interference in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    In Caenorhabditis elegans, the activity of transposable elements is repressed in the germline. One of the mechanisms involved in this repression is RNA interference (RNAi), a process in which dsRNA targets cleavage of mRNAs in a sequence-specific manner. The first gene found to be involved in RNAi and transposon silencing in C.elegans is mut-7, a gene encoding a putative exoribonuclease. Here, we show that the MUT-7 protein resides in complexes of ∼250 kDa in the nucleus and in the cytosol. In addition, we find that upon triggering of RNAi the cytosolic MUT-7 complex increases in size. This increase is independent of the presence of target RNA, but does depend on the presence of RDE-1 and RDE-4, two proteins involved in small interfering RNA (siRNA) production. Finally, using a yeast two-hybrid screen, we identified RDE-2/MUT-8 as one of the other components of this complex. This protein is encoded by the rde-2/mut-8 locus, previously implicated in RNAi and transposon silencing. Using genetic complementation analysis, we show that the interaction between these two proteins is required for efficient RNAi in vivo. Together these data support a role for the MUT-7/RDE-2 complex downstream of siRNA formation, but upstream of siRNA mediated target RNA recognition, possibly indicating a role in the siRNA amplification step

    Replication Study of Candidate Genes Associated With Type 2 Diabetes Based On Genome-Wide Screening

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    OBJECTIVE—The present study was conducted to confirm possible associations between candidate genes from genome-wide association studies and type 2 diabetes in Japanese diabetic patients and a community-based general population. A total of 11 previously reported single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from the TCF7L2, CDKAL1, HHEX, IGF2BP2, CDKN2A/B, SLC30A8, and KCNJ11 genes were analyzed

    Absorption line shape recovery beyond the detection bandwidth limit: application to the precision spectroscopic measurement of the Boltzmann constant

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    22 pagesInternational audienceA theoretical model of the influence of detection bandwidth properties on observed line shapes in laser absorption spectroscopy is described. The model predicts artificial frequency shifts, extra broadenings and line asymmetries which must be taken into account in order to obtain accurate central frequencies and other spectroscopic parameters. This reveals sources of systematic effects most probably underestimated so far potentially affecting spectroscopic measurements. This may impact many fields of research, from atmospheric and interstellar physics to precision spectroscopic measurements devoted to metrological applications, tests of quantum electrodynamics or other fundamental laws of nature. Our theoretical model is validated by linear absorption experiments performed on H2O and NH3 molecular lines recorded by precision laser spectroscopy in two distinct spectral regions, near- and mid-infrared. Possible means of recovering original line shape parameters or experimental conditions under which the detection bandwidth has a negligible impact, given a targeted accuracy, are proposed. Particular emphasis is put on the detection bandwidth adjustments required to use such high-quality molecular spectra for a spectroscopic determination of the Boltzmann constant at the 1 ppm level of accuracy

    Radio polarimetric imaging of the interstellar medium: magnetic field and diffuse ionized gas structure near the W3/W4/W5/HB3 complex

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    We have used polarimetric imaging to study the magneto-ionic medium of the Galaxy, obtaining 1420 MHz images with an angular resolution of 1' over more than 40 square-degrees of sky around the W3/W4/W5/HB3 HII region/SNR complex in the Perseus Arm. Features detected in polarization angle are imposed on the linearly polarized Galactic synchrotron background emission by Faraday rotation arising in foreground ionized gas having an emission measure as low as 1 cm^{-6} pc. Several new remarkable phenomena have been identified, including: mottled polarization arising from random fluctuations in a magneto-ionic screen that we identify with a medium in the Perseus Arm, probably in the vicinity of the HII regions themselves; depolarization arising from very high rotation measures (several times 10^3 rad m^{-2}) and rotation measure gradients due to the dense, turbulent environs of the HII regions; highly ordered features spanning up to several degrees; and an extended influence of the HII regions beyond the boundaries defined by earlier observations. In particular, the effects of an extended, low-density ionized halo around the HII region W4 are evident, probably an example of the extended HII envelopes postulated as the origin of weak recombination-line emission detected from the Galactic ridge. Our polarization observations can be understood if the uniform magnetic field component in this envelope scales with the square-root of electron density and is 20 microG at the edge of the depolarized region around W4, although this is probably an over-estimate since the random field component will have a significant effect.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures (7 jpeg and 1 postscript), accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    In C. elegans, High Levels of dsRNA Allow RNAi in the Absence of RDE-4

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    C. elegans Dicer requires an accessory double-stranded RNA binding protein, RDE-4, to enact the first step of RNA interference, the cleavage of dsRNA to produce siRNA. While RDE-4 is typically essential for RNAi, we report that in the presence of high concentrations of trigger dsRNA, rde-4 deficient animals are capable of silencing a transgene. By multiple criteria the silencing occurs by the canonical RNAi pathway. For example, silencing is RDE-1 dependent and exhibits a decrease in the targeted mRNA in response to an increase in siRNA. We also find that high concentrations of dsRNA trigger lead to increased accumulation of primary siRNAs, consistent with the existence of a rate-limiting step during the conversion of primary to secondary siRNAs. Our studies also revealed that transgene silencing occurs at low levels in the soma, even in the presence of ADARs, and that at least some siRNAs accumulate in a temperature-dependent manner. We conclude that an RNAi response varies with different conditions, and this may allow an organism to tailor a response to specific environmental signals