1,012 research outputs found

    Mediators of leukocyte yctivation play a role in disseminated intravascular coagulation during orthotopic liver transplantation

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    Leukocytes play an important role in the development of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). In the reperfusion phase of OLT a DIC-like situation has been described and has been held responsible for the high blood loss during this phase. We investigated the role of leukocytes in the pathogenesis of DIC in OLT by measuring the leukocytic mediators released upon activation (cathepsin B, elastase, TNF, neopterin) and the levels of thrombin-antithrombin III (TAT) complexes, seen as markers of prothrombin activation. Arterial blood samples were taken at 10 different time points during and after OLT. Samples were also taken of the perfusate released from the liver graft vein during the flushing procedure before the reperfusion phase. Aprotinin was given as a continuous infusion (0.2-0.4 Mill. KlU/hr) and its plasma levels were determined. Significantly elevated levels of neopterin (15-fold; P<0.01), cathepsin B (440-fold; P<0.01) in the perfusate, as compared with the systemic circulation, as well as their significant increases in the early reperfusion phase suggested that they were released by the graft liver. This was paralleled by elevated levels of elastase (1.3-fold, P<0.05), TNF (1.5-fold, P=NS), and TAT complexes (1.4-fold; P<0.1) in the perfusate. Significant correlations could be identified between the parameters of leukocyte activation and TAT complexes, whereas no correlation was observed between any of the parameters investigated and the aprotinin levels. Our results strongly indicate a release of leukocytic mediators from the graft liver during its reperfusion which seems to be related to the parallely increased prothrombin activation. No correlation could be seen between levels of aprotinin and levels of leukocytic mediators

    Direct Measurement of intermediate-range Casimir-Polder potentials

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    We present the first direct measurements of Casimir-Polder forces between solid surfaces and atomic gases in the transition regime between the electrostatic short-distance and the retarded long-distance limit. The experimental method is based on ultracold ground-state Rb atoms that are reflected from evanescent wave barriers at the surface of a dielectric glass prism. Our novel approach does not require assumptions about the potential shape. The experimental data confirm the theoretical prediction in the transition regime.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Different aprotinin applications influencing hemostatic chances in orthotopic liver transplantation

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    The effect of different aprotinin applications on hemmtatic changes and blood product requirements in orthotopic liver transplantation was investigated in a prospective, open, and randomized study. From November 1989 to June 1990, 13 patients received aprotinin as a bolus of 0.5 Mill, kallikrein inac-tivator units (KIU) on three occasions in the course of an OLT, whereas 10 other patients were treated with continuous aprotinin infusion of 0.1-0.4 Mill. KIU/hr. Before and after reperfusion of the graft liver, signs of hyperfibrinolysis, measured by thrombelastography, were significantly lower in the infusion group. Tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) activity increased during the anhepatic phase but to a significantly lesser extent in the infusion group. Blood product requirements during OLT were tendentiously higher in the bolus group but not significantly so. However, the use of packed red blood cells was significantly lower in the postoperative period, whereas there was no significant difference in fresh frozen plasma requirements between the two groups. All 23 patients have survived, and only one woman of each group required retransplantation due to severe host-versus-graft reactions. Furthermore, we investigated the perfusate of the graft liver in both groups and detected signs of a decreased t-PA release in the infusion group. Our results demonstrate an advantage of aprotinin given as continuous infusion over bolus application in OLT

    New algorithm for energy dispatch scheduling of grid-connected solar photovoltaic system with battery storage system

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    Purpose. In last decade the problem of energy management system (EMS) for electric network has received special attention from academic researchers and electricity companies. In this paper, a new algorithm for EMS of a photovoltaic (PV) grid connected system, combined to an storage system is proposed for reducing the character of intermittence of PVs power which infect the stability of electric grid. In simulation model, the PV system and the energy storage system are connected to the same DC bus, whereas EMS controls the power flow from the PV generator to the grid based on the predetermined level of PV power. In the case where the PV power is less than the predefined threshold, energy is stored in the batteries banc which will be employed in the peak energy demand (PED) times. Otherwise, it continues to feed the principal grid. The novelty of the proposed work lies in a new algorithm (smart algorithm) able to determine the most suitable (optimal) hours to switching between battery, Solar PVs, and principal grid based on historical consumption data and also determine the optimal amount of storage energy that be injected during the peak demand. Methods. The solution of the problem was implemented in the Matlab R2010a Platform and the simulation conducted on Laptop with a 2.5 GHz processor and 4 GB RAM. Results. Simulation results show that the proposed model schedules the time ON/OFF of the switch in the most optimal way, resulting in absolute control of power electric path, i.e. precise adaptation at the peak without compromising consumers comfort. In addition, other useful results can be directly obtained from the developed scheme. Thus, the results confirm the superiority of the proposed strategy compared to other improved techniques.Мета. В останнє десятиліття проблемі системи енергоменеджменту (СЕМ) для електричної мережі приділялася особлива увага з боку науковців та електроенергетичних компаній. У цій роботі пропонується новий алгоритм для СЕМ фотоелектричної (ФЕ) системи, підключеної до мережі, об'єднаної з системою накопичення енергії для зменшення характеру переривчастості потужності ФЕ системи, що впливає на стабільність електричної мережі. У розрахунковій моделі ФЕ система та система накопичення енергії підключені до однієї і тієї ж шини постійного струму, тоді як СЕМ керує потоком потужності від ФЕ генератора до мережі на основі заздалегідь визначеного рівня потужності ФЕ. У тому випадку, коли потужність ФЕ менше заздалегідь визначеного порогу, енергія накопичується в батареях акумуляторів, що буде використано в часи пікового попиту на енергію. В іншому випадку ФЕ продовжує живити основну мережу. Новизна запропонованої роботи полягає в новому алгоритмі (розумному алгоритмі), здатному визначити найбільш підходящі (оптимальні) години для перемикання між акумулятором, сонячними ФЕ та основною мережею на основі даних про історію споживання, а також визначити оптимальну величину енергії накопичення, що вводиться під час пікового попиту. Методи. Розв‘язання задачі було реалізовано на платформі Matlab R2010a, а моделювання проведено на ноутбуці з процесором 2,5 ГГц та 4 ГБ оперативної пам'яті. Результати. Результати моделювання показують, що запропонована модель найоптимальніше планує час увімкнення/вимкнення вимикача, що призводить до абсолютного контролю потужності шляху електроенергії, тобто точної адаптації на піку без шкоди для комфорту споживачів. Крім того, з розробленої схеми можна безпосередньо отримати інші корисні результати. Таким чином, результати підтверджують перевагу запропонованої стратегії порівняно з іншими вдосконаленими методами

    Cancer pulmonaire au cours d’une thromboangéite oblitérante de Léo Buerger

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    Notre objectif est de rapporter une observation particulière de néoplasie pulmonaire survenant au cours d'une angéite oblitérante de Léo Buerger. Il s'agit d'un patient de 42 ans, grand tabagique (30 PA) diagnostiqué ayant la maladie de Buerger devant l'association de phlébites et d'artérite distale avec des oblitérations et des sténoses artérielles confirmées par l'échographie, le doppler veineux et artériel, la phlébographie et l'artériographie. Quatorze ans après le diagnostic initial de la vascularite, il se présentait avec une douleur et faiblesse du membre supérieur droit. L'examen clinique concluait à une névralgie cervico brachiale type C7-C8. La radiographie de thorax montrait une opacité apicale droite hétérogène de 5 cm de grand axe avec lyse costale du deuxième arc antérieur droit. Le scanner X thoracique montrait une masse tumorale du segment apical droit associée à des adénopathies médiastinales. La biopsie bronchique concluait à un carcinome épidermoïde bien différencié. Cette association soulève le rôle pathogène du tabac dans la genèse de ces deux maladies. Une surveillance thoracique (clinique et radiologique) rigoureuse se trouve justifiée chez le porteur d'une thromboangéite oblitérante surtout que cette dernière se déclare classiquement à un âge plus jeune que celui du cancer broncho-pulmonaire

    Ad- and desorption of Rb atoms on a gold nanofilm measured by surface plasmon polaritons

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    Hybrid quantum systems made of cold atoms near nanostructured surfaces are expected to open up new opportunities for the construction of quantum sensors and for quantum information. For the design of such tailored quantum systems the interaction of alkali atoms with dielectric and metallic surfaces is crucial and required to be understood in detail. Here, we present real-time measurements of the adsorption and desorption of Rubidium atoms on gold nanofilms. Surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) are excited at the gold surface and detected in a phase sensitive way. From the temporal change of the SPP phase the Rubidium coverage of the gold film is deduced with a sensitivity of better than 0.3 % of a monolayer. By comparing the experimental data with a Langmuir type adsorption model we obtain the thermal desorption rate and the sticking probability. In addition, also laser-induced desorption is observed and quantified.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure