243 research outputs found

    Characterization of modular deposits for urban drainage networks using CFD techniques

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    [EN] The growing urban development of population centers in much of the world joined with the significant effects of climate change are causing an increasingly important and recurring increase of the damage caused by flooding. Much of the drainage networks of cities were designed for precipitation characteristics and return periods that have proved to be insufficient with the lapse of time. Therefore, solutions need to be addressed both to reduce runoff generated flows as to control circulating ones through the rainwater drainage networks. All these flow control rain technologies are commonly known as SUDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage), term that encompasses a multitude of solutions to control runoff although many of them require significant costs that make them practically unviable. Therefore, not only should focus on reducing runoff input to the network but also in the flow control techniques development. The idea is to design strategies to reduce flow rain peaks and maximize the capacity of existing networks. The use of detention and storm tanks for flood control is a solution increasingly used as an alternative one to control increased rainfall caused by climate change [1]. Nature and execution of storm tanks can be very diverse, from conventional way based on concrete structures to the most innovative ones in which modular structures are employed to improve the construction speed if many modular units are required at the same time that minimizing urban supply disruption is achieved. Currently, a wide range of modular structures exists on the market with both, different geometries and sizes. In this study the Aquacell brand supplied by Mexichem-PAVCO in Colombia shown in Fig. 1 has been chosen for the development of this study.S849218

    Municipal management and quality of service in the Provincial Municipality of Abancay, 2021

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    The objective of the research has been to determine the relationship that exists between municipal management and the quality of service in the Provincial Municipality of Abancay, 2021. In this sense, a questionnaire has been applied to 384 citizens to know their perception of these variables. With the data collected, we organized a database in SPSS software, with which we were able to describe the behavior of the variables and infer whether there was a significant relationship between them or, on the contrary, they were independent, using the chi square test for this. because the variables are qualitative and we have more than 50 data per variable. According to the results of the investigation, it has been shown that there is a significant relationship between municipal management and the quality of service in the Provincial Municipality of Abancay, 2021.El objetivo de la investigación ha sido determinar la relación que existe entre la gestión municipal y la calidad del servicio en la Municipalidad Provincial de Abancay, 2021. En ese sentido, se ha aplicado un cuestionario a 384 ciudadanos para conocer su percepción sobre dichas variables. Con los datos recogidos organicé una base de datos en el software SPSS, con la cual pudimos describir el comportamiento de las variables e inferir si existía una relación significativa entre ellas o, por el contrario, eran independientes, utilizando para ello el test chi cuadrado, en razón de que las variables son cualitativas y tenemos más de 50 datos por variable. De acuerdo con los resultados de la investigación ha quedado demostrado que existe una relación significativa entre la gestión municipal y la calidad del servicio en la Municipalidad Provincial de Abancay, 2021

    Qualidade do serviço municipal e satisfação dos cidadãos de Piura 2021

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    The objective of the research has been to determine the relationship between the quality of the municipal service and the satisfaction of the citizens of Piura 2021. To meet this objective, we collected data using the survey technique and, as an instrument, the questionnaire, which we applied to a random sample of 384 citizens. Once the data was collected, we created a database using SPSS Version 25, from which we described the variables (descriptive statistics) and the corresponding hypothesis tests (inferential statistics). The main conclusion we have reached, with the investigation, has been that there is a significant relationship between the quality of the municipal service and the satisfaction of the citizens of Piura 2021.El objetivo de la investigación ha sido determinar la relación que existe entre la calidad del servicio municipal y la satisfacción de los ciudadanos de Piura 2021. Para cumplir con dicho objetivo, recogimos los datos utilizando la técnica de la encuesta y, como instrumento, el cuestionario, que aplicamos a una muestra aleatoria de 384 ciudadanos. Una vez recogidos los datos, elaboramos una base de datos utilizando el SPSS Versión 25, a partir de la cual hicimos la descripción de las variables (la estadística descriptiva) y las pruebas de hipótesis correspondientes (la estadística inferencial). La principal conclusión a que hemos arribado, con la investigación, ha sido que existe una relación significativa entre la calidad del servicio municipal y la satisfacción de los ciudadanos de Piura 2021.O objetivo da pesquisa foi determinar a relação entre a qualidade do serviço municipal e a satisfação dos cidadãos de Piura 2021.Para cumprir este objetivo, recolhemos dados utilizando a técnica de inquérito e, como instrumento, o questionário, que aplicámos a uma amostra aleatória de 384 cidadãos

    Tributación y gasto público en el Perú 2000-2018

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      In general, when the river flow increases, a scour phenomenon will occur, in which the substructure of the bridge, be it abutment and / or piers, will be affected, resulting in a partial or total collapse of the structure. All of the above is the key to achieving our research objectives, which is to carry out an evaluation and protection design against the hydraulic scour process of the Unocolla bridge in the city of Juliaca, Puno. The population will be the Unocolla bridge and the sample will be a substructure of the bridge. The method used is applied and its design is pure experimental, using quantitative methods, in which the research problem is described as realistic results. To determine the scour effects, topographic, hydrological and sedimentological information was collected to later carry out hydraulic modeling in the Hec-Ras program. Scour depths were determined in reference to pillars, determining in pillar 1 scour depth 1.2 m, in pillar 2 scour depth 2.46 m, in pillar 3 scour depth 1.2 m, in pillar 4 scour depth 1.2 m, for which the castling process is proposed as an alternative solution.El objetivo de la investigación ha sido determinar la relación que ha existido entre la tributación y el gasto público en el Perú en el periodo 2000-2018. Con ese propósito, recolectamos los datos sobre los indicadores de las variables del portal de las instituciones públicas, particularmente de la Superintendencia Nacional de Administración Tributaria y Aduanas (Sunat) y del Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF). A partir de dichos datos, elaboramos una base de datos utilizando el SPSS Versión 25, que nos permitió describir la evolución de las variables (la estadística descriptiva) y realizar las pruebas de hipótesis correspondientes (la estadística inferencial). La principal conclusión a que hemos arribado, con la investigación, ha sido que existe una relación significativa entre la tributación y el gasto público en el Perú en el periodo 2000-2018

    Air monitoring for illegal drugs including new psychoactive substances: A review of trends, techniques and thermal degradation products

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    The detection of illicit psychotropic substances in both indoor and outdoor air is a challenging analytical discipline and the data from such investigation may provide intelligence in a variety of fields. Applications of drug monitoring in air include providing data on national and international drug consumption trends, as monitored by organisations such as the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Air monitoring enables mapping of illicit drug manufacturing, dealing or consumption in cities and the identification of emergent compounds including the recent proliferation of new psychoactive substances (NPS). The rapid spread of NPS has changed the global drug market with greater diversity and dynamic spread of such compounds over several nations. This review provides an up to date analysis of key thematic areas within this analytical discipline. The process of how illicit psychotropic substances spread from emission sources to the atmosphere is considered alongside the sampling and analytical procedures involved. Applications of the technique applied globally are reviewed with studies ranging from the analysis of individual dwellings through to major international air monitoring campaigns providing evidence on global drug trends. Finally, we consider thermal breakdown products of illicit psychotropic substances including NPS that are released upon heating, combustion or vaping and related potential for exposure to these compounds in the air

    Cost of community-based human papillomavirus self-sampling in Peru : A micro-costing study

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    Declaration of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. Thomas Francis Jr. Fellowship provided funding for data collection. The Hope Project was funded by grants from Grand Challenges Canada (TTS-1812-21131), Uniting for Health Innovation, Global Initiative Against HPV and Cervical Cancer, University of Manitoba, and the John E. Fogarty International Center (5D43TW009375-05). None of the funders had any role in the study design, implementation, the process of data collection, data analysis, interpretation, or writing of the manuscript or the decision to submit it for publication. No authors have been paid to write this article by a pharmaceutical company or other agency. The authors were not precluded from accessing data in the study, and they accept responsibility to submit for publication. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s)Background: Cost data of human papillomavirus (HPV) self-sampling programs from low-and-middle-income countries is limited. We estimated the total and unit costs associated with the Hope Project, a community-based HPV self-sampling social entrepreneurship in Peru. Methods: We conducted a micro-costing analysis from the program perspective to determine the unit costs of (1) recruitment/training of community women (Hope Ladies); (2) Hope Ladies distributing HPV self-sampling kits in their communities and the laboratory testing; and (3) Hope Ladies linking screened women with follow-up care. A procedural manual was used to identify the program's activities. A structured questionnaire and in-depth interviews were conducted with administrators to estimate the resource/time associated with activities. We obtained unit costs for each input previously identified from budgets and expenditure reports. Findings: From November 2018 to March 2020, the program recruited and trained 62 Hope Ladies who distributed 4,882 HPV self-sampling kits in their communities. Of the screened women, 586 (12%) tested HPV positive. The annual cost per Hope Lady recruited/trained was 14751(2018USD).ThecostperHPVselfsamplingkitdistributed/testedwas147·51 (2018 USD). The cost per HPV self-sampling kit distributed/tested was 45·39, the cost per woman followed up with results was 5564,andthecostperHPVpositivewomanidentifiedwas55·64, and the cost per HPV-positive woman identified was 378·14. Personnel and laboratory costs represented 56·1% and 24·7% of the total programmatic cost, respectively. Interpretation: Our findings indicate that implementation of a community-based HPV self-sampling has competitive prices, which increases its likelihood to be feasible in Peru. Further economic evaluation is needed to quantify the incremental benefits of HPV self-sampling compared to more established options such as Pap tests. Funding: Thomas Francis Jr. Fellowship provided funding for data collection. The Hope Project was funded by grants from Grand Challenges Canada (TTS-1812-21131), Uniting for Health Innovation, Global Initiative Against HPV and Cervical Cancer, University of Manitoba, and the John E. Fogarty International Center (5D43TW009375-05).Peer reviewe

    In Vitro Interactions between Bacteria, Osteoblast-Like Cells and Macrophages in the Pathogenesis of Biomaterial-Associated Infections

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    Biomaterial-associated infections constitute a major clinical problem that is difficult to treat and often necessitates implant replacement. Pathogens can be introduced on an implant surface during surgery and compete with host cells attempting to integrate the implant. The fate of a biomaterial implant depends on the outcome of this race for the surface. Here we studied the competition between different bacterial strains and human U2OS osteoblast-like cells (ATCC HTB-94) for a poly(methylmethacrylate) surface in the absence or presence of macrophages in vitro using a peri-operative contamination model. Bacteria were seeded on the surface at a shear rate of 11 1/s prior to adhesion of U2OS cells and macrophages. Next, bacteria, U2OS cells and macrophages were allowed to grow simultaneously under low shear conditions (0.14 1/s). The outcome of the competition between bacteria and U2OS cells for the surface critically depended on bacterial virulence. In absence of macrophages, highly virulent Staphylococcus aureus or Pseudomonas aeruginosa stimulated U2OS cell death within 18 h of simultaneous growth on a surface. Moreover, these strains also caused cell death despite phagocytosis of adhering bacteria in presence of murine macrophages. Thus U2OS cells are bound to loose the race for a biomaterial surface against S. aureus or P. aeruginosa, even in presence of macrophages. In contrast, low-virulent Staphylococcus epidermidis did not cause U2OS cell death even after 48 h, regardless of the absence or presence of macrophages. Clinically, S. aureus and P. aeruginosa are known to yield acute and severe biomaterial-associated infections in contrast to S. epidermidis, mostly known to cause more low-grade infection. Thus it can be concluded that the model described possesses features concurring with clinical observations and therewith has potential for further studies on the simultaneous competition for an implant surface between tissue cells and pathogenic bacteria in presence of immune system components

    Experimental design and statistical rigor in phylogenomics of horizontal and endosymbiotic gene transfer

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    A growing number of phylogenomic investigations from diverse eukaryotes are examining conflicts among gene trees as evidence of horizontal gene transfer. If multiple foreign genes from the same eukaryotic lineage are found in a given genome, it is increasingly interpreted as concerted gene transfers during a cryptic endosymbiosis in the organism's evolutionary past, also known as "endosymbiotic gene transfer" or EGT. A number of provocative hypotheses of lost or serially replaced endosymbionts have been advanced; to date, however, these inferences largely have been post-hoc interpretations of genomic-wide conflicts among gene trees. With data sets as large and complex as eukaryotic genome sequences, it is critical to examine alternative explanations for intra-genome phylogenetic conflicts, particularly how much conflicting signal is expected from directional biases and statistical noise. The availability of genome-level data both permits and necessitates phylogenomics that test explicit, a priori predictions of horizontal gene transfer, using rigorous statistical methods and clearly defined experimental controls

    Aportes al conocimiento del sistema productivo de cultivo de la mora (Rubus glaucus Benth) en Colombia

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    Varios estudios que examinan el cultivo de la mora en Colombia muestran que esta actividad es realizada por pequeños y medianos agricultores. En muchas regiones constituye una de las principales fuentes de ingresos; generación de empleo rural; oferta de alimento y de agroindustria. En este trabajo se revisaron más de 180 documentos distribuidos entre artículos divulgativos, técnicos y científicos, publicados en boletines, manuales, cartillas, seminarios y cursos; además, resultados de trabajos de investigación, tesis de pregrado y artículos científicos publicados en revistas seriadas e indexadas. Este es resultado de la búsqueda la literatura de la agronomía del sistema productivo de la mora en la red, en la Biblioteca Agropecuaria de Colombia (BAC), en las bibliotecas de de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y en las bibliotecas de los investigadores del CI La Selva de Corpoica. Para analizar la literatura sobre la agronomía y las prácticas de manejo agronómico de la mora (distribución espacial, trazado y siembra, propagación, tutorado, poda, entre otras). Del manejo agronómico se han escrito diversas publicaciones unas más profundas que otras, estas se caracterizan porque para la mayoría de las practicas agronómicas se carece de un sustento que las valide, para los diferentes ambiente y genotipos y muchas de ellas son el resultado de la observación, del sentido común y de adaptación de otro sistema productivo. Esta literatura surge en la década de 50’s, en la de los 70’ se dan las versiones más integrales del sistema productivo y durante la década de los 90’s, es el periodo dorado cuando se consolida y se presentan los trabajos mas completos, aun todavía faltando, la integralidad entre genotipo, ambiente y la interacción entre estos.Mora-Rubus ulmifoliu