276 research outputs found

    Influence of a magnetic field on the viscosity of a dilute gas consisting of linear molecules.

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    The viscomagnetic effect for two linear molecules, N2 and CO2, has been calculated in the dilute-gas limit directly from the most accurate ab initio intermolecular potential energy surfaces presently available. The calculations were performed by means of the classical trajectory method in the temperature range from 70 K to 3000 K for N2 and 100 K to 2000 K for CO2, and agreement with the available experimental data is exceptionally good. Above room temperature, where no experimental data are available, the calculations provide the first quantitative information on the magnitude and the behavior of the viscomagnetic effect for these gases. In the presence of a magnetic field, the viscosities of nitrogen and carbon dioxide decrease by at most 0.3% and 0.7%, respectively. The results demonstrate that the viscomagnetic effect is dominated by the contribution of the jj¯ polarization at all temperatures, which shows that the alignment of the rotational axes of the molecules in the presence of a magnetic field is primarily responsible for the viscomagnetic effect

    Fivefold Differential Cross Sections for Ground-state Ionization of Aligned H₂ by Electron Impact

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    We discuss the ionization of aligned hydrogen molecules into their ionic ground state by 200 eV electrons. Using a reaction microscope, the complete electron scattering kinematics is imaged over a large solid angle. Simultaneously, the molecular alignment is derived from postcollision dissociation of the residual ion. It is found that the ionization cross section is maximized for small angles between the internuclear axis and the momentum transfer. Fivefold differential cross sections (5DCSs) reveal subtle differences in the scattering process for the distinct alignments. We compare our observations with theoretical 5DCSs obtained with an adapted molecular three-body distorted wave model that reproduces most of the results, although discrepancies remain

    Reputation in European Trade Mark Law: A Re-examination

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    Under the harmonised European trade mark regime marks with a reputation enjoy expanded protection. This article casts doubt on whether this ‘reputational trigger’ can be justified. It then explores some difficult operational questions about the way the reputation threshold works in cases where the mark enjoys fame only in niche markets or in a limited geographical area, the aim being to illustrate further why reputation is an unsatisfactory trigger for a different type of trade mark protection. Finally, it looks at some of the evidential difficulties involved in adjudicating disputes in which expanded protection is being claimed. It concludes by suggesting that if the evidential problems we identify were tackled the reputation threshold could be abandoned

    Sulphur hexaflouride: low energy (e,2e) experiments and molecular three-body distorted wave theory

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    Experimental and theoretical triple differential ionisation cross-sections (TDCS’s) are presented for the highest occupied molecular orbital of sulphur hexafluoride. These measurements were performed in the low energy regime, with outgoing electron energies ranging from 5 to 40 eV in a coplanar geometry, and with energies of 10 and 20 eV in a perpendicular geometry. Complementary theoretical predictions of the TDCS were calculated using the molecular three-body distorted wave formalism. Calculations were performed using a proper average over molecular orientations as well as the orientation-averaged molecular orbital approximation. This more sophisticated model was found to be in closer agreement with the experimental data, however neither model accurately predicts the TDCS over all geometries and energies

    Time-Resolved Measurement of Interatomic Coulombic Decay in Ne_2

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    The lifetime of interatomic Coulombic decay (ICD) [L. S. Cederbaum et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 4778 (1997)] in Ne_2 is determined via an extreme ultraviolet pump-probe experiment at the Free-Electron Laser in Hamburg. The pump pulse creates a 2s inner-shell vacancy in one of the two Ne atoms, whereupon the ionized dimer undergoes ICD resulting in a repulsive Ne^{+}(2p^{-1}) - Ne^{+}(2p^{-1}) state, which is probed with a second pulse, removing a further electron. The yield of coincident Ne^{+} - Ne^{2+} pairs is recorded as a function of the pump-probe delay, allowing us to deduce the ICD lifetime of the Ne_{2}^{+}(2s^{-1}) state to be (150 +/- 50) fs in agreement with quantum calculations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted by PRL on July 11th, 201

    Low Energy (e, 2e) Study from the 1t₂ Orbital of Ch₄

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    Single ionization of the methane (CH4) 1t2 orbital by 54 eV electron impact has been studied experimentally and theoretically. The measured triple differential cross sections cover nearly a 4π solid angle for the emission of low energy electrons and a range of projectile scattering angles. Experimental data are compared with theoretical calculations from the distorted wave Born approximation and the molecular three-body distorted wave models. It is found that theory can give a proper description of the main features of experimental cross section only at smaller scattering angles. For larger scattering angles, significant discrepancies between experiment and theory are observed. The importance of the strength of nuclear scattering from the H-nuclei was theoretically tested by reducing the distance between the carbon nuclei and the hydrogen nuclei and improved agreement with experiment was found for both the scattering plane and the perpendicular plane

    Tracing Multiple Scattering Patterns in Absolute (e, 2e) Cross Sections for H₂ and He over a 4π Solid Angle

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    Absolutely normalized (e,2e) measurements for H2 and He covering the full solid angle of one ejected electron are presented for 16 eV sum energy of both final state continuum electrons. For both targets rich cross-section structures in addition to the binary and recoil lobes are identified and studied as a function of the fixed electron\u27s emission angle and the energy sharing among both electrons. For H2 their behavior is consistent with multiple scattering of the projectile as discussed before. For He the binary and recoil lobes are significantly larger than for H2 and partly cover the multiple scattering structures. To highlight these patterns we propose a alternative representation of the triply differential cross section. Nonperturbative calculations are in good agreement with the He results and show discrepancies for H2 in the recoil peak region. For H2 a perturbative approach reasonably reproduces the cross-section shape but deviates in absolute magnitude

    Multiple ionization and fragmentation dynamics of molecular iodine studied in IR-XUV pump-probe experiments

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    The ionization and fragmentation dynamics of iodine molecules (I-2) are traced using very intense (similar to 10(14) W cm(-2)) ultra-short (similar to 60 fs) light pulses with 87 eV photons of the Free-electron LASer at Hamburg (FLASH) in combination with a synchronized femtosecond optical laser. Within a pump-probe scheme the IR pulse initiates a molecular fragmentation and then, after an adjustable time delay, the system is exposed to an intense FEL pulse. This way we follow the creation of highly-charged molecular fragments as a function of time, and probe the dynamics of multi-photon absorption during the transition from a molecule to individual atoms

    Multielectron effects in strong-field dissociative ionization of molecules

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    We study triple-ionization-induced, spatially asymmetric dissociation of N[subscript 2] using angular streaking in an elliptically polarized laser pulse in conjunction with few-cycle pump-probe experiments. The kinetic-energy-release dependent directional asymmetry in the ion sum-momentum distribution reflects the internuclear distance dependence of the fragmentation mechanism. Our results show that for 5–35-fs near-infrared laser pulses with intensities reaching 10[superscript 15] W/cm², charge exchange between nuclei plays a minor role in the triple ionization of N[subscript 2]. We demonstrate that angular streaking provides a powerful tool for probing multielectron effects in strong-field dissociative ionization of small molecules