1,139 research outputs found

    Cementless RM Pressfit® Cup. A clinical and radiological study of 91 cases with at least four years follow-up

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    AbstractCementless metal-back acetabular cups have good long-term results, but some problems have appeared due to the shell's stiffness, modularity and required bearing surfaces. The RM Pressfit® Cup is a single-piece polyethylene cementless acetabular cup that is covered by a thin layer of titanium. This allows for bone integration without limitations related to the stiffness of a metal-back shell. There is very little published information about this new, innovative implant design. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical and radiological results from a continuous series of 91 cups (85 patients) with a follow-up of at least 4years. No patients were lost to follow-up. The Harris Hip Score (HHS) was used to assess the clinical outcome. To assess the radiological outcomes, digital X-rays were used to evaluate the cup position and integration; wear was measured using Livermore's technique. The clinical results were excellent: the mean HHS was 94 and 82% of cases had good or excellent scores. Three of the cups had to be revised because of dislocation brought on by incorrect positioning. X-rays revealed that three implants had shifted during the first 6weeks, but had stabilized afterwards. Bone integration on X-rays was satisfactory in all cases with no signs of osteolysis. The configuration of the bone trabeculae showed that loads between the implant and peri-acetabular cancellous bone were evenly distributed. The wear of the polyethylene cup-ceramic head bearing was 0.07mm/year. The results of this series are consistent with recent published studies with the RM Pressfit® Cup.Level of evidenceIV

    High-cycle electromechanical aging of dielectric elastomer actuators with carbon-based electrodes

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    We present high-cycle aging tests of dielectric elastomer actuators (DEAs) based on silicone elastomers, reporting on the time-evolution of actuation strain and of electrode resistance over millions of cycles. We compare several types of carbon-based electrodes, and for the first time show how the choice of electrode has a dramatic influence on DEA aging. An expanding circle DEA configuration is used, consisting of a commercial silicone membrane with the following electrodes: commercial carbon grease applied manually, solvent-diluted carbon grease applied by stamping (pad printing), loose carbon black powder applied manually, carbon black powder suspension applied by inkjet-printing, and conductive silicone-carbon composite applied by stamping. The silicone-based DEAs with manually applied carbon grease electrodes show the shortest lifetime of less than 105 cycles at 5% strain, while the inkjet-printed carbon powder and the stamped silicone-carbon composite make for the most reliable devices, with lifetimes greater than 107 cycles at 5% strain. These results are valid for the specific dielectric and electrode configurations that were tested: using other dielectrics or electrode formulations would lead to different lifetimes and failure modes. We find that aging (as seen in the change in resistance and in actuation strain versus cycle number) is independent of the actuation frequency from 10 Hz to 200 Hz, and depends on the total accumulated time the DEA spends in an actuated state

    Array of lenses with individually tunable focal-length based on transparent ion-implanted EAPs

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    We report on the fabrication and characterization of 2x2 arrays of mm-diameter PDMS lenses whose focal length can be electrically tuned. Dielectric elastomer actuators generally rely on carbon powder or carbon grease electrodes, which are not transparent, precluding the polymer actuator from also being a lens. However compliant electrodes fabricated by low-energy ion implantation are over 50% transparent in the visible, enabling the polymer lens to simultaneously be an actuator. We have developed a chip-scale process to microfabricate lens arrays, consisting of a molded socket bonded to a Pyrex chip supporting 4 membrane actuators. The actuators are interconnected via an incompressible fluid. The Pyrex chip has four through-holes, 1 to 3 mm in diameter, on which a 30 ÎĽm thick Polydimethysiloxane (PDMS) layer is bonded. The PDMS layer is implanted on both sides with 5 keV gold ions to define the transparent electrodes for EAP actuation. Applying a voltage to one of the lens/actuators leads to an area expansion and hence to a change in radius of curvature, varying the focal length. We report tuning the focal length from 4 mm to 8 mm at 1.7 kV, and present changes in optical transmission and membrane stiffness following gamma and proton irradiation

    Comparison of two Metal Ion Implantation Techniques for Fabrication of Gold and Titanium Based Compliant Electrodes on Polydimethylsiloxane

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    This study contrasts the implantation of 25 μm thick Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) membranes with titanium and gold ions at 10 keV and 35 keV for doses from 1x10^15 at/cm2 to 2.5x10^16 at/cm2 implanted with two different techniques: Filtered Cathodic Vacuum Arc (FCVA) and Low Energy Broad Ion Beam (LEI). The influence of the ion energy, ion type, and implantation tool on the Young’s modulus (E), resistivity and structural properties (nanocluster size and location, surface roughness) of PDMS membranes is reported. At a dose of 2.5x10^16 at/cm2 and an energy of 10 keV, which for FCVA yields sheet resistance of less than 200 ohm/square, the initial value of E (0.85 MPa) increases much less for FCVA than for LEI. For gold we obtain E of 5 MPa (FCAV) compared to 86 MPa (LEI) and for titanium 0.94 MPa (FCVA) compared to 57 MPa (LEI). Resistivity measurements show better durability for LEI than for FCVA implanted samples and better time stability for gold than for titanium

    Large-Stroke Dielectric Elastomer Actuators With Ion- Implanted Electrodes

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    In this paper, we present miniaturized polydimethyl- siloxane (PDMS)-based diaphragm dielectric elastomer actuators capable of out-of-plane displacement up to 25% of their diameter. This very large percentage displacement is made possible by the use of compliant electrodes fabricated by low-energy gold ion im- plantation. This technique forms nanometer-scale metallic clusters up to 50 nm below the PDMS surface, creating an electrode that can sustain up to 175% strain while remaining conductive yet having only a minimal impact on the elastomer’s mechanical properties. We present a vastly improved chip-scale process flow for fabricating suspended-membrane actuators with low- resistance contacts to implanted electrodes on both sides of the membrane. This process leads to a factor of two increase in breakdown voltage and to RC time constant shorter than mechanical time constants. For circular diaphragm actuator of 1.5–3-mm diameter, voltage- controlled static out-of-plane deflections of up to 25% of their diameter is observed, which is a factor of four higher than our previous published results. Dynamic characterization shows a mechanically limited behavior, with a resonance frequency near 1 kHz and a quality factor of 7.5 in air. Lifetime tests have shown no degradation after more than 4 million cycles at 1.5 kV. Conductive stretchable electrodes photolithographically defined on PDMS were demonstrated as a key step to further miniaturiza- tion, enabling large arrays of independent diaphragm actuators on a chip, for instance for tunable microlens arrays or arrays of micropumps and microvalves

    Voltage tuning of the resonance frequency of electroactive polymer membranes over a range of 75%

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    We report on a novel technique to control the resonance frequency of polymer membranes, without additional external actuators. An electrostatic force is used to apply compressive stress to a dielectric electroactive polymers membrane, consisting of a 25 micron thick, 1 to 4 mm diameter, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) film bonded onto patterned silicon or Pyrex wafers. Both sides of the membranes are rendered conductive by low-energy metal ion implantation. Ion implantation is chosen because it stiffens the membrane much less than sputtering a film of similar thickness. The initial resonance frequency of the membrane is given by its geometry, the Young’s modulus and stress of the composite film. The technique presented here allows tuning the resonance frequency from this initial value down to zero (at the buckling threshold) by adding compressive stress due to a voltage difference applied to the electrodes on both sides of the membrane. We have measured a reduction of the first mode resonance frequency of up to 77% (limited by dielectric breakdown) for ion-implanted membranes. The tuning is repeatable and allows for continuous variation. Excellent agreement was found between our measurements and an analytical model we developed based on the Rayleigh-Ritz theory
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