16 research outputs found

    Effect of High Fructose Syrup (HFS) Addition on Chemical and Organoleptic Properies of Green Coconut Water Kefir

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    This research aims to determine the effect of High Fructose Syrup (HFS) addition to carbon dioxide (CO2) content, ethanol content and organoleptic properties of green coconut water kefir, and to determine the ideal HFS concentration for green coconut water kefir. Complete Randomized Design is used in this research with 5 treatments and 4 replications i.e. T0 (0% v/v HFS), T1 (2.5% v/v HFS), T2 (5% v/v HFS), T3 (7.5% v/v HFS), and T4 (10% v/v HFS). The CO2 content is measured by sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) titration, ethanol content is measured by distillation, while the organoleptic properties that included level of sourness, level of sweetness, soda sensation, sour aroma, and viscosity are done by 25 panelists. The results show that the addition of HFS is statistically gave significant effect to the CO2 content and organoleptic properties (P<0,05). However, the ethanol content, which analyzed using empirical model of quadratic polynomial regression, show that the addition of HFS is incompatible to the ethanol content of green coconut water kefir. The most optimal HFS concentration is 7.5% v/v, resulting CO2 content of 0.096%; ethanol content 1.545%; and desirable organoleptic properties, which are low level of sourness, high level of sweetness, very high soda sensation, low sour aroma, and high viscosity


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian berlangsung selama 3 bulan, bertempat di Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Diponegoro. Penelitian menggunakan itik dara lokal umur 4 bulan sebanyak 125 ekor yang dipelihara dalam 25 unit kandang dengan ukuran 1,25 m2 untuk tiap unit kandang. Satu unit kandang ditempati oleh 5 ekor itik. Ransum yang digunakan adalah jenis grower untuk itik dara. Itik dara dibagi ke dalam 5 perlakuan ransum, terdiri dari ransum yang tidak mengandung tepung ubi jalar (R0) dan ransum yang mengandung tepung ubi jalar 15% (R1), 20% (R2), 25% (R3), 30% (R4). Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimen menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 macam perlakuan ransum. Perlakuan diulang 4 kali dan setiap ulangan terdiri dari 5 ekor itik. Peubah yang diukur yaitu intensitas warna kuning telur, indeks kuning telur,dan persentase kuning telur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan tepung dalam ransum menyebabkan perbedaan (P<0,05) rataan nilai skor warna kuning telur, namun tidak menyebabkan perbedaan rataan indeks dan persentase kuning telur. Rataan untuk R0, R1, R2, R3 dan R4 berturut-turut untuk skor warna adalah 8,00, 8,00, 8,75, 10,25, 11,75,indkes kuning telur 0,442, 0,475, 0,432, 0,395, dan 0,390, persentase kuning telur 33,21%, 34,13%, 34,18%, 35,77%, dan 35,46%. Kata kunci : Itik, tepung ubi jalar, kualitas telu

    Description of the Visual Image Magnification on Ginger Emulsion Using Kappa and Iota Carrageenan

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    This study aimed to analyze the magnification of visual image upon SEM analysis for determining the optimum view in order to obtain proper information of SEM image in ginger emulsion. The treatment in this research are without carrageenan, with iota carrageenan and with kappa carrageenan. Emulsion of ginger Graphical display testing according to using the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) method. The research showed that ginger emulsion with and without carrageenan were able to be seen clearly and the particle size were able to detected at a range 0.5-5 µm. The sample with iota carrageenan provided the information of separation among particles and it could not be seen clearly on the sample with kappa carrageenan. The low magnification of 250 times provided beneficial information to obtain the environment of particle

    Microcapsul Caracteristics of Probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum Encapsulated by Skim

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    KARAKTERISTIK MIKROKAPSUL PROBIOTIK Lactobacillus plantarum YANG DIENKAPSULASI DENGAN SUSU SKIM DAN GUM ARAB [Microcapsul Caracteristics of Probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum Encapsulated by Skim Milk and Arabic Gum] H. Rizqiati 1) , B.S.L. Jenie 2) , N. Nurhidayat 3) 1) Fakultas Peternakan UNDIP, Kampus Baru UNDIP Tembalang, Semarang 2) Sekolah Pasca Sarjana IPB, Kampus Darmaga, Bogor 3) Bidang Mikrobiologi Puslit Biologi – LIPI, Serpong Email: [email protected] Received April 15, 2009; Accepted May 25, 2009 ABSTRACT Probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum sa28k and Lactobacillus plantarum mar8 were encapsulated by skim milk, arabic gum, and mixture of skim milk - arabic gum. The probiotic culture was made by forming in biomass and suspension, encapsulating then was dried by spray drying method. microcapsule were in the range 7.4%-9.3%. Total yeast content in microcapsule were about 1.2-1.9 log cfu/ g. Screening result by Scanning Electron Microscope showed that in general has rounded form with unsmooth surfaces and some time had deep wrinkled at the surfaces. Microcapsule had various size, they were about 5-12 µm. Keywords: encapsulation, skim milk, arabic gu

    Effect of Yellow Pumpkin (Cucurbita Moschata) Flour Addition on Proximate Levels and Calories of White Millet (Panicum Miliaceum) Flakes

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    This research aims to determine the effect of adding pumpkin flour with different concentrations to the proximate levels and calories of white millet flakes. Complete randomized design used in this research with 4 treatments and 5 replications. This research consisted of formulations which was divided into 4 treatments in the form of adding pumpkin flour with concentrations of 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% w/w white millet. The material used was white millet, pumpkin, sugar, salt, and water. Proximate levels were calculated using proximate analysis while calories was calculated based on the calculation of carbohydrate, protein, and fat composition of the samples produced. The results showed that the addition of pumpkin flour with different concentrations had a significant effect (p0.05) on water content. As conclusion, the addition of pumpkin flour 30% was the best treatment proved by its highest fiber content and low in calories

    Survival of Lactobacillus plantarum Encapsulated with Skim Milk and Arabic Gum after Spray Drying and Its Viability during Storage

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    Ten isolates of Lactobacillus plantarum were selected for its survival after heating. Two isolates which showed the highest survival rate were then encapsulated with skim milk, Arabic gum and mixtured of skim milk - Arabic gum. The probiotic cultures were prepared in the form of suspension and biomass and then spray dried. Survival of the probiotic  encapsulated in the  form of biomass after spray drying, and the viability after one month of storage at room temperature were higher than the suspension. It was found that the survival of probiotic bacteria in different encapsulation materials varied after spray drying. The number of probiotic survivals decreased after spray drying for all encapsulation materials tested ranged from less than 1 log cycle to 2 log cycles. Encapsulation of probiotic with three types combination of encapsulating materials showed that no significant difference of survivals after spray drying and viability after one month of storage were observed. The remained number of the probiotic after one month of storage at 4oC and room temperature was 104-107 cfu/gand 102-105 cfu/g, respectively. (Animal Production 10(3): 179-187 (2008) Key Words: Encapsulation, probiotic, skim milk, Arabic gu

    Texture, Water Absorption, Aw and Hedonic Quality Flakes White Millet (Panicum Miliaceum) with Addition of Pumpkin Flour (Cucurbita Moschata)

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    This research investigated the effect of pumpkin flour on texture, water absorption, aw, and hedonic quality of white millet flakes. The research design used Completely Randomized Design with one factor of pumpkin flour concentration. White millet, sugar, salt, and pumpkin flour were used as materials. Pumpkin flour was added to the flakes' dough at a concentration of 0, 10, 20, and 30% (w/w). The results showed that the pumpkin flour provided a significant effect (p 0.05) to aw. The most optimal concentration of pumpkin flour was 10% proved by texture of 395 gf, water absorption of 95%, aw of0,25, and best organoleptic properties which were slightly yellow color, slightly fragrant aroma of pumpkin, a slight taste of pumpkin, and crispy texture. As conclusion, the utilization pumpkin flour to the dough may affected to the physical appearance in the flakes

    Survival of Lactobacillus Plantarum Encapsulated with Skim Milk and Arabic Gum After Spray Drying and Its Viability During Storage

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    Ten isolates of Lactobacillus plantarum were selected for its survival after heating. Two isolates which showed the highest survival rate were then encapsulated with skim milk, Arabic gum and mixtured of skim milk - Arabic gum. The probiotic cultures were prepared in the form of suspension and biomass and then spray dried. Survival of the probiotic encapsulated in the form of biomass after spray drying, and the viability after one month of storage at room temperature were higher than the suspension. It was found that the survival of probiotic bacteria in different encapsulation materials varied after spray drying. The number of probiotic survivals decreased after spray drying for all encapsulation materials tested ranged from less than 1 log cycle to 2 log cycles. Encapsulation of probiotic with three types combination of encapsulating materials showed that no significant difference of survivals after spray drying and viability after one month of storage were observed. The remained number of the probiotic after one month of storage at 4oC and room temperature was 104-107 cfu/gand 102-105 cfu/g, respectively. (Animal Production 10(3): 179-187 (2008

    Diversifikasi Produk Berbasis Pangan Lokal untuk Pengembangan Desa Wisata Tambahrejo Kabupaten Kendal

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    Tambahrejo satu desa di Kabupaten Kendal, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Tambahrejo terdiri dari 5 dusun yaitu Tembelang, Bogosari, Maron, Mendek dan Gunungsari. Desa Tambahrejo terletak di pinggir jalan alternatif Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang menghubungkan jalur pantura menuju wilayah tengah. Tambahrejo memiliki potensi ekowisata kebun jambu getas merah. Salah satu terdapat di Dusun Bogosari, di lokasi ini pengunjung dapat menikmati pemandangan kebun serta melihat pengolahan hasil jambu getas merah menjadi manisan, jus, sirup, jenang serta masih banyak lagi makanan olahan dari jambu. upaya diversifikasi pangan lokal dilakukan dengan pemberdayaan masyarakat pada ibu-ibu PKK serta Kelompok Usaha Tani anggota masyarakat lainnya berupa pelatihan keterampilan penganekaragaman produk pangan berbasis jambu merah sehingga dapat mengatasi permasalahan perekonomian masyarakat serta menjadi penunjang desa wisata. Penganekaragaman produk berbasis jambu getas merah berupa jenang, cheese stick, sirup dan selai. Saat ini produk tesebut sudah dapat dijual serta dapat memberikan ketrampilan ibu-ibu PKK untuk membuat produk sehingga dapat mendukung pengembangan potensi desa wisata