652 research outputs found

    X-Ray Cone Beam Tomography with Two Tilted Circular Trajectories

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    Recently 3-D cone-beam tomography has become of interest for the nondestructive evaluation of advanced materials. The main field of application in nondestructive testing is the evaluation of structural ceramics. Study of such materials implies high density resolution and high sensitivity to cracks. In fact, with a single circular source trajectory, when the cone-beam aperture increases, density is underestimated and cone shaped artifacts may appear at interfaces in the sample even at relatively small aperture [1–3]. These artifacts limit the thickness we can examine with a planar source trajectory. To maintain optimal reconstruction accuracy with a circular source trajectory, the angular aperture must remain within ±10°. However Kudo and Saito [4] showed that this limit can be slightly overcome by using a special interpolation of the shadow area. But to examine greater thicknesses and to maintain resolution, we must widen the cone-beam aperture thereby decreasing accuracy. To overcome these aperture limitations, Tuy [5] introduced the double circular source trajectory idea

    Compact cryogenic Kerr microscope for time-resolved studies of electron spin transport in microstructures

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    A compact cryogenic Kerr microscope for operation in the small volume of high-field magnets is described. It is suited for measurements both in Voigt and Faraday configuration. Coupled with a pulsed laser source, the microscope is used to measure the time-resolved Kerr rotation response of semiconductor microstructures with ~1 micron spatial resolution. The microscope was designed to study spin transport, a critical issue in the field of spintronics. It is thus possible to generate spin polarization at a given location on a microstructure and probe it at a different location. The operation of the microscope is demonstrated by time-resolved measurements of micrometer distance diffusion of spin polarized electrons in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunction quantum well at 4.2 K and 7 Tesla

    Suppressed spin dephasing for 2D and bulk electrons in GaAs wires due to engineered cancellation of spin-orbit interaction terms

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    We report a study of suppressed spin dephasing for quasi-one-dimensional electron ensembles in wires etched into a GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunction system. Time-resolved Kerr-rotation measurements show a suppression that is most pronounced for wires along the [110] crystal direction. This is the fingerprint of a suppression that is enhanced due to a strong anisotropy in spin-orbit fields that can occur when the Rashba and Dresselhaus contributions are engineered to cancel each other. A surprising observation is that this mechanisms for suppressing spin dephasing is not only effective for electrons in the heterojunction quantum well, but also for electrons in a deeper bulk layer.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    A distance for partially labeled trees

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    In a number of practical situations, data have structure and the relations among its component parts need to be coded with suitable data models. Trees are usually utilized for representing data for which hierarchical relations can be defined. This is the case in a number of fields like image analysis, natural language processing, protein structure, or music retrieval, to name a few. In those cases, procedures for comparing trees are very relevant. An approximate tree edit distance algorithm has been introduced for working with trees labeled only at the leaves. In this paper, it has been applied to handwritten character recognition, providing accuracies comparable to those by the most comprehensive search method, being as efficient as the fastest.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry projects DRIMS (TIN2009-14247-C02), and Consolider Ingenio 2010 (MIPRCV, CSD2007-00018), partially supported by EU ERDF and the Pascal Network of Excellence

    Optical probing of spin dynamics of two-dimensional and bulk electrons in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunction system

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    We present time-resolved Kerr rotation measurements of electron spin dynamics in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunction system that contains a high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). Due to the complex layer structure of this material the Kerr rotation signals contain information from electron spins in three different layers: the 2DEG layer, a GaAs epilayer in the heterostructure, and the underlying GaAs substrate. The 2DEG electrons can be observed at low pump intensities, using that they have a less negative g-factor than electrons in bulk GaAs regions. At high pump intensities, the Kerr signals from the GaAs epilayer and the substrate can be distinguished when using a barrier between the two layers that blocks intermixing of the two electron populations. This allows for stronger pumping of the epilayer, which results in a shift of the effective g-factor. Thus, three populations can be distinguished using differences in g-factor. We support this interpretation by studying how the spin dynamics of each population has its unique dependence on temperature, and how they correlate with time-resolved reflectance signals.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Enhanced Formic Acid Oxidation over SnO<sub>2</sub>-decorated Pd Nanocubes

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    The formic acid oxidation reaction (FAOR) is one of the key reactions that can be used at the anode of low-temperature liquid fuel cells. To allow the knowledge-driven development of improved catalysts, it is necessary to deeply understand the fundamental aspects of the FAOR, which can be ideally achieved by investigating highly active model catalysts. Here, we studied SnO2-decorated Pd nanocubes (NCs) exhibiting excellent electrocatalytic performance for formic acid oxidation in acidic medium with a SnO2 promotion that boosts the catalytic activity by a factor of 5.8, compared to pure Pd NCs, exhibiting values of 2.46 A mg–1Pd for SnO2@Pd NCs versus 0.42 A mg–1Pd for the Pd NCs and a 100 mV lower peak potential. By using ex situ, quasi in situ, and operando spectroscopic and microscopic methods (namely, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy), we identified that the initially well-defined SnO2-decorated Pd nanocubes maintain their structure and composition throughout FAOR. In situ Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy revealed a weaker CO adsorption site in the case of the SnO2-decorated Pd NCs, compared to the monometallic Pd NCs, enabling a bifunctional reaction mechanism. Therein, SnO2 provides oxygen species to the Pd surface at low overpotentials, promoting the oxidation of the poisoning CO intermediate and, thus, improving the catalytic performance of Pd. Our SnOx-decorated Pd nanocubes allowed deeper insight into the mechanism of FAOR and hold promise for possible applications in direct formic acid fuel cells

    Solution structure of the inner DysF domain of myoferlin and implications for limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2b

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    Mutations in the protein dysferlin, a member of the ferlin family, lead to limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2B and Myoshi myopathy. The ferlins are large proteins characterised by multiple C2 domains and a single C-terminal membrane-spanning helix. However, there is sequence conservation in some of the ferlin family in regions outside the C2 domains. In one annotation of the domain structure of these proteins, an unusual internal duplication event has been noted where a putative domain is inserted in between the N- and C-terminal parts of a homologous domain. This domain is known as the DysF domain. Here, we present the solution structure of the inner DysF domain of the dysferlin paralogue myoferlin, which has a unique fold held together by stacking of arginine and tryptophans, mutations that lead to clinical disease in dysferlin

    Bmi1 Confers Resistance to Oxidative Stress on Hematopoietic Stem Cells

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    The polycomb-group (PcG) proteins function as general regulators of stem cells. We previously reported that retrovirus-mediated overexpression of Bmi1, a gene encoding a core component of polycomb repressive complex (PRC) 1, maintained self-renewing hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) during long-term culture. However, the effects of overexpression of Bmi1 on HSCs in vivo remained to be precisely addressed.In this study, we generated a mouse line where Bmi1 can be conditionally overexpressed under the control of the endogenous Rosa26 promoter in a hematopoietic cell-specific fashion (Tie2-Cre;R26Stop(FL)Bmi1). Although overexpression of Bmi1 did not significantly affect steady state hematopoiesis, it promoted expansion of functional HSCs during ex vivo culture and efficiently protected HSCs against loss of self-renewal capacity during serial transplantation. Overexpression of Bmi1 had no effect on DNA damage response triggered by ionizing radiation. In contrast, Tie2-Cre;R26Stop(FL)Bmi1 HSCs under oxidative stress maintained a multipotent state and generally tolerated oxidative stress better than the control. Unexpectedly, overexpression of Bmi1 had no impact on the level of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS).Our findings demonstrate that overexpression of Bmi1 confers resistance to stresses, particularly oxidative stress, onto HSCs. This thereby enhances their regenerative capacity and suggests that Bmi1 is located downstream of ROS signaling and negatively regulated by it

    The Prevalence of Sex Trafficking of Children and Adolescents in the United States: A Scoping Review

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    Topic: This scoping review investigated research regarding the magnitude of minor sex trafficking (domestic minor sex trafficking and/or commercial sexual exploitation of children) in the United States, summarizing estimates, methodologies, and strengths and weaknesses of the studies. Method: Using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, peer-reviewed articles and the gray literature were accessed via databases searches, reference harvesting, and expert advice. Articles were included if they provided a count or prevalence proportion estimate of trafficked or at-risk minors across or within a region of the United States. Six empirical studies, published from 1999 to 2017, were included in the review. Results: Included studies produced count estimates (n = 3) or prevalence proportion estimates (n = 3) for youth at risk of minor sex trafficking (n = 2) or reporting victimization (n = 5). Studies examined sex trafficking risk and victimization in different geographical areas, including across the United States (n = 2), in New York City (n = 1), and in Ohio (n = 1). Further, several studies focused on particular populations, such as street and shelter youths (n = 1) and adjudicated males (n = 1). Sampling methodologies of reviewed estimates included traditional random sampling (n = 1), nationally representative sampling (n = 2), convenience sampling (n = 1), respondent-driven sampling (n = 1), purposive sampling (n = 1), and use of census data (n = 2). Conclusion: Little research has estimated the prevalence of minor sex trafficking in the United States. The existing studies examine different areas and populations and use different categories to estimate the problem. The estimates reviewed here should be cited cautiously. Future research is needed on this important topic, including methodologies to produce more representative estimates of this hard-to-reach population

    The PROFMUS Application: Development, Status, and Future Progress

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    PROFMUS is a collaborative project that aims to carry out the research and consolidation of information to support further research about the Portuguese musicians active in the period from 1750 to 1986. The information to be collected must include as many relevant attributes as possible, especially about their academic background, professional careers, and personal details. This project considers a large amount of data from a wide time-period, which means there will be various attributes for each object, which will evolve over time or differ from source to source. There is also an issue wit the lack of uniformity of existing sources in multiple institutions, museums, archives, and databases, each with its own data scheme. Since PROFMUS has a long-term perspective, it does not try to create a uniform and prefixed scheme for the data to consolidate but accepts every different scheme and stores all data in a controlled knowledge base. We describe here an application for that purpose, using MediaWiki and Wikibase for storage, and a back-office specific application to manage and publish the data
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