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    ABSTRACTObjective: The aim of this study is to analyze the association of serum lipids and lipoproteins in patients with angina pectoris.Methods: A total of 110 patients (60 males and 50 females) with angina pectoris aged (55±5) years and 80 healthy controls (43 males and37 females) aged (45±4) years were enrolled in this case-control study from the clinic of Al Yarmouk Hospital. Serum lipids, lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)],apolipoprotein-A1, and apolipoprotein-B levels were measured and studied.Results: The results of this study showed that increased odds of angina pectoris were associated with increased serum levels of Lp(a) more thanserum levels of apolipoprotein-B.Conclusions: Analysis of Lp(a) may be an important determinant of cardiovascular disease diagnosis.Keywords: Lipoprotein(a), Apolipoprotein-A1, Apo lipoprotein-B, Angina pectoris


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    ABSTRAK Madrasah Aliyah (MA) berbasis pesantren adalah organisasi dengan sistem yang terbuka dan selalu mengalami perubahan. Sasaran dari perubahan adalah untuk menciptakan sistem organisasi yang mampu untuk hidup dan berkembang. Alasan mengapa learning Organization (LO) sangat relevan; Pertama, kecocokan dengan era informasi yang dihadapi, di mana perubahan menjadi sesuatu yang konstan. Kedua, era informasi, organisasi lebih mengandalkan pengetahuan di dalam membangun keunggulan kompetitif. Ketiga, belum sepenuhnya dilakukan transformasi dan pengembangan LO menuju MA berbasis pesantren lebih baik. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di MA berbasis Pesantren di Bangka Belitung, adapun objeknya ada tiga, yaitu: MA Al-Islam Kemuja, MA Nurul Ihsan Baturusa dan MA Daarul Arofah Belitung. Tujuan umum dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui implementasi komponen-komponen LO di MA berbasis pesantren. Adapun pendekatan penelitiannya adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukan beberapa isu penting mengenai komponen-komponen LO di MA berbasis pesantren. Pertama, komponen keahlian pribadi (personal mastery) selalu disiplin untuk mengembangkan bentuk terbaik dari diri pribadi sebuah organisasi MA berbasis Pesantren, untuk secara berkelanjutan memperdalam visi pribadi, memfokuskan energi, mengembangkan kesadaran, dan melihat kenyataan secara obyektif. Berikutnya, strategi yang digunakan oleh MA berbasis Pesantren sebagai organisasi dalam bentuk kegiatan seperti diklat, pembelajaran aktif, inovatif, kreatif, dan menyenangkan (PAIKEM), workshop kurikulum, seminar, dan bimbingan penyuluhan. Kedua, komponen model mental (mental models) berpengaruh terhadap membentuk, menentukan, dan mempengaruhi penglihatan, sikap, perbuatan keputusan, dan tindakan pribadi atau lembaga untuk mencapai madrasah berbasis pesantren yang tanggap dan peka terhadap perubahan. Ketiga, komponen visi bersama (shared vision), MA berbasis pesantren membangun visi bersama, menimbulkan semangat dan motivasi warga madrasah menuju pengelolaan madrasah lebih baik di segala aspek. Berikutnya, MA berbasis Pesantren mengaplikasi VB dalam manajemen lembaga yaitu: Menyebarkan visi ke warga madrasah dengan strategi mudah tercapai. Keempat, dalam komponen pembelajaran tim (team learning), MA berbasis pondok pesantren berupaya membuat program dan menciptakan kerja sama tim yang baik efektif dan efisien dengan melibatkan guru, siswa dan stakeholder madrasah. Kelima, dalam komponen berpikir sistem (thingking system), MA berbasis pesantren membangun sinergi stakeholder MA dalam kegiatan-kegiatan terukur dan simultan setiap semester, seperti pentas seni dan unjuk kebolehan dari unit-unit kegiatan siswa, seperti stand up comedy, seni tari dan nyanyi, dan band siswa, dan pencak silat, serta curhat bersama pimpinan MA. Kata Kunci: Madrasah, Pesantren, Implementasi dan Komponen Learning Organization (LO) viiABSTRACT The Madrasah Aliyah (MA) based on the Pesantren (the Islamic boarding systems. The goal of the transformation constructs the systems which are adept, efficient and proficient in the living and development of the organization. The reasons why the Learning Organization (LO) is successively relevant; The first, The LO is appropriate with the currently information era which transformation turn into numerous quantity. The Second, the news and data is the most reliable in the information era and in building competitive advantage, Third, the transformation and development of the LO regarding the respectable MA based on the Pesantren has not been completely recognized. Therefore, there are particular issue of this research findings of MA based on Pesantren as an organisation. First, the personal mastery component of MA based on Pesantren is continuously disciplined to develop the best form of the personal components of the MA based on Pesantren as the organization, which continuously expands their personal vision, concentrates their energy, develops their awareness, and sees the objective reality. Hence, strategies of the MA based on Pesantren as the organization are the education and training, the active, creative, effective and joyful learning (ACEJL), the curriculum workshops, seminars, and counseling. Second, the mental model component is very influential in shaping, determining, and influencing visions, attitudes, decisions, and actions of individuals or institutions to achieve MA based on Pesantren which are responsive and sensitive to change. Third, in the component shared vision, MA based on Pesantren builds a vision together, generates the enthusiasm and motivation of the MA stakeholder towards the additional, effective management in all aspects. Moreover, MA based on Pesantren apply shared vision to the in institutional management, i.e: spread the vision to MA stakeholder with an easily achievable strategy. Fourth, in the team learning component, MA based on Pesantren seek to create a program and create good teamwork effectively and efficiently by involving teachers, students and residents of the MA. Fifth, in the thinking system component, MA based on Pesantrem build synergy of MA stakeholder in measured and simultaneous activities each semester, such as the performing arts and performing skills from the student activity units, the standup comedy, the dance and singing, and the student bands, and the pencak silat, as well as the confide in with the MA leaders. Keywords: Madrasah Aliyah (MA), Islamic Boarding School, Implementation and Components of Learning Organization (LO) viii رزج ةعطاقم يف يملاسلإا دهعملا ىلإ ةدنتسملا ةيلاعلا ةسردملل )LO( ةيميلعتلا ةمظنملا جنوتيليب اكنب ادار :همّدق رييغتلا نم فدهلا .امً ئاد ريغتمو حوتفم ماظن وحن ةمظنم يه يملاسلإا دهعملا ىلإ ةدنتسملا ةيلاعلا ةسردملا عم قفاوتلا :ًلوأ ؛)LO( ةيميلعتلا ةمظنملا ةيمهأ بابسأ .روطتلاو شيعلا ىلع رداق يميظنت ماظن ءاشنإ وه رثكأ تامظنملا دمتعت ،تامولعملا رصع يف :ايً ناث .اتً باث ائً يش رييغتلا حبصي ثيح ،يلاحلا تامولعملا رصع ةيلاعلا ةسردملا ىلإ ةيميلعتلا ةمظنملا ريوطتو ليوحت ذيفنت متي مل :اثً لاث .ةيسفانتلا ةزيملا ءانب يف ةفرعملا ىلع .لماك لكشب يملاسلإا دهعملا ىلإ ةدنتسملا دهعم يف ةيلاعلا ةسردملا يهو جنوتيليب اكنب يف ةيملاسلإا دهاعملا يف ثحابلا هثحبي ثحبلا اذه يف ةيلاعلا ةسردملاو ،اسور وتبب يملاسلإا "ناسحلإا رون" دهعم يف ةيلاعلا ةسردملاو ،يملاسلإا "ملاسلإا" .جنوتيليب يملاسلإا "ةفرعلا راد" دهعم .يملاسلإا دهعملا ىلإ ةدنتسملا سرادملا يف LO تانوكم ذيفنت ديدحت وه ثحبلا اذه نم ماعلا فدهلا .يعون يفصو وه ثحبلا اذه جهنم امأ و ةيلاعلا ةسردملا يف LO تانوكمب ةقلعتملا ةمهملا تاعوضوملا نم ديدعلا ىلإ ثحبلا اذه جئاتن ريشت اطً بضنم نوكي نوكم :لً وأ .يملاسلإا دهعملا ىلإ ةدنتسملا ام )يصخشلا ناقتلإا( ةيصخشلا ةربخلا امً ئاد ةيصخشلا ةيؤرلا قيمعتل ،يملاسلإا دهعملا ىلإ ةدنتسملا ةيلاعلا ةسردملا ةمظنم لاكشأ نم لكش لضفأ ريوطتل :ايناث .ةيعوضومب عقاولا ةيؤرو ،يعولا ريوطتو ،ةقاطلا زيكرتو ،رارمتساب اهمدختست ةيجيتارتسلا نإف طشنلا ملعتلاو بيردتلا لثم ةطشنأ هجوأ يف يه ةمظنملا وحن يملاسلإا دهعملا ىلإ ةدنتسملا ةيلاعلا ةسردملا ،تاودنلاو ،ةيساردلا جهانملل )ةيبيردت ةقلح( لمعلا ةشروو ،)PAIKEM( عتمملاو يعادبلإاو ركتبملاو دارفلأا لاعفأو تارارقلاو فقاوملاو ىؤرلا ليكشت يف اًدج ةرثؤم ةيلقعلا جذامنلا نوكم :اثً لاث .تاراشتسلاو ةبيجتسم نوكت يتلاو يملاسلإا دهعملا ىلإ ةدنتسملا سرادملا قيقحتل اهريثأتو اهديدحتو تاسسؤملا وأ :اعً بار .رييغتلل ةساسحو ىلإ ةدنتسملا ةيلاعلا ةسردملا ينبت ،)Share vision( ةكرتشملا ةيؤرلا نوكم يف ةيلعاف رثكأ ةرادإ وحن ةسردملا ينطاوم ىدل زيفحتلاو سامحلا دلوي فوس ،ةكرتشملا ةيؤرلا يملاسلإا دهعملا ،ةيسسؤملا ةرادلإا يف VB يملاسلإا دهعملا ىلإ ةدنتسملا ةسردملا قبطي ،كلذ دعب .بناوجلا عيمج يف ةسردملل ،يعامجلا ملعتلا نوكم ،اسً ماخ .قيقحتلا ةلهس ةيجيتارتساب ةيملاسلإا سرادملا ينطاومل ةيؤرلا رشن :يهو كارشإ للاخ نم لاعفو لاعف يعامج لمعو جمارب ءاشنإ ىلإ يملاسلإا دهعملا ىلإ ةدنتسملا ةسردملا ىعسي ةدنتسملا ةسردملا ينبت ،ريكفتلا يماظن نوكم يف :اسً داس .ةسردملا يف ةحلصملا باحصأو بلاطلاو نيملعملا ةطشنلأا يف يملاسلإا دهعملا ىلإ ةدنتسملا ةسردملا يف ةحلصملا باحصأ نيب رزآتلا يملاسلإا دهعملا ىلإ لثم يبلاطلا طاشنلا تادحو نم ءادلأا تاراهمو ءادلأا نونف لثم ،يسارد لصف لك يف ةنمازتملاو ةساقملا شاقنلا وأ راكفلأا لدابت كلذكو ،pencak silat و ،ةيبلاطلا قرفلاو ،ءانغلاو صقرلاو ةيطايتحلا ايديموكلا .ةسردملا يدئاق عم )LO( ةيميلعتلا ةمظنملا قيبطت ،يملاسلإا دهعملا ىلإ ةدنتسملا ةسردملا ، ةسردملا :ةيساسلأا تاملكلا اهتانوكم

    Investigation on the possibility of increasing the environmental safety and fuel efficiency of vehicles by means of gasoline nano-additive

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    Environmental safety problemoriginatedfromvehicles requiresdevelopment andexploration of integrated and effective solutions, which considers the development level of technologies, the cost of their widespread use, the legislation requirements and other relevant aspects. One improvement method of the petroleum-derived fuels characteristics is the use of additives that complement the refining methods and provide ample opportunities to influence the individual characteristics. The aim of this work is to study the influence of the developed multifunctional surface-active nano-additive on the gasoline characteristics and engine performance. The measurement results confirmed the effective reduction of the surface tension of gasoline at the boundary with air, improving the mixture formation in the engine. On the other hand, the saturated vapor pressure was significantly decreased, which dramatically reduces evaporation losses and air pollution by light hydrocarbons. The use of the additive, due to a combination of its surface-active and catalytic action, significantly increases the fuel efficiency of engines and reduces octane requirements, greenhouse gases emissions, as well as noise level during operation of vehicles, and the environmental safety of vehicle operation increases. © 2019 by the authors

    A convex selective segmentation model based on a piece-wise constant metric guided edge detector function

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    The challenge of segmentation for noisy images, especially those that have light in their backgrounds, is still exists in many advanced state-of-the-art segmentation models. Furthermore, it is significantly difficult to segment such images. In this article, we provide a novel variational model for the simultaneous restoration and segmentation of noisy images that have intensity inhomogeneity and high contrast background illumination and light. The suggested concept combines the multi-phase segmentation technology with the statistical approach in terms of local region knowledge and details of circular regions that are, in fact, centered at every pixel to enable in-homogeneous image restoration. The suggested model is expressed as a fuzzy set and is resolved using the multiplier alternating direction minimization approach. Through several tests and numerical simulations with plausible assumptions, we have evaluated the accuracy and resilience of the proposed approach over various kinds of real and synthesized images in the existence of intensity inhomogeneity and light in the background. Additionally, the findings are contrasted with those from cutting-edge two-phase and multi-phase methods, proving the superiority of our proposed approach for images with noise, background light, and inhomogeneity

    Geographical information retrieval with ontologies of place

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    Geographical context is required of many information retrieval tasks in which the target of the search may be documents, images or records which are referenced to geographical space only by means of place names. Often there may be an imprecise match between the query name and the names associated with candidate sources of information. There is a need therefore for geographical information retrieval facilities that can rank the relevance of candidate information with respect to geographical closeness of place as well as semantic closeness with respect to the information of interest. Here we present an ontology of place that combines limited coordinate data with semantic and qualitative spatial relationships between places. This parsimonious model of geographical place supports maintenance of knowledge of place names that relate to extensive regions of the Earth at multiple levels of granularity. The ontology has been implemented with a semantic modelling system linking non-spatial conceptual hierarchies with the place ontology. An hierarchical spatial distance measure is combined with Euclidean distance between place centroids to create a hybrid spatial distance measure. This is integrated with thematic distance, based on classification semantics, to create an integrated semantic closeness measure that can be used for a relevance ranking of retrieved objects

    GRADE Evidence to Decision (EtD) frameworks : A systematic and transparent approach to making well-informed healthcare choices. 1. Introduction

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    Funding: Work on this article has been partially funded by the European Commission FP7 Program (grant agreement 258583) as part of the DECIDE project. Sole responsibility lies with the authors; the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Physicochemical characterization of metal organic framework materials: A mini review

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    Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are promising materials offering exceptional performance across a myriad of applications, attributable to their remarkable physicochemical properties such as regular porosity, crystalline structure, and tailored functional groups. Despite their potential, there is a lack of dedicated reviews that focus on key physicochemical characterizations of MOFs for the beginners and new researchers in the field. This review is written based on our expertise in the synthesis and characterization of MOFs, specifically to provide a right direction for the researcher who is a beginner in this area. In this way, experimental errors can be reduced, and wastage of time and chemicals can be avoided when new researchers conduct a study. In this article, this topic is critically analyzed, and findings and conclusions are presented. We reviewed three well-known XRD techniques, including PXRD, single crystal XRD, and SAXS, which were used for XRD analysis depending on the crystal size and the quality of crystal morphology. The TGA profile was an effective factor for evaluating the quality of the activation process and for ensuring the successful investigation for other characterizations. The BET and pore size were significantly affected by the activation process and selective benzene chain cross-linkers. FTIR is a prominent method that is used to investigate the functional groups on pore surfaces, and this method is successfully used to evaluate the activation process, characterize functionalized MOFs, and estimate their applications. The most significant methods of characterization include the X-ray diffraction, which is utilized for structural identification, and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), which is used for exploring thermal decomposition. It is important to note that the thermal stability of MOFs is influenced by two main factors: the metal-ligand interaction and the type of functional groups attached to the organic ligand. The textural properties of the MOFs, on the other hand, can be scrutinized through nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms experiments at 77 K. However, for smaller pore size, the Argon adsorption-desorption isotherm at 87.3 K is preferred. Furthermore, the CO2 adsorption isotherm at 273 K can be used to measure ultra-micropore sizes and sizes lower than these, which cannot be measured by using the N2 adsorption-desorption isotherm at 77 K. The highest BET was observed in high-valence MOFs that are constructed based on the metal-oxo cluster, which has an excellent ability to control their textural properties. It was found that the synthesis procedure (including the choice of solvent, cross-linker, secondary metal, surface functional groups, and temperature), activation method, and pressure significantly impact the surface area of the MOF and, by extension, its structural integrity. Additionally, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy plays a crucial role in identifying active MOF functional groups. Understanding these physicochemical properties and utilizing relevant characterization techniques will enable more precise MOF selection for specific applications

    Green fluorescent protein-based expression screening of membrane proteins in Escherichia coli.

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    The production of recombinant membrane proteins for structural and functional studies remains technically challenging due to low levels of expression and the inherent instability of many membrane proteins once solubilized in detergents. A protocol is described that combines ligation independent cloning of membrane proteins as GFP fusions with expression in Escherichia coli detected by GFP fluorescence. This enables the construction and expression screening of multiple membrane protein/variants to identify candidates suitable for further investment of time and effort. The GFP reporter is used in a primary screen of expression by visualizing GFP fluorescence following SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Membrane proteins that show both a high expression level with minimum degradation as indicated by the absence of free GFP, are selected for a secondary screen. These constructs are scaled and a total membrane fraction prepared and solubilized in four different detergents. Following ultracentrifugation to remove detergent-insoluble material, lysates are analyzed by fluorescence detection size exclusion chromatography (FSEC). Monitoring the size exclusion profile by GFP fluorescence provides information about the mono-dispersity and integrity of the membrane proteins in different detergents. Protein: detergent combinations that elute with a symmetrical peak with little or no free GFP and minimum aggregation are candidates for subsequent purification. Using the above methodology, the heterologous expression in E. coli of SED (shape, elongation, division, and sporulation) proteins from 47 different species of bacteria was analyzed. These proteins typically have ten transmembrane domains and are essential for cell division. The results show that the production of the SEDs orthologues in E. coli was highly variable with respect to the expression levels and integrity of the GFP fusion proteins. The experiment identified a subset for further investigation

    Dynamic, adaptive changes in MAO-A binding after alterations in substrate availability: an in vivo [11C]-harmine positron emission tomography study

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    Monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) is an important target in the pathophysiology and therapeutics of major depressive disorder, aggression, and neurodegenerative conditions. We measured the effect of changes in MAO-A substrate on MAO-A binding in regions implicated in affective and neurodegenerative disease with [11C]-harmine positron emission tomography in healthy volunteers. Monoamine oxidase A VT, an index of MAO-A density, was decreased (mean: 14%±9%) following tryptophan depletion in prefrontal cortex (P<0.031), and elevated (mean: 17%±11%) in striatum following carbidopa–levodopa administration (P<0.007). These findings suggest an adaptive role for MAO-A in maintaining monoamine neurotransmitter homeostasis by rapidly compensating fluctuating monoamine levels