5,792 research outputs found

    Bernoulli free boundary problems under uncertainty: the convex case

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    The present article is concerned with solving Bernoulli's exterior free boundary problem in case of an interior boundary which is random. We provide a new regularity result on the map that sends a parametrization of the inner boundary to a parametrization of the outer boundary. Moreover, by assuming that the interior boundary is convex, also the exterior boundary is convex, which enables to identify the boundaries with support functions and to determine their expectations. We in particular construct a confidence region for the outer boundary based on Aumann's expectation and provide a numerical method to compute it

    Decentralized fault-tolerant control of inland navigation networks: a challenge

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    Inland waterways are large-scale networks used principally for navigation. Even if the transport planning is an important issue, the water resource management is a crucial point. Indeed, navigation is not possible when there is too little or too much water inside the waterways. Hence, the water resource management of waterways has to be particularly efficient in a context of climate change and increase of water demand. This management has to be done by considering different time and space scales and still requires the development of new methodologies and tools in the topics of the Control and Informatics communities. This work addresses the problem of waterways management in terms of modeling, control, diagnosis and fault-tolerant control by focusing in the inland waterways of the north of France. A review of proposed tools and the ongoing research topics are provided in this paper.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Vierzig Jahre Sechstagekrieg : Strukturelle Prägekraft für den Nahen Osten

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    Circulation patterns and sediment dynamics were studied over the Gulf of Valencia (GoV) continental slope during spring and winter 2011–2012. Two moorings were deployed at two locations; at 450 m depth from February to May 2011, and at 572 m depth from October 2011 to February 2012. At both mooring sites, observations were made of currents, temperature and near-bottom turbidity within the lowermost 80 m above the seafloor. The temperature measurements allowed distinction of the different water masses and their temporal evolution. The fluctuations of the boundary between the Western Mediterranean Deep Water (WMDW) and the Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) masses were monitored, and several intrusions of Western Mediterranean Intermediate Water (WIW) were observed, generally coinciding with changes in current direction. At both mooring sites, the currents generally maintained low velocities <10 cm s-1, with several pulses of magnitude increases >20 cm s-1, and few reaching up to 35 cm s-1, associated with mesoscale eddies and topographic waves. The current direction was mainly towards the SSE on the first deployment and to the ESE on the second deployment. This second location was affected by a strong bottom offshore veering presumably generated by local topographic effects. Increases in suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) were observed repeatedly throughout the records, reaching values >3 mg l-1. However, these SSC variations were uncorrelated with changes in velocity magnitude and direction and/or with temperature oscillations. Results presented in this paper highlight the complex relation between the hydrodynamics and sediment transport over the GoV continental slope, and suggest that other potential sediment resuspension mechanism not linked with current fluctuations, might play a key role in the present-day sedimentary dynamics. Resuspension due to bottom trawling appears to be the most plausible mechanis

    Model-based sensor supervision inland navigation networks: Cuinchy-Fontinettes case study

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    In recent years, inland navigation networks benefit from the innovation of the instrumentation and SCADA systems. These data acquisition and control systems lead to the improvement of the manage- ment of these networks. Moreover, they allow the implementation of more accurate automatic control to guarantee the navigation requirements. However, sensors and actuators are subject to faults due to the strong effects of the environment, aging, etc. Thus, before implementing automatic control strate- gies that rely on the fault-free mode, it is necessary to design a fault diagnosis scheme. This fault diagnosis scheme has to detect and isolate possible faults in the system to guarantee fault-free data and the efficiency of the automatic control algorithms. Moreover, the proposed supervision scheme could predict future incipient faults that are necessary to perform predictive maintenance of the equipment. In this paper, a general architecture of sensor fault detection and isolation using model-based approaches will be proposed for inland navigation networks. The proposed approach will be particularized for the Cuinchy-Fontinettes reach located in the north of France. The preliminary results show the effectiveness of the proposed fault diagnosis methodologies using a realistic simulator and fault scenarios.In recent years, inland navigation networks beneÂżt from the innovation of the instrumentation and SCADA systems. These data acquisition and control systems lead to the improvement of the management of these networks. Moreover, they allow the implementation of more accurate automatic control to guarantee the navigation requirements. However, sensors and actuators are subject to faults due to the strong effects of the environment, aging, etc. Thus, before implementing automatic control strategies that rely on the fault-free mode, it is necessary to design a fault diagnosis scheme. This fault diagnosis scheme has to detect and isolate possible faults in the system to guarantee fault-free data and the efficiency of the automatic control algorithms. Moreover, the proposed supervision scheme could predict future incipient faults that are necessary to perform predictive maintenance of the equipment. In this paper, a general architecture of sensor fault detection and isolation using model-based approaches will be proposed for inland navigation networks. The proposed approach will be particularized for the Cuinchy-Fontinettes reach located in the north of France. The preliminary results show the effectiveness of the proposed fault diagnosis methodologies using a realistic simulator and fault scenarios.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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