77 research outputs found

    Gibberellin A1 Metabolism Contributes to the Control of Photoperiod-Mediated Tuberization in Potato

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    Some potato species require a short-day (SD) photoperiod for tuberization, a process that is negatively affected by gibberellins (GAs). Here we report the isolation of StGA3ox2, a gene encoding a GA 3-oxidase, whose expression is increased in the aerial parts and is repressed in the stolons after transfer of photoperiod-dependent potato plants to SD conditions. Over-expression of StGA3ox2 under control of constitutive or leaf-specific promoters results in taller plants which, in contrast to StGA20ox1 over-expressers previously reported, tuberize earlier under SD conditions than the controls. By contrast, StGA3ox2 tuber-specific over-expression results in non-elongated plants with slightly delayed tuber induction. Together, our experiments support that StGA3ox2 expression and gibberellin metabolism significantly contribute to the tuberization time in strictly photoperiod-dependent potato plants

    The USC 2.0 Reference Manual 1

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    This document is the reference manual for version 2.0 of the Universal Stub Compiler (USC) and the USC Inference Tool (USIT). USC 2.0 is a nearly complete re-implementation with some changes to the syntax of the USC language and the USC and USIT program interface. USC 2.0 is not backwardly compatible with the previous version of USC. USC is a stub compiler that generates stubs that perform many data conversion operations. USC is flexible and can be used in situations where previously only manual code generation was possible. USC generated code is up to 20 times faster than code generated by traditional argument marshaling schemes such as ASN.1 and Sun XDR. USIT is a small tool that takes C typedefs and generates those typedefs with USC annotations for the native byte order and alignment for the compiler and host architecture it is run on


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    Rewriting Strategies for Instruction Selection

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