931 research outputs found

    Neotropical stingless bees display a strong response in cold tolerance with changes in elevation

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    Tropical pollinators are expected to experience substantial effects due to climate change, but aspects of their thermal biology remain largely unknown. We investigated the thermal tolerance of stingless honey-making bees, the most ecologically, economically and culturally important group of tropical pollinators. We assessed changes in the lower (CTMin) and upper (CTMax) critical thermal limits of 17 species (12 genera) at two elevations (200 and 1500 m) in the Colombian Andes. In addition, we examined the influence of body size (intertegular distance, ITD), hairiness (thoracic hair length) and coloration (lightness value) on bees’ thermal tolerance. Because stingless beekeepers often relocate their colonies across the altitudinal gradient, as an initial attempt to explore potential social responses to climatic variability, we also tracked for several weeks brood temperature and humidity in nests of three species at both elevations. We found that CTMin decreased with elevation while CTMax was similar between elevations. CTMin and CTMax increased (low cold tolerance and high heat tolerance) with increasing ITD, hair length and lightness value, but these relationships were weak and explained at most 10% of the variance. Neither CTMin nor CTMax displayed significant phylogenetic signal. Brood nest temperature tracked ambient diel variations more closely in the low-elevation site, but it was constant and higher at the high-elevation site. In contrast, brood nest humidity was uniform throughout the day regardless of elevation. The stronger response in CTMin, and a similar CTMax between elevations, follows a pattern of variation documented across a wide range of taxa that is commonly known as the Brett’s heat-invariant hypothesis. Our results indicate differential thermal sensitivities and potential thermal adaptations to local climate, which support ongoing conservation policies to restrict the long-distance relocations of colonies. They also shed light on how malleable nest thermoregulation can be across elevations

    Collagen type IV at the fetal-maternal interface.

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    INTRODUCTION: Extracellular matrix proteins play a crucial role in influencing the invasion of trophoblast cells. However the role of collagens and collagen type IV (col-IV) in particular at the implantation site is not clear. METHODS: Immunohistochemistry was used to determine the distribution of collagen types I, III, IV and VI in endometrium and decidua during the menstrual cycle and the first trimester of pregnancy. Expression of col-IV alpha chains during the reproductive cycle was determined by qPCR and protein localisation by immunohistochemistry. The structure of col-IV in placenta was examined using transmission electron microscopy. Finally, the expression of col-IV alpha chain NC1 domains and collagen receptors was localised by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Col-IV alpha chains were selectively up-regulated during the menstrual cycle and decidualisation. Primary extravillous trophoblast cells express collagen receptors and secrete col-IV in vitro and in vivo, resulting in the increased levels found in decidua basalis compared to decidua parietalis. A novel expression pattern of col-IV in the mesenchyme of placental villi, as a three-dimensional network, was found. NC1 domains of col-IV alpha chains are known to regulate tumour cell migration and the selective expression of these domains in decidua basalis compared to decidua parietalis was determined. DISCUSSION: Col-IV is expressed as novel forms in the placenta. These findings suggest that col-IV not only represents a structural protein providing tissue integrity but also influences the invasive behaviour of trophoblast cells at the implantation site.This work was supported by funding from the Wellcome Trust [090108/Z/09/Z], [085992/Z/08/Z] and the British Heart Foundation [PG/09/077/27964]. C.M. Oefner was in receipt of a German National Academic Foundation PhD studentship. The authors also thank the Centre for Trophoblast Research for generous support.This is the final published version of the article. It first appeared at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0143400414008248#

    Reproducibility and validity of a diet quality index for children assessed using a FFQ

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    The diet quality index (DQI) for preschool children is a new index developed to reflect compliance with four main food-based dietary guidelines for preschool children in Flanders. The present study investigates: (1) the validity of this index by comparing DQI scores for preschool children with nutrient intakes, both of which were derived from 3d estimated diet records; (2) the reproducibility of the DQI for preschoolers based on a parentally reported forty-seven-item FFQ DQI, which was repeated after 5 weeks; (3) the relative validity of the FFQ DQI with 3d record DQI scores as reference. The study sample included 510 and 58 preschoolers (2-5-6.5 years) for validity and reproducibility analyses, respectively. Increasing 3d record DQI scores were associated with decreasing consumption of added sugars, and increasing intakes of fibre, water, Ca and many micronutrients. Mean FFQ DQI test-retest scores were not significantly different: 72 (so 11) v. 71 (Si) 10) (P-=0-218) out of a maximum of 100. Mean 3d record DQI score (66 (so 10)) was significantly lower than mean FFQ DQI (71 (so 10);

    A high-affinity antibody against the CSP N-terminal domain lacks Plasmodium falciparum inhibitory activity

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    Malaria is a global health concern and research efforts are ongoing to develop a superior vaccine to RTS,S/AS01. To guide immunogen design, we seek a comprehensive understanding of the protective humoral response against Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein (PfCSP). In contrast to the well-studied responses to the repeat region and the C-terminus, the antibody response against the N-terminal domain of PfCSP (N-CSP) remains obscure. Here, we characterized the molecular recognition and functional efficacy of the N-CSP-specific monoclonal antibody 5D5. The crystal structure at 1.85 Åresolution revealed that 5D5 binds an α-helical epitope in N-CSP with high affinity through extensive shape and charge complementarity, and the unusual utilization of an N-linked glycan. Nevertheless, functional studies indicated low 5D5 binding to live Pf sporozoites, and lack of sporozoite inhibition in vitro and in mosquitoes. Overall, our data on low recognition and inhibition of sporozoites do not support the inclusion of the 5D5 epitope into the next generation of CSP-based vaccines.Summary Statement The Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite surface protein, PfCSP, is an attractive vaccine target, but the antibody response against the CSP N-terminal domain has remained understudied. Here, to guide immunogen design, Thai et al. provide insights into the binding motif and functional efficacy of the N-terminal domain-specific monoclonal antibody, 5D5

    High thermal tolerance in high-elevation species and laboratory-reared colonies of tropical bumble bees

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    Bumble bees are key pollinators with some species reared in captivity at a commercial scale, but with significant evidence of population declines and with alarming predictions of substantial impacts under climate change scenarios. While studies on the thermal biology of temperate bumble bees are still limited, they are entirely absent from the tropics where the effects of climate change are expected to be greater. Herein, we test whether bees' thermal tolerance decreases with elevation and whether the stable optimal conditions used in laboratory-reared colonies reduces their thermal tolerance. We assessed changes in the lower (CTMin) and upper (CTMax) critical thermal limits of four species at two elevations (2600 and 3600 m) in the Colombian Andes, examined the effect of body size, and evaluated the thermal tolerance of wild-caught and laboratory-reared individuals of Bombus pauloensis. We also compiled information on bumble bees' thermal limits and assessed potential predictors for broadscale patterns of variation. We found that CTMin decreased with increasing elevation, while CTMax was similar between elevations. CTMax was slightly higher (0.84°C) in laboratory-reared than in wild-caught bees while CTMin was similar, and CTMin decreased with increasing body size while CTMax did not. Latitude is a good predictor for CTMin while annual mean temperature, maximum and minimum temperatures of the warmest and coldest months are good predictors for both CTMin and CTMax. The stronger response in CTMin with increasing elevation, and similar CTMax, supports Brett's heat-invariant hypothesis, which has been documented in other taxa. Andean bumble bees appear to be about as heat tolerant as those from temperate areas, suggesting that other aspects besides temperature (e.g., water balance) might be more determinant environmental factors for these species. Laboratory-reared colonies are adequate surrogates for addressing questions on thermal tolerance and global warming impacts

    Targeted therapy in nuclear medicine—current status and future prospects

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    In recent years, a number of new developments in targeted therapies using radiolabeled compounds have emerged. New developments and insights in radioiodine treatment of thyroid cancer, treatment of lymphoma and solid tumors with radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), the developments in the application of radiolabeled small receptor-specific molecules such as meta-iodobenzylguanidine and peptides and the position of locoregional treatment in malignant involvement of the liver are reviewed. The introduction of recombinant human thyroid-stimulating hormone and the possibility to enhance iodine uptake with retinoids has changed the radioiodine treatment protocol of patients with thyroid cancer. Introduction of radiolabeled mAbs has provided additional treatment options in patients with malignant lymphoma, while a similar approach proves to be cumbersome in patients with solid tumors. With radiolabeled small molecules that target specific receptors on tumor cells, high radiation doses can be directed to tumors in patients with disseminated disease. Radiolabeled somatostatin derivatives for the treatment of neuroendocrine tumors are the role model for this approach. Locoregional treatment with radiopharmaceuticals of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma or metastases to the liver may be used in inoperable cases, but may also be of benefit in a neo-adjuvant or adjuvant setting. Significant developments in the application of targeted radionuclide therapy have taken place. New treatment modalities have been introduced in the clinic. The concept of combining therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals with other treatment modalities is more extensively explore

    Preoperative imaging in primary hyperparathyroidism patients using 4DCT subtraction maps, a report of three cases

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    Four-dimensional computed tomography (4DCT) is one of the preoperative imaging modalities that can be used to localize a parathyroid adenoma in primary hyperparathyroidism patients however, sensitivity differs in literature and could be improved especially for multiglandular hyperplasia or double adenomas. The most robust feature on the 4DCT for the differentiation between parathyroid adenoma and thyroid gland tissue is arterial enhancement. To make this better visible, we have developed a subtraction map that shows arterial enhancement as a color scale to increase sensitivity for 4DCT. In this report of 3 cases, we present the usefulness of this subtraction map in a 54-year-old male, a 57-year-old female and a 51-year-old male. Subtraction maps may increase sensitivity for 4DCT, especially for multiglandular hyperplasia or double adenomas.</p

    Short-term health effects in the general population following a major train accident with acrylonitrile in Belgium

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    Background: Following a train derailment, several tons of acrylonitrile (ACN) exploded, inflamed and part of the ACN ended up in the sewage system of the village of Wetteren. More than 2000 residents living in the close vicinity of the accident and along the sewage system were evacuated. A human biomonitoring study of the adduct N-2-cyanoethylvaline (CEV) was carried out days 14-21 after the accident. Objectives: (1) To describe the short-term health effects that were reported by the evacuated residents following the train accident, and (2) to explore the association between the CEV concentrations, extrapolated at the time of the accident, and the self-reported short-term health effects. Methods: Short-term health effects were reported in a questionnaire (n=191). An omnibus test of independence was used to investigate the association between the CEV concentrations and the symptoms. Dose-response relationships were quantified by Generalized Additive Models (GAMs). Results: The most frequently reported symptoms were local symptoms of irritation. In non-smokers, dose-dependency was observed between the CEV levels and the self-reporting of irritation (p=0.007) and nausea (p=0.007). Almost all non-smokers with CEV concentrations above 100 pmol/g globin reported irritation symptoms. Both absence and presence of symptoms was reported by non-smokers with CEV concentrations below the reference value and up to 10 times the reference value. Residents who visited the emergency services reported more symptoms. This trend was seen for the whole range of CEV concentrations, and thus independently of the dose. Discussion and conclusion: The present study is one of the first to relate exposure levels to a chemical released during a chemical incident to short-term (self-reported) health effects. A dose-response relation was observed between the CEV concentrations and the reporting of short-term health effects in the non-smokers. Overall, the value of self-reported symptoms to assess exposure showed to be limited. The results of this study confirm that a critical view should be taken when considering self-reported health complaints and that ideally biomarkers are monitored to allow an objective assessment of exposure
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