319 research outputs found

    A Population Rate Code of Auditory Space in the Human Cortex

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    BACKGROUND:Previous work on the human auditory cortex has revealed areas specialized in spatial processing but how the neurons in these areas represent the location of a sound source remains unknown. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:Here, we performed a magnetoencephalography (MEG) experiment with the aim of revealing the neural code of auditory space implemented by the human cortex. In a stimulus-specific adaptation paradigm, realistic spatial sound stimuli were presented in pairs of adaptor and probe locations. We found that the attenuation of the N1m response depended strongly on the spatial arrangement of the two sound sources. These location-specific effects showed that sounds originating from locations within the same hemifield activated the same neuronal population regardless of the spatial separation between the sound sources. In contrast, sounds originating from opposite hemifields activated separate groups of neurons. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:These results are highly consistent with a rate code of spatial location formed by two opponent populations, one tuned to locations in the left and the other to those in the right. This indicates that the neuronal code of sound source location implemented by the human auditory cortex is similar to that previously found in other primates

    Meeting the Expectations of Your Heritage Culture: Links between Attachment Style, Intragroup Marginalisation, and Psychological Adjustment

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Do insecurely-attached individuals perceive greater rejection from their heritage culture? Few studies have examined the antecedents and outcomes of this perceived rejection – termed intragroup marginalisation – in spite of its implications for the adjustment of cultural migrants to the mainstream culture. The present study investigated whether anxious and avoidant attachment orientations among cultural migrants were associated with greater intragroup marginalisation and, in turn, with lower subjective well-being and flourishing, and higher acculturative stress. Anxious attachment was associated with heightened intragroup marginalisation from friends and, in turn, with increased acculturative stress; anxious attachment was also associated with increased intragroup marginalisation from family. Avoidant attachment was linked with increased intragroup marginalisation from family and, in turn, with decreased subjective well-being

    Lapsen suru ja sen tukeminen päiväkodissa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tutkimuksemme aihe on lapsen suru ja sen tukeminen päiväkodissa. Lapsen suru on aina ajankohtaista, koska jokainen varhaiskasvatuksen opettaja kohtaa uransa aikana surevia lapsia. Halusimme tutkia aihetta myÜs omien kokemustemme vuoksi, koska olemme tÜrmänneet lasten tunteiden vähättelyyn päiväkodissa. Käsittelemme aihetta sekä arkipäiväisemmän että menetyksestä johtuvan surun näkÜkulmasta. Tutkimuksemme konteksti on päiväkodissa tapahtuva varhaiskasvatus ja näkÜkulmamme on varhaiskasvatuksen opettaja. Tutkimuksessamme vastaamme seuraaviin kysymyksiin: 1. Mitä lapsen suru on ja miten se ilmenee ja 2. Miten varhaiskasvatuksen opettaja voi tukea surevaa lasta. Tutkimuksemme tavoitteena on kuvata lapsen surua ja sen ilmenemistä päiväkodin arjessa, jotta surevan lapsen kohtaaminen onnistuisi meiltä ja muilta varhaiskasvatuksen ammattilaisilta paremmin. Lisäksi haluamme tuoda surua ja sen tukemista varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan näkÜkulmasta näkyvämmäksi. Teimme tutkimuksemme laadullisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Menetelmänä käytimme kuvailevaa, erityisesti integroivaa kirjallisuuskatsausta. Valitsimme tämän menetelmän, jotta saamme aiheesta mahdollisimman laajan ja monipuolisen kokonaiskuvan. Lähteitä etsimme Oulun yliopiston sekä kaupungin kirjastoista ja internetistä. HyÜdynsimme suomalaisia ja kansainvälisiä lähteitä. Käytimme muun muassa hakusanoja lapsi, varhaiskasvatus, suru, tunne ja early childhood education. Tutkimuksemme perusteella voimme todeta, että lasten suru ei ole vähäteltävä tai turha asia. Lasten arkipäiväinen suru on aihe, jota ei ole tutkittu tarpeeksi. Lapsen suru ilmenee eri tavoin, kuten itkuna tai vetäytymisenä. Lapsen surun aiheita ovat esimerkiksi lelun katoaminen tai läheisen ihmisen menettäminen. Tutkimuksemme tulosten mukaan varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan keinoja tukea surevaa lasta ovat lohduttaminen, taiteen ja liikunnan keinot sekä tunnetaitomateriaalit. Tukemiseen vaikuttaa kiire ja aikuisen oma toiminta. Tutkimuksemme luotettavuutta vahvistaa se, että tutkijoita on kaksi. Luotettavuutta lisäävät tarkat lähdeviitemerkinnät

    ”Jos kävelee ilman itiä ja äitiä pimiättä”:lasten kertomuksia surusta

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    Tiivistelmä. Pro gradu -tutkielmamme aiheena on lasten kertomukset surusta ja keskitymme tutkimuksessamme lasten arjen surun aiheisiin sekä lohduttamisen keinoihin. Tutkimuksemme konteksti on päiväkodissa toteutettava varhaiskasvatus. Tutkimuksessamme kysymme: 1. Mitä lapset kertovat surusta ja 2. Miten lapset haluavat, että heitä lohdutetaan. Tutkimuksemme tavoitteena on tuottaa tietoa lasten surun aiheista heidän itsensä kertomina ja tavoista, joilla he haluaisivat itseänsä lohdutettavan. Lisäksi haluamme antaa näkyvyyttä lasten surulle ja ymmärtää lasten surun kokemusta paremmin. Tutkimuksemme on laadullinen ja olemme hyödyntäneet lapsinäkökulmaisen tutkimuksen ja kerronnallisen tutkimuksen menetelmiä. Keräsimme tutkimuksemme aineiston eräässä pohjoissuomalaisessa päiväkodissa haastattelemalla kuutta 3–5-vuotiasta lasta. Haastattelimme lapsia sekä yksin että pareittain. Analysoimme aineistomme aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin menetelmiä käyttäen. Tuloksemme osoittavat, että haastattelemamme lapset tulivat surulliseksi ongelmista vertaissuhteissa, epämiellyttävistä tuntemuksista, kirjan surullisiin henkilöihin samastumisesta sekä aikuisen ja ympäristön asettamista rajoista. Suru tuntuu lasten mukaan pahalta, jokaisesta ihmisestä erilaiselta sekä reaktioilta kehossa. Lapset kertoivat surun tuntuvan eri kehonosissa sekä tilassa ja tilanteessa, kuten katosta tippuessa tai pimeässä yksin ollessa. Tulostemme mukaan haastattelemamme lapset lohduttavat toisiaan, hakevat aikuisilta lohdutusta sekä lohduttavat itse itseään eri keinoin. Lohduttamisen keinoiksi lapset nimesivät sanallisen sovittelun, läheisyyden, tilanteesta poistumisen ja itsensä lohduttamisen. Tutkimuksemme on merkityksellinen, koska lasten kertomukset ovat saaneet ansaitsemansa huomion. Lisäksi lasten suru sekä heille mieluisat lohduttamisen keinot saavat tutkimuksessamme näkyvyyttä. Tuloksistamme hyötyvät esimerkiksi varhaiskasvatuksen ammattilaiset, lasten huoltajat sekä kouluttajat. Merkittävää tutkimuksessamme on myös se, että lapset ovat tutkimuksemme asiantuntijoita ja he ovat tuottaneet aiheestamme arvokasta tutkimustietoa

    Rapid death of duck cells infected with influenza: a potential mechanism for host resistance to H5N1

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    Aquatic birds are the natural reservoir for most subtypes of influenza A, and a source of novel viruses with the potential to cause human pandemics, fatal zoonotic disease or devastating epizootics in poultry. It is well recognised that waterfowl typically show few clinical signs following influenza A infection, in contrast, terrestrial poultry such as chickens may develop severe disease with rapid death following infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza. This study examined the cellular response to influenza infection in primary cells derived from resistant (duck) and susceptible (chicken) avian hosts. Paradoxically, we observed that duck cells underwent rapid cell death following infection with low pathogenic avian H2N3, classical swine H1N1 and ‘classical' highly pathogenic H5N1 viruses. Dying cells showed morphological features of apoptosis, increased DNA fragmentation and activation of caspase 3/7. Following infection of chicken cells, cell death occurred less rapidly, accompanied by reduced DNA fragmentation and caspase activation. Duck cells produced similar levels of viral RNA but less infectious virus, in comparison with chicken cells. Such rapid cell death was not observed in duck cells infected with a contemporary Eurasian lineage H5N1 fatal to ducks. The induction of rapid death in duck cells may be part of a mechanism of host resistance to influenza A, with the loss of this response leading to increased susceptibility to emergent strains of H5N1. These studies provide novel insights that should help resolve the long-standing enigma of host–pathogen relationships for highly pathogenic and zoonotic avian influenza

    Testing a physical education-delivered autonomy supportive intervention to promote leisure-time physical activity in lower secondary school students : the PETALS trial

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    BackgroundInadequate physical activity in young people is associated with several physical and mental health concerns. Physical education (PE) is a potentially viable existing network for promoting physical activity in this population. However, little research has been conducted on whether PE teachers can influence students' engagement in leisure-time physical activity. The present study therefore examined the efficacy of an intervention aimed at increasing PE teachers' autonomy support on students' leisure-time physical activity (the PETALS trial). The intervention was guided by the trans-contextual model (TCM) explaining the processes by which PE teachers' provision of autonomy support during PE promotes students' motivation and engagement in physical activity in their leisure time.MethodsThe study adopted a cluster-randomized, waitlist control intervention design with randomization by school. Participants were PE teachers (N=29, 44.83%female; M age=42.83, SD=9.53yrs) and their lower secondary school students (N=502, 43.82%female; M age=14.52, SD=0.71yrs). We measured TCM constructs, including perceived autonomy support, autonomous motivation in PE and leisure time, beliefs and intentions towards leisure-time physical activity, and physical activity behavior at baseline, post-intervention, and at one-, three-, and six-months. Study hypotheses were tested through a series of ANOVAs and structural equation models using post-intervention and one-month follow-up data.ResultsWe found no changes in TCM constructs or physical activity behavior in either group at post-intervention or at 1 month. Path analyses supported two propositions of the TCM as change variables: perceived autonomy support had a significant effect on autonomous motivation in PE and autonomous motivation in PE had a significant effect on autonomous motivation in leisure time. Although we found a direct effect of autonomous motivation in leisure time on physical activity, we did not find support for the third premise of the TCM that autonomous motivation in leisure time indirectly affects physical activity through beliefs and intentions.ConclusionsCurrent findings did not support the efficacy of the PETALS intervention at changing physical activity behavior and TCM constructs. More research is required to determine whether the TCM predictive validity is supported when other model variables are manipulated through experimental and intervention studies.Trial registrationISRCTN, ISRCTN39374060. Registered 19 July 2018. Prospectively registered.Peer reviewe

    Predictors of school students’ leisure-time physical activity : An extended trans-contextual model using Bayesian path analysis

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    The present study aimed to examine effects of motivational and social cognition constructs on children’s leisure-time physical activity participation alongside constructs representing implicit processes using an extended trans-contextual model. The study adopted a correlational prospective design. Secondary-school students (N = 502) completed self-report measures of perceived autonomy support from physical education (PE) teachers, autonomous motivation in PE and leisure-time contexts, and social cognition constructs (attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control), intentions, trait self-control, habits, and past behavior in a leisure-time physical activity context. Five weeks later, students (N = 298) self-reported their leisure-time physical activity participation. Bayesian path analyses supported two key premises of the model: perceived autonomy support was related to autonomous motivation in PE, and autonomous motivation in PE was related to autonomous motivation in leisure time. Indirect effects indicated that both forms of autonomous motivation were related to social cognition constructs and intentions. However, intention was not related to leisure-time physical activity participation, so model variables reflecting motivational processes did not account for substantive variance in physical activity participation. Self-control, attitudes, and past behavior were direct predictors of intentions and leisure-time physical activity participation. There were indirect effects of autonomous motivation in leisure time on intentions and physical activity participation mediated by self-control. Specifying informative priors for key model relations using Bayesian analysis yielded greater precision for some model effects. Findings raise some questions on the predictive validity of constructs from the original trans-contextual model in the current sample, but highlight the value of extending the model to incorporate additional constructs representing non-conscious processes.Peer reviewe

    Parabolic stable surfaces with constant mean curvature

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    We prove that if u is a bounded smooth function in the kernel of a nonnegative Schrodinger operator −L=−(Δ+q)-L=-(\Delta +q) on a parabolic Riemannian manifold M, then u is either identically zero or it has no zeros on M, and the linear space of such functions is 1-dimensional. We obtain consequences for orientable, complete stable surfaces with constant mean curvature H∈RH\in\mathbb{R} in homogeneous spaces E(κ,τ)\mathbb{E}(\kappa,\tau) with four dimensional isometry group. For instance, if M is an orientable, parabolic, complete immersed surface with constant mean curvature H in H2×R\mathbb{H}^2\times\mathbb{R}, then ∣H∣≤1/2|H|\leq 1/2 and if equality holds, then M is either an entire graph or a vertical horocylinder.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure. Minor changes have been incorporated (exchange finite capacity by parabolicity, and simplify the proof of Theorem 1)


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    Friction Stir Welding (FSW), invented by Wayne Thomas at TWI (The Welding Institute) Ltd in 1991, overcomes many of the problems associated with unwritten joining techniques. FSW is a solid-pomp process which generate wield of high rank in unaccommodating-to-weld materials such as aluminium and is fast becoming the process of choice for manufacturing lightweight transport makeup such as boats, trains and aero-even. The main objective of this project is to investigate strength of the rubbing excite wield aluminium alloy and police officer with separate celerity by taking tapper use pin profile. The material of tool is Char (High Carbon High Chromium). FEA analysis is performed for friction stir welding of aluminum6061 and aluminium 5083 at 700rpm speed using ANSYS. Thermal and structural analysis is performed. A parametric pattern with the wield plates and sharp puppet is done in Pro/Engineer. The operation of taper, rectangular and round instrument pin profiles on the attrition incite welding are study and at other speeds (700,1000, and 1600 RPM) for analysi
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