4,358 research outputs found

    Advanced Cogeneration Technology Economic Optimization Study (ACTEOS)

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    The advanced cogeneration technology economic optimization study (ACTEOS) was undertaken to extend the results of the cogeneration technology alternatives study (CTAS). Cost comparisons were made between designs involving advanced cogeneration technologies and designs involving either conventional cogeneration technologies or not involving cogeneration. For the specific equipment cost and fuel price assumptions made, it was found that: (1) coal based cogeneration systems offered appreciable cost savings over the no cogeneration case, while systems using coal derived liquids offered no costs savings; and (2) the advanced cogeneration systems provided somewhat larger cost savings than the conventional systems. Among the issues considered in the study included: (1) temporal variations in steam and electric demands; (2) requirements for reliability/standby capacity; (3) availability of discrete equipment sizes; (4) regional variations in fuel and electricity prices; (5) off design system performance; and (6) separate demand and energy charges for purchased electricity


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    Perancangan Flap Book dan boneka tangan ini diawali dengan mencari informasi mengenai perkembangan anak dan tata krama masyarakat Jawa melalui berbagai sumber yakin wawancara, buku, dan artikel. Selain itu mencari informasi mengenai buku cerita anak dari berbagai sumber pula. Informasi yang terkumpul kemudian dipilah melalui proses analisis existing dan 5 W 1 H. Hasil analisis kemudian digunakan sebagai strategi perancangan desain yang meliputi tema, desain karakter yang lucu, layout yang sederhana, pewarnaan yang cerah, penggunaan batik sebagai icon Indonesia, latar tempat yang sederhana sesuai dengan tempat tinggal Indonesia khususnya di Jawa. Proses tersebut dibuat dengan menggunakan software Adobe Photoshop dan menggunakan pen tablet. Setelah selesai, maka tahap selanjutnya adalah proses penyajian berupa penjilidan buku. Proses yang kedua adalah membuat boneka tangan sebagai dari bagian Flap Book yang dapat berfungsi untuk memvisualisasikan isi cerita lebih menyenangkan dengan bermain peran bersama anak, adapun tahap dalam proses pembuatannya adalah dengan membuat pola boneka yang sudah ditentukan dengan menggunakan software Adobe Illustrator, kemudian di cetak dan digunting, pola yang sudah d gunting kemudian di mal pada kain flannel, dan tahap yang terakhir di jahit. Buku dan boneka tangan di validasi terlebih dahulu untuk menilai kelayakkan buku dan boneka terkait dengan materi dan desain sebelum dipublikasikan. Hasil skor penilaian produk berupa Flap Book dan Boneka tangan tersebut mendapatkan nilai 92 untuk materi dari Flap book dan boneka tangan, dan skor nilai untuk desain dari Flap book adalah 85. Selain produk berupa Flap book dan boneka tangan, terdapat media pendukung untuk promosi, adapun media tersebut berupa poster yang dicetak dengan ukuran A2 dan untuk di upload di media sosial yaitu instagram, gantungan kunci, stiker, dan botol minuman.Kata Kunci : Flap Book, Tata krama, Tata krama masyarakat Jawa, Anak Prasekolah, Boneka tangan

    Analisis Six Sigma pada Produk Casing Pompa Tipe X di PT. Zenith Allmart Precisindo sebagai Metode Perbaikan Kualitas Produk

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    Salah satu Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang manufaktur baja adalah PT. Zenith Allmart Precisindo (ZAP). Namun pada proses produksi casing pompa Tipe X terjadi reject yang melebihi batasan Perusahaan. Reject pada bulan Februari mencapai 3,2% (level sigma 3,35). Padahal batasan reject hanya 2% (level Sigma 3,55). Selain itu sistem pengukuran visual masih belum diketahui kapabilitasnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kapabilitas proses produksi serta level sigmanya dan kapabilitas sistem pengukuran menggunakan metode six sigma yang didalamnya terdapat metode kappa statistik. Setelah dilakukan analisis terhadap data inspeksi visual terhadap produk pada Maret dan April 2015 diperoleh hasil bahwa sistem pengukuran inspeksi visual di PT. ZAP sudah kapabel untuk masing-masing hasil within appraiser dan between appraiser. Hal ini menandakan bahwa sistem pengukuran visual tidak memerlukan perbaikan. Level Sigma dari proses produksi casing pompa tipe x secara keseluruhan di PT ZAP adalah 3,65 yang artinya terdapat 15647 produk cacat dari 1 juta produksi casing pompa tipe x. Jenis defect bocor menjadi jenis defect yang paling sering dijumpai di dalam area produksi Dipping. Area produksi tersebut memiliki level sigma terkecil yaitu hanya 3.25. Hal-hal yang paling berpengaruh terhadap jenis defect bocor adalah cetakan keramik kurang tebal dan bahan campuran yang kurang sesuai dengan spesifikasi

    A frame synchronization and frequency offset estimation algorithm for OFDM system and its analysis

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    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a parallel transmission scheme for transmitting data at very high rates over time dispersive radio channels. In an OFDM system, frame synchronization and frequency offset estimation are extremely important for maintaining orthogonality among the subcarriers. In this paper, for a preamble having two identical halves in time, a timing metric is proposed for OFDM frame synchronization. The timing metric is analyzed and its mean values at the preamble boundary and in its neighborhood are evaluated, for AWGN and for frequency selective channels with specified mean power profile of the channel taps, and the variance expression is derived for AWGN case. Since the derivation of the variance expression for frequency selective channel case is tedious, we used simulations to estimate the same. Based on the theoretical value of the mean and estimate of the variance, we suggest a threshold for detection of the preamble boundary and evaluating the probability of false and correct detections. We also suggest a method for a threshold selection and the preamble boundary detection in practical applications. A simple and computationally efficient method for estimating fractional and integer frequency offset, using the same preamble, is also described. Simulations are used to corroborate the results of the analysis. The proposed method of frame synchronization and frequency offset estimation is applied to the downlink synchronization in OFDM mode of wireless metropolitan area network (WMAN) standard IEEE 802.16-2004, and its performance is studied through simulations

    Uji Karakteristik Hipotesis Bangunan Rumah Tinggal yang Memanfaatkan Pendinginan Evaporasi dengan Computational Fluids Dynamics (CFD)

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    Air conditioning in housing is required to obtain thermal comfort zone, especially at urban areas that have problems with the limitations of land. One of alternative room air conditioning (AC) that environmently-friendly to reduce refrigeration system is evaporative cooling system. The aim of the research is to investigate characteristic of air conditioning inside the house wich utilize evaporative cooling system using Computational fluids dynamics (CFD ). The research was done by describing 3 different times which are 09.00-10.00 (in the morning), 12.00-13.00 (at noon) and 19.00-20.00 (at night) with incoming air in different properties. The air characteristic test was done by measuring velocity of the wind, relative humidity (RH) and temperatures at 28 positions of measurement cup (PU), where PU were spreaded at 3 places, (1) in front of the house; (2) at the interior; and (3) at the exterior. The measurement was conducted by making square plane of 2x2m with high of 1.5 m above floor of 28 PU. CFD simulation results showed that the cooling effect evaporative felt on the 1st floor with the average temperature reduction of 1.5 oC from the ambient temperature and increase RH of 6.75 % from ambient RH. While the vertical ventilation work effectively in supporting air circulation. The movement of the wind can be felt throughout the house with the average velocity of 0,175 m/s. Key Words : Comfort zone, Evaporative cooling, CF


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    Nanda Aldila Sari, 2017.STUDENTS’DIFFICULTIES IN SPEAKING SKILLAT THE ELEVENTHGRADE OF SMA MUHAMMADIYAH 1 KARANGANYAR IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2016/2017. Thesis. Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty. Advisor : Dr. H. Giyoto, M. Hum. The key word : Students‟Difficulties in Speaking Skill This research describes thestudents‟difficulties in speaking skill at the eleventhgrade of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Karanganyar in the academic year of 2016/2017. The objectives of this research were (1) to describe the students‟ difficulties in speaking, (2) to describe the factors causes of students‟ difficulties in speaking, (3) to describe the students‟ strategies that was used to overcome the difficulties in speaking. The research design applied in this research was descriptive qualitative. This research was conducted in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Karanganyar. The subjects of this research were the students of the eleventh grade. The research instruments used to collect the data in this research were observation and interview. The collected data were analyzed byreducing the data, presenting the 14 data, taking the conclusion and verification. The researcher used data triangulation, to show trustworthiness of the data. The result of the research showed that every student had different difficult in speaking. They are three difficulties in speaking. They are inhibition, nothing to say, un-event participant, and mother tongue. The second were factorsthat caused students getting difficulties in learning speaking. They were personality, motivation, cognitive style, and class condition. The third was the students‟ strategies to overcome the difficulties in speaking employed by using strategies, those were metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, socio-affective strategies. Using different strategies support the students to achieve a good score. Based on the result above, the students were hoped to overcome their difficulties using their own ways to make them easier in learning speaking

    Mapping the QCD Phase Transition with Accreting Compact Stars

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    We discuss an idea for how accreting millisecond pulsars could contribute to the understanding of the QCD phase transition in the high-density nuclear matter equation of state (EoS). It is based on two ingredients, the first one being a ``phase diagram'' of rapidly rotating compact star configurations in the plane of spin frequency and mass, determined with state-of-the-art hybrid equations of state, allowing for a transition to color superconducting quark matter. The second is the study of spin-up and accretion evolution in this phase diagram. We show that the quark matter phase transition leads to a characteristic line in the Omega-M plane, the phase border between neutron stars and hybrid stars with a quark matter core. Along this line a change in the pulsar's moment of inertia entails a waiting point phenomenon in the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar (AMXP) evolution: most of these objects should therefore be found along the phase border in the Omega-M plane, which may be viewed as the AMXP analog of the main sequence in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram for normal stars. In order to prove the existence of a high-density phase transition in the cores of compact stars we need population statistics for AMXP's with sufficiently accurate determination of their masses and spin frequencies.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Proceedings of the Conference on "A Decade of Accreting Millisecond X-Ray Pulsars, Amsterdam, April 14-18, 200
