309 research outputs found

    Molecular analysis of genetic diversity in elite II synthetic hexaploid wheat screened against Barley yellow dwarf virus

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    The presence of sufficient genetic diversity in the germplam is an important prerequisite for the improve-ment and efficient use of available material. Traditionally, the data on agronomic, morphological and physiological plants traits are used to estimate the genetic diversity. But now molecular markers are available for authenticated and reliable studies for genetic diversity. The present study was conducted to assess the genetic diversity of Elite-II synthetic hexaploid (SH) wheat by genome DNA fingerprinting as revealed by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Ten decamer RAPD primers (OPG-1, OPG-2, OPG-3, OPG-4, OPG-5, OPA-3, OPA-4, OPA-5, OPA-8, and OPA-15) were used to evaluate the diversity profile of the selected SH entries. Primers OPG-2 andOPA-4 gave the highly polymorphic results. The pair wise similarity values shows that genotypes 1, 20 and 30 have most closest relationship with highest similarity values i.e., 100% while genotypes 9and 13 show dictinct relationship with minimum similarity value that is, 54%. Therefore, the allelic variation of the SH resistance germplasm is a potent means to enrich and improve bread wheat cultivars where BYDV is a production threat and these can be used in future wheat breeding programme

    Izvala maternice i rodnice u križanih krava: prevalencija, klinička slika i liječenje preinačenim Bühnerovim postupkom upotrebom infuzijske cjevčice kao šivaćeg materijala.

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    Eighty-six cows presented for treatment of genital prolapse (uterine - 44 and vaginal - 42) were included in this study. Vaginal prolapse mostly occurred during advanced pregnancy and uterine prolapse following parturition. At the time of examination, most of the animals with uterine prolapse were recumbent, while those with vaginal prolapse were standing. The highest prevalence of genital prolapse was recorded in crossbred Jersey cows around the 2nd parturition during the autumn season. The number of cases with grade 1 vaginal prolapse was highest (52.38%) followed by grade 3 (33.33%) and grade 2 (14.29%) respectively. Grade 1 vaginal prolapse could be managed successfully by exogenous progesterone therapy (500 mg hydroxyprogesterone i.m. two times at weekly interval) along with hind quarter elevation in 45.45% cases (10/22); however, in the remaining 54.55% cases the prolapse was converted to grade 2. A few (27%) animals with uterine prolapse were simultaneously suffering from milk fever, dystocia and retained fetal membranes. In all the cows with grade 2 and 3 vaginal prolapse, and also those with uterine prolapse, the mass was repositioned following the standard technique under caudal epidural analgesia. A modified Bühner’s technique, using sterile infusion set tubing as suture material, was effective in retention of the mass in all the cows. Complications and disfigurement of the vulvar area were not noticed, even in cases where the suture was kept in-situ for a prolonged period.U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 86 krava: 44 s izvalom maternice, a 42 s izvalom rodnice. Izvala rodnice pretežno se javljala u visokom stupnju bređosti, a maternice nakon telenja. Za vrijeme pretrage većina krava s izvalom maternice je ležala, dok su one s izvalom rodnice stajale. Izvala spolnih organa najčešće je ustanovljena u križanih Jersey krava prilikom drugoga telenja i to u jesen. Broj slučajeva prvog stupnja izvale rodnice bio je najveći (52,38%). Slijedi broj izvala trećeg stupnja (33,33%) te drugog stupnja (14,29%). Prvi stupanj izvale rodnice bio je uspješno izliječen u 45,45% slučajeva (10/22) davanjem 500 mg hidroksiprogesterona intramuskularno dvaput tjedno uz podizanje stražnjeg dijela tijela. U ostalih 54,55% slučajeva izvala je prešla u drugi stupanj. U manjeg broja (27%) životinja s izvalom maternice bila je ustanovljena mliječna vrućica, težak porođaj i zaostajanje posteljice. U svih krava s drugim i trećim stupnjem izvale rodnice i onih s izvalom maternice, organi su bili vraćeni u normalan položaj standardnim postupkom uz kaudalnu epiduralnu anesteziju. Preinačen Bühnerov postupak upotrebom sterilne infuzijske cjevčice kao šivaćeg materijala pokazao se učinkovitim u liječenju svih krava. Komplikacije i promjene oblika stidnice nisu primijećene čak ni u slučajevima kad je šav duže vrijeme ostao in situ

    Cytological, Phenological and Molecular Characterization of B (S)-Genome Synthetic Hexaploids (2n = 6x = 42; AABBSS)

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    The B(S) genome diploids (2n = 2x = 14) are a unique reservoir of genetic diversity that can provide wheat breeders a rich source of allelic variation for stress traits that limit productivity. Restricted in practical use essentially due to their complex chromosomal behavior, these diploids have been in limited practical usage. The classic utilization example has been the suppression activity of the Ph locus and role in alien genetic transfer aspects that has been a standard in cytogenetic manipulation studies. For applied efforts focusing on Aegilops speltoides researchers in CIMMYT initiated an ambitious program to make AABBBB(SS) synthetics and made progress by generating over 50 such synthetics. Of these 20 were available for this study in which phenology and powdery mildew screening were evaluated. Four of these 20 synthetics appeared to be useful sources for further exploitation in breeding. These were entries 6, 9, 10 and 11 suited for exploitation in pre-breeding, with positive phenological characters particularly high thousand-kernel weight and are cytologically near euploid at 2n = 6x = 42. The subtle hyper (43) and hypoploid number would not negate their applied use potential. Preference however goes to genotypes 9 and 11

    Roughness Based Crossflow Transition Control for a Swept Airfoil Design Relevant to Subsonic Transports

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    A high fidelity transition prediction methodology has been applied to a swept airfoil design at a Mach number of 0.75 and chord Reynolds number of approximately 17 million, with the dual goal of an assessment of the design for the implementation and testing of roughness based crossflow transition control and continued maturation of such methodology in the context of realistic aerodynamic configurations. Roughness based transition control involves controlled seeding of suitable, subdominant crossflow modes in order to weaken the growth of naturally occurring, linearly more unstable instability modes via a nonlinear modification of the mean boundary layer profiles. Therefore, a synthesis of receptivity, linear and nonlinear growth of crossflow disturbances, and high-frequency secondary instabilities becomes desirable to model this form of control. Because experimental data is currently unavailable for passive crossflow transition control for such high Reynolds number configurations, a holistic computational approach is used to assess the feasibility of roughness based control methodology. Potential challenges inherent to this control application as well as associated difficulties in modeling this form of control in a computational setting are highlighted. At high Reynolds numbers, a broad spectrum of stationary crossflow disturbances amplify and, while it may be possible to control a specific target mode using Discrete Roughness Elements (DREs), nonlinear interaction between the control and target modes may yield strong amplification of the difference mode that could have an adverse impact on the transition delay using spanwise periodic roughness elements

    Towards Bridging the Gaps in Holistic Transition Prediction via Numerical Simulations

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    The economic and environmental benefits of laminar flow technology via reduced fuel burn of subsonic and supersonic aircraft cannot be realized without minimizing the uncertainty in drag prediction in general and transition prediction in particular. Transition research under NASA's Aeronautical Sciences Project seeks to develop a validated set of variable fidelity prediction tools with known strengths and limitations, so as to enable "sufficiently" accurate transition prediction and practical transition control for future vehicle concepts. This paper provides a summary of selected research activities targeting the current gaps in high-fidelity transition prediction, specifically those related to the receptivity and laminar breakdown phases of crossflow induced transition in a subsonic swept-wing boundary layer. The results of direct numerical simulations are used to obtain an enhanced understanding of the laminar breakdown region as well as to validate reduced order prediction methods

    The role of fused thiophene and naphthalene diimide (NDI) in shaping the optical and electrical properties of donor-acceptor polymers

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    Three polymers with general structure (D-A)n were designed and synthetized to investigate the interaction of strong donors and strong acceptors in polymer chain. They are based on different fused thiophenes (1Th: 4,4′-bis(2-ethylhexyl)-cyclopenta [2,1-b:3,4- ’]dithiophene; 2Th: 4,8-bis [(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]benzo [1,2-b:4,5-b']dithiophene; 3Th: 4,8-bis(4-fluoro-5-(2-ethylhexyl)-thiophen-2-yl)benzo [1,2-b:4,5-b']bisthiophene) and N,N′-bis(2-thylhexyl)-1,8:4,5-naphthalenetetracarboxdiimide (NDI). Fused benzo- and cyclopenta-thiophene derivatives were selected because they are known for their strong electron-donating properties. NDI was coupled with them in polymer chain because it is one of the best known electron withdrawing units. Such combination of donor and acceptor units is one of the strategies for obtaining low band gap conjugated polymers with semiconducting properties for many applications. The interaction of donors and acceptors is a key factor determining the properties of such polymers. The electrochemical and spectroscopic measurement were supported by DFT calculations. Moreover, organic field effect transistors (OFET) were fabricated to demonstrate the feasibility of using the newly developed materials in electronic devices

    Melanom papka u dvije koze - prikaz slučaja.

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    Two local adult goats were presented with lameness due to a soft tissue, easily bleeding growth over the medial digit of the right forelimb. Radiography did not reveal any bony involvement. The growths were meticulously resected and diagnosed histopathologically as melanomas. Recurrence was noticed two months later in one of these cases.U dvije koze ustanovljena je hromost zbog promjena u mekom tkivu i izrasline s obilnim krvarenjem u području unutarnjeg papka prednje desne noge. Radiografski nisu bile ustanovljene promjene na kostima. Izrasline su bile pažljivo uklonjene te je patohistološki utvrđen melanom. U jedne koze melanom se ponovo javio dva mjeseca nakon odstranjivanja

    Resistance to Wheat streak mosaic virus identified in synthetic wheat lines

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    Citation: Shoup Rupp, J. L., Simon, Z. G., Gillett-Walker, B., & Fellers, J. P. (2014). Resistance to Wheat streak mosaic virus identified in synthetic wheat lines. Retrieved from http://krex.ksu.eduWheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) is an important pathogen in wheat that causes significant yield losses each year. WSMV is typically controlled using cultural practices such as the removal of volunteer wheat. Genetic resistance is limited. Until recently, no varieties have been available with major resistance genes to WSMV. Two resistance genes have been derived from Thinopyrum intermedium through chromosome engineering, while a third gene was transferred from bread wheat through classical breeding. New sources of resistance are needed and synthetic wheat lines provide a means of accessing genetic variability in wheat progenitors. A collection of wheat synthetic lines was screened for WSMV resistance. Four lines, 07-SYN-27, -106, -164, and -383 had significant levels of resistance. Resistance was effective at 18 °C and virus accumulation was similar to the resistant control, WGGRC50 containing Wsm1. At 25 °C, resistance was no longer effective and virus accumulation was similar to the susceptible control, Tomahawk