18 research outputs found

    A cross-sectional survey of water and clean faces in trachoma endemic communities in Tanzania

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Face washing is important to interrupt the transmission of trachoma, the leading infectious cause of blindness worldwide. We aimed to assess the household and personal factors that affected water use and face washing practices in Kongwa, Tanzania.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a household water use survey in 173 households (329 children) in January, 2010. Self reported data on water use practices, observed water in the household, and observed clean faces in children were collected. Contingency table analyses and logistic regression analyses were used to measure associations between unclean faces and risk factors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that women are recognized as primary decision makers on water use in a household, and respondents who reported laziness as a reason that others do not wash children's faces were significantly more likely to have children with clean faces. Washing was reported as a priority for water use in most households. Sixty four percent (95% Confidence Interval = 59%-70%) of children had clean faces.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Attitudes toward face washing and household water use appear to have changed dramatically from 20 years ago when clean faces were rare and men made decisions on water use in households. The sources of these attitudinal changes are not clear, but are positive changes that will assist the trachoma control program in strengthening its hygiene efforts.</p

    Trachoma Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors in The Gambia and Tanzania: Baseline Results of a Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial

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    Trachoma is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis and is the leading infectious cause of blindness. The World Health Organization's (WHO) control strategy includes antibiotic treatment of all community members, facial cleanliness, and environmental improvements. By determining how prevalent trachoma is, decisions can be made whether control activities need to be put in place. Knowing what factors make people more at risk of having trachoma can help target trachoma control efforts to those most at risk. We looked at the prevalence of active trachoma and C. trachomatis infection in the eyes of children aged 0–5 years in The Gambia and Tanzania. We also measured risk factors associated with having active trachoma or infection. The prevalence of both active trachoma and infection was lower in The Gambia (6.7% and 0.8%, respectively) than in Tanzania (32.3% and 21.9%, respectively). Risk factors for active trachoma were similar in the two countries. For infection, the risk factors in Tanzania were similar to those for TF, whereas in The Gambia, only ocular discharge was associated with infection. These results show that although the prevalence of active trachoma and infection is very different between the two countries, the risk factors for active trachoma are similar but those for infection are different

    Risk Factors for Ocular Chlamydia after Three Mass Azithromycin Distributions

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    Trachoma, which is the leading infectious cause of blindness worldwide, is caused by repeated ocular infection with Chlamydia trachomatis. Treatment for trachoma includes mass azithromycin treatments to the entire community. The World Health Organization recommends at least 3 rounds of annual mass antibiotic distributions in areas with trachoma, with further mass treatments based on the prevalence of trachoma. However, there are other options for communities that have received several rounds of treatment. For example, programs could continue antibiotic treatments only in those households most likely to have infected individuals. In this study, we performed trachoma monitoring on children from 12 Ethiopian communities one year after a third mass azithromycin treatment, and conducted a household survey at the same time. We found that children were more likely to be infected with ocular chlamydia if they had ocular inflammatory signs or ocular discharge, or if they had missed the preceding antibiotic treatment, had an infected sibling, or came from a larger community. These risk factors suggest that after mass azithromycin treatments, trachoma programs could consider continuing antibiotic distributions to households that have missed prior antibiotic distributions, in households with children who have the clinical signs of trachoma, and in larger communities

    Low Prevalence of Conjunctival Infection with Chlamydia trachomatis in a Treatment-NaΓ―ve Trachoma-Endemic Region of the Solomon Islands

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    Trachoma is endemic in several Pacific Island states. Recent surveys across the Solomon Islands indicated that whilst trachomatous inflammation-follicular (TF) was present at levels warranting intervention, the prevalence of trachomatous trichiasis (TT) was low. We set out to determine the relationship between chlamydial infection and trachoma in this population. We conducted a population-based trachoma prevalence survey of 3674 individuals from two Solomon Islands provinces. Participants were examined for clinical signs of trachoma. Conjunctival swabs were collected from all children aged 1-9 years. We tested swabs for Chlamydia trachomatis (Ct) DNA using droplet digital PCR. Chlamydial DNA from positive swabs was enriched and sequenced for use in phylogenetic analysis. We observed a moderate prevalence of TF in children aged 1-9 years (n = 296/1135, 26.1%) but low prevalence of trachomatous inflammation-intense (TI) (n = 2/1135, 0.2%) and current Ct infection (n = 13/1002, 1.3%) in children aged 1-9 years, and TT in those aged 15+ years (n = 2/2061, 0.1%). Ten of 13 (76.9%) cases of infection were in persons with TF or TI (p = 0.0005). Sequence analysis of the Ct-positive samples yielded 5/13 (38%) complete (>95% coverage of reference) genome sequences, and 8/13 complete plasmid sequences. Complete sequences all aligned most closely to ocular serovar reference strains. The low prevalence of TT, TI and Ct infection that we observed are incongruent with the high proportion of children exhibiting signs of TF. TF is present at levels that apparently warrant intervention, but the scarcity of other signs of trachoma indicates the phenotype is mild and may not pose a significant public health threat. Our data suggest that, whilst conjunctival Ct infection appears to be present in the region, it is present at levels that are unlikely to be the dominant driving force for TF in the population. This could be one reason for the low prevalence of TT observed during the study

    Trachoma and ocular Chlamydia trachomatis rates in children in trachoma–endemic communities enrolled for at least three years in the Tanzania National Trachoma Control Programme

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    Trachoma, a blinding eye disease caused by repeated and prolonged infection with Chlamydia trachomatis , is a significant public health problem for sub-Saharan Africa. Tanzania has had a National Trachoma Task Force since 1999, working on trachoma control in endemic districts. The objective of this study was twofold: first, to determine the current status of infection and clinical trachoma in these districts in Tanzania, and second, to determine if a combination of clinical signs could be used as a surrogate for infection. We conducted a survey for trachoma and infection with C. trachomatis in 75 villages in eight districts of Kongwa, Kilosa, Mpwapwa, Bahi, Kondoa, Manyoni, Monduli and Iramba in Tanzania, which have previously been shown to be endemic. In each village, a random sample of households, and of children within households, was taken for examination. Trachoma was graded using the World Health Organization system, which we expanded, and a swab taken to determine presence of infection. The rates of trachoma ranged from 0% in Iramba District to 15.17% in Monduli District, with large variation in villages within districts. Infection rates were generally lower than trachoma rates, as expected, and most districts had villages with no infection. A combination of clinical signs of trachoma in children, when absent, showed very high specificity for identifying villages with no infection. We conclude that these signs might be useful for monitoring absence of infection in villages, and that districts with trachoma prevalence between 10% and 15% should have village level rapid surveys to avoid unnecessary mass treatment

    Gender equity and trichiasis surgery in the Vietnam and Tanzania national trachoma control programmes

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    Aims: To calculate the gender distribution of trichiasis cases in trachoma communities in Vietnam and Tanzania, and the gender distribution of surgical cases, to determine if women are using surgical services proportional to their needs. Methods: Population based data from surveys done in Tanzania and Vietnam as part of the national trachoma control programmes were used to determine the rate of trichiasis by gender in the population. Surgical records provided data on the gender ratio of surgical cases. Results: The rates of trichiasis in both countries are from 1.4-fold to sixfold higher in females compared to males. In both countries, the female to male rate of surgery was the same or even higher than the female to male rate of trichiasis in the population. Conclusions: These data provide assurance of gender equity in the provision and use of trichiasis surgery services in the national programmes of these two countries. Such simple analyses should be used by other programmes to assure gender equity in provision and use of trichiasis surgery services