468 research outputs found

    Estimation of suspended sediment concentration by acoustic equations for soil sediment

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    The acoustic backscattering systems, ABS, for sediment measurement are based on the determining of the backscattering and attenuation properties of the particles in suspension. The relevant acoustic quantities are the form function, f, which describes the backscattering characteristics, and thenormalized total scattering cross-section, , which describes the attenuating characteristics of the particles in suspension. Formulations are required for these parameters of suspension sediment particles with size and acoustic frequency. Several studies have been conducted to determine theconcentration of sediments such as glass spheres or sand. However, the acoustic properties of natural sediments vary and depend on many parameters such as particle size, shape, mineralogy and distribution of those parameters in sample. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the possibility of soil sediment concentration with the f and equations, which were obtained for glass spheres and sandy sediments under laboratory and river conditions. The results show that theacoustic method, especially with glass scattering equation, works fairly well to calculate soil sediment for low concentration range at laboratory and river conditions

    A rat model for the immune response to the intrauterine administration of BCG

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    This study was designed to investigate the changes in the numbers of lymphocytes, macrophages and plasma cells in the uterus and ileocecal lymph nodes of rats exposed to the intrauterine administration of Baeillus-Calmette Guerin (BCG). Thirty female Wistar Albino rats, age 6 months and weighing between 200-250 g, were assigned to the two experimental groups BCG treated and controls (n = 15). The intrauterine BCG injections were made using laparatomy in the diestrous cycle under Rompun and Ketalar anesthesia. 0.1 ml BCG were injected for each into cornu uteri while the control group received 0.1 ml sterile saline in the same place. Two weeks later, the rats in both groups were anesthetized with ether and decapitated. Uterus and ileocecal lymph nodes were processed to determine alpha naphthyl acid esterase (ANAE) - positive T lymphocytes and macrophages. The plasma cells were stained with the methyl green-pyronin method; It was found that the numbers of lymphocytes macrophages and plasma cells on the uterus increased (P<0.01) in BCG treated rats. In addition, the number of these cells also increased in the ileoeeeal lymph nodes indicating the presence of an immune response to the intrauterine BCG administration, It is concluded that although the rat was chosen as a model and ECG was given by the process of laparatomy in this study, intracervical administration of BCG tn the uterus should be studied clinically in cases of immune deficiency disorders related to the uterus. such as endometritis, myometritis, pyometra, endometriosis. infertility and implantation problems of domestic animals, to see if there is an increase in the immune response

    Beyond and Beneath O\u27Shaughnessy Dam: Options to Restore Hetch Hetchy Valley and Replace Water and Engergy Supplies

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    Section II of this article presents an overview of the natural, human, and political histories concerning Hetch Hetchy Valley and the construction of O’Shaughnessy Dam. Section III then considers the options available to replace water and energy supplies that would be reduced by dam removal. Section IV evaluates the benefits, costs, and financing alternatives related to the proposed removal of O’Shaughnessy Dam and the restoration of Hetch Hetchy Valley. Section V identifies some of the legal issues and obstacles involved in the proposed dam removal, and Section VI describes the Valley as it might be after it is restored

    Social Ball: An immersive research paradigm to study social ostracism

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    We introduce “Social Ball,” a new research paradigm to study ostracism via an online ball tossing game based on Cyberball (Williams & Jarvis, 2006) designed with both researchers and participants in mind. For researchers, the game incorporates a variety of features which are easily accessible from the software’s interface. Some of these features have already been studied with Cyberball (e.g., tossing different objects) but some are novel (e.g., end-game communication or hand-waving during the game). From the participants’ perspective, the game was designed to be more visually and socially immersive to create a more video-game- like online environment. We discuss two previous implementations. Study 1 showed that Social Ball successfully induced need threat and negative affect among ostracized (vs included) participants (n = 247). Study 2 empirically demonstrated how a new feature of the game (i.e., hand-waving) can be used to answer various questions. The results suggested that people waved their hands to varying degrees yet the frequency of which was not associated with post game need satisfaction (n = 2578). Besides describing the features of the game, we also provide a configuration manual and an annotated R code (both as online supplementary materials) to make the paradigm and associated analyses more accessible, and in turn, to stimulate further research. In our discussion, we elaborate on the various ways in which Social Ball can contribute to the understanding of belonging and ostracism

    Diagnosis of acquired generalized lipodystrophy in a single patient with T-cell lymphoma and no exposure to Metreleptin

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    Abstract Background Metreleptin, a recombinant methionyl -human -leptin, was approved to treat patients with generalized lipodystrophy (GL) in February 2014. However, leptin therapy has been associated with the development of lymphoma. We present a unique case of a patient with prior history of T cell lymphoma in remission, who was diagnosed with Acquired Generalized Lipodystrophy (AGL) during the following year after a clinical remission of her lymphoma without receiving leptin therapy. Case presentation A 33-year-old woman with a diagnosis of stage IV subcutaneous panniculitis like T-cell lymphoma in 2011, underwent chemotherapy. Shortly after completion therapy, she had a relapse and required more chemotherapy with complete response, followed by allogenic stem cell transplant on June 28, 2012. Since that time, she has been on observation with no evidence of disease recurrence. Subsequent to the treatment, she was found to have high triglycerides, loss of fat tissue from her entire body and diagnosis of diabetes. Constellation of these findings led to the diagnosis of AGL in 2013. Her leptin level was low at 3.4 ng/mL (182 pmol/mL). She is currently not receiving any treatment with Metreleptin for her AGL. Conclusions Causal association between exogenous leptin therapy and T-cell lymphoma still remains unclear. We hereby present a case of a young woman who was diagnosed with AGL after going into remission from T-cell lymphoma and who has never been treated with Metreleptin. Steroid therapy and chemotherapy might have masked the diagnosis of AGL in this patient. We believe that patients can develop these 2 conditions independent of each other.https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/148289/1/40842_2019_Article_76.pd

    Archeogeophysical Studies in The Sultan Ahmet (Blue) Mosque

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    Bu çalışmada İstanbul Fatih ilçesinde bulunan Sultan Ahmet Camii’nin içinde, dış avlularda, tüm alt bahçe alanlarında ve dış parsellerde gerçekleştirilen yeraltı haritalama çalışmaları anlatılmaktadır. Mayıs-Temmuz 2011 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirilen arazi ölçümleri ve saha çalışmaları sonucunda Sultan Ahmet Camii oturum sahasının yaklaşık 30 metre derinliğe kadar olan kısımların yeraltı haritaları oluşturulmuştur. Bu sayede daha önce varlığından emin olunamayan çok sayıda yapay ve doğal yer içi oluşumu haritalanması ve (3B) yeriçi modellerinin oluşturulması amaçlanmıştır