14 research outputs found

    Parental transfer of the antimicrobial protein LBP/BPI protects Biomphalaria glabrata eggs against oomycete infections

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    Copyright: © 2013 Baron et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Funding: This work was funded by ANR (ANR-07-BLAN-0214 and ANR-12-EMMA-00O7-01), CNRS and INRA. PvW was financially supported by the BBSRC. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Cross-Cultural Validation of the Definition of Multimorbidity in the Bulgarian Language.

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    INTRODUCTION: Multimorbidity is a health issue with growing importance. During the last few decades the populations of most countries in the world have been ageing rapidly. Bulgaria is affected by the issue because of the high prevalence of ageing population in the country with multiple chronic conditions. The AIM of the present study was to validate the translated definition of multimorbidity from English into the Bulgarian language. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present study is part of an international project involving 8 national groups. We performed a forward and backward translation of the original English definition of multimorbidity using a Delphi consensus procedure. RESULTS: The physicians involved accepted the definition with a high percentage of agreement in the first round. The backward translation was accepted by the scientific committee using the Nominal group technique. DISCUSSION: Some of the GPs provided comments on the linguistic expressions which arose in order to improve understanding in Bulgarian. The remarks were not relevant to the content. The conclusion of the discussion, using a meta-ethnographic approach, was that the differences were acceptable and no further changes were required. CONCLUSIONS: A native version of the published English multimorbidity definition has been finalized. This definition is a prerequisite for better management of multimorbidity by clinicians, researchers and policy makers

    Los Intereses en la Adolescencia

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    Profesor de Segunda Enseñanza. Especialidad PsicologiaCuenc

    Penilaian Biomassa Vegetasi, Karbon Vegetasi, dan Karbon Tanah pada Beberapa Tipe Tegakan Hutan Rakyat

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    Tipe tegakan hutan rakyat di Jawa Tengah sangat bervariasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk penilaian biomassa vegetasi, karbon vegetasi, dan karbon tanah di bawah tegakan hutan rakyat di wilayah Kabupaten Boyolali dan Kabupaten Semarang Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Site (lokasi penelitian) tipe tegakan hutan rakyat meliputi hutan rakyat berbasis jati, mahoni, akasia, sengon, dan campuran. Pada penelitian ini sawah digunakan sebagai pembanding. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan biomassa vegetasi pada tegakan hutan rakyat berkisar 83,51-344,07 ton/ha dan sawah (5,12 ton/ha). Karbon vegetasi pada tegakan hutan rakyat berkisar 38,34-158,19 ton C/ha dan sawah (3,03 ton C/ha). Kandungan C-organik tanah pada tegakan hutan rakyat berkisar 0,99-1,78% dan sawah (1,43%), sedangkan karbon tanah (sedalam 5 cm) berkisar 4,24-10,30 ton/ha, dan sawah (6,67 ton/ha)

    Heavy Metal Content in Soils under Different Wastewater Irrigation Patterns in Chihuahua, Mexico

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    An area near the city of Chihuahua has been traditionally irrigated with wastewater to grow forage crops. It has been hypothesized that metal levels could be found in these soils high enough to cause potential health problems to the population. The objective of this study was to determine heavy metal concentrations in different soils due to irrigation practices. Four soil types were evaluated; a soil with a past and present history of wastewater irrigation (S1), a soil with a history of wastewater irrigation until 2003 (S2), a soil with no irrigation history (S3), and a soil similar to S1 and adjacent to the river where the wastewater is transported (S11). Three soil depths were evaluated; 0-15, 15-30 and 30-50 cm. Consequently, a total of 150 soil samples were analyzed evaluating pH, EC, OM and the following elements; Na, K, Cd, Pb, Ni, Cr, Cu and Fe. The pH (P=0.000) and EC (P=0.000) were different for each soil type but no differences were noted for soil depth and the interaction. Maximum pH levels were noted in S3 with a value of 8.74 while maximum EC was observed in S1 with a value of 0.850 dSm-1. The OM level was different for soil type (P=0.000), soil depth (P=0.005) and the interaction (P=0.014). S1 and S11 obtained maximum levels of OM while minimum levels were noted in S3. Maximum OM levels were observed at the 0-15 cm depth followed by the 15-30 cm depth and finally at the 30-50 cm depth. The highest concentration of metals was as follows: K in S1 (359.3 mg kg-1); Cd in S1 (4.48 mg kg-1); Pb in S11 (155.83 mg kg-1); Ni in S1 (10.74 mg kg-1); Cu in S1 (51.36 mg kg-1); B in S3 (41.5 mg kg-1); Fe in S3 (20,313.0 mg kg-1), Cr in S3 (44.26 mg kg-1) and Na in S3 (203.0 mg kg-1)

    Cross-Cultural Validation of the Definition of Multimorbidity in the Bulgarian Language / Культуральная Валидность Определения Полиморбидности В Болгарском Языке

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    ВВЕДЕНИЕ: Значение полиморбидности становится всё более существенным. За последние несколько десятилетий наблюдается всё более значительное старение населения большинства стран в мире. Проблема касается и Болгарии, ввиду высокого распространения стареющего населения со множеством хронических заболеваний. ЦЕЛЬЮ данного обследования является валидизация определения полиморбидности в переводе с английского на болгарский язык. МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ: Настоящее обследование является частью международного проекта, включающего участников из восьми стран. Исследование основано на переводе определения с применением процедуры Дельфи. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: Участвующие в обследовании врачи приняли определение на первом этапе с высоким процентом согласия. Перевод с болгарского языка на английский принято исследовательским комитетом с использованием техники Номинальной группы. ДИСКУССИЯ: Частью общепрактикующих врачей были обсуждены конкретные выражения с целью лучшего понимания на болгарском языке. Отправленные замечания не касаются содержания. Проведённый мета-этнографический подход привёл к заключению, что различия приемлемы и нет необходимости в дальнейших изменениях. ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: Болгарский перевод определения полиморбидности осуществлён. Данное определение является предпосылкой для лучшего управления полиморбидностью клиницистами, исследователями и политиками