543 research outputs found


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    Uluslararası ticaretin çok büyük bir bölümü denizyolu ile gerçekleştirilmektedir. Buyüzden gemilerin ne zamanda nerede olduğunun bilinmesi çok önem arz eder. Bu sebeptengemilerin izlenmesi ve takip edilmesi için farklı sistemler zaman içerisindekullanılmaktadır. Ancak, bu sistemler küresel anlamda izleme ve takip imkanı sunamamışya da özel şirketlerin kullanımı ile sınırlı kalmıştır.Uzak Mesafeden Gemileri Tanımlanma ve Takip Sistemi (LRIT) özellikle sonyıllarda artan terör faaliyetleri yüzünden oluşan güvenlik tehditlerine karşı bir önlemolarak geliştirilmiş, gemilerin küresel anlamda tanımlanması, izlenmesi ve takipedilebilmesine olanak sağlayan oldukça güvenilir bir sistemdir. Diğer takip sistemlerininaksine LRIT sistemi, öncelikle ülkelerin güvenlik güçleri ve arama kurtarma birimlerininkullanımı için tasarlanmıştır. Ancak, uluslararası kurallar dahilinde başka kuruluşlar ya daözel şirketlerin kullanımına açılmasının önünde hiç bir engel bulunmamaktadır. Maritime transportation is being used for a huge part of the international trade.That's why it has always been important to know where the ships are at any given time.There have been various tracking systems for a long time but these systems were eitherrestricted to commercial companies or provided limited range of tracking area.The Long Range Identification and Tracking of Ships (LRIT) system which providesglobal identification and tracking of ships has been implemented as part of the response tothe growing threat from terrorism world-wide. Unlike the other tracking systems, the LRITsystem was initially designed for the use of security forces or search and rescue centres ofcountries but there is no restriction for other institutions or commercial companies to become the user of the system as long as the international requirements for data sharingare met

    Scheduling a project to maximize its net present value: An integer programming approach

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    We describe an integer programming algorithm for determining scheduled start and finish times for the activities of a project subject to resource limitations during each period of the schedule duration. The objective is to maximize the net present value of the project to the firm. A depth-first branch and bound solution procedure searches over the feasible set of finish or completion times for each of the activities of the project. Fathoming criteria based upon the concept of a network cut originally developed to solve the duration minimization version of this problem are extended in this paper to solve the net present value problem. These fathoming decision rules prevent many potentially inferior solutions from being explicitly evaluated. Computational experience reported demonstrates the efficacy of the approach.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/31003/1/0000678.pd

    Thermodynamically admissible form for discrete hydrodynamics

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    We construct a discrete model of fluid particles according to the GENERIC formalism. The model has the form of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics including correct thermal fluctuations. A slight variation of the model reproduces the Dissipative Particle Dynamics model with any desired thermodynamic behavior. The resulting algorithm has the following properties: mass, momentum and energy are conserved, entropy is a non-decreasing function of time and the thermal fluctuations produce the correct Einstein distribution function at equilibrium.Comment: 4 page

    The future of enterprise groupware applications

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    This paper provides a review of groupware technology and products. The purpose of this review is to investigate the appropriateness of current groupware technology as the basis for future enterprise systems and evaluate its role in realising, the currently emerging, Virtual Enterprise model for business organisation. It also identifies in which way current technological phenomena will transform groupware technology and will drive the development of the enterprise systems of the future

    Quantifying gas emissions from the "Millennium Eruption" of Paektu volcano, Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea/China

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    Paektu volcano (Changbaishan) is a rhyolitic caldera that straddles the border between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and China. Its most recent large eruption was the Millennium Eruption (ME; 23 km3^{3} dense rock equivalent) circa 946 CE, which resulted in the release of copious magmatic volatiles (H2_{2}O, CO2_{2}, sulfur, and halogens). Accurate quantification of volatile yield and composition is critical in assessing volcanogenic climate impacts but is challenging, particularly for events before the satellite era. We use a geochemical technique to quantify volatile composition and upper bounds to yields for the ME by examining trends in incompatible trace and volatile element concentrations in crystal-hosted melt inclusions. We estimate that the ME could have emitted as much as 45 Tg of S to the atmosphere. This is greater than the quantity of S released by the 1815 eruption of Tambora, which contributed to the “year without a summer.” Our maximum gas yield estimates place the ME among the strongest emitters of climate-forcing gases in the Common Era. However, ice cores from Greenland record only a relatively weak sulfate signal attributed to the ME. We suggest that other factors came into play in minimizing the glaciochemical signature. This paradoxical case in which high S emissions do not result in a strong glacial sulfate signal may present a way forward in building more https://symplectic.admin.cam.ac.uk/objectedit.html?cid=1&oid=876954generalized models for interpreting which volcanic eruptions have produced large climate impacts.K.I. was supported by the NSF under award no. 1349486 and by AAAS. Fieldwork was supported by the Richard Lounsbery Foundation

    Relationships between Orthostatic Hypotension, Frailty, Falling and Mortality in Elderly Care Home Residents

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    Background: Orthostatic hypotension (OH; profound falls in blood pressure when upright) is a common deficit that increases in incidence with age, and may be associated with falling risk. Deficit accumulation results in frailty, regarded as enhanced vulnerability to adverse outcomes. We aimed to evaluate the relationships between OH, frailty, falling and mortality in elderly care home residents. Methods: From the Minimum Data Set (MDS) document, a frailty index (FI-MDS) was generated from a list of 58 deficits, ranging from 0 (no deficits) to 1.0 (58 deficits). OH was evaluated from beat-to-beat blood pressure and heart rate (finger plethysmography) collected during a 15-min supine-seated orthostatic stress test. Retrospective and prospective falling rates (falls/year) were extracted from facility falls incident reports. All-cause 3-year mortality was determined. Data are reported as mean ± standard error. Results: Data were obtained from 116 older adults (aged 84.2 ± 0.9 years; 44% males) living in two long term care facilities. The mean FI-MDS was 0.36 ± 0.01; FI-MDS was correlated with age (r = 0.277; p = 0.003). Those who were frail (FI ≥ 0.27) had larger Initial (− 17.8 ± 4.2 vs − 6.1 ± 3.3 mmHg, p = 0.03) and Consensus (− 22.7 ± 4.3 vs − 11.5 ± 3. 3 mmHg, p = 0.04) orthostatic reductions in systolic arterial pressure. Frail individuals had higher prospective and retrospective falling rates and higher 3-year mortality. Receiver operating characteristic curves evaluated the ability of FI-MDS alone to predict prospective falls (sensitivity 72%, specificity 36%), Consensus OH (sensitivity 68%, specificity 60%) and 3-year mortality (sensitivity 77%, specificity 49%). Kaplan Meier survival analyses showed significantly higher 3-year mortality in those who were frail compared to the non-frail (p = 0.005). Conclusions: Frailty can be captured using a frailty index based on MDS data in elderly individuals living in long term care, and is related to susceptibility to orthostatic hypotension, falling risk and 3-year mortality. Use of the MDS to generate a frailty index may represent a simple and convenient risk assessment tool for older adults living in long term care. Older adults who are both frail and have impaired orthostatic blood pressure control have a particularly high risk of falling and should receive tailored management to mitigate this ris

    An epidemiological study of pleuropulmonary paragonimiasis among pupils in the peri-urban zone of Kumba town, Meme Division, Cameroon

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    BACKGROUND: Paragonimiasis have previously been reported in two zones of the Southwest Province of Cameroon including the Kupe mountain and Mundani foci. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence and epidemiology of paragonimiasis in the peri-urban zone of Kumba, Meme Division, located about 50 km away from the Kupe mountain focus. METHODS: Pupils of several government primary schools in 5 villages around Kumba underwent both parasitologic and clinical investigations in search of signs and symptoms of paragonimiasis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was also searched for in the differential diagnosis.Freshwater crabs from neighbouring streams in the five villages were dissected in search of paragonimus metacercariae. RESULTS: Out of a total of 1482 pupils examined in all five villages, 309 individuals (147 males and 162 females) were recruited for this study based on the presence of one or more signs or symptoms of paragonimiasis. Eggs of Paragonimus africanus were found in stools and/or sputum of pupils from all five villages, giving an overall paragonimus prevalence of 2.56%. There was no significant difference in the disease prevalence between the villages (X(2 )= 8.36, P = 0.08). The prevalence of Paragonimus africanus eggs amongst pupils with symptoms of paragonimiasis was 12.3% (38 of 309). Males were infected more than females (17.0% versus 8.0%), but the difference was not significant (X(2 )= 5.76, P = 0.16). All the 38 paragonimus egg positive subjects presented with cough, 23 (60.53%) complained of chest pain while 16 (42.11%) had haemoptysis. Stool examinations also detected some intestinal parasites including Ascaris lumbricoides (29.45%), Trichuris trichiura (6.47%), Necator americanus (2.27%), Strongyloides stercoralis (1.62%), Enterobius vermicularis (0.65%), and Entamoeba histolytica (4.53%). No case of M. tuberculosis was noted. Out of a total of 85 dissected crabs (Sudanonautes africanus), 6.02 % were infected with paragonimus metacercariae. CONCLUSION: In addition to the two previously described paragonimiasis foci of Kupe mountain and Mundani, the identification of autochthonous cases of paragonimiasis in the peri-urban zone of Kumba town, makes the South West Province the most endemic zone of paragonimiasis in Cameroon at present

    Gabapentin for complex regional pain syndrome in Machado-Joseph disease: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Chronic pain is a common problem for patients with Machado-Joseph disease. Most of the chronic pain in Machado-Joseph disease has been reported to be of musculoskeletal origin, but now there seems to be different chronic pain in patients with Machado-Joseph disease.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 29-year-old man (Han Chinese, Hoklo) with Machado-Joseph disease experienced severe chronic pain in both feet, cutaneous thermal change, thermal hypersensitivity, focal edema, and sweating and had a history of bone fracture. These symptoms were compatible with a diagnosis of complex regional pain syndrome. After common analgesics failed to relieve his pain, gabapentin was added and titrated to 2000 mg/day (500 mg every six hours) in less than two weeks. This relieved 40% of his pain and led to significant clinical improvement.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The pathophysiology of complex regional pain syndrome includes peripheral and central sensitizations, the latter of which might be associated with the neurodegeneration in Machado-Joseph disease. In this report, we suggest that gabapentin could inhibit central sensitization as an adjunct for complex regional pain syndrome in patients with Machado-Joseph disease.</p

    An adaptive virtual reality system for the treatment of adjustment disorder and complicated grief: 1‐year follow‐up efficacy data

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    This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: An adaptive virtual reality system for the treatment of adjustment disorder and complicated grief: 1‐year follow‐up efficacy data, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/cpp.2342. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.Adjustment disorder (AD) and complicated grief (CG) are serious mental conditions that have a high prevalence and are associated with significant impairments in social and work functioning. Recently, these categories have been better specified in the new ICD‐11 proposal. Empirical research on the efficacy of treatments for these problems is scarce. This study aims to offer long‐term efficacy data from a between‐groups controlled study that compares two treatment conditions (AD‐protocol applied in a traditional way: N = 18 and the same protocol supported by virtual reality (VR); VR‐protocol applied in a traditional way: N = 18) and a waiting list (WL) control group (N = 18). Both treatment conditions resulted in statistically significant improvements on both primary and secondary outcome measures, with large effect sizes, and this improvement did not occur in the WL. These changes were maintained in both treatment conditions in the medium (6‐month) and long‐term (12‐month follow‐up). Larger effect sizes were achieved in the VR condition in the long term. Furthermore, clinically significant change estimations on the primary outcome measures showed an advantage for the VR condition This is the first controlled study to compare a traditional face‐to‐face protocol for the treatment of stress‐related disorders with the same protocol supported by VR and a WL control group