111 research outputs found

    Many-body aspects of positron annihilation in the electron gas

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    We investigate positron annihilation in electron liquid as a case study for many-body theory, in particular the optimized Fermi Hypernetted Chain (FHNC-EL) method. We examine several approximation schemes and show that one has to go up to the most sophisticated implementation of the theory available at the moment in order to get annihilation rates that agree reasonably well with experimental data. Even though there is basically just one number to look at, the electron-positron pair distribution function at zero distance, it is exactly this number that dictates how the full pair distribution behaves: In most cases, it falls off monotonously towards unity as the distance increases. Cases where the electron-positron pair distribution exhibits a dip are precursors to the formation of bound electron--positron pairs. The formation of electron-positron pairs is indicated by a divergence of the FHNC-EL equations, from this we can estimate the density regime where positrons must be localized. This occurs in our calculations in the range 9.4 <= r_s <=10, where r_s is the dimensionless density parameter of the electron liquid.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. B (2003

    Transport and Phonon Damping in 4^{\bf 4}He

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    The dynamic structure function S(k,ω)S(k,\omega) informs about the dispersion and damping of excitations. We have recently (Phys. Rev. B {\bf 97}, 184520 (2018)) compared experimental results for S(k,ω)S(k,\omega) from high-precision neutron scattering experiment and theoretical results using the ``dynamic many-body theory'' (DMBT), showing excellent agreement over the whole experimentally accessible pressure regime. This paper focuses on the specific aspect of the propagation of low-energy phonons. We report calculations of the phonon mean-free path and phonon life time in liquid \he4 as a function of wave length and pressure. Historically, the question was of interest for experiments of quantum evaporation. More recently, there is interest in the potential use of 4^4He as a detector for low-energy dark matter (K. Schulz and Kathryn M. Zurek, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 117}, 121302 (2016)). While the mean free path of long wave length phonons is large, phonons of intermediate energy can have a short mean free path of the order of μ\mum. Comparison of different levels of theory indicate that reliable predictions of the phonon mean free path can be made only by using the most advanced many--body method available, namely, DMBT

    The effective mass of two--dimensional 3He

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    We use structural information from diffusion Monte Carlo calculations for two--dimensional 3He to calculate the effective mass. Static effective interactions are constructed from the density-- and spin structure functions using sumrules. We find that both spin-- and density-- fluctuations contribute about equally to the effective mass. Our results show, in agreement with recent experiments, a flattening of the single--particle self--energy with increasing density, which eventually leads to a divergent effective mass.Comment: 4 pages, accepted in PR

    LOCV calculations for polarized liquid 3He^3{He} with the spin-dependent correlation

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    We have used the lowest order constrained variational (LOCV) method to calculate some ground state properties of polarized liquid 3He^{3}He at zero temperature with the spin-dependent correlation function employing the Lennard-Jones and Aziz pair potentials. We have seen that the total energy of polarized liquid 3He^{3}He increases by increasing polarization. For all polarizations, it is shown that the total energy in the spin-dependent case is lower than the spin-independent case. We have seen that the difference between the energies of spin-dependent and spin-independent cases decreases by increasing polarization. We have shown that the main contribution of the potential energy comes from the spin-triplet state.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures. Int. J. Mod. Phys. B (2008) in pres

    Density-Functional Theory of Quantum Freezing: Sensitivity to Liquid-State Structure and Statistics

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    Density-functional theory is applied to compute the ground-state energies of quantum hard-sphere solids. The modified weighted-density approximation is used to map both the Bose and the Fermi solid onto a corresponding uniform Bose liquid, assuming negligible exchange for the Fermi solid. The required liquid-state input data are obtained from a paired phonon analysis and the Feynman approximation, connecting the static structure factor and the linear response function. The Fermi liquid is treated by the Wu-Feenberg cluster expansion, which approximately accounts for the effects of antisymmetry. Liquid-solid transitions for both systems are obtained with no adjustment of input data. Limited quantitative agreement with simulation indicates a need for further improvement of the liquid-state input through practical alternatives to the Feynman approximation.Comment: IOP-TeX, 21 pages + 7 figures, to appear, J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Dynamic Many-Body Theory. II. Dynamics of Strongly Correlated Fermi Fluids

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    We develop a systematic theory of multi-particle excitations in strongly interacting Fermi systems. Our work is the generalization of the time-honored work by Jackson, Feenberg, and Campbell for bosons, that provides, in its most advanced implementation, quantitative predictions for the dynamic structure function in the whole experimentally accessible energy/momentum regime. Our view is that the same physical effects -- namely fluctuations of the wave function at an atomic length scale -- are responsible for the correct energetics of the excitations in both Bose and Fermi fluids. Besides a comprehensive derivation of the fermion version of the theory and discussion of the approximations made, we present results for homogeneous He-3 and electrons in three dimensions. We find indeed a significant lowering of the zero sound mode in He-3 and a broadening of the collective mode due to the coupling to particle-hole excitations in good agreement with experiments. The most visible effect in electronic systems is the appearance of a ``double-plasmon'' excitation.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Single Particle and Fermi Liquid Properties of He-3/--He-4 Mixtures: A Microscopic Analysis

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    We calculate microscopically the properties of the dilute He-3 component in a He-3/--He-4 mixture. These depend on both, the dominant interaction between the impurity atom and the background, and the Fermi liquid contribution due to the interaction between the constituents of the He-3 component. We first calculate the dynamic structure function of a He-3 impurity atom moving in He-3. From that we obtain the excitation spectrum and the momentum dependent effective mass. The pole strength of this excitation mode is strongly reduced from the free particle value in agreement with experiments; part of the strength is distributed over high frequency excitations. Above k > 1.7A˚\AA^{-1}$ the motion of the impurity is damped due to the decay into a roton and a low energy impurity mode. Next we determine the Fermi--Liquid interaction between He-4 atoms and calculate the pressure-- and concentration dependence of the effective mass, magnetic susceptibility, and the He-3--He-3 scattering phase shifts. The calculations are based on a dynamic theory that uses, as input, effective interactions provided by the Fermi hypernetted--chain theory. The relationship between both theories is discussed. Our theoretical effective masses agree well with recent measurements by Yorozu et al. (Phys. Rev. B 48, 9660 (1993)) as well as those by R. Simons and R. M. Mueller (Czekoslowak Journal of Physics Suppl. 46, 201 (1996)), but our analysis suggests a new extrapolation to the zero-concentration limit. With that effective mass we also find a good agreement with the measured Landau parameter F_0^a.Comment: 47 pages, 15 figure

    Superfluid 4He dynamics beyond quasiparticle excitations

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    The dynamics of superfluid 4He at and above the Landau quasiparticle regime is investigated by high precision inelastic neutron scattering measurements of the dynamic structure factor. A highly structured response is observed above the familiar phonon-maxon-roton spectrum, characterized by sharp thresholds for phonon-phonon, maxon-roton and roton-roton coupling processes. The experimental dynamic structure factor is compared to the calculation of the same physical quantity by a Dynamic Many-body theory including three-phonon processes self-consistently. The theory is found to provide a quantitative description of the dynamics of the correlated bosons for energies up to about three times that of the Landau quasiparticles.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Ground state properties of a dilute homogeneous Bose gas of hard disks in two dimensions

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    The energy and structure of a dilute hard-disks Bose gas are studied in the framework of a variational many-body approach based on a Jastrow correlated ground state wave function. The asymptotic behaviors of the radial distribution function and the one-body density matrix are analyzed after solving the Euler equation obtained by a free minimization of the hypernetted chain energy functional. Our results show important deviations from those of the available low density expansions, already at gas parameter values x0.001x\sim 0.001. The condensate fraction in 2D is also computed and found generally lower than the 3D one at the same xx.Comment: Submitted to PRA. 7 pages and 8 figure