99 research outputs found

    Slender-ribbon theory

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    Ribbons are long narrow strips possessing three distinct material length scales (thickness, width, and length) which allow them to produce unique shapes unobtainable by wires or filaments. For example when a ribbon has half a twist and is bent into a circle it produces a M\"obius strip. Significant effort has gone into determining the structural shapes of ribbons but less is know about their behavior in viscous fluids. In this paper we determine, asymptotically, the leading-order hydrodynamic behavior of a slender ribbon in Stokes flows. The derivation, reminiscent of slender-body theory for filaments, assumes that the length of the ribbon is much larger than its width, which itself is much larger than its thickness. The final result is an integral equation for the force density on a mathematical ruled surface, termed the ribbon plane, located inside the ribbon. A numerical implementation of our derivation shows good agreement with the known hydrodynamics of long flat ellipsoids, and successfully captures the swimming behavior of artificial microscopic swimmers recently explored experimentally. We also study the asymptotic behavior of a ribbon bent into a helix, that of a twisted ellipsoid, and we investigate how accurately the hydrodynamics of a ribbon can be effectively captured by that of a slender filament. Our asymptotic results provide the fundamental framework necessary to predict the behavior of slender ribbons at low Reynolds numbers in a variety of biological and engineering problems.This research was funded in part by the European Union through a Marie Curie CIG Grant and the Cambridge Trusts.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from American Institute of Physics via http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.493856

    The WARPS Survey. VIII. Evolution of the Galaxy Cluster X-ray Luminosity Function

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    We present measurements of the galaxy cluster X-ray Luminosity Function (XLF) from the Wide Angle ROSAT Pointed Survey (WARPS) and quantify its evolution. WARPS is a serendipitous survey of the central region of ROSAT pointed observations and was carried out in two phases (WARPS-I and WARPS-II). The results here are based on a final sample of 124 clusters, complete above a flux limit of 6.5 10E-15 erg/s/cm2, with members out to redshift z ~ 1.05, and a sky coverage of 70.9 deg2. We find significant evidence for negative evolution of the XLF, which complements the majority of X-ray cluster surveys. To quantify the suggested evolution, we perform a maximum likelihood analysis and conclude that the evolution is driven by a decreasing number density of high luminosity clusters with redshift, while the bulk of the cluster population remains nearly unchanged out to redshift z ~ 1.1, as expected in a low density Universe. The results are found to be insensitive to a variety of sources of systematic uncertainty that affect the measurement of the XLF and determination of the survey selection function. We perform a Bayesian analysis of the XLF to fully account for uncertainties in the local XLF on the measured evolution, and find that the detected evolution remains significant at the 95% level. We observe a significant excess of clusters in the WARPS at 0.1 < z < 0.3 and LX ~ 2 10E42 erg/s compared with the reference low-redshift XLF, or our Bayesian fit to the WARPS data. We find that the excess cannot be explained by sample variance, or Eddington bias, and is unlikely to be due to problems with the survey selection function.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    How to detect late-onset inborn errors of metabolism in patients with movement disorders - A modern diagnostic approach

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    We propose a modern approach to assist clinicians to recognize and diagnose inborn errors of metabolism (IEMs) in adolescents and adults that present with a movement disorder. IEMs presenting in adults are still largely unexplored. These disorders receive little attention in neurological training and daily practice, and are considered complicated by many neurologists. Adult-onset presentations of IEMs differ from childhood-onset phenotypes, which may lead to considerable diagnostic delay. The identification of adult-onset phenotypes at the earliest stage of the disease is important, since early treatment may prevent or lessen further brain damage. Our approach is based on a systematic review of all papers that concerned movement disorders due to an IEM in patients of 16 years or older. Detailed clinical phenotyping is the diagnostic cornerstone of the approach. An underlying IEM should be suspected in particular in patients with more than one movement disorder, or in patients with additional neurological, psychiatric, or systemic manifestations. As IEMs are all genetic disorders, we recommend next-generation sequencing (NGS) as the first diagnostic approach to confirm an IEM. Biochemical tests remain the first choice in acute-onset or treatable IEMs that require rapid diagnosis, or to confirm the metabolic diagnosis after NGS results. With the use of careful and systematic clinical phenotyping combined with novel diagnostic approaches such as NGS, the diagnostic yield of late-onset IEMs will increase, in particular in patients with mild or unusual phenotypes.</p

    Ocean Colour Remote Sensing of Flood Plumes in the Great Barrier Reef

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    The objective of the research reported in this thesis was to develop a technique to monitor the dynamics of sediments and nutrients entering the coastal ocean with river plumes associated with high intensity low frequency events (e.g. floods), using ocean colour remote sensing. To achieve this objective, an inverse bio-optical model was developed, based on analytical and empirical relationships between concentrations of optically significant substances and remote sensing of water-leaving radiance. The model determines concentrations of water-colouring substances such as chlorophyll, suspended sediments, and coloured dissolved organic matter, as well as the values of optical parameters using water-leaving radiances derived from the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS). To solve atmospheric correction in coastal waters, the aerosol type over clear waters is transferred to adjacent turbid water pixels. The vicinity of the Herbert River, central Great Barrier Reef zone, Australia, was used as a case study for the application of the algorithm developed. The satellite ocean colour technique was successfully validated using sea-truth measurements of water-colouring constituents acquired in the area during various seasons throughout 2002-2004. A high correlation between chlorophyll and dissolved organic matter was found in the coastal waters of the region, and when the bio-optical model was constrained to make chlorophyll a function of dissolved organic matter, the relationship between in situ and satellite-derived data was substantially improved. With reliable retrieval of the major water-colouring constituents, the technique was subsequently applied to study fluxes of particulate and dissolved organic and inorganic matter following a flood event in the Herbert River during the austral summer of 1999. Extensive field observations covering a seasonal flood in the Herbert River in February 2004 revealed high sediment and nutrient exports from the river to the adjacent coastal waters during the flood event. Due to rapid settling, the bulk of the sediment-rich influx was deposited close inshore, while the majority of nutrients exported from the river were consumed by phytoplankton in a relatively small area of the coastal ocean. With the help of ocean colour remote sensing, it was demonstrated that river-borne sediments and nutrients discharged by a typical flood in the Herbert River are mostly precipitated or consumed within the first 20 km from the coast and therefore are unlikely to reach and possibly affect the midshelf coral reefs of this section of the Great Barrier Reef lagoon

    Is small beautiful? Understanding the contribution of small businesses in township tourism to economic development

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    The increased importance attached by policy-makers to the anticipated developmental effects of tourism in developing countries has been insufficiently examined by academic researchers, particularly in the context of the contribution of small firms in urban areas. This deficiency is addressed by providing a review of existing research followed by an analysis of interviews with 90 tourism business located within and outside the townships of Langa and Imizamo Yethu, Cape Town, South Africa. The findings reveal tensions between the different actors involved in township tourism. While the involvement of small, locally owned, businesses is beneficial, it is limited by conflicts of interest, lack of trust, limited social networks and little attachment to the township locality. The discussion highlights the complexity of tourism's role in economic development, which has significant implications for local policy-makers

    Dilemmas for the pathologist in the oncologic assessment of pancreatoduodenectomy specimens

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    A pancreatoduodenectomy specimen is complex, and there is much debate on how it is best approached by the pathologist. In this review, we provide an overview of topics relevant for current clinical practice in terms of gross dissection, and macro- and microscopic assessment of the pancreatoduodenectomy specimen with a suspicion of suspected pancreatic cancer. Tumor origin, tumor size, degree of differentiation, lymph node status, and resection margin status are universally accepted as prognostic for survival. However, different guidelines diverge on important issues, such as the diagnostic criteria for evaluating the completeness of resection. The macroscopic assessment of the site of origin in periampullary tumors and cystic lesions is influenced by the grossing method. Bi-sectioning of the head of the pancreas may offer an advantage in this respect, as this method allows for optimal visualization of the periampullary area. However, a head-to-head comparison of the assessment of clinically relevant parameters, using axial slicing versus bi-sectioning, is not available yet and the gold standard to compare both techniques prospectively might be subject of debate. Further studies are required to validate the various dissection protocols used for pancreatoduodenectomy specimens and their specific value in the assessment of pathological parameters relevant for prognosis

    “You know that's a rip-off”: policies and practices surrounding micro-enterprises and poverty alleviation in South African township tourism

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    Supporting the development of small tourism businesses has been seen by policy-makers as a valuable means of alleviating poverty in South African townships. This perspective has been endorsed by several ‘responsible’ tourism businesses and academics. Following a review of the literature, this paper reports the findings of an empirical study that examined the practices of micro-business owners and the factors that shape their behaviour in two South African townships. In spite of significant visitor numbers, it finds that their narrow social networks and the imbalances of power between them and intermediaries such as travel agencies and tour operators prevent them from developing their businesses and sharing in the material gains that become available because of tourism. This analysis has important implications for local policy-makers and those advocating responsible tourism. For the former, it suggests a cessation of current initiatives in favour of greater regulation and alternative forms of investment. For the latter, it implies the need to reassess the utility of advocating responsible tourism to consumers in a context where they do not understand the dynamics which fashion what is on offer or the full implications of their choices

    Eye movement disorders and neurological symptoms in late-onset inborn errors of metabolism

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    Inborn errors of metabolism in adults are still largely unexplored. Despite the fact that adult-onset phenotypes have been known for many years, little attention is given to these disorders in neurological practice. The adult-onset presentation differs from childhood-onset phenotypes, often leading to considerable diagnostic delay. The identification of these patients at the earliest stage of disease is important, given that early treatment may prevent or lessen further brain damage. Neurological and psychiatric symptoms occur more frequently in adult forms. Abnormalities of eye movements are also common and can be the presenting sign. Eye movement disorders can be classified as central or peripheral. Central forms are frequently observed in lysosomal storage disorders, whereas peripheral forms are a key feature of mitochondrial disease. Furthermore, oculogyric crisis is an important feature in disorders affecting dopamine syntheses or transport. Ocular motor disorders are often not reported by the patient, and abnormalities can be easily overlooked in a general examination. In adults with unexplained psychiatric and neurological symptoms, a special focus on examination of eye movements can serve as a relatively simple clinical tool to detect a metabolic disorder. Eye movements can be easily quantified and analyzed with video-oculography, making them a valuable biomarker for following the natural course of disease or the response to therapies. Here, we review, for the first time, eye movement disorders that can occur in inborn errors of metabolism, with a focus on late-onset forms. We provide a step-by-step overview that will help clinicians to examine and interpret eye movement disorders. (c) 2018 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society

    Utilization of case presentations in medical microbiology to enhance relevance of basic science for medical students

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    Background : Small-group case presentation exercises (CPs) were created to increase course relevance for medical students taking Medical Microbiology (MM) and Infectious Diseases (ID) Methods : Each student received a unique paper case and had 10 minutes to review patient history, physical exam data, and laboratory data. Students then had three minutes to orally present their case and defend why they ruled in or out each of the answer choices provided, followed by an additional three minutes to answer questions. Results : Exam scores differed significantly between students who received the traditional lecture-laboratory curriculum (Group I) and students who participated in the CPs (Group II). In MM, median unit exam and final exam scores for Group I students were 84.4% and 77.8%, compared to 86.0% and 82.2% for Group II students (P&#x200A;&#60;&#x200A;0.018; P&#x200A;&#60;&#x200A;0.001; Mann-Whitney Rank Sum Test). Median unit and final ID exam scores for Group I students were 84.0% and 80.0%, compared to 88.0% and 86.7% for Group II students (P&#x200A;&#60;&#x200A;0.001; P&#x200A;&#60;&#x200A;0.001). Conclusion : Students felt that the CPs improved their critical thinking and presentation skills and helped to prepare them as future physicians

    A detailed description of the phenotypic spectrum of North Sea Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy in a large cohort of seventeen patients

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    Introduction: In 2011, a homozygous mutation in GOSR2 (c.430G > T; p. Gly144Trp) was reported as a novel cause of Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy (PME) with early-onset ataxia. Interestingly, the ancestors of patients originate from countries bound to the North Sea, hence the condition was termed North Sea PME (NSPME). Until now, only 20 patients have been reported in literature. Here, we provide a detailed description of clinical and neurophysiological data of seventeen patients. Methods: We collected clinical and neurophysiological data from the medical records of seventeen NSPME patients (5–46 years). In addition, we conducted an interview focused on factors influencing myoclonus severity. Results: The core clinical features of NSPME are early-onset ataxia, myoclonus and seizures, with additionally areflexia and scoliosis. Factors such as fever, illness, heat, emotions, stress, noise and light (flashes) all exacerbated myoclonic jerks. Epilepsy severity ranged from the absence of or incidental clinical seizures to frequent daily seizures and status epilepticus. Some patients made use of a wheelchair during their first decade, whereas others still walked independently during their third decade. Neurophysiological features suggesting neuromuscular involvement in NSPME were variable, with findings ranging from indicative of sensory neuronopathy and anterior horn cell involvement to an isolated absent H-reflex. Conclusion: Although the sequence of symptoms is rather homogeneous, the severity of symptoms and rate of progression varied considerably among individual patients. Common triggers for myoclonus can be identified and myoclonus is difficult to treat; to what extent neuromuscular involvement contributes to the phenotype remains