229 research outputs found

    A participação dos países em desenvolvimento nas avaliações de aprendizagem, 1960-2009

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    This paper examines annual changes in the participation of developing countries in different kinds of learning assessments over the past three decades. It specifically highlights, and provides initial explanations for, the worldwide spread of national and regional assessments since the mid-1990s. The paper argues that national learning assessments —namely, non-standardized, context-sensitive and non-comparable learning assessments— have become a preferred tool of educational policy makers in many developing countries. The increasing demand for accountability and the relative advantages of national regional assessments, should amplify this trend in coming years, although much depends on the policies of international agencies, NGOs and regional associations that advise and financially support country participation in learning assessments.Este trabajo analiza los cambios anuales en la participación de países en vías de desarrollo en diferentes tipos de evaluaciones de aprendizaje durante las últimas tres décadas. Asimismo, este estudio pone especial énfasis y provee explicaciones iniciales sobre la expansión global de evaluaciones regionales y nacionales desde mediados de los años noventa. El trabajo sostiene que las evaluaciones nacionales de aprendizaje -tales como las evaluaciones no-estandarizadas, sensibles al contexto y no-comparables- se han convertido en la herramienta preferida de los diseñadores de políticas educativas en muchos países en vías de desarrollo. La creciente demanda de agentes educativos por mecanismos de rendición de cuentas y las ventajas relativas de las evaluaciones regionales nacionales probablemente agudizaran esta tendencia en los próximos años, aunque mucho dependerá de las políticas adoptadas por organismos internacionales, ONGs y asociaciones regionales que asesoran y financian la participación de los países en evaluaciones de aprendizaje. Este artigo analisa as mudanças anuais na participação dos países em desenvolvimento em diferentes tipos de avaliação da aprendizagem ao longo das últimas três décadas. Ele destaca especificamente, e fornece explicações iniciais para a disseminação mundial de avaliações nacionais e regionais a partir de meados da década de 1990. O artigo argumenta que as avaliações nacionais de tornaram-se uma ferramenta preferida dos formuladores de políticas educacionais em muitos países em desenvolvimento. A crescente demanda por prestação de contas e as vantagens relativas de avaliações regionais e nacionais, devem ampliar essa tendência nos próximos anos, embora muito depende das políticas dos organismos internacionais, ONGs e associações regionais que orientam e suportam financeiramente a participação dos países nas avaliações de aprendizagem

    Effect of relative humidity on SOA formation from isoprene/NO photooxidation: enhancement of 2-methylglyceric acid and its corresponding oligoesters under dry conditions

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    The effect of relative humidity (RH) on secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation from the photooxidation of isoprene under initially high nitric oxide (NO) conditions (i.e., isoprene/NO ~3) was investigated in a dual outdoor smog chamber. Based upon particle volume concentration measurements and the detailed chemical characterization of isoprene SOA using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and ultra performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization high-resolution quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UPLC/ESI-HR-Q-TOFMS), enhanced SOA formation was observed under lower RH conditions (15-40 %) compared to higher RH conditions (40-90 %). 2-methylglyceric acid (2-MG) and its corresponding oligoesters, which have been previously shown to form from further oxidation of methacryloylperoxynitrate (MPAN), were enhanced in the particle-phase under lower RH conditions. In addition, an abundant unknown SOA tracer likely derived from the further oxidation of MPAN was detected and enhanced under lower RH conditions. In contrast, the 2-methyltetrols, which are known to mainly form from the reactive uptake of isoprene epoxydiols (IEPOX) under low-NO conditions in the presence of acidified aerosol, did not substantially vary under different RH conditions; however, isoprene-derived organosulfates were found to be enhanced under high-RH conditions, indicating the likely importance of the aqueous aerosol phase in their formation. Based upon the detailed chemical characterization results, particle-phase organic esterification is tentatively proposed to explain the observed enhancements of isoprene SOA mass under lower RH conditions. Alternative mechanisms explaining the enhancement of 2-MG and its corresponding oligoesters cannot be completely ruled out. This is one of only a few chamber studies that have examined the effect of RH on isoprene SOA formation. In comparison to our recent results obtained from aromatic SOA formation, the effect of RH on isoprene SOA formation is reversed. The results of this study highlight the importance of elucidating the key reactive intermediates that lead to SOA formation, especially since RH likely affects their ability in forming SOA. Furthermore, ignoring the effects of RH may significantly affect the accuracy of both regional and global SOA models

    Science and the Liberal Arts at Ursinus College

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    Science trend: Moving beyond industrialism • Founders\u27 Day address: Small colleges nurture young scientists well • Physics mentor changed a life • Complex world a challenge for scientists • In government, chemist finds his niche • Ursinus helps non standard student bloom • Ursinus let him explore inner space • Finding the problem is scientist\u27s hardest task • Most wanted: Insatiable curiosity • Real research: Practical or esoteric? • Flexibility is a matter of degree • Liberal arts education prepares minds • The way to encourage young scientistshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/founders_programs/1053/thumbnail.jp

    Performance over professional learning and the complexity puzzle: lesson observation in England’s further education sector

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    Attempts to measure the quality of teaching and learning have resulted in an overreliance on quantitative performance data and the normalisation of a set of reductionist practices in England’s further education sector in recent years. Focusing on lesson observation as an illustrative example and drawing on data from a national study, this article examines the application of observation and its impact on further education teachers’ practice. In viewing lesson observation through a complexity theory lens and contextualising it against the wider neoliberal backdrop of the marketisation of education, we seek to critique the inadequacies of current reductionist approaches to teacher evaluation, whilst simultaneously opening up a debate regarding the consequences of seeing classrooms as complex adaptive systems. In focusing on performative models of lesson observation in particular, the article exposes what we perceive as some of the epistemological and methodological shortcomings of neoliberalism in practice, but also offers an alternative way forward in dealing with the contested practice of evaluating the quality of teaching and learning

    Kinase inhibitors for the treatment of inflammatory and autoimmune disorders

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    Drugs targeting inhibition of kinases for the treatment of inflammation and autoimmune disorders have become a major focus in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry. Multiple kinases from different pathways have been the targets of interest in this endeavor. This review describes some of the recent developments in the search for inhibitors of IKK2, Syk, Lck, and JAK3 kinases. It is anticipated that some of these compounds or newer inhibitors of these kinases will be approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, organ transplantation, and other autoimmune diseases
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