1,079 research outputs found

    New Representations of the Perturbative S-Matrix

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    We propose a new framework to represent the perturbative S-matrix which is well-defined for all quantum field theories of massless particles, constructed from tree-level amplitudes and integrable term-by-term. This representation is derived from the Feynman expansion through a series of partial fraction identities, discarding terms that vanish upon integration. Loop integrands are expressed in terms of "Q-cuts" that involve both off-shell and on-shell loop-momenta, defined with a precise contour prescription that can be evaluated by ordinary methods. This framework implies recent results found in the scattering equation formalism at one-loop, and it has a natural extension to all orders---even non-planar theories without well-defined forward limits or good ultraviolet behavior.Comment: 4+1 pages, 4 figure

    Heavy Quark diffusion from lattice QCD spectral functions

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    We analyze the low frequency part of charmonium spectral functions on large lattices close to the continuum limit in the temperature region 1.5T/Tc31.5\lesssim T/T_c\lesssim 3 as well as for T0.75TcT \simeq 0.75T_c. We present evidence for the existence of a transport peak above TcT_c and its absence below TcT_c. The heavy quark diffusion constant is then estimated using the Kubo formula. As part of the calculation we also determine the temperature dependence of the signature for the charmonium bound state in the spectral function and discuss the fate of charmonium states in the hot medium.Comment: 4 pages, Proceedings for Quark Matter 2011 Conference, May 23-28, 2011, Annecy, Franc

    Gross community production and metabolic balance in the South Pacific Gyre, using a non intrusive bio-optical method

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    The very clear waters of the South Pacific Gyre likely constitute an end-member of oligotrophic conditions which remain essentially unknown with respect to its impact on carbon fixation and exportation. We describe a non-intrusive bio-optical method to quantify the various terms of a production budget (Gross community production, community losses, net community production) in this area. This method is based on the analysis of the diel cycle in Particulate Organic Carbon (POC), derived from high frequency measurements of the particle attenuation coefficient <i>c</i><sub>p</sub>. We report very high integrated rates of Gross Community Production within the euphotic layer (average of 846±484 mg C m<sup>−2</sup> d<sup>−1</sup> for 17 stations) that are far above any rates determined using incubation techniques for such areas. Furthermore we show that the daily production of POC is essentially balanced by the losses so that the system cannot be considered as net heterotrophic. Our results thus agree well with geochemical methods, but not with incubation studies based on oxygen methods. We stress to the important role of deep layers, below the euphotic layer, in contributing to carbon fixation when incident irradiance at the ocean surface is high (absence of cloud coverage). These deep layers, not considered up to know, might fuel part of the heterotrophic processes in the upper layer, including through dissolved organic carbon. We further demonstrate that, in these extremely clear and stratified waters, integrated gross community production is proportional to the POC content and surface irradiance via an efficiency index ψ <sub>GCP</sub><sup>*</sup>, the water column cross section for Gross Community Production. We finally discuss our results in the context of the role of oligotrophic gyre in the global carbon budget and of the possibility of using optical proxies from space for the development of growth community rather than primary production global models

    Heavy flavor diffusion in weakly coupled N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory

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    We use perturbation theory to compute the diffusion coefficient of a heavy quark or scalar moving in N=4 SU(N_c) Super Yang-Mills plasma to leading order in the coupling and the ratio T/M<<1. The result is compared both to recent strong coupling calculations in the same theory and to the corresponding weak coupling result in QCD. Finally, we present a compact and simple formulation of the Lagrangian of our theory, N=4 SYM coupled to a massive fundamental N=2 hypermultiplet, which is well-suited for weak coupling expansions.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures; v3: error corrected in calculations, figures and discussion modified accordingl

    Model and parameter dependence of heavy quark energy loss in a hot and dense medium

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    Within the framework of the Langevin equation, we study the energy loss of heavy quark due to quasi-elastic multiple scatterings in a quark-gluon plasma created by relativistic heavy-ion collisions. We investigate how the initial configuration of the quark-gluon plasma as well as its properties affect the final state spectra and elliptic flow of D meson and non-photonic electron. We find that both the geometric anisotropy of the initial quark-gluon plasma and the flow profiles of the hydrodynamic medium play important roles in the heavy quark energy loss process and the development of elliptic flow. The relative contribution from charm and bottom quarks is found to affect the transverse momentum dependence of the quenching and flow patterns of heavy flavor decay electron; such influence depends on the interaction strength between heavy quark and the medium.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Structure and Thermodynamics of the Mixed Alkali Alanates

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    The thermodynamics and structural properties of the hexahydride alanates (M2M'AlH6) with the elpasolite structure have been investigated. A series of mixed alkali alanates (Na2LiAlH6, K2LiAlH6 and K2NaAlH6) were synthesized and found to reversibly absorb and desorb hydrogen without the need for a catalyst. Pressure-composition isotherms were measured to investigate the thermodynamics of the absorption and desorption reactions with hydrogen. Isotherms for catalyzed (4 mol% TiCl3) and uncatalyzed Na2LiAlH6 exhibited an increase in kinetics, but no change in the bulk thermodynamics with the addition of a dopant. A structural analysis using synchrotron x-ray diffraction showed that these compounds favor the Fm-3m space group with the smaller ion (M') occupying an octahedral site. These results demonstrate that appropriate cation substitutions can be used to stabilize or destabilize the material and may provide an avenue to improving the unfavorable thermodynamics of a number of materials with promising gravimetric hydrogen densities.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures,3 tables, submitted to PR

    Towards flavour diffusion coefficient and electrical conductivity without ultraviolet contamination

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    By subtracting from a recent lattice measurement of the thermal vector-current correlator the known 5-loop vacuum contribution, we demonstrate that the remainder is small and shows no visible short-distance divergence. It can therefore in principle be subjected to model-independent analytic continuation. Testing a particular implementation, we obtain estimates for the flavour-diffusion coefficient (2 pi T D \gsim 0.8) and electrical conductivity which are significantly smaller than previous results. Although systematic errors remain beyond control at present, some aspects of our approach could be of a wider applicability.Comment: 7 pages. v2: clarifications added, published versio