53 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk tindak tutur ilokusi yang terdapat dalam dialog naskah drama Mega-Mega karya Arifin C. Noer. Metode yang digunakan dalam Penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Naskah drama Mega-Mega karya Arifin C. Noer digunakan sebagai sumber data. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik baca dan catat. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara memilah-milah tuturan yang termasuk kedalam tindak tutur ilokusi dalam naskah drama Mega-Mega karya Arifin C. Noer, kemudian dianalisis dengan mengacu pada teori bentuk tindak tutur ilokusi menurut John R. Searle. Peneliti menggunakan langkah-langkah metode analisis data kualitatif yang dikemukakan oleh Miles dan Huberman, yaitu 1) reduksi data; 2) penyajian data; 3) menarik kesimpulan/verifikasi. Hasil penelitian adalah bentuk tindak tutur ilokusi meliputi: (1) bentuk aseptif dengan maksud mengeluh, memberitahukan, menyatakan, melaporkan dan menuntut, (2) Bentuk direktif dengan maksud menyarankan, menasehati, meminta, memerintah dan memohon, (3) bentuk komisif dengan maksud memanjatkan doa, berjanji, bersumpah dan menawarkan, (4) bentuk ekspresif dengan maksud memuji, menyalahkan, berbelasungkawa, meminta maaf, mengucapkan terimakasih dan mengucapkan selamat, (5) bentuk deklaratif dengan maksud memberi nama dan menentukan. Kata Kunci: Tindak Tutur Ilokusi, Naskah Drama, Mega-Mega, Arifin C. Noe

    Pemerolehan Bahasa Anak Usia 4-6 Tahun Melalui Smartphone Berbasis Android (Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Pemerolehan Bahasa Anak Usia Dini)

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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Pemerolehan Bahasa Anak Usia 4-6 Tahun Melalui Smartphone Berbasis Android” (Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Pemerolehan Bahasa Anak Usia Dini)”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) mendeskripsikan bagaimana  karakteristik pemerolehan bahasa oleh anak usia 4-6 tahun melalui smartphone berbasis android di PAUD Darul-Huda, 2) mendeskripsikan bagaimana implikasi pengembangan bahan ajar pemerolehan bahasa untuk anak usia 4-6 tahun terhadap kemampuan berbahasa ekspresif  (mengungkapkan bahasa secara verbal dan nonverbal) anak usia dini di PAUD Darul Huda. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Tuturan anak usia 4-6 di PAUD Darul Huda digunakan sebagai sumber data. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik rekam dan catat. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara mengumpulkan dan mencatat data hasil dari perekaman tuturan yang diucapkan oleh responden yang didapatkan melalui smartphone android yang mengacu pada teori behaviorisme (B.F Skinner), teori nativisme (Noam Chomsky) dan teori kognitifisme (Jean Piaget). Peneliti menggunakan langkah-langkah metoe analisis data kualitatif yang dikemukakan oleh Miles dan Huberman, yaitu 1) reduksi data, 2) penyajian data, 3) menarik kesimpulan/verifikasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemerolehan bahasa melalui smartphone android (pengembangan bahan ajar pembelajaran bahasa anak usia dini) dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, antara lain kematangan usia, penggunaan bahasa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, pendidikan orang tua, pekerjaan orang tua, dan lingkungan sosial responden. Temuan penelitian mengungkapkan kata-kata yang dipelajari responden dari Smartphone Android, termasuk istilah untuk game, aplikasi pencarian dan media sosial, fitur yang ditawarkan oleh Android, nama sinetron favorit mereka yang ditonton di ponsel Android, dan istilah dari aplikasi pendidikan. Terdapat kata yang belum sempurna dan sudah sempurna diucapkan oleh responden yang didapatkan melalui smartphone android

    Pola Sebaran Kualitas Air Berdasarkan Kesesuaian Baku Mutu Untuk Biota Laut Di Teluk Kendari Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Kondisi perairan Teluk Kendari saat ini semakin memprihatinkan, padahal kawasan perairan ini merupakan pelabuhan utama di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Wanggu seluas 339,73 km² merupakan DAS penyumbang sedimen terbesar di perairan Teluk Kendari, dengan laju sedimentasi yang semakin meningkat. Kondisi iniakan menyebabkan terjadinya ancaman terhadap kualitas air untuk biota laut dan lingkungan sekitarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pola sebaran kualitas air laut berdasarkan KepMen LH No.51 Tahun 2004 tentang baku mutu untuk biota laut. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2015 berdasarkan parameter nilai pH, DO, kekeruhan dan salinitas yang diukur menggunakan alat Water Quality Checker TOA DKK di 25 stasiun titik pengamatan. Data – data yang diperoleh kemudian disesuaikan dengan baku mutu air untuk biota laut dan selanjutnya dilakukan analisis dengan pendekatan spasial menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukan nilai pH berkisar antara 8,64 – 8,96 ini berarti kondisi pH berada pada kondisi tidak sesuai untuk biota laut, nilai DO berkisar antara 6,57 – 7,29 mg/l ini berarti kondisi DO berada pada kondisi sesuai untuk biota laut, sedangkan nilai salinitas berkisar antara 11,2-33,5% ini berarti pada stasiun 3, 24 dan 25 berada pada kondisi sesuai untuk biota laut dannilai kekeruhan berkisar 1,8 – 64,4 ntu, ini berarti nilai kekeruhan pada stasiun 8, 10, 11, dan 22 berada pada kondisi sesuai untuk biota laut

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi dan Selang Waktu Pemberian Pupuk Daun Agroking 2000 terhadap Pertumbuhan Setek Teh Tri 2025 (Camellia Sinensis (L). O. Kuantze).

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    This experiment was carried out at Gambung Experimental Station from January till June 1993. The objective of this experiment was to study the effect of Agro King 2000 concentration compare with Gemari 2 ml L-1 and intervals application on tea cutting node growth. The experiment was arranged in Factorial Randomized Block Design. It consisted of two factors and three replications. The first factor was Agro King 2000 concentrations 1 ml L -1, 2 mL -1, 3 ml L -1 , 4 ml L-1, and 2 ml Gemari L-1 as control. The second factor was Gemari and Agro King interval applications at 2, 3 and 4 weeks application. . Interval application treatments and various concentrations of Agro King 2000 and Gemari and the interaction of both treatments did not significantly affect on all tea cutting node growth variables. It means Gemari and Agro King can be used for tea cutting node. This experiment suggested that 2 mIL-1 Gemari or 1 miL-1 Agro King2000 for every 4 weeks could be used for tea cutting node

    Evaluasi Pompa Sulzer 385 Kw (Engine) Sistem Penirisan Tambang Di Main Sump Pit 1 Barat Banko Barat PT. Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk Tanjung Enim

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    PT. Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk, mempunyai salah satu WIUP pit 1 Barat di Banko Barat. Secara umum lokasi tambang berada di daerah perbukitan, dengan elevasi main sump 26 mdpl dengan curah hujan yang relatif normal. Sistem penambangan secara terbuka yang diterapkan di pit 1 Barat. Sistem penambangan terbuka secara langsung berhubungan dengan keadaan atmosphere antara lain hujan. Keberadaan air hujan ini akan sangat mengganggu kegiatan penambangan sehingga air yang berada di sump harus dikeluarkan. Untuk evaluasi pit 1 Barat BB curah hujan yang direncanakan 84,67 mm/hari dan intensitas11,5 mm/jam menghasilkan debit limpasan 14.251,9 m3/jam, ditambah debit air tanah 3,6 m3/jam dan dikurangi evapotranspirasi 37,38 m3/jam dengan volume total air yang masuk perhari 56.197 m3. Untuk mengatasinya membiarkan air masuk dan ditampung oleh sump kemudian dipompakan dengan total head sebesar 43,8 meter, debit pompa 654 m3/jam, efisiensi pompa 78% dengan jam operasi pompa 21,482 jam. Sistem pemompaan ini menggunakan 4 unit pompa sulzer 385 KW (engine) yang diletakkan disump pit 1 barat. Maka volume sump yang direncanakan berdasarkan volume total air yang masuk per hari sebesar 56.197 m3 sebesar dengan dimensi sump yang baru 106 m x 106 m x 5 m sehingga mampu menampung air yang masuk perhari


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    This experiment was carried out at Gambung Experimental Station from January till June 1993. The objective of this experiment was to study the effect of Agro King 2000 concentration compare with Gemari 2 ml L-1 and intervals application on tea cutting node growth. The experiment was arranged in Factorial Randomized Block Design. It consisted of two factors and three replications. The first factor was Agro King 2000 concentrations 1 ml L -1, 2 mL -1, 3 ml L -1 , 4 ml L-1, and 2 ml Gemari L-1 as control. The  second factor was Gemari and Agro King interval applications at 2, 3 and 4 weeks application.  . Interval application treatments and various concentrations of Agro King 2000 and Gemari and the interaction of both treatments did not significantly affect on all tea cutting node growth variables. It means Gemari and Agro King can be used for tea cutting node. This experiment suggested that 2 mIL-1  Gemari or 1 miL-1 Agro King2000 for every 4 weeks could be used for tea cutting node.

    Komparasi Usahatani Cabai Lahan Sawah Lereng Gunung Merapi dengan Lahan Pasir Pantai

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    The main production areas of chilli in Yogyakarta Province are in the wetland onthe slopes of Mount Merapi and in the sandy coastal area. This research was intended to compare the use of production inputs, technical efficiency and performance of chilli farming in both areas. The research was conducted in Pakem sub-district and Panjatan sub-district. The number of respondents in this research were 30 farmers in every sub-district. Descriptive analysis, frontier analysis and revenue-cost ratio were used in this research. The results indicated that the use of production inputs, production, technical efficiency, and performance of chilli farming in the sandy coastal area was higher than that in the wetland. The technical efficiency in the wetland on the slopes of Mount Merapi was determined by the quantity of counselling while in the sandy coastal area was determined by the quantity of counselling and farmers\u27 experience. The auction market in both areas proved able to increase the price of chilli. It is highly recommended that the extension officers need to be active in assisting farmers in both areas, especially related with chilli cultivation and processing technology

    Epidemiology of Subpatent Plasmodium Falciparum Infection: Implications for Detection of Hotspots with Imperfect Diagnostics.

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    At the local level, malaria transmission clusters in hotspots, which may be a group of households that experience higher than average exposure to infectious mosquitoes. Active case detection often relying on rapid diagnostic tests for mass screen and treat campaigns has been proposed as a method to detect and treat individuals in hotspots. Data from a cross-sectional survey conducted in north-western Tanzania were used to examine the spatial distribution of Plasmodium falciparum and the relationship between household exposure and parasite density. Dried blood spots were collected from consenting individuals from four villages during a survey conducted in 2010. These were analysed by PCR for the presence of P. falciparum, with the parasite density of positive samples being estimated by quantitative PCR. Household exposure was estimated using the distance-weighted PCR prevalence of infection. Parasite density simulations were used to estimate the proportion of infections that would be treated using a screen and treat approach with rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) compared to targeted mass drug administration (tMDA) and Mass Drug Administration (MDA). Polymerase chain reaction PCR analysis revealed that of the 3,057 blood samples analysed, 1,078 were positive. Mean distance-weighted PCR prevalence per household was 34.5%. Parasite density was negatively associated with transmission intensity with the odds of an infection being subpatent increasing with household exposure (OR 1.09 per 1% increase in exposure). Parasite density was also related to age, being highest in children five to ten years old and lowest in those > 40 years. Simulations of different tMDA strategies showed that treating all individuals in households where RDT prevalence was above 20% increased the number of infections that would have been treated from 43 to 55%. However, even with this strategy, 45% of infections remained untreated. The negative relationship between household exposure and parasite density suggests that DNA-based detection of parasites is needed to provide adequate sensitivity in hotspots. Targeting MDA only to households with RDT-positive individuals may allow a larger fraction of infections to be treated. These results suggest that community-wide MDA, instead of screen and treat strategies, may be needed to successfully treat the asymptomatic, subpatent parasite reservoir and reduce transmission in similar settings

    Analysis of serological data to investigate heterogeneity of malaria transmission: a community-based cross-sectional study in an area conducting elimination in Indonesia.

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    BACKGROUND: Analysis of anti-malarial antibody responses has the potential to improve characterization of the variation in exposure to infection in low transmission settings, where conventional measures, such as entomological estimates and parasitaemia point prevalence become less sensitive and expensive to measure. This study evaluates the use of sero-epidemiological analysis to investigate heterogeneity of transmission in area conducting elimination in Indonesia. METHODS: Filter paper bloodspots and epidemiological data were collected through a community-based cross-sectional study conducted in two sub-districts in Sabang municipality, Aceh province, Indonesia in 2013. Antibody responses to merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP-119) and apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA-1) for Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax were measured using indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Seroconversion rates (SCR) were estimated by fitting a simple reversible catalytic model to seroprevalence data for each antibody. Spatial analysis was performed using a Normal model (SaTScan v.9.4.2) to identify the clustering of higher values of household antibody responses. Multiple logistic regression was used to investigate factors associated with exposure. RESULTS: 1624 samples were collected from 605 households. Seroprevalence to any P. falciparum antigen was higher than to any P. vivax antigen, 6.9% (95% CI 5.8-8.2) vs 2.0% (95% CI 1.4-2.8). SCR estimates suggest that there was a significant change in P. falciparum transmission with no exposure seen in children under 5 years old. Plasmodium falciparum SCR in over 5 years old was 0.008 (95% CI 0.003-0.017) and 0.012 (95% CI 0.005-0.030) in Sukakarya and Sukajaya sub-districts, respectively. Clusters of exposure were detected for both P. falciparum and P. vivax, most of them in Sukajaya sub-district. Higher age, P. vivax seropositivity and use of long-lasting insecticide-treated bed net (LLIN) were associated with higher P. falciparum exposure. CONCLUSION: Analysis of community-based serological data helps describe the level of transmission, heterogeneity and factors associated with malaria transmission in Sabang. This approach could be an important additional tool for malaria monitoring and surveillance in low transmission settings in Indonesia