2,411 research outputs found

    Korelasi Pemilu Serentak Dengan Multi Partai Sederhana Sebagai Penguatan Sistem Presidensial

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    Constitutional Court Decision No. 14/PUU-XI/2013 mandated national elections simultaneously between elections executive (President and Vice-President) and legislative (House of Representatives, Provincial and District/City). After the 1945 amendment to experience a variety of complications in the Indonesian political system nationally. Democratization deliver the Indonesian people switching system of government, ie from a presidential system to the parliamentary system. Elections as a democratic process to the leadership of the government elected by the people as a sovereign State. The system of government by consensus of the people, by the people and for the people has implications for improving the effectiveness and stability of the country. The Problem is the electoral system with the current political party system is less effective in the election which is actually held separately between the presidential election, and the election pileg. Giving rise to various problems of the complexity of government (central and local governments). In the hierarchy, the presidential system is less relevant to the separate electoral system between national elections (pileg and presidential) election and the multi-party system. Political reality with the current system adopted, lead to conflicts among constituents, a very high political costs for the government and the candidates (candidates), strengthening of money politics is difficult to avoid the impact of a majority vote, a negative effect on the psychology of candidates when lost or won in battle politics, coalitions are not “healthy” in the implementation of the government, due to various political ideologies and individual interests, as well as the problems of the strategic policies of government. The correlation between electoral systems simultaneously with a multi-party system is a simplified alternative solution in presidential systems strengthening to improve the welfare of the whole people of Indonesia

    Model Inovasi Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga

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    Waste problems are endless in people\u27s lives. Increasing community consumptiveness towards household needs is an obstacle in handling household waste. Household waste can reach 500 ounces in one day. While the landfill (TPA) is increasingly ineffective in accommodating waste from various regions. Waste management in RW 01, Cemorokandang Urban Village, Malang City has not been handled properly and each of them does garbage disposal by transporting garbage cars with self-sufficiency in the community by paying contributions every month. A framework for organizational and management conception models is needed to provide an understanding of the community of housewives in handling the problem of waste into organic fertilizer through the separation of organic and non-organic waste. Organic waste has high economic value into organic liquid fertilizer if it is managed and handled applicatively. This, can increase public awareness in maintaining the environment and increase economic independence for the community groups RT 03 and RT 04 RW 01 Cemorokandang Village, and the people of Malang City in general. So that it can be used as a reference for the government to provide understanding and handling of waste nationally to improve the lives of social communities in safeguarding and preserving the environment and economic prosperity

    A Discriminative Representation of Convolutional Features for Indoor Scene Recognition

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    Indoor scene recognition is a multi-faceted and challenging problem due to the diverse intra-class variations and the confusing inter-class similarities. This paper presents a novel approach which exploits rich mid-level convolutional features to categorize indoor scenes. Traditionally used convolutional features preserve the global spatial structure, which is a desirable property for general object recognition. However, we argue that this structuredness is not much helpful when we have large variations in scene layouts, e.g., in indoor scenes. We propose to transform the structured convolutional activations to another highly discriminative feature space. The representation in the transformed space not only incorporates the discriminative aspects of the target dataset, but it also encodes the features in terms of the general object categories that are present in indoor scenes. To this end, we introduce a new large-scale dataset of 1300 object categories which are commonly present in indoor scenes. Our proposed approach achieves a significant performance boost over previous state of the art approaches on five major scene classification datasets

    Reaktualisasi Pendidikan Islam Dalam Pengembangan Pola Asuh Anak Sebagai Konsep Revolusi Mental

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    Kehidupan masyarakat sudah masuk dalam situasi yang mengkhawatirkan. Kriminalisasi, kejahatan, pertikaian, kesenjangan dan berbagai aspek kehidupan gelap (kemaksiatan) sudah merajalela. Baik di pedesaan, terutama di kehidupan perkotaan. Keberadaan ini ditentukan oleh masyarakat itu sendiri yang dibangun melalui individu masing-masing, terutama pola asuh hidup keluarga. Remaja masa kini menjadi penentu utama dalam regenerasi pola hidup masyarakat. Pemuda menjadi penentu masa depan bangsa dan masyarakat, remaja menjadi tumpuan utama dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Masa muda adalah masa dimana harapan bangsa, negara dan agama dipangkuannya. Menjadi masalah, ketika pola hidup remaja tidak sesuai dengan tuntutan adat, etika, estetika maupun karakter yang bersifat baik karena hal itu akan berdampak terhadap lingkungan sekitar. Hal ini tidak terlepas dari pola asuh di dalam kehidupan keluarga. Anak sebagai aset penting dan berharga dalam keluarga, menjadi tumpuan utama dalam kebahagiaan keluarganya. Pola asuh yang salah terhadap anak, akan berdampak kepada mental dan karakter anak ketika sudah remaja kelak. Mindset dan paradigma pendidikan yang diberikan orang tua kepada anak, akan membentuk pola hidup, mental dan karakternya. Untuk mencegah “kebrutalan” masa remaja dan mencegah menularnya “penyakit” mentalitas yang cenderung negatif maka dibutuhkan sebuah revolusi mental dalam pola asuh anak dalam kehidupan keluarga, yaitu dengan melakukan reaktualisasi pendidikan Islam sebagai pembentukan karakter. Society life has been in a situation that is worrying. Criminalization, crime, conflict, inequality, and the various aspects of disobedience have been rampant. Both in the countryside, especially in urban life. This existence is determined by the community itself, which was built by the individual, especially family life parenting. Teens today be a major determinant in the regeneration of the life style of the people. Youth determine the future of the nation and society, teenagers become the main focus of public life, youth is the period in which the hope of the nation, the state, and religion. Becomes a problem, when the pattern of teenage life with the demands of custom, ethics, aesthetics and character that is good, because it will have an impact on the surrounding environment. It is not independent of parenting in family life. Children as an important and valuable asset in the family became the main focus in the happiness of his family. Wrong up bringing of children, will have an impact on children's mental and character as a teenager later. Mindset and paradigms of education provided to children's parents will form a pattern of life, mental and character. To prevent the ”brutality” of adolescence and prevent the spread of the ”disease” mentality that tends to negative, then it takes a mental revolution in parenting a child in family life, by doing education renewal of Islam as the character buliding

    On design of robust fault detection filter in finite-frequency domain with regional pole assignment

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    This brief is concerned with the fault detection (FD) filter design problem for an uncertain linear discrete-time system in the finite-frequency domain with regional pole assignment. An optimized FD filter is designed such that: 1) the FD dynamics is quadratically D-stable; 2) the effect from the exogenous disturbance on the residual is attenuated with respect to a minimized H∞-norm; and 3) the sensitivity of the residual to the fault is enhanced by means of a maximized H--norm. With the aid of the generalized Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov lemma, the mixed H--/H∞ performance and the D-stability requirement are guaranteed by solving a convex optimization problem. An iterative algorithm for designing the desired FD filter is proposed by evaluating the threshold on the generated residual function. A simulation result is exploited to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed design technique.This work was supported in part by the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR) at King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia under Grant 16-135- 35-HiCi, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61134009 and 61203139, the Royal Society of the U.K., and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Size Scaling in Phase Change Memory Cells: From Traditional to Emerging Device Structures

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from E\PCOS via the URL in this record.1. INTRODUCTION AND METHODOLOGY Phase change memory (PCM) based on the reversible phase-transition of chalcogenides (such as Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST)) between a low-resistance crystalline state and high-resistance amorphous state is one of the leading candidates of emerging non-volatile solid-state memories [1]. Scaling is one of the most important aspects for PCM development as it leads to enhanced storage density, reduction in power consumption and improvement in switching speeds [2]. To demonstrate the excellent scalability of PCRAM, switching capability in the sub-10nm region [3-5], programming currents less than 10μA [4], switching speeds in picoseconds [6], and storage densities in Tb/in2 using scanning probe recording and thermal recording [7-8] have all been reported. In this manuscript we combine electro-thermal simulations with the Gillespie Cellular Automata (GCA) phase switching approach to simulate and predict the scaling behaviour (down to sub-10nm dimensions) of three GST-based device structures; (1) mushroom-type PCM cells, (2) trilayer patterned PCM cells, and (3) spherical phase change nanoclusters. The GCA approach is a sophisticated stochastic simulator capable of spatio-temporal modeling in PCM devices, and has previously been described in detail in [9]. This approach is potentially capable of spanning the length scales between atomistic modeling and bulk scale methods such as the JMAK or the classical nucleation and growth methods. Electrical switching is performed by applying trapezoidal Reset and Set pulses of various amplitudes and durations in a test bench consisting of an electrical pulse source, a series load resistance of 10kΩ, and the phase change memory cell itself. [...