550 research outputs found

    Effective Auxiliary Variables via Structured Reencoding

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    Extended resolution shows that auxiliary variables are very powerful in theory. However, attempts to exploit this potential in practice have had limited success. One reasonably effective method in this regard is bounded variable addition (BVA), which automatically reencodes formulas by introducing new variables and eliminating clauses, often significantly reducing formula size. We find motivating examples suggesting that the performance improvement caused by BVA stems not only from this size reduction but also from the introduction of effective auxiliary variables. Analyzing specific packing-coloring instances, we discover that BVA is fragile with respect to formula randomization, relying on variable order to break ties. With this understanding, we augment BVA with a heuristic for breaking ties in a structured way. We evaluate our new preprocessing technique, Structured BVA (SBVA), on more than 29 000 formulas from previous SAT competitions and show that it is robust to randomization. In a simulated competition setting, our implementation outperforms BVA on both randomized and original formulas, and appears to be well-suited for certain families of formulas

    Dynamics of intracellular mannan and cell wall folding in the drought responses of succulent <i>Aloe</i> species

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    Plants have evolved a multitude of adaptations to survive extreme conditions. Succulent plants have the capacity to tolerate periodically dry environments, due to their ability to retain water in a specialized tissue, termed hydrenchyma. Cell wall polysaccharides are important components of water storage in hydrenchyma cells. However, the role of the cell wall and its polysaccharide composition in relation to drought resistance of succulent plants are unknown. We investigate the drought response of leaf-succulent Aloe (Asphodelaceae) species using a combination of histological microscopy, quantification of water content, and comprehensive microarray polymer profiling. We observed a previously unreported mode of polysaccharide and cell wall structural dynamics triggered by water shortage. Microscopical analysis of the hydrenchyma cell walls revealed highly regular folding patterns indicative of predetermined cell wall mechanics in the remobilization of stored water and the possible role of homogalacturonan in this process. The in situ distribution of mannans in distinct intracellular compartments during drought, for storage, and apparent upregulation of pectins, imparting flexibility to the cell wall, facilitate elaborate cell wall folding during drought stress. We conclude that cell wall polysaccharide composition plays an important role in water storage and drought response in Aloe

    Impact‐based forecasting for pluvial floods

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    Pluvial floods in urban areas are caused by local, fast storm events with very high rainfall rates, which lead to inundation of streets and buildings before the storm water reaches a watercourse. An increase in frequency and intensity of heavy rainfall events and an ongoing urbanization may further increase the risk of pluvial flooding in many urban areas. Currently, warnings for pluvial floods are mostly limited to information on rainfall intensities and durations over larger areas, which is often not detailed enough to effectively protect people and goods. We present a proof-of-concept for an impact-based forecasting system for pluvial floods. Using a model chain consisting of a rainfall forecast, an inundation, a contaminant transport and a damage model, we are able to provide predictions for the expected rainfall, the inundated areas, spreading of potential contamination and the expected damage to residential buildings. We use a neural network-based inundation model, which significantly reduces the computation time of the model chain. To demonstrate the feasibility, we perform a hindcast of a recent pluvial flood event in an urban area in Germany. The required spatio-temporal accuracy of rainfall forecasts is still a major challenge, but our results show that reliable impact-based warnings can be forecasts are available up to 5 min before the peak of an extreme rainfall event. Based on our results, we discuss how the outputs of the impact-based forecast could be used to disseminate impact-based early warnings

    KlimafolgenabschĂ€tzungen in der Wasserwirtschaft und deren Nutzen fĂŒr die Praxis

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    KlimafolgenClimate ImpactsDer globale Klimawandel kann regional unterschiedliche Auswirkungen haben. WĂ€hrend sich die wissenschaftliche Forschung vor allem mit der Analyse der Daten beschĂ€ftigt, ist die fachliche Praxis darum bemĂŒht, die Ergebnisse zu interpretieren und Handlungsempfehlungen daraus abzuleiten. Im Zuge des Projektes KliBiW (Globaler Klimawandel – Wasserwirtschaftliche FolgenabschĂ€tzung fĂŒr das Binnenland) wurden die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Hochwasser- und NiedrigwasserverhĂ€ltnisse in Niedersachsen untersucht. Hierzu wurden die Daten von zwei regionalen Klimamodellen (WETTREG2006 und REMO), beide angetrieben durch das Globalmodell ECHAM5/MPI-OM, rĂ€umlich interpoliert und die NiederschlĂ€ge zum Teil zeitlich disaggregiert, um hoch aufgelöste Klimainformationen bereitzuhalten. Anschließend erfolgte die Kopplung mit einem hydrologischen Modellsystem (PANTA RHEI), das bereits in der Hochwasservorhersagezentrale des NLWKN im Einsatz ist. Über Langzeitsimulationen wurden zukĂŒnftige VerĂ€nderungen in den AbflussverhĂ€ltnissen rĂ€umlich und zeitlich differenziert fĂŒr das Aller-Leine Gebiet identifiziert. Als BetrachtungszeitrĂ€ume dienten eine nahe Zukunftsphase (2021 – 2050) und eine ferne Zukunftsphase (2071 – 2100). Die VerĂ€nderungen verschiedener hydrologischer Hoch- und Niedrigwasser-KenngrĂ¶ĂŸen wurden gegenĂŒber einem Kontrollzeitraum (1971 – 2000) aufgezeigt. Die Auswertungen an 8 Pegeln in Einzugsgebieten >1.000 kmÂČ auf Tageswertbasis und an 6 Pegeln in Einzugsgebieten <1.000 kmÂČ auf Stundenwertbasis zeigten, dass sich die Hochwassersituation zukĂŒnftig verschĂ€rfen kann. WĂ€hrend kleinere HochwĂ€sser hĂ€ufiger auftreten können, nehmen die ScheitelabflĂŒsse insbesondere in der fernen Zukunft zu. Aussagen zu grĂ¶ĂŸeren Ereignissen sind aufgrund der großen Bandbreite der Ergebnisse jedoch mit erheblichen Unsicherheiten behaftet. Die NiedrigwasserverhĂ€ltnisse zeigten eine Abnahme der AbflĂŒsse, speziell im Sommer, sowie eine Zunahme der Dauer undnder Volumendefizite bei Trockenperioden. Hierbei erschien die VariabilitĂ€t und AusprĂ€gung der Trockenheit in kleineren Einzugsgebieten etwas grĂ¶ĂŸer. Die Nutzung dieser Erkenntnisse stellt die fachliche Praxis vor die Herausforderung, die Ergebnisse zu interpretieren und zu kommunizieren. Unsicherheiten in den Modellketten mĂŒssen berĂŒcksichtigt und, wenn möglich, quantifiziert werden. Die abgeleiteten hydrologischen Konsequenzen des Klimawandels können z.B. Anwendung finden in der gesetzlich geforderten BerĂŒcksichtigung der Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Risikogebiete entsprechend der Hochwasserrisikomanagement-Richtlinie (2007/60/EG). Dieser Beitrag gibt einen Überblick ĂŒber wasserwirtschaftlich relevante Auswertungen von Klimamodelldaten auf unterschiedlichen rĂ€umlichen Skalen und zeigt anhand ausgewĂ€hlter Beispiele auf, wie primĂ€r im wissenschaftlichen Kontext erhobene Ergebnisse effektiv fĂŒr praxisrelevante Fragestellungen genutzt werden können

    Analysis of Large Scale Spatial Variability of Soil Moisture Using a Geostatistical Method

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    Spatial and temporal soil moisture dynamics are critically needed to improve the parameterization for hydrological and meteorological modeling processes. This study evaluates the statistical spatial structure of large-scale observed and simulated estimates of soil moisture under pre- and post-precipitation event conditions. This large scale variability is a crucial in calibration and validation of large-scale satellite based data assimilation systems. Spatial analysis using geostatistical approaches was used to validate modeled soil moisture by the Agriculture Meteorological (AGRMET) model using in situ measurements of soil moisture from a state-wide environmental monitoring network (Oklahoma Mesonet). The results show that AGRMET data produces larger spatial decorrelation compared to in situ based soil moisture data. The precipitation storms drive the soil moisture spatial structures at large scale, found smaller decorrelation length after precipitation. This study also evaluates the geostatistical approach for mitigation for quality control issues within in situ soil moisture network to estimates at soil moisture at unsampled stations

    The crystal structure of human Rogdi provides insight into the causes of Kohlschutter-Tonz Syndrome

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    Kohlschutter-T&amp;ouml;nz syndrome (KTS) is a rare autosomal-recessive disorder of childhood onset characterized by global developmental delay, spasticity, epilepsy, and amelogenesis imperfecta. Rogdi, an essential protein, is highly conserved across metazoans, and mutations in Rogdi are linked to KTS. However, how certain mutations in Rogdi abolish its physiological functions and cause KTS is not known. In this study, we determined the crystal structure of human Rogdi protein at atomic resolution. Rogdi forms a novel elongated curved structure comprising the ?? domain, a leucine-zipper-like four-helix bundle, and a characteristic ??-sheet domain. Within the ?? domain, the N-terminal H1 helix (residues 19-45) pairs with the C-terminal H6 helix (residues 252-287) in an antiparallel manner, indicating that the integrity of the four-helix bundle requires both N- and C-terminal residues. The crystal structure, in conjunction with biochemical data, indicates that the ?? domain might undergo a conformational change and provide a structural platform for protein-protein interactions. Disruption of the four-helix bundle by mutation results in significant destabilization of the structure. This study provides structural insights into how certain mutations in Rogdi affect its structure and cause KTS, which has important implications for the development of pharmaceutical agents against this debilitating neurological disease

    Evaluation of presumably disease causing SCN1A variants in a cohort of common epilepsy syndromes

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    Objective: The SCN1A gene, coding for the voltage-gated Na+ channel alpha subunit NaV1.1, is the clinically most relevant epilepsy gene. With the advent of high-throughput next-generation sequencing, clinical laboratories are generating an ever-increasing catalogue of SCN1A variants. Variants are more likely to be classified as pathogenic if they have already been identified previously in a patient with epilepsy. Here, we critically re-evaluate the pathogenicity of this class of variants in a cohort of patients with common epilepsy syndromes and subsequently ask whether a significant fraction of benign variants have been misclassified as pathogenic. Methods: We screened a discovery cohort of 448 patients with a broad range of common genetic epilepsies and 734 controls for previously reported SCN1A mutations that were assumed to be disease causing. We re-evaluated the evidence for pathogenicity of the identified variants using in silico predictions, segregation, original reports, available functional data and assessment of allele frequencies in healthy individuals as well as in a follow up cohort of 777 patients. Results and Interpretation: We identified 8 known missense mutations, previously reported as pathogenic, in a total of 17 unrelated epilepsy patients (17/448; 3.80%). Our re-evaluation indicates that 7 out of these 8 variants (p.R27T; p.R28C; p.R542Q; p.R604H; p.T1250M; p.E1308D; p.R1928G; NP-001159435.1) are not pathogenic. Only the p.T1174S mutation may be considered as a genetic risk factor for epilepsy of small effect size based on the enrichment in patients (P = 6.60 7 10-4; OR = 0.32, fishers exact test), previous functional studies but incomplete penetrance. Thus, incorporation of previous studies in genetic counseling of SCN1A sequencing results is challenging and may produce incorrect conclusions

    Hochwasser und Sturzfluten an FlĂŒssen in Deutschland

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    Flusshochwasser werden in lokale und plotzliche Sturzfluten und in Hochwasser an groseren Flussen unterschieden. Fur verschiedene Hochwasserindikatoren und Flusseinzugsgebiete ergeben sich erhebliche Unterschiede, wobei sowohl uberwiegend aus Regen als auch uberwiegend aus Schmelzwasser gespeiste Hochwasserereignisse betrachtet werden. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit finden Hochwasserereignisse an Rhein, Elbe, Weser und Ems sowie die Entwicklung von Sturzfluten infolge von Extremniederschlagen kurzer Dauer, wobei die Beobachtungen und Trends zu Modellierungsergebnissen in Beziehung gesetzt werden. Auch die Notwendigkeit von Anpassungsmasnahmen aufgrund uberwiegend positiver Trends wird diskutiert

    Negative Priming Under Rapid Serial Visual Presentation

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    Negative priming (NP) was examined under a new paradigm wherein a target and distractors were temporally separated using rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP). The results from the two experiments revealed that (a) NP was robust under RSVP, such that the responses to a target were slower when the target served as a distractor in a previous trial than when it did not; (b) NP was found regardless of whether the distractors appeared before or after the targets; and (c) NP was stronger when the distractor was more distinctive. These findings are generally similar to those on NP in the spatial search task. The implications for the processes causing NP under RSVP are discussed in the current paper

    Evaluation of presumably disease causing SCN1A variants in a cohort of common epilepsy syndromes

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    Objective: The SCN1A gene, coding for the voltage-gated Na+ channel alpha subunit NaV1.1, is the clinically most relevant epilepsy gene. With the advent of high-throughput next-generation sequencing, clinical laboratories are generating an ever-increasing catalogue of SCN1A variants. Variants are more likely to be classified as pathogenic if they have already been identified previously in a patient with epilepsy. Here, we critically re-evaluate the pathogenicity of this class of variants in a cohort of patients with common epilepsy syndromes and subsequently ask whether a significant fraction of benign variants have been misclassified as pathogenic. Methods: We screened a discovery cohort of 448 patients with a broad range of common genetic epilepsies and 734 controls for previously reported SCN1A mutations that were assumed to be disease causing. We re-evaluated the evidence for pathogenicity of the identified variants using in silico predictions, segregation, original reports, available functional data and assessment of allele frequencies in healthy individuals as well as in a follow up cohort of 777 patients. Results and Interpretation: We identified 8 known missense mutations, previously reported as path
