185 research outputs found

    Lie algebra representations and 2-index 4-variable 1-parameter Hermite polynomials

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    This paper is an attempt to stress the usefulness of multi-variable special functions by expressing them in terms of the corresponding Lie algebra or Lie group. The problem of framing the 2-index 4-variable 1-parameter Hermite polynomials (2I4V1PHP) into the context of the irreducible representations ω,μ \uparrow _{\omega,\mu} of G(0,1)\mathcal{G}(0,1) and ω,μ \uparrow^{'} _{\omega,\mu} of K5\mathcal{K}_{5} is considered. Certain relations involving 2I4V1PHP Hm,n(x,y,z,u;ρ)H_{m,n}(x,y,z,u;\rho) are obtained using the approach adopted by Miller. Certain examples involving other forms of Hermite polynomials are derived as special cases. Further, some properties of the 2I4V1PHP Hm,n(x,y,z,u;ρ)H_{m,n}(x,y,z,u;\rho) are obtained by using a quadratic combination of four operators defined on a Lie algebra of endomorphisms of a vector space

    Evaluation of efficacy of palonosetron versus ramosetron in patients receiving emetogenic chemotherapy

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    Background: Chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting is the most distressing side effect of cancer chemotherapy. It can seriously impact patient’s quality of life, influence the adherence to chemotherapy and progression free survival causing a delay or refusal of potentially life-saving therapy. The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy of palonosetron with ramosetron in achieving complete response to the chemotherapy.Methods: This was a prospective randomized open-label study conducted on 130 patients admitted in Medical Oncology ward of a Tertiary Care Hospitals, Bangalore, India. Patients were randomized to receive either palonosetron 0.25 mg or ramosetron 0.3 mg I.V. along with aprepitant and dexamethasone 30 minutes prior to chemotherapy and were followed up for a period of 5 days post chemotherapy. The observations such as number and severity of vomiting and nausea, the outcome was assessed at the end of 5 days. Pearson’s Chi-square test was used to demonstrate the difference between both the study groups with respect to various categorical data.Results: The complete response rate in delayed phase was more significant in patients who received palonosetron than patients who received ramosetron (72.3% vs 50.8%). Total control was achieved in 38.5% patients with palonosetron as compared to 15.4% patients with ramosetron.Conclusions: Palonosetron is more efficacious than ramosetron in controlling chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting especially in delayed phase of emesis


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    Objective: The aim of the present study is to evaluate various pharmacognostic standards like macroscopy, microscopy, fluorescence analysis, preliminary phytochemical screening and thin layer chromatography of Moringa oleifera (Lamk.) and Jasminum sambac (L.) Ait.Methods: Cellular arrangement of the flower of M. oleifera and J. sambac were examined under electronic microscope. Fine powder of both flowers was used for powder microscopy. The phytochemical screening of the aqueous and ethyl acetate extracts of flowers of M. oleifera andJ. sambac was performed for carbohydrates, terpenoids, alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, steroids, lignin and fixed oil. The color intensity or the precipitate formation was used as analytical responses to these tests. The aqueous and ethyl acetate extracts of both plants were gone through TLC monitoring by reconstituting each extracts with 5 ml solvent respectively. Results: Under microscopic observation the dried powder of M. oleifera revealed abundant calcium oxalate crystals, small spherical oil globules, starch grains, irregular fragments and tannin content. While powder microscopy of flower of J. sambac showed tannin, oil globules and simple fibers. Preliminary phytochemical analysis of aqueous and ethyl acetate extracts of both flowers revealed that the strength of active agents i. e, carbohydrate, tannins, fixed oil, terpenes in variable percentage.Conclusion: The findings could be helpful in identification and authentication of Moringa oleifera andJasminum sambac in future for further research and utilization.Â

    Pattern of management and outcome of dengue fever in pediatric in-patients in a tertiary care hospital: a prospective observational study

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    Background: Dengue is one of the most important mosquito borne viral diseases presenting with varied symptomatology. A broad-angled evaluation with integration of clinical and laboratory parameters would direct the physicians through the stages of the disease process and the line of management. The objectives were to identify the pattern of management of dengue fever in pediatric in-patients and to assess the outcome.Methods: A prospective observational study was carried out in pediatric inpatients. Data were collected by intensive case record review. Patients of age group 1-18 years of both genders diagnosed of dengue fever were included. The prescribing pattern in children presenting at various stages of dengue fever was analyzed. The outcome was assessed in terms of course in hospital and duration of hospital stay.Results: A total of 110 patients diagnosed with dengue fever with one or more warning signs were admitted during the study period. Thirty percent cases had liver enzymes more than 3 times the normal and 68% patients had platelet count <1,00,000/cumm. Two cases of dengue encephalitis were reported. Most common intravenous fluid given was ringer lactate followed by isolyte P and others. Most common antibiotic prescribed was ceftriaxone followed by ampicillin and others. The symptomatic treatment given consisted of paracetamol, anti-acidity drugs and anti-emetic drugs. Vitamin K was prescribed to 41% and zinc and folic acid supplements were prescribed to 30% children. There was no correlation found between vitamin K and outcome of the disease.Conclusion: Antibiotics and vitamin K though not a part of standard World Health Organization guidelines was seen to be an important part of management. Supportive care with judicious fluid management during the critical and recovery period with continuous monitoring is required for all patients. Further comparative studies are needed to establish the role of antibiotics and other supportive measures like zinc and folic acid on the outcome of the disease

    Integration between well logging and seismic reflection techniques for structural analysis and reservoir characterizations, Abu El Gharadig basin, Egypt

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    AbstractAbu El Gharadig basin is located in the northern part of the Western Desert, Egypt. Geophysical investigation in the form of thirty (3D) seismic lines and well logging data of five wells have been analyzed in the oil field BED-1 that is located in the northwestern part of Abu El Gharadig basin in the Western Desert of Egypt. The reflection sections have been used to shed more light on the tectonic setting of Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous rocks. While the well logging data have been analyzed for delineating the petrophysical characteristics of the two main reservoirs, Bahariya and Kharita Formations. The constructed subsurface geologic cross sections, seismic sections, and the isochronous reflection maps indicate that the area is structurally controlled by tectonic trends affecting the current shape of Abu El Gharadig basin. Different types of faults are well represented in the area, particularly normal one. The analysis of the average and interval velocities versus depth has shown their effect by facies changes and/or fluid content. On the other hand, the derived petrophysical parameters of Bahariya and Kharita Formations vary from well to another and they have been affected by the gas effect and/or the presence of organic matter, complex lithology, clay content of dispersed habitat, and the pore volume

    Effect of Substrate Temperature on Growth Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu2.4 Zn0.6O10 Thin Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition

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    AbstractBi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu2.4Zn0.6O10 superconducting pellet was prepared by solid state reaction. The epitaxial growth of Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu2.4Zn0.6O10 films has been realized on Si (111) by pulse laser deposition (PLD) using Nd: YAG laser with 532nm, pulse duration of about 7 nsec and a current density (0.4 – 8) J/cm2, at different substrate temperature 300, 320, 350 and 400°C. All samples annealed at 820°C in vacuum furnace employing oxygen atmosphere with flow rate 2 lit/min and heating rate 15°C/min. The structure and morphology of the prepared samples was obtained by using x-ray diffractometer (XRD) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The lattice constants of thin films samples were calculated using inter planer distance and Miller indices of the strong peaks in the XRD patterns. It has been observed that the enhancement of the transition temperature (Tc) for obtained films increase with increase of substrate temperature (Ts). The increase in Tc with the enhancement of substrate temperature could be explained to increasing the mobility of clusters and subsequently enhance the critical temperature


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    Objective: Present study was aimed to standardize the leaves, pods, and bark of Dalbergia sisso Roxb (Fabaceae) plant which is one of the most important species of Pakistan and used in different ailments.Methods: Powders of dried parts of this plant were used for macroscopic and microscopic, histological, fluorescence, micro chemical, proximate, infra-red spectroscopic examinations and extract were used for preliminary phytochemical examination. These entire tests were performed as per World Health Organization (WHO) standards.Results: In preliminary phytochemical analysis D. sisso carbohydrates, alkaloids, and tannins were detected in the pod while leaves contain carbohydrates alkaloids and flavonoids. The different cellular structure provides the basis of different parts identifications like stomata in leave (A), schlerides in pods (B) and tissues in bark (C) parts of the powdered plant. Proximate analysis showed the high level of moisture content and ash values of A, B and C samples. The fluorescence behavior of powdered material of A, B and C revealed the coloration of these samples under different wavelength. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) established the spectrum include aromatic and aldehyde based functional groups for the all three powdered samples of D. sisso Roxb.Conclusion: This research work was performed for the standardization of the plant D. sisso Roxb. as per WHO recommendations and we established the proper identification profile of the plant and its parts

    Tree Turmeric (Dar-e-Hald)., A Berberine Containing Unani Medicinal Herb of Pakistan

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    Tree turmeric (Dar-e-hald) i.e. Berberis aristata is a fomous Greek-o-Unani herb well grown in Pakistan. Dar-e-hald is known for its anti microbial properties in eyes, ear, gastrointestinal and genitourinary infections. Medicinally, the root and root bark, stem and stem bark, berries, flowers and powdered root and stem with the bark were used. Root and stem with the bark used as a potent source of berberine, the important constituent of the plant. The yellow coloured chemical constituent, berberine, gives the powdered dry root with bark its yellow colour and is an antimicrobial, anti inflammatory agent and anti cancer agent

    Application of the pMHC array to characterise tumour antigen specific T cell populations in leukaemia patients at disease diagnosis

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    Immunotherapy treatments for cancer are becoming increasingly successful, however to further improve our understanding of the T-cell recognition involved in effective responses and to encourage moves towards the development of personalised treatments for leukaemia immunotherapy, precise antigenic targets in individual patients have been identified. Cellular arrays using peptide-MHC (pMHC) tetramers allow the simultaneous detection of different antigen specific T-cell populations naturally circulating in patients and normal donors. We have developed the pMHC array to detect CD8+ T-cell populations in leukaemia patients that recognise epitopes within viral antigens (cytomegalovirus (CMV) and influenza (Flu)) and leukaemia antigens (including Per Arnt Sim domain 1 (PASD1), MelanA, Wilms’ Tumour (WT1) and tyrosinase). We show that the pMHC array is at least as sensitive as flow cytometry and has the potential to rapidly identify more than 40 specific T-cell populations in a small sample of T-cells (0.8–1.4 x 106). Fourteen of the twenty-six acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) patients analysed had T cells that recognised tumour antigen epitopes, and eight of these recognised PASD1 epitopes. Other tumour epitopes recognised were MelanA (n = 3), tyrosinase (n = 3) and WT1126-134 (n = 1). One of the seven acute lymphocytic leukaemia (ALL) patients analysed had T cells that recognised the MUC1950-958 epitope. In the future the pMHC array may be used provide point of care T-cell analyses, predict patient response to conventional therapy and direct personalised immunotherapy for patients

    Monograph of Holarrhena antidysenterica (linn.) Wall

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    Holarrhena Antidysenterica is a very significant herbal drug in Unani system of medicine and Ayurvedic system of medicine. This meticulous herb was used to treat a variety of infectious diseases especially in Staphylococcus aureus, Entamoeba histolytica and Escherichia coli. It is a large tree of 30 to 40 feet in height grows widely on the mountains. A large number of pharmacological studies have been done on the bark and seed of the tree.Keywords: Holarrhena Antidysenterica, Conessine, amoebic dysenter