24 research outputs found

    Content analysis of secondary school chemistry textbooks based on components of resistance economy: Shannon Entropy Methodod

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    Background and Objectives:The present study aims to analyze the content of second grade chemistry textbooks based on the emphasis on the goals of resistance economy. Methods: The research method in this study was descriptive content analysis. In this study, after collecting quantitative data, Shannon entropy technique was used for anarysis. The statistical population of this study formed the content of all secondary high school chemistry textbooks. The sampling method in this study was census; Therefore, all second grade chemistry textbooks were analyzed. The registration unit in this study was the subject. In this study, the frequency of components and themes of resistance economy in chemistry curricula were examined. Findings: The findings of the content analysis showed that in secondary high school chemistry books, the most attention was paid to the goals of resistance economy in the field of consumption the field of skills and the field of production attitude. Conclusion: From the present study, it can be concluded that in the second grade chemistry textbooks, very little attention has been paid to the goals of the resistance economy. Also, in secondary school chemistry curricula, little attention has been paid to the goals and components of the resistance economy and the amount of attention to the goals of the resistance economy do not have a normal distribution and only some components of the resistance economy in the second secondary school (three dimensions and three areas) are consi dered

    Trout farms and other human activities effects on Cheshmehkileh river ecosystem in Tonekabon

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    Cheshmehkileh River and adjacent mountainous streams, play a strategic role as a historical axis for anthropogenic civilization, human welfare also habitat and migration pathway of commercial – biologic valuable fishes e.g. Caspian trout, Caspian kuttum, members of Cyprinidae family in south Caspian Sea drainage. Treats such as overfishing of Caspian trout and Red spotted trout stocks in mountainous headwaters, barriers construction and manipulations those are out of river carrying capacity developed by human activities, affected normal function of river as well. Sand mining big factories establishment next to the river, legal and illegal trade of river sediments, direct entry of Tonekabon landfill leakage into the river, development of Rainbow trout farms since 3 decades and huge effluents into the river containing dead fish and types of solids, escapement of cultured Rainbow trouts into the river, … are major minimum factors which needs basic information for integrating inclusively drainage management system. Cheshmehkileh River contains Headwaters of Dohezar (Daryasar & Nusha), Sehezar and Valamroud rivers during 13 monthly sampling phases between September 2009 and October 2010 based on macrozoobenthoses investigations by EPT, EPT/C EPA protocols, measurements of nominated physic-chemical and microbiologic parameters. Probability of Rainbow trouts escapement and invasion, existence, nutrition in Cheshmehkileh environment indeed investigated. Data analysis explained significant differences (P<0.05) between groups of measured parameters in different sampling stations. Dendogram of clustered analysis based on consolidation of major biologic/ physic-chemical and microbiologic parameters, separated stations No. 1, 3, 2, 4 in one group and remained classified in different groups. Station 8 and 9 similarly separated which expressed general similarities according to Sehezar river environment which were differs in comparison with other stations. Station 11 separated according to its natural quality of water and environment. Similarities between station 10 to Sehezar river stations 8 and 9 expressed general influence of Sehezar River more than Dohezar River in Cheshmehkileh condition especially in station No. 10. High scores of EPT and EPT/C indices in upstream stations 1, 3 and 8 also low score of indices in stations 7, 13 and 6 expressed levels of environment quality between these groups of stations. Maximum average biomass of macroinvertebrates belongs to Trichoptera order in Cheshmehkileh River. Significant decrease of biomass in stations 11, 12 and 13 in comparison with other stations stated environment degradation in mentioned stations relevant to excessive sand mining as well. Pollution resistant groups of invertebrates significantly increased in downstreams against upstream stations. Also disappearing of Plecoptera order in station No. 7, 9, 10 and 13 stated low quality of environment in comparison with upstream stations. Confirmation of effects quality and quantity for point and non-point sources of imported pollutants require specific management considerations in order to present exploitations, pollutants control and emergencies for river monitoring in forthcoming years

    Domestic Violence Among Iranian Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Context: Violence against women, or domestic violence, is both a physical and mental health issue that is rampant in many societies. It undermines the personal health of those involved by inflicting physical, sexual, and psychological damage. The purpose of the present systematic review and meta-analysis is to assess the prevalence of domestic violence in Iranian society. Evidence Acquisition: A total of 31 articles published between 2000 and 2014 in Iranian and international databases (MagIran, IranMedex, SID, Google Scholar, Science Direct, PubMed, Pre Quest, and Scopus) were examined. The data collected from the articles were analyzed through a meta-analysis using a random effects model. The heterogeneity of the articles was examined using the I2 index, and the analyses were performed with STATA software version 11.2. Results: Based on the 31 articles, which represent a sample size of 15,514 persons, we estimated the prevalence of domestic violence to be 66 (CI 95: 55-77). The geographical classification showed that the prevalence of domestic violence was 70 (CI 95: 57-84) in the east of the country, 70 in the south (CI 95: 32-100), 75 in the west (CI 95: 56-94), 62 in the north (CI 95: 37-86), and 59 in the center (CI 95: 44-74). Conclusions: The results of the study showed a high prevalence of domestic violence in Iran, which requires the adoption of appropriate measures and the initiation of effective interventions by the legal authorities. These measures and interventions should aim to determine the causes of domestic violence and to develop ways of controlling and reducing this destructive phenomenon

    Chronic administration of methylphenidate did not affect memory and GDNF levels but increase astrogliosis in adult male rat's hippocampus

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    Background: ADHD is the most common developmental disorder affecting approximately three to seven percent of school-aged children and 2.5 percent of adults worldwide. The drug of choice for the pharmacotherapy of ADHD is Methylphenidate (MPH). However, there is growing concerns about side effects resulting from its potential interference with brain anatomical and behavioral development. Aim: This article focuses on the adverse effects of MPH on the rat's hippocampus. Methods: The animals received an oral dose of 5 mg/kg MPH or normal saline, as the vehicle, on a daily basis for 30 days. Y-maze test, passive avoidance, Barnes maze and field potential recording were conducted. Western blot for detecting the neurotrophic factor of GDNF and immunohistochemistry of astrogliosis were performed. Results: Our results revealed that MPH treatment suppressed the willingness of rats to explore new environments. Also, it had no effect on improving long-term potentiation, long-term memory and spatial memory in the MPH group as opposed to the control group. There was also a significant increase of astrogliosis in the treated rats� hippocampi. On the other hand, there was not a significant relationship between MPH administration and the decrement of the GDNF level. Conclusion: We encourage the need to conduct more research on the adverse effects of MPH on the brain. © 2020 Elsevier B.V

    Functional modification with TiO2 Nanoparticles and simultaneously dyeing of wool fibers in a one-pot hydrothermal process

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    Wool fibers are treated with titanate tetrabutyl in the presence of C. I. Reactive Blue 69 dye in a one-pot process under hydrothermal conditions. The fiber structure and as-prepared particles are characterized. The properties of percentage of exhaustion, K/S value, color fastness to light, tension, photocatalytic activity, and diffuse reflectance spectrum are investigated. The experimental results indicate that after treatment the wool fiber surfaces are evenly immobilized with a thin layer of anatase phase TiO2 nanoparticles. The TiO2 nanocrystals are grafted onto wool fibers via the C-Ti4+, S-Ti4+(Ti2+), and N-Ti 4+ bonds. The thermal stability of wool fibers changes a little. The capability of wool fibers to protect against ultraviolet radiation is improved. The tensile properties decrease. The photocatalytic activity to decolorize methylene blue dye is endowed. A high degree of percentage of exhaustion and high K/S value are obtained by adding a certain amount of acetic acid in the precursor solution. © 2014 American Chemical Society