552 research outputs found

    Do integrated mental healthcare organisations facilitate process quality in the treatment of people with schizophrenia and related psychoses?

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to investigate the influence of mergers of ambulatory and mental healthcare organisations on the process quality of care for persons suffering from schizophrenia or related psychoses. THEORY: On the basis of the theory of Donabedian we assume the relationships between three types of quality in healthcare: structure quality, process quality and outcome quality. This study focuses on the influences of structure quality, i.e. years since merger and catchment area size upon process quality. METHODS: Criteria according to Tugwell for evaluating healthcare were used to describe the process quality of schizophrenia care, resulting in a process quality questionnaire with 6 subscales and 21 items. Leading psychiatrists of 31 Dutch mental healthcare organisations, covering 89% of the country, answered the questionnaire. Both programmes and documents from the responding institutions and schizophrenia projects were analysed. Correlations of two determinants, age of the merged organisation and catchment area size, were made with total scale scores and the sub scores of the questionnaire. RESULTS: The response rate was 97% (31/32). Twenty-two organisations (71%) had a score of more than 50% on the used scale, 8 (29%) scored less. Two evidence-based interventions were implemented in more than 50% of the organisations, three in less than 50%. A low degree of implementation occurs in establishing care for people with schizophrenia from ethnic minorities, standardising diagnostic procedures and continuity of care. No significant relationship between the age of the merged organisation (‘age’) and the total process quality of schizophrenia care was found, however, the relationships between age and the subscales availability of interventions and integrated treatment were significant. No association was found between the size of the MHO's catchment area and any of the used subscales. CONCLUSIONS: The age of integration of residential and ambulatory mental health institutions correlates significantly with two subscales of process quality of schizophrenia care, i.e. availability of interventions and treatment. Catchment area size is not significantly associated with process quality or any of the subscales. Despite the mentioned positive effects, the overall picture of schizophrenia care is not very positive. Additional forces other than merely integration of ambulatory and residential services are needed for the further implementation of evidence-based interventions, diagnostic standards and continuity of care. The development of a national ‘schizophrenia standard’ (like in other countries) in relation with implementation plans and strategies to evaluate care on a regional level is recommended as well as further research on patient outcomes in relation to mergers of mental healthcare organisations


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    Розглянуто специфічні задачі внутрішахтного транспорту. Запропоновано використовувати метод Флойду-Уоршелла для моделювання допоміжних вантажопотоків з урахуванням характеристики мар- шруту. Наведені результати застосування цього методу для своєчасної доставки матеріальних потоків вугільних шахт у підготовчі вибої. Рассмотрены специфические задачи внутришахтного транспорта. Предложено использовать метод Флойда – Уоршелла для моделирования вспомогательных грузопотоков с учетом характеристики трас- сы. Приведены результаты применения используемого метода для оперативной доставки материаль- ных потоков угольных шахт в подготовительные забои

    UVB radiation induced effects on cells studied by FTIR spectroscopy

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    We have made a preliminary analysis of the results about the eVects on tumoral cell line (lymphoid T cell line Jurkat) induced by UVB radiation (dose of 310 mJ/cm^2) with and without a vegetable mixture. In the present study, we have used two techniques: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and flow cytometry. FTIR spectroscopy has the potential to provide the identiWcation of the vibrational modes of some of the major compounds (lipid, proteins and nucleic acids) without being invasive in the biomaterials. The second technique has allowed us to perform measurements of cytotoxicity and to assess the percentage of apoptosis. We already studied the induction of apoptotic process in the same cell line by UVB radiation; in particular, we looked for correspondences and correlations between FTIR spetroscopy and flow cytometry data finding three highly probable spectroscopic markers of apoptosis (Pozzi et al. in Radiat Res 168:698-705, 2007). In the present work, the results have shown significant changes in the absorbance and spectral pattern in the wavenumber protein and nucleic acids regions after the treatments

    Evaluation of a seven gene mutational profile as a prognostic factor in a population-based study of clear cell renal cell carcinoma

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    In this study, we investigate the influence of the seven genes (VHL, PBRM1, SETD2, BAP1, KDM5C, MTOR and TP53) most frequently mutated in clear cell renal cell cancer (ccRCC) on cancer-specific survival (CSS) in the prospective Netherlands Cohort Study on diet and cancer. DNA isolated from routinely archived formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tumour blocks from 252 incident ccRCC cases was available for targeted next generation sequencing. Based on the sequencing quality and the completeness of information on clinical characteristics and follow-up, we could use 110 cases for survival analysis. The association with CSS for each mutated gene in these cases was tested using multivariable Cox proportional hazards models to estimate hazards ratios (HR) and confidence intervals (CIs), and we observed mutations in one or more of the seven genes in 64 out of 110 cases (58%). In the multivariable-adjusted analyses, mutations in VHL and PBRM1 were associated with better CSS (HRs (95% CI) 0.34 (0.13‒0.89) and 0.17 (0.04–0.66), respectively), although these results were not statistically significant after multiple testing correction. No association was observed for the other five genes, which may be attributable to limited power

    Получение сероасфальтобетона на основе золы Северской ТЭЦ

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    В работе проведен аналитический обзор литературы, в ходе которого выявлена возможность совместного использования зол тепловых электростанций и технической серы в дорожном строительстве. Получен асфальтобетон на основе гранулированного вяжущего, состоящего из золы, технической серы и битумной эмульсии. Определены физико-механические характеристики исследуемых материалов и готового продукта, которые соответствуют требованиям, предъявляемым к асфальтобетонам.An analytical review of the literature was conducted, during which the possibility of joint use of ash from thermal power plants and technical sulfur in road construction was identified. An asphalt concrete on the basis of granular binder, which consist of ash, technical sulfur and bitumen emulsion was produced. The physico-mechanical characteristics of the materials and the finished product are determined, which meet the requirements for asphalt concrete

    Epigenetics in radiotherapy: Where are we heading?

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    Radiotherapy is an important component of anti-cancer treatment. However, not all cancer patients respond to radiotherapy, and with current knowledge clinicians are unable to predict which patients are at high risk of recurrence after radiotherapy. There is therefore an urgent need for biomarkers to guide clinical decision-making. Although the importance of epigenetic alterations is widely accepted, their application as biomarkers in radiotherapy has not been studied extensively. In addition, it has been suggested that radiotherapy itself introduces epigenetic alterations. As epigenetic alterations can potentially be reversed by drug treatment, they are interesting candidate targets for anticancer therapy or radiotherapy sensitizers. The application of demethylating drugs or histone deacetylase inhibitors to sensitize patients for radiotherapy has been studied in vitro, in vivo as well as in clinical trials with promising results. This review describes the current knowledge on epigenetics in radiotherapy