11,052 research outputs found

    Horospherical surfaces of curves in hyperbolic space

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    We consider the contact between curves and horospheres in Hyperbolic 3-space as an application of singularity theory of functions. We define the osculating horosphere of the curve. We also define the horospherical surface of the curve whose singular points correspond to the locus of polar vectors of osculating horospheres of the curve. One of the main results is to give a generic classification of singularities of horospherical surface of curves

    Fermion masses in the economical 3-3-1 model

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    We show that, in frameworks of the economical 3-3-1 model, all fermions get masses. At the tree level, one up-quark and two down-quarks are massless, but the one-loop corrections give all quarks the consistent masses. This conclusion is in contradiction to the previous analysis in which, the third scalar triplet has been introduced. This result is based on the key properties of the model: First, there are three quite different scales of vacuum expectation values: \om \sim {\cal O}(1) \mathrm{TeV}, v \approx 246 \mathrm{GeV} and uO(1)GeV u \sim {\cal O}(1) \mathrm{GeV}. Second, there exist two types of Yukawa couplings with different strengths: the lepton-number conserving couplings hh's and the lepton-number violating ones ss's satisfying the condition in which the second are much smaller than the first ones: sh s \ll h. With the acceptable set of parameters, numerical evaluation shows that in this model, masses of the exotic quarks also have different scales, namely, the UU exotic quark (qU=2/3q_U = 2/3) gains mass mU700m_U \approx 700 GeV, while the D_\al exotic quarks (q_{D_\al} = -1/3) have masses in the TeV scale: m_{D_\al} \in 10 \div 80 TeV.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Proton Heating in Solar Wind Compressible Turbulence with Collisions between Counter-propagating Waves

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    Magnetohydronamic turbulence is believed to play a crucial role in heating the laboratorial, space, and astrophysical plasmas. However, the precise connection between the turbulent fluctuations and the particle kinetics has not yet been established. Here we present clear evidence of plasma turbulence heating based on diagnosed wave features and proton velocity distributions from solar wind measurements by the Wind spacecraft. For the first time, we can report the simultaneous observation of counter-propagating magnetohydrodynamic waves in the solar wind turbulence. Different from the traditional paradigm with counter-propagating Alfv\'en waves, anti-sunward Alfv\'en waves (AWs) are encountered by sunward slow magnetosonic waves (SMWs) in this new type of solar wind compressible turbulence. The counter-propagating AWs and SWs correspond respectively to the dominant and sub-dominant populations of the imbalanced Els\"asser variables. Nonlinear interactions between the AWs and SMWs are inferred from the non-orthogonality between the possible oscillation direction of one wave and the possible propagation direction of the other. The associated protons are revealed to exhibit bi-directional asymmetric beams in their velocity distributions: sunward beams appearing in short and narrow patterns and anti-sunward broad extended tails. It is suggested that multiple types of wave-particle interactions, i.e., cyclotron and Landau resonances with AWs and SMWs at kinetic scales, are taking place to jointly heat the protons perpendicularly and parallel

    Neutrino masses in the economical 3-3-1 model

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    We show that, in frameworks of the economical 3-3-1 model, the suitable pattern of neutrino masses arises from the three quite different sources - the lepton-number conserving, the spontaneous lepton-number breaking and the explicit lepton-number violating, widely ranging over the mass scales including the GUT one: uO(1)GeVu\sim O(1) \mathrm{GeV}, v246GeVv\approx 246 \mathrm{GeV}, \om\sim O(1) \mathrm{TeV} and MO(1016)GeV\mathcal{M}\sim \mathcal{O}(10^{16}) \mathrm{GeV}. At the tree-level, the model contains three Dirac neutrinos: one massless, two large with degenerate masses in the order of the electron mass. At the one-loop level, the left-handed and right-handed neutrinos obtain Majorana masses ML,RM_{L,R} in orders of 102103eV10^{-2}-10^{-3} \mathrm{eV} and degenerate in MR=MLM_R=-M_L, while the Dirac masses get a large reduction down to eV\mathrm{eV} scale through a finite mass renormalization. In this model, the contributions of new physics are strongly signified, the degenerations in the masses and the last hierarchy between the Majorana and Dirac masses can be completely removed by heavy particles. All the neutrinos get mass and can fit the data.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    A unified approach to combinatorial key predistribution schemes for sensor networks

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    There have been numerous recent proposals for key predistribution schemes for wireless sensor networks based on various types of combinatorial structures such as designs and codes. Many of these schemes have very similar properties and are analysed in a similar manner. We seek to provide a unified framework to study these kinds of schemes. To do so, we define a new, general class of designs, termed “partially balanced t-designs”, that is sufficiently general that it encompasses almost all of the designs that have been proposed for combinatorial key predistribution schemes. However, this new class of designs still has sufficient structure that we are able to derive general formulas for the metrics of the resulting key predistribution schemes. These metrics can be evaluated for a particular scheme simply by substituting appropriate parameters of the underlying combinatorial structure into our general formulas. We also compare various classes of schemes based on different designs, and point out that some existing proposed schemes are in fact identical, even though their descriptions may seem different. We believe that our general framework should facilitate the analysis of proposals for combinatorial key predistribution schemes and their comparison with existing schemes, and also allow researchers to easily evaluate which scheme or schemes present the best combination of performance metrics for a given application scenario

    Sound propagation over uneven ground and irregular topography

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    The acoustic impedance of the surface coverings used in the laboratory experiments on sound diffraction by topographical ridges was determined. The model, which was developed, takes into account full wave effects and the possibility of surface waves and predicts the sound pressure level at the receiver location relative to what would be expected if the flat surface were not present. The sound pressure level can be regarded as a function of frequency, sound speed in air, heights of source and receiver, and horizontal distance from source to receiver, as well as the real and imaginary parts of the surface impedance

    A quantitative comparison of in-line coating thickness distributions obtained from a pharmaceutical tablet mixing process using discrete element method and terahertz pulsed imaging

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    The application of terahertz pulsed imaging (TPI) in the in-line configuration to monitor the coating thickness distribution of pharmaceutical tablets has the potential to improve the performance and quality of the spray coating process. In this study, an in-line TPI method is used to measure coating thickness distributions on pre-coated tablets during mixing in a rotating pan, and compared with results obtained numerically using the discrete element method (DEM) combined with a ray-tracing technique. The hit rates (i.e. the number of successful coating thickness measurements per minute) obtained from both terahertz in-line experiments and the DEM/ray-tracing simulations are in good agreement, and both increase with the number of baffles in the mixing pan. We demonstrate that the coating thickness variability as determined from the ray-traced data and the terahertz in-line measurements represents mainly the intra-tablet variability due to relatively uniform mean coating thickness across tablets. The mean coating thickness of the ray-traced data from the numerical simulations agrees well with the mean coating thickness as determined by the off-line TPI measurements. The mean coating thickness of in-line TPI measurements is slightly higher than that of off-line measurements. This discrepancy can be corrected based on the cap-to-band surface area ratio of the tablet and the cap-to-band sampling ratio obtained from ray-tracing simulations: the corrected mean coating thickness of the in-line TPI measurements shows a better agreement with that of off-line measurements

    Exact Histogram Specification Optimized for Structural Similarity

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    An exact histogram specification (EHS) method modifies its input image to have a specified histogram. Applications of EHS include image (contrast) enhancement (e.g., by histogram equalization) and histogram watermarking. Performing EHS on an image, however, reduces its visual quality. Starting from the output of a generic EHS method, we maximize the structural similarity index (SSIM) between the original image (before EHS) and the result of EHS iteratively. Essential in this process is the computationally simple and accurate formula we derive for SSIM gradient. As it is based on gradient ascent, the proposed EHS always converges. Experimental results confirm that while obtaining the histogram exactly as specified, the proposed method invariably outperforms the existing methods in terms of visual quality of the result. The computational complexity of the proposed method is shown to be of the same order as that of the existing methods. Index terms: histogram modification, histogram equalization, optimization for perceptual visual quality, structural similarity gradient ascent, histogram watermarking, contrast enhancement