2,238 research outputs found

    Serendipitously Detected Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field

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    We present a catalog of 74 galaxies detected serendipitously during a campaign of spectroscopic observations of the Hubble Deep Field North (HDF) and its environs. Among the identified objects are five candidate Ly-alpha emitters at z > 5, a galaxy cluster at z = 0.85, and a Chandra source with a heretofore undetermined redshift of z = 2.011. We report redshifts for 25 galaxies in the central HDF, 13 of which had no prior published spectroscopic redshift. Of the remaining 49 galaxies, 30 are located in the single-orbit HDF Flanking Fields. We discuss the redshift distribution of the serendipitous sample, which contains galaxies in the range 0.10 < z < 5.77 with a median redshift of z = 0.85, and we present strong evidence for redshift clustering. By comparing our spectroscopic redshifts to optical/IR photometric studies of the HDF, we find that photometric redshifts are in most cases capable of producing reasonable predictions of galaxy redshifts. Finally, we estimate the line-of-sight velocity dispersion and the corresponding mass and expected X-ray luminosity of the galaxy cluster, we present strong arguments for interpreting the Chandra source as an obscured AGN, and we discuss in detail the spectrum of one of the candidate z > 5 Ly-alpha emitters.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Comparative Growth and Survival of Juvenile Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua)Cultured in Copper and Nylon Net Pens

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    Bio-fouling on net pens has been a major concern for the marine aquaculture industry. As cage systems increase in size, so does the surface area for the attachment of colonial organisms that create drag on the net, reduce water flow important to fish health, and increase operational expenses due to net cleaning. To solve this problem, the International Copper Association (ICA) has been developing copper alloy netting for sea cages. Copper netting has unique properties that minimize bio-fouling, reduce the risk of fish escapement, prevent predators from entering the net pen, and is recyclable. To test the alloy netting, an experiment was conducted to compare juvenile cod cultured in traditional nylon nets with cod grown in Seawire copper netting ([email protected]). Six, 0.78 m3 cages were each stocked with 200 Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) averaging 29 ± 2.2 g and grown for 4 months in coastal waters of New Hampshire, USA. Results of the study indicated no significant differences in cod growth, survival, feed conversion ratio (FCR), specific growth rate (SGR), or Fulton’s condition factor (K) between the fish grown in the copper alloy and nylon nets. A chemical analysis was conducted on the cod and indicated no differences in copper levels in muscle, liver and gill tissues taken from the net treatments. Nylon nets with antifouling paint accumulated significantly more bio-fouling than the copper nets. Materials that were in direct contact with the copper netting (plastic cable ties) fouled heavily with hydroids indicating minimal leaching to the environment. This study describes some of the beneficial attributes of copper netting, however future studies need to be conducted over a longer period of time, on a larger scale, and in a more energetic environment to definitively test the utility of this new product

    Recent Legal Literature

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    Daniel: The Elements of the Law of Negotiable Instruments; Tiffany: The Law of Real Property and Other Interests in Land; Stearns: The Law of Suretyship. Covering Personal Suretyship, Commercial Guaranties, Suretyship as Related to Negotiable Instruments, Bonds to Secure Private Obligations, Official and Judicial Bonds Surety Companies

    Book Reviews

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    Frost: A Treatise on Guaranty Insurance and compensated Suretyship including therein as subsidiary branches, The Law of Fidelity, Commercial and Judicial Insurance, &c.; Freeman: The American Reports. Containing the Cases of General Value and Authority. Decided int eh Courts of Last Resort of the Several States.;Green: Digest of the Decisions of the Courts of last resort of the several states from 1904 to 1909 contained in the American State Reports, vols. 97 to 120 inclusive, and of the notes to cases reported therein.; the Earl of Halsbury et al.: The Laws of England, Being a Complete Statement of the Whole Law of England; Huddy: the Law of Automobiles (2nd ed.); Gilmore: Cases on the Law of Partnership. Including limited partnerships, Selected form Decisions of English and American Courts; Mechem: Cases on Damages. Selected from Decisions of English and American Courts

    Cold guided beams of water isotopologs

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    Electrostatic velocity filtering and guiding is an established technique to produce high fluxes of cold polar molecules. In this paper we clarify different aspects of this technique by comparing experiments to detailed calculations. In the experiment, we produce cold guided beams of the three water isotopologs H2O, D2O and HDO. Their different rotational constants and orientations of electric dipole moments lead to remarkably different Stark shift properties, despite the molecules being very similar in a chemical sense. Therefore, the signals of the guided water isotopologs differ on an absolute scale and also exhibit characteristic electrode voltage dependencies. We find excellent agreement between the relative guided fractions and voltage dependencies of the investigated isotopologs and predictions made by our theoretical model of electrostatic velocity filtering.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures; small changes to the text, updated reference

    A note on the heat balance of the Mediterranean and Red Seas

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    The Mediterranean and Red Seas are used as test volumes in an attempt to assess the accuracy of estimates of climatological air-sea fluxes calculated using meteorological observations from merchant ships…

    The role of quenching time in the evolution of the mass-size relation of passive galaxies from the WISP survey

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    We analyze how passive galaxies at z ∼\sim 1.5 populate the mass-size plane as a function of their stellar age, to understand if the observed size growth with time can be explained with the appearance of larger quenched galaxies at lower redshift. We use a sample of 32 passive galaxies extracted from the Wide Field Camera 3 Infrared Spectroscopic Parallel (WISP) survey with spectroscopic redshift 1.3 ≲\lesssim z ≲\lesssim 2.05, specific star-formation rates lower than 0.01 Gyr−1^{-1}, and stellar masses above 4.5 ×\times 1010^{10} M⊙_\odot. All galaxies have spectrally determined stellar ages from fitting of their rest-frame optical spectra and photometry with stellar population models. When dividing our sample into young (age ≤\leq 2.1 Gyr) and old (age >> 2.1 Gyr) galaxies we do not find a significant trend in the distributions of the difference between the observed radius and the one predicted by the mass-size relation. This result indicates that the relation between the galaxy age and its distance from the mass-size relation, if it exists, is rather shallow, with a slope alpha ≳\gtrsim -0.6. At face value, this finding suggests that multiple dry and/or wet minor mergers, rather than the appearance of newly quenched galaxies, are mainly responsible for the observed time evolution of the mass-size relation in passive galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters; 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl
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