33,961 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Konsumen dalam Mengkonsumsi Daging Ayam Kampung di Kota Medan (Studi Kasus: Pasar Sambas, Medan)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perkembangan permintaan konsumen terhadap daging ayam kampung dan harga ayam kampung; untuk mengetahui perilaku konsumen terhadap konsumsi daging ayam kampung di Kota Medan dan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi konsumsi daging ayam kampung di Pasar Sambas, Kota Medan. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis regresi linier berganda menggunakan alat bantu SPSS 16. Penentuan daerah penelitian dilakukan secara purposive. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan metode accidental sampling dengan jumlah sampel 30 konsumen. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Mei sampai Juli tahun 2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari hasil estimasi dapat diperoleh nilai determinasi (R2) sebesar 0,707. Hal ini berarti 70,7% variasi yang terjadi pada variabel umur, tingkat pendidikan, jumlah tanggungan, pendapatan dan harga daging ayam kampung dapat menjelaskan jumlah konsumsi daging ayam kampung, sedangkan 29,3% lagi dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain. Secara serempak menunjukkan bahwa dari keseluruhan variabel bebas memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap jumlah konsumsi daging ayam kampung. Secara parsial variabel jumlah tanggungan dan pendapatan berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah konsumsi daging ayam kampung, sedangkan pada umur, tingkat pendidikan dan harga daging ayam kampung tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah konsumsi daging ayam kampung

    Faktor – Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja di PT Eastern Sumatera Indonesia, Kebun Bukit Maradja Estate (Kabupaten Simalungun)

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pola kegiatan panen, produktivitas tenaga kerja, pengaruh faktor-faktor seperti tingkat pendidikan, pengalaman kerja, umur, dan pengaruh insentif terhadap produktivitas tenaga kerja di PT Eastern Sumatera Indonesia, Kebun Bukit Maradja Estate. Metode analisis data dengan menggunakan metode Cobb Douglas untuk menguji pengaruh dan untuk melihat produktivitas dan pola kegiatan panen dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola kegiatan panen dilakukan dengan menggunakan tenaga kerja tambahan, produktivitas tenaga kerja tinggi, faktor yang berpengaruh secara nyata adalah tingkat pendidikan, sedangkan umur dan pengalaman kerja tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan, insentif berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap produktivitas

    Particle size emissions from PVC electrical cable fires

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    Electrical cables are in every building and form a significant part of fire loads and can through electrical faults be the first item burnt in some fires. PVC insulated cables are still quite common in buildings and this work investigates Prysmian PVC cables. Deaths and injuries in fires are dominated by the influence of toxic smoke emissions and most of the work on the hazards of smoke are concerned with the toxic gases such as CO. However, fires are large producers of particulate material at levels over 1000 times that in controlled combustion and there is little knowledge of the role of ultra-fine particles in fires and none at all for electrical cable fires. The cone calorimeter fire material testing equipment was used in the present work, which is an ideal test procedure for particle size measurement, as controlled dilution (100/1) of the fire products occurs which enabled diluted samples to be used for particulate number measurement. The Cambustion DMS500 transient particle size analyser was used to determine the particle size distribution. The cone calorimeter uses a 100mm square test specimen and this was filled with 10 100mm lengths of the PVC cable. The test specimen was on a load cell so that the mass burn rate was determined. The cone calorimeter ignites the specimen using a conical electrical heater that is calibrated to achieve a control radiant heat flux on the test specimen, which was 35 kW/m2 in the present work. The fire occurred in a restricted air supply with an insulated air box around the 100mm square test fire. A chimney on the conical heater exit was used to obtain a raw gas sample for toxic gas analysis using a heated Gasmet FTIR. For gases dilution is undesirable as oxidation of the toxic gases may occur. For particles the chimney temperature was too low for carbon oxidation to be significant. The dilution process also condenses unburned hydrocarbons and carbonyl species, which may form nano aerosols and these may be the source of the 10nm particles measured in the present work. HCl is a major product of PVC fires and hence hydrochloric acid aerosols are likely in the particulate measurements. In previous work of the authors, PVC cable fires were investigated with free ventilation and HCl yields of about 50% were measured with Acrolein at 5% yield and Formaldyhyde at 3%. Thus there are plenty of liquid aerosol possible in the diluted products of PVC fires. The results showed a large nuclei number peak at about 10nm. The coarse particle peak only started after flaming combustion occurred and this was initially at 200nm, which increased to 300nm after 1000s. The 10nm peak was high for the first 200s, then dropped dramatically and slowly reformed later in the fire and at the end of the fire was very high with a low coarse particle peak. The FTIR gas species will be used to speculate on the likely composition of the nanoaerosols as a function of time in the fire

    Redox transfer at subduction zones: insights from Fe isotopes in the Mariana forearc

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    Subduction zones are active sites of chemical exchange between the Earth’s surface and deep interior and play a fundamental role in regulating planet habitability. However, the mechanisms by which redox sensitive elements (e.g., iron, carbon and sulfur) are cycled during subduction remains unclear. Here we use Fe stable isotopes (δ56Fe), which are sensitive to redox-related processes, to examine forearc serpentinite clasts recovered from deep sea drilling of mud volcanoes formed above the Mariana subduction zone in the Western Pacific. We show that serpentinisation of the forearc by slab-derived fluids produces dramatic δ56Fe variation. Unexpected negative correlations between serpentinite bulk δ56Fe, fluid-mobile element concentrations (e.g., B, As) and Fe3+/ƩFe suggest a concomitant oxidation of the mantle wedge through the transfer of isotopically light iron by slab-derived fluids. This process must reflect the transfer of either sulfate- or carbonate-bearing fluids that preferentially complex isotopically light Fe

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Permintaan dan Penawaran Minyak Goreng Curah di Kota Medan

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    Minyak goreng merupakan salah satu bahan makanan pokok yang dikonsumsi oleh seluruh lapisan masyarakat Indonesia. Pada saat ini minyak goreng dipasarkan dalam dua bentuk, yaitu secara curah dan dalam kemasan dengan merek/label tertentu. Meskipun minyak goreng bermerek memiliki banyak keunggulan dan kian marak beredar di pasaran Kota Medan, namun permintaan terhadap minyak goreng curah masih lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan minyak goreng bermerek. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis (1) faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi permintaan minyak goreng curah di Kota Medan, (2) faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi penawaran minyak goreng curah di Kota Medan. Metode pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik pengambilan sampel aksidental (accidental sampling) yaitu menentukan sampel berdasarkan orang yang ditemui secara kebetulan atau siapa saja yang memenuhi kriteria. Sampel yang diteliti sebanyak 30 sampel pembeli minyak goreng curah dan 30 sampel pedagang minyak goreng curah. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa (1) Dari sisi permintaan secara serempak jumlah permintaan minyak goreng curah dipengaruhi oleh harga beli konsumen, pendapatan rata-rata per bulan, dan jumlah tanggungan. Secara parsial, variabel harga beli konsumen dan jumlah tanggungan berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap jumlah permintaan minyak goreng curah, sedangkan pendapatan rata-rata per bulan tidak berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap jumlah permintaan minyak goreng curah (2) Dari sisi penawaran secara serempak jumlah penawaran minyak goreng curah dipengaruhi oleh harga beli pedagang, keuntungan, dan harga barang lain. Secara parsial, variabel keuntungan berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah penawaran minyak goreng curah, sedangkan harga beli pedagang dan harga barang lain tidak berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap jumlah penawaran minyak goreng curah

    Causarum Investigatio and the Two Bell's Theorems of John Bell

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    "Bell's theorem" can refer to two different theorems that John Bell proved, the first in 1964 and the second in 1976. His 1964 theorem is the incompatibility of quantum phenomena with the joint assumptions of Locality and Predetermination. His 1976 theorem is their incompatibility with the single property of Local Causality. This is contrary to Bell's own later assertions, that his 1964 theorem began with the assumption of Local Causality, even if not by that name. Although the two Bell's theorems are logically equivalent, their assumptions are not. Hence, the earlier and later theorems suggest quite different conclusions, embraced by operationalists and realists, respectively. The key issue is whether Locality or Local Causality is the appropriate notion emanating from Relativistic Causality, and this rests on one's basic notion of causation. For operationalists the appropriate notion is what is here called the Principle of Agent-Causation, while for realists it is Reichenbach's Principle of common cause. By breaking down the latter into even more basic Postulates, it is possible to obtain a version of Bell's theorem in which each camp could reject one assumption, happy that the remaining assumptions reflect its weltanschauung. Formulating Bell's theorem in terms of causation is fruitful not just for attempting to reconcile the two camps, but also for better describing the ontology of different quantum interpretations and for more deeply understanding the implications of Bell's marvellous work.Comment: 24 pages. Prepared for proceedings of the "Quantum [Un]speakables II" conference (Vienna, 2014), to be published by Springe

    The effect of intermittent preventive therapy for malaria on pregnancy outcome at the umth maiduguri.

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    The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends the use of intermittent preventive therapy with sulphadoxine-pyramethamine (IPT-SP) for prevention of malaria in pregnancy and this is the priority of the Roll Back Malaria partnership. Objectives: To determine the effect of IPT-SP on pregnancy outcome in our environment. Methods: Four hundred pregnant women among a cohort recruited for a larger study evaluating the prevalence of malaria parasitaemia in pregnancy in UMTH Maiduguri from 24 July 2007 to 12 January 2008 were used for this study. All pregnancies and deliveries were supervised at the UMTH. They were followed from booking to delivery to observe the effect of IPT-SP on pregnancy outcome. Blood samples were collected at booking and delivery for malaria parasite and packed cell volume. Malaria parasite was also looked for in the cord blood and placenta. Socio-demographic characteristics and pregnancy outcome were also obtained. Results: The mean age and parity of the patients were 27.2+5.5 years and 2.3+2.1 respectively. Majority of the patients (80.0%) have had at least a dose of the IPT-SP. The prevalence of malaria parasitaemia at booking was 60.3% with a mean parasite density of 701.04 + 382.22parasites/µl. However, the prevalence at delivery fell to 28.8% (p<0.001) and the mean parasite density reduced to 405.187 + 310.43 parasites/µl (p<0.001). In spite of the similar mean parasite density at booking in the 3 groups, the mean parasite density at delivery was lowest in the patients that had 2 doses of IPT-SP and highest among those that did not take IPT-SP (P<0.001). The use of IPT-SP also significantly protects from maternal anemia at delivery, preterm delivery, low birth weight, placental malaria, and cord parasitaemia. Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of malaria parasitaemia with a high parasite density among pregnant women at booking, both of which decline remarkably at delivery most likely due to ITP-SP during antenatal care. It is recommended that the use of intermittent preventive treatment should be intensified.&nbsp

    Novel Hybrid Integration Approach of Bagging-Based Fisher’s Linear Discriminant Function for Groundwater Potential Analysis

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    © 2019, International Association for Mathematical Geosciences. Groundwater is a vital water source in the rural and urban areas of developing and developed nations. In this study, a novel hybrid integration approach of Fisher’s linear discriminant function (FLDA) with rotation forest (RFLDA) and bagging (BFLDA) ensembles was used for groundwater potential assessment at the Ningtiaota area in Shaanxi, China. A spatial database with 66 groundwater spring locations and 14 groundwater spring contributing factors was prepared; these factors were elevation, aspect, slope, plan and profile curvatures, sediment transport index, stream power index, topographic wetness index, distance to roads and streams, land use, lithology, soil and normalized difference vegetation index. The classifier attribute evaluation method based on the FLDA model was implemented to test the predictive competence of the mentioned contributing factors. The area under curve, confidence interval at 95%, standard error, Friedman test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used to compare and validate the success and prediction competence of the three applied models. According to the achieved results, the BFLDA model showed the most prediction competence, followed by the RFLDA and FLDA models, respectively. The resulting groundwater spring potential maps can be used for groundwater development plans and land use planning
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