388 research outputs found

    Beobachtungen bei Anwendung des Koch'schen Heilverfahrens 1 )

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    Competitive exclusion of Salmonella enteritidis by Salmonella gallinarum in poultry.

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    Salmonella Enteritidis emerged as a major egg-associated pathogen in the late 20th century. Epidemiologic data from England, Wales, and the United States indicate that S. Enteritidis filled the ecologic niche vacated by eradication of S. Gallinarum from poultry, leading to an epidemic increase in human infections. We tested this hypothesis by retrospective analysis of epidemiologic surveys in Germany and demonstrated that the number of human S. Enteritidis cases is inversely related to the prevalence of S. Gallinarum in poultry. Mathematical models combining epidemiology with population biology suggest that S. Gallinarum competitively excluded S. Enteritidis from poultry flocks early in the 20th century

    Acupuncture Point Localization Varies Among Acupuncturists

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    Background: Studies assessing the point-specific effect of acupuncture or the characteristics of acupuncture points (APs) tend to yield inconclusive results. In order to identify a possible confounding factor, we aimed to examine the variability in AP localization by means of a survey. Material and Methods: Attendees of the 14th ICMART (International Council of Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques) congress as well as DAGfA (German Medical Society of Acupuncture) lecturers and students were asked to locate and mark the APs LI 10 and TH 5 on a research assistant's arm. Identified points were transferred into a coordinate system, and the respective bivariate distribution function was calculated. Additionally, participants filled out a questionnaire about their acupuncture education and experience, the acupuncture style and point localization techniques used most frequently, and their estimation of the size of an AP. Results: The areas of the ellipses, theoretically containing 95% of AP localizations, varied between 44.49 and 5.18 cm(2). The largest distance between 2 identified points was 8.45 cm for LI 10 and 5.3 cm for TH 5. Apart from being trained at the same school, no other factor could be identified that determined the variability in AP localization. Conclusion: Our results indicate that congruity of AP localization among experienced acupuncturists might be low. Although there are some limitations to our results, this possible bias should be taken into account when conducting acupuncture trials and interpreting results of previous acupuncture studies

    Seasonal change in the daily timing of behaviour of the common vole, Microtus arvalis

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    1. Seasonal effects on daily activity patterns in the common vole were established by periodic trapping in the field and continuous year round recording of running wheel and freeding activity in cages exposed to natural meteorological conditions. 2. Trapping revealed decreased nocturnality in winter as compared to summer. This was paralelled by a winter reduction in both nocturnal wheel running and feeding time in cages. 3. Frequent trap checks revealed a 2 h rhythm in daytime catches in winter, not in summer. Cage feeding activity in daytime was always organized in c. 2 h intervals, but day-to-day variations in phase blurred the rhythm in summer in a summation of individual daily records. Thus both seasonal and short-term temporal patterns are consistent between field trappings and cage feeding records. 4. Variables associated with the seasonal change in daily pattern were: reproductive state (sexually active voles more nocturnal), age (juveniles more nocturnal), temperature (cold days: less nocturnal), food (indicated by feeding experiments), habitat structure (more nocturnal in habitat with underground tunnels). 5. Minor discrepancies between field trappings and cage feeding activity can be explained by assuming increased trappability of voles in winter. Cage wheel running is not predictive of field trapping patterns and is thought to reflect behavioral motivations not associated with feeding but with other activities (e.g., exploratory, escape, interactive behaviour) undetected by current methods, including radiotelemetry and passage-counting. 6. Winter decrease in nocturnality appears to involve a reduction in nocturnal non-feeding and feeding behaviour and is interpreted primarily as an adaptation to reduce energy expenditure in adverse but socially stable winter conditions.

    Molecular and Phenotypic Analysis of the CS54 Island of Salmonella enterica Serotype Typhimurium: Identification of Intestinal Colonization and Persistence Determinants

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    The shdA gene is carried on a 25-kb genetic island at centisome 54 (CS54 island) of the Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium chromosome. In addition to shdA, the CS54 island of Salmonella serotype Typhimurium strain LT2 contains four open reading frames designated ratA, ratB, sivI, and sivH. DNA hybridization analysis revealed that the CS54 island is comprised of two regions with distinct phylogenetic distribution within the genus Salmonella. Homologues of shdA and ratB were detected only in serotypes of Salmonella enterica subsp. I. In contrast, sequences hybridizing with ratA, sivI, and sivH were present in S. enterica subsp. II and S. bongori in addition to S. enterica subsp. I. Deletion of the ratA and sivI genes did not alter the ability of Salmonella serotype Typhimurium to colonize the organs of mice. Insertional inactivation of the sivH gene resulted in defective colonization of the Peyer's patches of the terminal ileum but normal colonization of the cecum, mesenteric lymph nodes, and spleen. Deletion of the shdA gene resulted in decreased colonization of the cecum and Peyer's patches of the terminal ileum and colonization to a lesser degree in the mesenteric lymph nodes and spleen 5 days post-oral inoculation of mice. A strain containing a deletion in the ratB gene exhibited a defect for the colonization of the cecum but not of the Peyer's patches, mesenteric lymph nodes, and spleen. The shdA and ratB deletion strains exhibited a shedding defect in mice, whereas the sivH deletion strain was shed at numbers similar to the wild type. These data suggest that colonization of the murine cecum is required for efficient fecal shedding in mice

    Vi polysaccharide and conjugated vaccines afford similar early, IgM or IgG-independent control of infection but boosting with conjugated Vi vaccines sustains the efficacy of immune responses

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    IntroductionVaccination with Vi capsular polysaccharide (Vi-PS) or protein-Vi typhoid conjugate vaccine (TCV) can protect adults against Salmonella Typhi infections. TCVs offer better protection than Vi-PS in infants and may offer better protection in adults. Potential reasons for why TCV may be superior in adults are not fully understood.Methods and resultsHere, we immunized wild-type (WT) mice and mice deficient in IgG or IgM with Vi-PS or TCVs (Vi conjugated to tetanus toxoid or CRM197) for up to seven months, with and without subsequent challenge with Vi-expressing Salmonella Typhimurium. Unexpectedly, IgM or IgG alone were similarly able to reduce bacterial burdens in tissues, and this was observed in response to conjugated or unconjugated Vi vaccines and was independent of antibody being of high affinity. Only in the longer-term after immunization (>5 months) were differences observed in tissue bacterial burdens of mice immunized with Vi-PS or TCV. These differences related to the maintenance of antibody responses at higher levels in mice boosted with TCV, with the rate of fall in IgG titres induced to Vi-PS being greater than for TCV.DiscussionTherefore, Vi-specific IgM or IgG are independently capable of protecting from infection and any superior protection from vaccination with TCV in adults may relate to responses being able to persist better rather than from differences in the antibody isotypes induced. These findings suggest that enhancing our understanding of how responses to vaccines are maintained may inform on how to maximize protection afforded by conjugate vaccines against encapsulated pathogens such as S. Typhi.</p
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