4,262 research outputs found

    Superscaling in Nuclei: A Search for Scaling Function Beyond the Relativistic Fermi Gas Model

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    We construct a scaling function f(ψ′)f(\psi^{\prime}) for inclusive electron scattering from nuclei within the Coherent Density Fluctuation Model (CDFM). The latter is a natural extension to finite nuclei of the Relativistic Fermi Gas (RFG) model within which the scaling variable ψ′\psi^{\prime} was introduced by Donnelly and collaborators. The calculations show that the high-momentum components of the nucleon momentum distribution in the CDFM and their similarity for different nuclei lead to quantitative description of the superscaling in nuclei. The results are in good agreement with the experimental data for different transfer momenta showing superscaling for negative values of ψ′\psi^{\prime}, including those smaller than -1.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, submitted for publication to Phys. Rev.

    Effects of turbulent mixing on critical behaviour in the presence of compressibility: Renormalization group analysis of two models

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    Critical behaviour of two systems, subjected to the turbulent mixing, is studied by means of the field theoretic renormalization group. The first system, described by the equilibrium model A, corresponds to relaxational dynamics of a non-conserved order parameter. The second one is the strongly non-equilibrium reaction-diffusion system, known as Gribov process and equivalent to the Reggeon field theory. The turbulent mixing is modelled by the Kazantsev-Kraichnan "rapid-change" ensemble: time-decorrelated Gaussian velocity field with the power-like spectrum k^{-d-\xi}. Effects of compressibility of the fluid are studied. It is shown that, depending on the relation between the exponent \xi and the spatial dimension d, the both systems exhibit four different types of critical behaviour, associated with four possible fixed points of the renormalization group equations. The most interesting point corresponds to a new type of critical behaviour, in which the nonlinearity and turbulent mixing are both relevant, and the critical exponents depend on d, \xi and the degree of compressibility. For the both models, compressibility enhances the role of the nonlinear terms in the dynamical equations: the region in the d-\xi plane, where the new nontrivial regime is stable, is getting much wider as the degree of compressibility increases. In its turn, turbulent transfer becomes more efficient due to combined effects of the mixing and the nonlinear terms.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure

    Generator Coordinate Method Calculations for Ground and First Excited Collective States in 4^{4}He, 16^{16}O and 40^{40}Ca Nuclei

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    The main characteristics of the ground and, in particular, the first excited monopole state in the 4^{4}He, 16^{16}O and 40^{40}Ca nuclei are studied within the generator coordinate method using Skyrme-type effective forces and three construction potentials, namely the harmonic-oscillator, the square-well and Woods-Saxon potentials. Calculations of density distributions, radii, nucleon momentum distributions, natural orbitals, occupation numbers and depletions of the Fermi sea, as well as of pair density and momentum distributions are carried out. A comparison of these quantities for both ground and first excited monopole states with the available empirical data and with the results of other theoretical methods are given and discussed in detail.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, 6 Postscript figures, submitted to EPJ

    Confinement in the Abelian-Higgs-type theories: string picture and field correlators

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    Field correlators and the string representation are used as two complementary approaches for the description of confinement in the SU(N)-inspired dual Abelian-Higgs-type model. In the London limit of the simplest, SU(2)-inspired, model, bilocal electric field-strength correlators have been derived with accounting for the contributions to these averages produced by closed dual strings. The Debye screening in the plasma of such strings yields a novel long-range interaction between points lying on the contour of the Wilson loop. This interaction generates a Luescher-type term, even when one restrics oneself to the minimal surface, as it is usually done in the bilocal approximation to the stochastic vacuum model. Beyond the London limit, it has been shown that a modified interaction appears, which becomes reduced to the standard Yukawa one in the London limit. Finally, a string representation of the SU(N)-inspired model with the theta-term, in the London limit, can be constructed.Comment: 17 pages, no figures, REVTeX 4; Invited contribution to the collection of articles devoted to the 70th birthday of Yu.A. Simono

    Effects of Turbulent Mixing on the Critical Behavior

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    Effects of strongly anisotropic turbulent mixing on the critical behavior are studied by means of the renormalization group. Two models are considered: the equilibrium model A, which describes purely relaxational dynamics of a nonconserved scalar order parameter, and the Gribov model, which describes the nonequilibrium phase transition between the absorbing and fluctuating states in a reaction-diffusion system. The velocity is modelled by the d-dimensional generalization of the random shear flow introduced by Avellaneda and Majda within the context of passive scalar advection. Existence of new nonequilibrium types of critical regimes (universality classes) is established.Comment: Talk given in the International Bogolyubov Conference "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics" (Moscow-Dubna, 21-27 August 2009

    Breaking of ergodicity and long relaxation times in systems with long-range interactions

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    The thermodynamic and dynamical properties of an Ising model with both short range and long range, mean field like, interactions are studied within the microcanonical ensemble. It is found that the relaxation time of thermodynamically unstable states diverges logarithmically with system size. This is in contrast with the case of short range interactions where this time is finite. Moreover, at sufficiently low energies, gaps in the magnetization interval may develop to which no microscopic configuration corresponds. As a result, in local microcanonical dynamics the system cannot move across the gap, leading to breaking of ergodicity even in finite systems. These are general features of systems with long range interactions and are expected to be valid even when the interaction is slowly decaying with distance.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    String Nature of Confinement in (Non-)Abelian Gauge Theories

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    Recent progress achieved in the solution of the problem of confinement in various (non-)Abelian gauge theories by virtue of a derivation of their string representation is reviewed. The theories under study include QCD within the so-called Method of Field Correlators, QCD-inspired Abelian-projected theories, and compact QED in three and four space-time dimensions. Various nonperturbative properties of the vacua of the above mentioned theories are discussed. The relevance of the Method of Field Correlators to the study of confinement in Abelian models, allowing for an analytical description of this phenomenon, is illustrated by an evaluation of field correlators in these models.Comment: 100 pages, LaTeX2e, no figures, 1 table, based on the Ph.D. thesises at the Humboldt University of Berlin (1999) (available under http://dochost.rz.hu-berlin.de) and the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow (2000), new results are included, extended with respect to the journal versio

    Pressure and interaction measure of the gluon plasma

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    We explore the thermodynamics of the gluon plasma in SU(3) Yang-Mills theory emerging from the non-trivial spatial dynamics of valence gluons. The lattice data suggest that these gluons interact with each other linearly at large spatial separations. At high temperatures, valence gluons should reproduce the pressure of the non-interacting Stefan-Boltzmann plasma along with the leading perturbative correction. These properties of valence gluons can be modeled in terms of the integral over their trajectories. We calculate such a world-line integral analytically and obtain the pressure and the interaction measure (ε−3p)/T4(\varepsilon-3p)/T^4 of the gluon plasma. Additionally, we account for the contributions of stochastic background fields to these thermodynamic quantities. The results turn out to be in a good agreement with the corresponding lattice data. In particular, the lattice-simulated peak of the interaction measure near the deconfinement critical temperature is reproduced.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures. Final version. To appear in Nucl. Phys.
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