119 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Suhu Dan Komposisi Minyak Jagung Pada Pembuatan Lilin Klowong Terhadap Pewarnaan Batik

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    Batik is one of the most highly developed Indonesian art forms that had been designated by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of oral and intangible Heritage of Humanity. It uses techniques of wax resist dyeing applied to the whole cloth and can be made by using canting or printing.Once the design applied on the cloth, then it is ready to be waxed and the staining of the batik cloth depends on the quality of the wax. Therefore, batik wax is considered as the main material to make batik, especially for handmade batik in which the pattern and carve applied directly by the artisans.  Vegetable oil is to improvement viscosity level in liquidity of batik waxes and to knowing the effect of the dyed batik.This research aims to knowing the composition of the required yellow paraffin waxes batik and to knowing the effect of the composition of the yellow paraffin dyed batik. This study uses qualitative and quantitative methods with material measurement techniques, and test a questionnaire to evaluate the response of the respondents to the sharpness of the color produced. In the process of making batik wax, the composition of the materials used are Lilin tawon, damar mata kucing, gondorukem, yellow parafin, and  vegetable oils. In this research, yellow paraffin as an independent variable with variations in different compositions (10 g, 15 g, 20 g and 25 g). To test the composition of the wax batik then made 4 different samples, each sample has a different composition yellow paraffin. To view a sample of the batik conducted several tests, including testing the sharpness of color, smearing of colors, as well as washing with soap, while the qualitative testing done by kuisioer to test visually, from the test results of samples both quantitative and qualitative data show that the results of batik using sample C gives better results than other samples

    Content of Pb and Zn in Soils Collected in the Vicinity of Selected Automobile Workshops in Kaduna, Nigeria

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    To assess the availability of metals in soil for absorption, the chemical forms must be determined. In this regard, a modified  sequential extraction technique was used to determine the geochemical partitioning of Pb and Zn concentration of the soil sample obtained from these workshops were determined using flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS). The soil samples were digested and extracted using different digestion and extraction media. The results revealed that the concentrations of Pb and Zn in the samples varied from one automobile workshop to another and similarly the Pb concentration bound to the residual phase (HNO₃: H₂O₂ (2:1)) was highest in all locations followed by that bound to magnesium chloride, EDTA and Oxalic acid. Thus HNO₃/H₂O₂ >MgCl₂>EDTA>Oxalic acid. While the Zn concentration bound to the oxide phase (Oxalic acid) was highest in all the sampling locations followed by that bound to magnesium chloride, EDTA and nitric acid/ hydrogen perioxide. Hence, oxalic acid>MgCl₂>EDTA>HNO₃/H₂O₂. Keywords: Bioavailability, metal content, soil, Automobile workshop

    Pengaruh Suhu Dan Komposisi Minyak Jagung Pada Pembuatan Lilin Klowong Terhadap Pewarnaan Batik

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    Batik is one of the most highly developed Indonesian art forms that had been designated by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of oral and intangible Heritage of Humanity. It uses techniques of wax resist dyeing applied to the whole cloth and can be made by using canting or printing.Once the design applied on the cloth, then it is ready to be waxed and the staining of the batik cloth depends on the quality of the wax. Therefore, batik wax is considered as the main material to make batik, especially for handmade batik in which the pattern and carve applied directly by the artisans.  Vegetable oil is to improvement viscosity level in liquidity of batik waxes and to knowing the effect of the dyed batik.This research aims to knowing the composition of the required yellow paraffin waxes batik and to knowing the effect of the composition of the yellow paraffin dyed batik. This study uses qualitative and quantitative methods with material measurement techniques, and test a questionnaire to evaluate the response of the respondents to the sharpness of the color produced. In the process of making batik wax, the composition of the materials used are Lilin tawon, damar mata kucing, gondorukem, yellow parafin, and  vegetable oils. In this research, yellow paraffin as an independent variable with variations in different compositions (10 g, 15 g, 20 g and 25 g). To test the composition of the wax batik then made 4 different samples, each sample has a different composition yellow paraffin. To view a sample of the batik conducted several tests, including testing the sharpness of color, smearing of colors, as well as washing with soap, while the qualitative testing done by kuisioer to test visually, from the test results of samples both quantitative and qualitative data show that the results of batik using sample C gives better results than other samples

    Cadmium geochemistry and groundwater pollution status evaluation using indexing and spatial analysis for Keffe community and Environs Sokoto Basin, North Western Nigeria

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    Representative groundwater samples were collected from the Kaffe community and environs to evaluate the concentrations and geochemical constraints for mobilizing cadmium (Cd) and selected heavy metals. Field-based in-situ measurements of physicochemical parameters were combined with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer analysis of dissolved elemental concentrations. Pollution indices (i.e. heavy metal pollution index; HPI, heavy metal evaluation index; HEI, contamination degree; Cd, metal index; MI, synthetic pollution index; SPI, ecological risk index; ERI and Nemerow index; NI) evaluations highlighted the levels of heavy metals in the groundwater. Cadmium and iron (Fe) concentrations exceeded the recommended limits in 97% of the analysed samples, with an average pH of 6.3. Strong positive correlations were observed between cadmium and the computed pollution indices (p 0.774 to p 0.100), suggesting significant Cd pollution of the groundwater. Components analysis grouped Cd, Fe, and the pollution indices in the first PC. This was favourably compared to the correlation analysis result. Cluster analysis categorized Cd, Zn and pH in the first cluster consistent with the suggested dissolution and enrichment of Cd and Zn in the groundwater under similar geochemical conditions. The study area is medium and moderately polluted based on HPI, HEI, Cd, and NI

    Optimized Conditions for Bioemulsifier production by Local Streptomyces sp. SS 20 isolated from hydrocarbon contaminated soil

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    Abstract The present study was evaluated the bioemulsifier production and properties of Streptomyces sp. SS 20 (30 -100), pH (3 -7) and salt concentration of 3% (w/v

    Two-temperature dual-phase-lags theory in a thermoelastic solid half-space due to an inclined load

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    This article addresses the thermoelastic interaction due to inclined load on a homogeneous isotropic half-space in context of two-temperature generalized theory of thermoelasticity with dual-phase-lags. It is assumed that the inclined load is a linear combination of both normal and tangential loads. The governing equations are solved by using the normal mode analysis. The variations of the displacement, stress, conductive temperature, and thermodynamic temperature distributions with the horizontal distance have been shown graphically. Results of some earlier workers have also been deduced from the present investigation as special cases. Some comparisons are graphically presented to estimate the effects of the two-temperature parameter, the dual-phase-lags parameters and the inclination angle. It is noticed that there is a significant difference in the values of the studied fields for different value of the angle of inclination. The method presented here maybe applicable to a wide range of problems in thermodynamics and thermoelasticity

    Exploring the Prospect of Enhancing Cancer Radiotherapy in Hospitals and Health Care Centers in Nigeria Through Artificial Intelligence: A Promising Frontier

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    Radiotherapy remains a cornerstone in the treatment and management of cancer, however, current developments in artificial intelligence (AI) have shown promising opportunities in this field. Hence, the objective of this paper is to assess the need for integrating artificial intelligence to enhance cancer radiotherapy in hospitals and healthcare centers in Nigeria, using the twelve radiotherapy centers across the country. The article highlights the need for Nigerian hospitals and healthcare centers to start working towards embracing and integrating AI techniques into her radiotherapy (RT) procedures for optimized cancer treatment. Also, important groundwork required to ease the integration process is discussed. To highlight the need for Nigerian hospitals and healthcare centers to embrace and integrate AI into their radiotherapy procedures, a state-of-the-art review of accessible literatures from Scopus, PubMed, and Google Scholar was carried out. Finally, several applications of AI (machine/deep learning) techniques in radiotherapy were identified. Also, the current status of radiotherapy services in Nigeria and factors hindering its marriage with AI has been highlighted. Necessary groundwork required for a seamless AI integration was equally highlighted

    Service user and caregiver involvement in mental health system strengthening in low- and middle-income countries: a cross-country qualitative study

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    The aims of this paper are to: (i) explore the experiences of involvement of mental health service users, their caregivers, mental health centre heads and policy makers in mental health system strengthening in three low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) (Ethiopia, Nepal and Nigeria); (ii) analyse the potential benefits and barriers of such involvement; and (iii) identify strategies required to achieve greater service user and caregiver participation. A cross-country qualitative study was conducted, interviewing 83 stakeholders of mental health services. Our analysis showed that service user and caregiver involvement in the health system strengthening process was an alien concept for most participants. They reported very limited access to direct participation. Stigma and poverty were described as the main barriers for involvement. Several strategies were identified by participants to overcome existing hurdles to facilitate service user and caregiver involvement in the mental health system strengthening process, such as support to access treatment, mental health promotion and empowerment of service users. This study suggests that capacity building for service users, and strengthening of user groups would equip them to contribute meaningfully to policy development from informed perspectives. Involvement of service users and their caregivers in mental health decision-making is still in its infancy in LMICs. Effective strategies are required to overcome existing barriers, for example making funding more widely available for Ph.D. studies in participatory research with service users and caregivers to develop, implement and evaluate approaches to involvement that are locally and culturally acceptable in LMICs

    Assessment of early-maturing maize hybrids and testing sites using GGE biplot analysis

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    Article Purchased; Published: 7 Sept. 2017Identification of outstanding maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids for target environments is complicated by genotype × environment interactions. Thirty-two early-maturity maize hybrids were evaluated at eight locations in Nigeria and six locations in Ghana for 2 yr to (i) identify high-yielding, stable hybrids across locations and/or hybrids specifically adapted to different locations, and (ii) identify ideal test sites for selection of superior hybrids in the two countries. Genotype, country, year, location (country), and their interactive effects were significant (P < 0·01) for grain yield, days to anthesis and silking, anthesis-silking interval, plant and ear aspects, and ears per plant. Mean grain yield of the hybrids ranged from 3177 kg ha−1 for EWH-5 to 4596 kg ha−1 for EWH-29. The genotype main effects plus genotype × environment interaction (GGE) biplot analysis revealed that EWH-29, EWH-8, and EWH-30 did not differ significantly in grain yield and were the most stable hybrids in both countries, whereas EWH-26 and EWH-32 were the most stable hybrids only in Ghana. The GGE biplot analysis identified Samaru, Kafin Soli, and Minjibir in Nigeria and Nyankpala, Damongo, and Fumesua in Ghana as the most discriminating locations. Minjibir (Nigeria) and Nyankpala (Ghana), being most discriminating and representative locations, were considered the ideal testing sites for the respective countries. The type of cultivars evaluated determined the most suitable locations for multilocation testing within Ghana and Nigeria. Whereas hybrids EWH-29, EWH-8, and EWH-30 should be suitable for production in Nigeria, EWH-26 and EWH-32 should be promoted for production in Ghana


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    In this work numerical and experimental investigation have been adopted to collect and store solar energy in exterior-wall cladding, Various improvements have been investigated inside and outside the duct to increase the efficiency of thermal heating. ANSYS software has been used to simulate current case. Results show that there is a good agreement between experimental and numerical results and this agreement increases as air velocity increases. The average percentage error for air inside duct at velocity of air 1 m/s, 3 m/s and 5 m/s is 8%, 16.5% and 5% respectively. Several vertical cooper cylinders with 12 mm diameter were added inside basin to increase the surface area. It has been found that the enhancement in temperature of air between this case and Smooth Duct, Smooth Cover base model for air velocity of 1,3and 5 m/s is 3, 4 and 11 % respectively. The effect of increasing surface area by using granular (corrugated) duct on the air temperature distribution along the duct. Have been also investigated the percentage enhancement in temperature of air between this case and previous base smooth duct case for velocities of 1, 3 and 5 m/s is 19.4, 28.6 and 16.5 % respectively. The enhancement in heat transfer when using both granular hollow sphere duct with vertical metal cylinders for air velocity of 1, 3 and 5 m/s is 27.5, 33 and 35.2 % respectively
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