592 research outputs found

    Generating Infinite-Resolution Texture using GANs with Patch-by-Patch Paradigm

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    In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for generating texture images of infinite resolutions using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) based on a patch-by-patch paradigm. Existing texture synthesis techniques often rely on generating a large-scale texture using a one-forward pass to the generating model, this limits the scalability and flexibility of the generated images. In contrast, the proposed approach trains GANs models on a single texture image to generate relatively small patches that are locally correlated and can be seamlessly concatenated to form a larger image while using a constant GPU memory footprint. Our method learns the local texture structure and is able to generate arbitrary-size textures, while also maintaining coherence and diversity. The proposed method relies on local padding in the generator to ensure consistency between patches and utilizes spatial stochastic modulation to allow for local variations and diversity within the large-scale image. Experimental results demonstrate superior scalability compared to existing approaches while maintaining visual coherence of generated textures

    Strangeness content of the nucleon within the NJL soliton model

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    We investigated the form factors of the nucleon associated with the nonet vector current in the framework of the generalized Yabu--Ando approach to the chiral soliton of the Nambu--Jona--Lasinio model. We introduce a variational parameter to improve the predictions for the baryon mass splittings and, in addition, we take into account 1/Nc1/N_c rotational corrections to accommodate the empirical isovector magnetic moment of the nucleon. We find that the strange magnetic moment lies between -0.05 and 0.25.Comment: 3 pages, LaTeX file. Talk given at the conference: Hadron 95, July 9th-14th, 1995, Mancheste


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    Abstract. This study presents a straightforward adaptive prefiltering algorithm based on a double second-order generalized integrator with prefilter to solve one of the power quality issues, this algorithm is in charge of the determination of the reference harmonic currents in the control of three-phase shunt active power filter which presents an effective way to enhance the grid current quality. The proposed algorithm is used twice, to extract the harmonic currents produced by the non-linear loads and be an interesting part in the estimation of the frequency and amplitude of the fundamental voltage in various anomalies which can be noticed on the grid voltage. The performance, precision, and robustness of the proposed method are evidenced under balanced, unbalanced, and distorted grid voltage in the simulation and experimental results obtained by the implementation of the shunt active power filter on MATLAB-Simulink environment and the dSPACE 1104 platform respectively.Аннотация. В данной работе представлен простой адаптивный алгоритм предфильтрации, основанный на двойном обобщенном интеграторе с предфильтром второго порядка (DSOGI-WPF) для решения одного из вопросов качества электроэнергии. Данный алгоритм отвечает за определение опорных гармонических токов при контроле трехфазного фильтра шунта активной мощности (SAPF). Предложенный алгоритм используется дважды: для извлечения гармонических токов, создаваемых нелинейными нагрузками, и также является интересной частью оценки частоты и амплитуды основного напряжения при различных аномалиях, которые можно заметить по напряжению сети. Эффективность, точность и надежность предложенного метода подтверждаются при сбалансированном, несбалансированном и искаженном напряжении сети результатами моделирования и экспериментов, полученными при реализации SAPF в среде MATLAB-Simulink и платформе dSPACE 1104, соответственно.

    Generation of non-stationary stochastic fields using Generative Adversarial Networks with limited training data

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    In the context of generating geological facies conditioned on observed data, samples corresponding to all possible conditions are not generally available in the training set and hence the generation of these realizations depends primary on the generalization capability of the trained generative model. The problem becomes more complex when applied on non-stationary fields. In this work, we investigate the problem of training Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) models against a dataset of geological channelized patterns that has a few non-stationary spatial modes and examine the training and self-conditioning settings that improve the generalization capability at new spatial modes that were never seen in the given training set. The developed training method allowed for effective learning of the correlation between the spatial conditions (i.e. non-stationary maps) and the realizations implicitly without using additional loss terms or solving a costly optimization problem at the realization generation phase. Our models, trained on real and artificial datasets were able to generate geologically-plausible realizations beyond the training samples with a strong correlation with the target maps

    Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Compression-Molded pMDI-Reinforced PCL/Gluten Composites

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    Many biopolymers and synthetic polymers composites were developed by different researchers for environmental protection and for cost reduction. One of these composites is polycaprolactone (PCL) and vital wheat gluten or wheat flour composites were prepared and compatibilized with polymeric diphenylmethane diisocyanate (pMDI) by blending and compression-molding. PCL/pMDI blend exhibited glass transition (Tg) at -67 °C (0.20 J/g/ °C) and vital gluten at 63 °C (0.45 J/g/ °C), whereas no Tg was recorded for wheat flour. Although Tg was unmistakable for either PCL or gluten, all composite exhibited one Tg, which is strong indication of interaction between PCL and the fillers. Several samples amongst the blended or compression-molded composites exhibited no Tg signifying another confirmation of interaction. The ΔH of the endothermic (melting) and the exothermic (crystallization) for PCL was decreased as the percentage of gluten or flour increased, whereas the overall ΔH was higher for all composites compared to the theoretical value. The presence of pMDI appeared to strengthen the mechanical properties of the composites by mostly interacting with the filler (gluten or flour) and not as much with PCL. The FTIR analysis ruled out covalent interaction between PCL, pMDI, or the fillers but suggested the occurrence of physical interactions. Based on the data presented here and the data published earlier, the presence of pMDI did not change the nature of interaction between PCL and gluten, but it improved the mechanical properties of the composite

    Couches minces dures type Cr-Al-N pour outils de coupe du bois

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    Les outils de coupe pour l’usinage métallique sont très développés ces dernières années, ainsi plus 90% des outils en carbure et 10% des forets, tarauds en acier sont revêtus, tout en donnant des résultats intéressants, malheureusement cette tendance n’existe pas en usinage bois. Ce travail donc a pour objectif de développer des outils revêtus pour les tester en défonçage du bois de Pin d’Alep une essence très répandues dans le bassin méditerranéen. Notre étude se fera sur des outils de coupe en carbure revêtu en couches minces de CrN et de CrAlN à différent pourcentage respectivement d’Al déposé grâce à un bâti magnétron de marque Nordiko 3500.Les conditions de dépôts sont optimisés lors des précédents travaux, les essais d’usinage sont réalisés sur une défonceuse à commande numérique de marque Recordi. Le comportement à l’usure des outils modifiés est avéré très prometteur, on a constaté que les films en nitrure de chrome résistent d’une manière considérable par rapport aux outils en carbures. L’ajout de l’Aluminium n’améliore pas la résistance à l’usure mais contribue à la cristallisation des films

    Myringoplasty in children: Retrospective analysis of 60 cases

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    Myringoplasty or type 1 tympanoplasty aims the restoration of the anatomic integrity of the tympanic membrane; it's a very common surgery in otology. The objective was to evaluate the anatomic and functional results of this surgery in children using the retro-auricular approach. Sixty young patients with diagnosis of simple tympanic perforation were evaluated; these patients underwent myringoplasty by a retro-auricular approach (underlay technique) between November 2010 and May 2013. It's a retrospective evaluation of the anatomic and functional results of theses myringoplasties. Mean age at surgery was 8, 5 years old, cartilage was used as graft in our entire patient, closure of perforation was successful in 48 cases (80%), and audiometric results showed functional improvement in 27 (45%) patients, no significant change was noted in the remaining patients. The results of myringoplasty in children seem worse than those in adults. However, a large study with a long follow up is warranted in order to come to definitive conclusions

    Primjena umjetne toplinske stimulacije kao novi pristup za indukciju tendinopatije u magaraca

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    Animal models for tendonitis are essential for studying the disease’s mechanism and pathogenesis, and evaluating different therapeutic protocols. The temperature seems to play a significant role in tendinitis initiation. The aim of this study was the generation of a novel, safe and cheap tendinitis model, and validation of its reliability. The effect of microwave diathermy (30 watts for 30 min) on the flexor tendons of donkeys as animal models was investigated after 15, 30 and 60 days. The evaluation was based on geometric analysis, ultrasonography, histomorphometric analysis and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Microwave diathermy was capable of successfully inducing well-defined lesions in the superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) as well as the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT). The results showed that all the animals exhibited signs of lameness, starting on day 15 and reaching on maximum on day 30. A significant increase in limb circumference was also detected on day 30 (P<0.05). Furthermore, the geometrical analysis of the proportion of induced lesion (PIL) in correlation with the tendon diameter, revealed that PIL was at the maximum width on day 30 (20.6 ± 1.2% for SDFT and 15.7 ± 0.7% for DDFT), as detected by ultrasound. Moreover, a high number of rounded tenocytes, bleeding, severe matrix disruption, and an increase in fiber thickness were detected by histomorphometric analysis. Also, the matrix alignment was severely disrupted in both SDFT and DDFT by day 30, as confirmed by SEM. In conclusion, using microwave diathermy for induction of tendonitis in donkey is a reliable, minimally invasive, and cost-effective tendonitis model.Uporaba životinjskih modela je neophodna za proučavanje mehanizma bolesti, patogeneze i za procjenu protokola liječenje tendinitisa. Čini se da temperatura igra značajnu ulogu pri nastajanju tendinitisa. Cilj istraživanja bio je stvaranje novog, sigurnog i jeftinog modela za proučavanje tendinitisa te potvrda njegove pouzdanosti. Učinak mikrovalne dijatermije (30 vata tijekom 30 min) na tetive fleksora u magaraca kao životinjskih modela istraživan je nakon 15, 30 i 60 dana. Procjena se temeljila na geometrijskoj analizi, ultrazvuku, histomorfometrijskoj analizi i skenirajućoj elektronskoj mikroskopiji (SEM). Mikrovalna dijatermija uspješno je inducirala dobro definirane lezije u površinskoj digitalnoj tetivi fleksora (SDFT) kao i dubokoj digitalnoj tetivi fleksora (DDFT). Rezultati su pokazali da su sve životinje pokazivale znakove hromosti, počevši od 15. dana i dostižući maksimum 30. dana. Također, 30. dana je uočeno znakovito (P<0,05) povećanje opsega ekstremiteta. Nadalje, uporabom ultrazvuka i primjenom geometrijske analize udjela inducirane lezije (PIL) u korelaciji s promjerom tetive, ustanovljeno je da je PIL bio maksimalne širine 30. dana (20,6 ± 1,2% za SFT i 15,7 ± 0,7% za DDFT). Osim toga, histomorfometrijskom analizom otkriven je povećan broj zaobljenih tenocita, krvarenje, teži poremećaji u matriksu i povećanje debljine vlakana. Do 30. dana, SEM analiza je pokazala izražene poremećaje u poravnavanju matriksa i u SDFT i u DDFT. Zaključno, primjena mikrovalne dijatermije za indukciju tendinitisa kod magaraca je pouzdan, minimalno invazivan i troškovno učinkovit životinjski model za proučavanje ove bolesti